Wizards wake Demigods

By FatalxFlaw

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When wizards meet demigods nothing can go as planned.Takes place after the wizarding war and after the titan... More

Wizard's confusion
Wands wake Demigods
Rough Landing
The Sorting
Trouble Brewing
Tears Shed, Hearts Healed
A Night To Remember
Hogsmede Is Magic

Common Rooms, Classes, and Certain Enemies

801 24 8
By FatalxFlaw

~Author's Note~

Thank you for so many reads! I can't believe my writing is actually this good!(I have been told so by friends and teachers but I never thought they were actually telling the truth) But the lack of comments is worrying me.Please comment your opinions, criticism, or encouragement! I would give a shout out to each and everyone of you, but for today I will send a shout out to these two amazing people who fanned me:





Please comment, fan, and vote!

Now on with the story...

*Thalia's POV*

This place was WOW.And I mean WOW.The castle was huge, with amazing structure.And food! The statues looked so life like with amazing chizled features.Oh man, I'm starting to sound like Annabeth. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for being best friends with a daughter of Athena.Either way, I was eating the amazing food when all of the sudden Percy gets up and starts darting after some random group of wizards, who were sitting at our table. It took us a few seconds to recover our friend's sudden need for speed, but we did.Annabeth was the first to recover as she dashed after him, thinking he might cause trouble(and she said she didn't like him).After she went I turned to Nico and Will, and shrugged as we followed the chase.

There were quite a few twists and turns, but I knew Percy's horrible stench anywhere, so I led Nico and Will straight to Annabeth and Percy. It seemed as though Annabeth had just calmed down Percy because I could see his muscles relaxing.Then I noticed who the wizards he chased were, they were that group of kids who knocked us out of the sky, and the ones who introduced themselves when we woke up:Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny.Harry offered to show us our common room, and we all agreed as he lead us inside of a secret opening behind a fat lady's painting.

Red and Gold, Red and Gold, was all I could see when we first entered this comfy looking room.Then I realized that this must be our house's main two 'spirit' colors.After the fat lady's painting, they kept getting weirder and weirder, I could swear they were moving.I wondered if this school had any traditions or sports."Hey Harry, what sports do you play here?"I asked."Quidditch. It's very popular, you know.We are having tryouts for our house team if you guys are intrested,"Ron answered for him as well as explaining the game.I nodded,"Good to know.""It sounds fun,"Annabeth remarked, which gave Percy a chance to snort."You? Wise Girl? On a broom? That I would like to see,"he said.She was about to say something when I retorted for her,"I bet she'd do a whole lot better then you would, Seaweed Brain."He made a face at me, I made one back.All Nico, Annabeth, and Will did were laugh.We were interrupted from this competition by Hermione,"Boys, Harry and Ron will lead you to the boys dormitories.Ginny and I will lead Thalia and Annabeth to the girls'.And Ron stop spying on us with those extendable ears, it's just plain immature. "Man, did this girl remind me of Annabeth just a bit more bossy and british.

As we got to our dorms Ginny showed us the bathrooms and showed us our beds with all our camp clothes and all our new things.As Annabeth and I were getting ready for bed I heard Ginny faintly whisper,"Sorry about Hermione, she is just like that."That was the last thing I heard before I drifted to sleep for the first day of seventh year at Hogwarts.

The next morning I woke to someone shaking me gently."Thalia, get up we have to get to class,"my 'sister's' voice said.I opened my eyes and saw Annabeth sitting on the side of the bed in her new, now, Gryffindor robes, holding her wand."Did I miss breakfast? "I asked.She laughed,"Yes, you did but I saved you a banana muffin,"she said handing me the muffin.I took it and devoured it in 7 seconds. Annabeth laughed again,"Now get dressed.And when your done hurry up and meet me and the guys downstairs. ""Okay, don't have too much fun,"I yelled at her as she left. I changed into my robes and ran downstairs.

Most of my classes I sat next to Annabeth and Hermione. Hermione knew the answer to everything, and to my somewhat suprise so did Annabeth.When I tried to ask her she mouthed,'I studied the night before we left.'Wow, she was always one step ahead.She even did good with advanced spells.I wasn't so bad myself but I was learning the basics of first-years, she was already learning seventh-year spells and was at the top of class(after Hermione of course).I think I did best at potions, surprisingly.

Our entire group(demigods and wizards) was heading to dinner when a Slytherin trio stopped us.Now, Hermione told is Slytherins were bad, so we knew this couldn't be good."Looks like Weasel, Mudblood, and Potter made some new friends,"sneered a blond boy in the front."Shut it Malfoy, before I make you,"glowered Harry."Awww, how cute he's protecting the newbies,"said the only girl said."You too, Parkison,"Ginny said forcefully. "Ha, now that is hilarious,"a short chubby boy said."A sixth-year standing up for them,"said a tall one."Can it Crabbe and Goyle,"said Ron."What do you think newbies,"Annabeth looked at him in disbelief, "that's right I'm talking to you blondie,"taunted Malfoy.Harry stepped in front of her as if saying 'you don't have to do this'.But I know Annabeth she never backs down from a fight. So she stepped in front of Harry, and kept walking until she was nose to nose with Malfoy."You didn't seem so tough when I had that knife to your neck,"she said.She was turning around when Malfoy slapped her.She rubbed her cheek and chuckled,"You shouldn't have done that."Then, she whirled around and punched him in the nose.He clutched his nose so we couldn't see it, but I saw some blood from under his hand."You win this round Chase!"he said tumbling away with his friends."Nice job,"I congratulated her.She smiled, as the others congratulated her as well.They were interrupted by McGonagall's voice,"All students, please proceed to the great hall for an important announcement. "

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