A roaring storm from within [...

By X____K

2.6K 106 87

Scaramouche who battles with so many thoughts and with himself each day has hard time believing Kazuha actual... More

The End.


194 7 5
By X____K

After a long few hours of sleep only one of the two of the sleeping pair would wake up and that is Kazuha.
The blond almost forgot he fell asleep in the bed with Scaramouche so when he opens his eyes he realizes he is holding the other close in his arms.
Slowly unraveling his arms from around the sleeping Scaramouche his body he would slowly sit up to not wake the other.
Looking down at the sleeping man he held moments ago he sees he is all curled holding onto the blanket and from his rather aggressive self when awake he now seems more so adorable then anything else.
Kazuha couldnt help but smile and tuck the other back in the moment it feel like he is still being held before he would head out of the room and walk to Beidou after having fixed some of his hair.
"have the winds been kind to us thus far? How close are we to Liyue?"
He asks while he takes a apple from a crate and bites down into it.

The woman looks out ahead and they can see the Jade Chamber in the air from this far "we are nearly there. You can wake up your friend. Although at night we just arrived for lantern Rite so tomorrow the lanterns and all go up in the air." She said and turns to look at Kazuha yet she noticed something.
She reaches out and plucks a dark blue hair from Kazuha his clothes.

The blond smiles up at her giving her a nod signaling he has taken in all the information and thanks her for telling him. "It may be the first time for him seeing that. The first lantern rite of people always is a magical one."
He said and takes another bite from the apple.

"Kid...just keep a close eye on him still. I still don't know if he is trouble yes or no-...AH speak of the devil! How did you sleep kid?" Beidou asks watches Scaramouche approach them.

He didn't say anything and just walks past them to sit on the edge of the ship to look at the view.
Beidou was about to call out to him to let him know it is not kind to ignore somebody yet Kazuha holds her arm gently to signal her to not say anything; thus she remains silent.
The blond approaches the other and would sit down on the edge of the boat besides him looking where he is looking "You have never been to Liyue before have you?" He asks even though he already knows the awnser to that.

Scaramouche was a little lost in thought having tear stained cheeks as he perhaps had a nightmare like usual.
The sun rising from behind the mountains is a beautiful sight to see but when the sun is out and shining in his eyes he did not look away.
"No. Childe is here so I avoid anywhere he is"

"Childe? I did not know you two were acquainted?"

Scaramouche scoffs and looks away to look at the water crash against the ship below. "He is despicable..."
Keeping his awnsers short because of the nightmare he just had, which still had him spooked, he would slowly turn to look at Kazuha seeing him stare ahead. The man looks quite attractive with the wind blowing trough his robes and hair with the sun making his red eyes look so bright.
Scaramouche saw the beauty of the other although he did not care or feel anything about it as he just would look away again.

Arriving near the harbor Scaramouche would stand up on the railing of the ship looking at the beauty of Liyue harbor when they arrive and all the festive things being around. "I presume it doesn't always look like this?"
He asks a little amazed.
There is a hint of excitement and wonder in his eyes but no smile appears on his face.

Kazuha sees the look and he cannot help but smile standing up on the railing besides him "no. The streets are much more busy and there are more fun activities to do. Go on"
When Kazuha said that last little bit of his sentence Scaramouche didn't hesitate to fly over to the docks so that he can land and explore Liyue harbor on his own before the others could get off the ship.

Everybody looked at him because this is a new face they have not seen before and as he walks trough the streets of the harbor his hat makes sure people keep their distance from him as he would walk, a soft smile creeping onto his face.
He is enjoying it here so far until somebody on accident knocks his hat off and now the thing that keeps people away from him is gone so people bump against him much more and on accident would touch him when walking past.
Scaramouche his breaths becomes irregular and his chest heaved up and down, but then he feels his hand be grabbed and he got pulled in a alleyway by Kazuha who had come to find him.
Seeing Kazuha leave to retrieve his hat, Scaramouche looks at him while hugging himself.
"leave it-..."
Just then he sees the other return with the hat.
He remains dead silent when Kazuha puts it back on his head and makes sure everything is sitting correctly and right how everything is supposed to be.
Kazuha would even fix some of Scaramouche his his hair who found it odd, backs up and stares at the blond with wide eyes.  "Don't touch me like that ever again"

Kazuha puts his hands up to show he means no harm before he extends one hand for Scara to take. "It is very clear to me you are not fond of physical touch but please, Let us walk hand in hand so you will not get lost or so we won't separate." His tone soft and that gentle smile on his face; The samurai wishes for the other to trust him with this.

