A Night To Remember

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~Author's Note~

I will be switching between POVs so try to keep up!


*Annabeth's POV*

I looked down at my dress, nervously. Would Percy like it? Is it the right color? I shook my head. Calm yourself, Annabeth, you aren't Aphrodite, I thought.I checked the clock five till nine.Smoothing any wrinkles out, I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, Annabeth!"Lavender said, coming into the room, followed by the other girls.Ginny touched my hand soothingly,"Are you ready?"she said gently. I took a deep breath and nodded."Well, then let's not leave our dates waiting,"Katie said happily, as she had been ever since Will asked her out.We walked out to the ballroom, were our dates were waiting.


*Percy's POV*

Annabeth looked breathtaking. She walked down the steps in an aquamarine ballroom dress that made her look as if she was floating down the steps.When she reached me and took my hand I was still in awe."Wow,"I said stupidly.She laughed,"Wow, yourself Seaweed Brain, but is that all you can say?"I blushed,"You look...gorgeous, Annie,"I said noticing her hair was straightened, flowing down her shoulders, not in it's usual ponytail. "As do you, Perseus,"she teased blushing.We laughed as we went inside.

We had an incredible night, dancing non stop.Sometimes stopping to chat with our friends. The dancing was amazing as was the food, but it wasn't as amazing as what happened last.

"Percy?"Annabeth said , her head on my shoulder while we danced."Yeah?"I said looking down at her."Thanks for everything, "she said meeting my eyes."No problem,"I said tiredly.Then out of nowhere she pulled me closer, and kissed me.Not the short,'thanks, glad we're friends, 'kiss but the,'I love you please stay with me,'kiss.She opened her eyes and looked at me."See you, Seaweed Brain, "she said as she left."See you,"I mumbled as I watched her skip away.


*Ginny's POV*

I walked up to Harry practically bouncing up and down.He looked the most cleaned up I have seen him since the Triwizard ball.When I took my place by his side he said,"Shall we go inside, Me Lady?"I laughed and nodded.

The entire time we danced and talked to Percy and Annabeth.I thought no one could resist but be happy, but I was wrong.I noticed Ron was sitting all alone with Lavender pestering him to dance with her.So I walked over to him, much to my brother's relief."Hey Ron, are you alright?"I asked. "Um, sure,"he said glancing nervously at Lavender."C'mon Won-Won,"Lavender pleaded."Fine, whatever,"Ron muttered But I couldn't help noticing Ron was staring at a certain bushy haired girl. I shrugged as I walked back to Harry for a slow dance.


*Harry's POV*

Ginny and I had a wonderful time, especially in the slow dance.

"Harry?"she asked."hmm?"I muttered my head buried in her auburn hair."Why me? Why not Cho?" she asked gently. "I've never been through this much with Cho, and I wouldn't want too,"I responded. She smiled, and kissed me, not on the cheek, like when we were kids, but on the lips.We stayed locked in the kiss for a few seconds until Ginny, seperated, took my hand and left to the common room.


*Thalia's POV*

Cautiously I walked down the steps towards the son of Hades.I shouldn't be doing this, I thought.Though Artemis gave me permission to go out with Nico Di Angelo, it still didn't feel quite right.I felt as though Zeus or someone would be mad at my decision.Oh well, I like Nico and that's all that matters.

As I neared I noticed how his usually shaggy hair was now carefully styled so his bangs came down perfectly.He wore a dark black tux, with a yellow corsage that we both were wearing.His on his tux mine on my wrist.

When he looked up from his shoes he smiled and blushed at the sight of me."You clean up nice Pinecone Face,"he said smirking.Now it was my turn to blush,"Shut up Death Breath."I smiled shyly as he lead me to the ballroom.


*Nico's POV*

All I could do was gape and blush as I noticed how amazing Thalia looked.She wore a silver strapless dress that was short in the front but flowingly came down in the back.I also noticed she was wearing my matching corsage, I was surprised because I thought she would be to prideful to wear it.

Just to annoy her I smirked and said,"You clean up nice Pinecone Face,"using her nickname for kicks."Shut up Death Breath, "she said as she was blushing.Which really surprised me, maybe she does really like me like I do her.Still thinking of the possibility I led Thalia to the ballroom.

We sat down at a table catching up and and joking around until we heard the DJ play a slow song and say,"Everyone up for this one."Shyly I offered Thalia my hand, which she took immediately. We danced together so gracefully you would've thought we had danced together all our life together.When the dance was beginning to end I decided to voice my feelings about Thalia to her."Thalia Grace, I have loved you ever since I met you that first day when you went to save me and Bianca at our school.I know you are a huntress but I want to ask you if you will do the honor of being my girlfriend."She stayed quiet for a moment then responded,"Nico Di Angelo, I fell for you since that first meeting as well but did not realize my feelings until recently.And once I realized the factor it was already too late.Artemis has granted me permission to go with a boy and I want that boy to be you Nico.So , yes, I will be your girlfriend!"Smiling I lifted her off her feet and twirled her before putting her back down.Then we both walked back to the common room holding hands.


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