The other young man is getting weirded out by this as he gives Kazuha a look.
"I'll take my chances..."
And thus he starts to walk alone again with Kazuha following close behind him.
He would walk and walk but once he sees a stall that catches his eye he only glances at it for a second before he keeps walking.
Kazuha was focused on catching up with Scaramouche who walked so fast, the crowd engulfed him in the distance while he is left behind.
In truth, the other thought Kazuha could keep up with him.
He just would sit somewhere close to the city but away from the crowd as he sits on a railing to look down at the city.

When Kazuha finally catches up with the other he didn't say a word and sits down besides the other before he spoke up. "Tomorrow is lantern rite an-..."

"I don't care..."

Kazuha fell silent for a brief moment. Scaramouche is the only one thus far that makes him have to think before he speaks since otherwise it would be shut down.
He is witty but his wit is no match for Scara.
"Why not? It is the most beautiful festival in all of Teyvat. The lanterns make the sky bright as day, the golden glow making it look like the sun is setting on the horizon. Each lantern is a wish, no mather big or small they will come true. It is so people can pray for the fallen heroes, friends and family for them to be guided home.
While other places in Teyvat have their annual celebration of the new year; this is ours. It is a new start, a new year, a new page in a book of a person and the whole year is a whole new chapter. It is a celebration and so a lot of people have fun-..."

Hearing how passionate the other is talking about it Scara cannot help but feel a little annoyed. What are these hideous meanings to justify a useless festival like this?
He glances at Kazuha who looks ahead with a smile as he continues to speak on the matter.
Although annoyed he let's the other finish his talk so since although he is cruel, he will not cut off somebody mid speech about something they are passionate about.
Once Hearing the other finish he instantly speaks up gripping tightly on the railing.
"Do you really think all those wishes come true? People are selfish and only wish for more mora, to wish they had a child of their own while countless of children don't have parents and need to be adopted. It is all selfish..."

Kazuha was a little bit taken a back but he won't show that on his face and continues to smile since part of him also understands where Scaramouche is coming from. "What would you wish for?"

"Isn't that the purpose of a wish? To not tell anybody otherwise it won't come true?"

"It is often times when you keep it to yourself is when it doesn't come true. It is best to speak it out in the universe so it is heard and it has a higher chance of coming true."

"What nonsensical crap..."
He thought to himself.
He just stares at Kazuha and he knows this wish will never come true so he might as well say it.
"A heart...a mortal life, Not being this stuck in this hideous body"

Kazuha looks Scaramouche up and down and he finds him far from hideous.
His head would turn straight ahead and he looks off into the distance once more.
"Your body is normal. It isn't hideous.  Everybody is beautiful in their own way"

Here he goes with this positivity talk again.
It disgusts Scara how positive this man is, it disgusts him that he thinks he is beautiful "in his own way".
At one point he thought the blond had taken some drug that he is so positive but he doesn't see any side affects of any drug which means he is fully sober and all. "You are weird..."

"Am I?"



"Forget it..." Scaramouche climbs off the railing and starts to walk away to find a place to stay but as he arrives just on the outskirts of the city there are some houses up for hire.
He sees a whole crowd for a home like it is a auction yet he takes from his belt a poutch and tosses the in the hands of the person who has to make the decision of who gets to stay in it. Without a word Scara grabs the keys without even hearing if he could stay and enters the home slamming the door shut.
Once entered he would sit down on the large bed and let out a deep sigh thinking back of what Kazuha said.
He is mad at himself for still thinking about it but hearing a knock on the door he remains silent. He hears a knock again and again and finally he decides to open it expecting it to be Kazuha but the person he ends up seeing make a bolt of lightning course trough his veins and he is left there standing shocked looking up at the man.

The man in question leans now against the door opening and looks down at Scaramouche with a grin on his face.
"And here I thought I would never see you again after all that happened."

Scaramouche knows in the eyes of the fatui he is considered a traitor. Traitors are to be punished by execution or death in general yet this man is no match for him so he is not worried. "Childe..."

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