me and you - isaac garcia

Von baddbiddie420

84.7K 2.1K 6K

SLOW BURN, ENEMIES TO LOVERS - isaac garcia x oc when y/n and jackie howard are forced to move from new york... Mehr

part one: prologue
part two: first impressions
part three: the first day
part four: not okay
part five: heartthrob and detention
part six: baths and nerf wars
part eight: huddle up
part nine: missing teapots
part ten: sisters
part eleven: camp walter
part twelve: getting somewhere
part thirteen: hopeful deliveries
part fourteen: thankfully baking
part fifteen: here for now
part sixteen: sun and moon
part seventeen: bonfire
part eighteen: drama talking
part nineteen: bickering rumors
part twenty: unexpected events
part twenty one: make ups
part twenty two: mud-ball fight
part twenty three: getting artsy
part twenty four: playful ceremonies
part twenty five: hockey gardens
part twenty six: fighting orchards
part twenty seven: carnivals and concerts
part twenty eight: all smiles
part twenty nine: happier now
part thirty: summer at last

part seven: painting fashion

3.4K 95 103
Von baddbiddie420

"What do you think about this nail color?" Ella asked, holding her phone out for everyone to see.

"I like it. I definitely think pink is your color." I replied. She smiled, satisfied, then looked at Wendy, waiting for her opinion.

"Wendy? Wendy, hello?" she waved her phone around in the air.

Wendy, who was busy typing furiously on her laptop, looked up, "Huh?"

"Ugh, Wendy! I asked if this color is cute for my nails." Ella whined.

Wendy's eyes flickered to the screen for a second, "Oh, yeah. They're nice." And she went right back to typing.

"You barely looked at them." Ella frowned. Wendy ignored her, continuing to type on her keyboard at a record speed. Ella then scooted her chair closer to Wendy and reached over, beginning to run her hands all along the keyboard.

"Ella, stop it!" Wendy smacked her hands away, moving her computer away from her.

"Well come on, Wendy, you've been on your computer all of lunch and you've barely talked." Ella said, to which I nodded.

"I'm sorry, it's just that with homecoming coming up there's just so much I have to write for my page. People are sending in stories like crazy. My inbox is literally about to explode." Wendy explained, rubbing her temples.

"Wow, I didn't know you took it that seriously." I laughed.

"Did you not have a school gossip page in New York?" Wendy asked.

"No. I mean I went to a private school with a bunch of rich kids. That's a little Gossip Girl-y, don't you think?" I shrugged.

"I guess. But if you live in a town like this you'll do anything to get some drama stirring." Ella joked. "But anyway, what are some of the stories, Wendy?"

"Nothing much. Just that Richie gave Sophie his letterman jacket and Roxanne started going off on her in first period."

"Shut up!" Ella squealed. "Wait a minute, I thought they broke up?"

"They did, two days ago. And she says that they had a thing before they even broke up." Wendy grinned. "She even told her that while secuirty was dragging her away from Mr. Lincoln's class."

"Oh my gosh, do you have a video?"

"Uploading it right now." Wendy smiled. I stared at the two of them, completely confused.

Who was Sophie and who was Roxanne and why couldn't Richie choose between the two?

Ella crossed her arms, "Well you better not be on your phone the whole time we're at the huddle, I wanna take cute pictures and actually have fun."

"I do have fun, but I need to make sure my gossip page is up to date too." Wendy reasoned.

Ella groaned, turning to me, "Well what about you, Y/n, are you going to the huddle? Everyone goes so you kinda have to, you know."

"Believe me, I know." I grumbled, "But yeah I'll be there, working though."

"Working?" they both exclaimed at the same time.

"Yeah, I have to work the Walter's cider thing."

"Oh my gosh I forgot about that." Ella leaned back in her chair, "I always go to it just hoping to see Cole."

"Chill out, El, you're sounding stalker-y." Wendy nudged her.

"Well I don't think you're gonna see much of Cole there this year." I sighed, "Jackie and Alex are working it and I'm working it with Isaac."

"Shut up!" Ella squealed, slamming her hands down on the table, "You're working with Isaac?"

"Don't get all excited. I'm not looking forward to it." I rolled my eyes.

"How could you not be? I mean, Y/n, you're getting to hang out with one of the hottest dudes in school for one afternoon."

"Did you guys forget that he literally got me in detention —which may I mention is the reason we're being forced to work, made me walk a whole four miles home in the heat, soaked me in water, and ambushed me literally this morning. We've only been here for five days!"

"Maybe he's just trying to have a good laugh with you." Wendy shrugged. "I know if I were in that position I would enjoy every minute of it."

"Yeah well I shouldn't even be in this position in the first place." I clenched my jaw and looked at her, "But yeah, I guess I could try and enjoy it."

At this, they both looked at me with raised brows and Wendy gasped.

"Oh, Y/n, I didn't mean-"

"It's fine." I shook my head, looking down at my plate. I could tell that I had caused a very awkward moment between the three of us.

Ella cleared her throat, "Look, I'm just saying that I want to hang out with you guys later. I mean, I know Nicole's busy with the band and rehearsal and Brooke's setting up her environmental stand so I know it'll just be the three of us."

"Yeah, I'll be there. I promise." Wendy said.

"Y/n, if you're done working you could come with us too." Ella offered. I shrugged, forcing a small smile as I looked at her.

"Yeah, maybe."

"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n, please?" Jackie begged me for the fiftieth time.

"Jackie, I already told you I don't do that stuff anymore." I closed my locker and began to walk to my last class.

"But you used to do it all the time, remember?" she followed beside me, "You used to love helping me with all my events and you would get all of the art committee involved-"

"Yeah well, J, I'm not sure you've noticed but I'm not exactly president of anything here." I waved my hand around.

"But I know you've still got it. You were the best artist in the school, don't you remember?"

"I'm sure you can find someone just as good." I grumbled, about to walk into my classroom. She took my arm, pulling me back.

"No, I can't. Not as good as you." she looked at me with pleading eyes, "Look, I really need this right now. If I wanna go to Princeton I have to make sure I get a good spot in the student council here. This is my chance to do it and I can't mess it up. Please, just do this one thing for me?"

She looked me right in the eyes, her hands finding their way to mine. I felt myself fighting an eye roll and groaned.

"Fine. But this is the only time."

She squealed, wrapping me into a tight hug, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Okay, okay! Go to class." I wiggled her off of me. She smiled brightly, disappearing down the hallway.

I sighed, turning into my class and taking a seat. How on earth did I get myself wrapped into this?

That little interaction that went on after school is exactly what landed me sitting on the floor of our room and sketching out a banner for Jackie's auction stand.

And also accompanied by Jackie and her two new friends.

"So, Tony's is in for five premium oil changes, and Kiley just texted and said Monty's wants to donate an entire month of free pizza." Jackie explained. "You know, I wasn't expected this level of support. Everyone here is much friendlier than back home."

"Says you." I muttered, standing from the floor.

"Okay, so when are we gonna take a break? Do something fun?" Jackie's friend, Grace, sat down on Jackie's bed.

"If this auction falls even a dollar short of our goal, you know Erin will hold it over my head until we graduate." Jackie said.

"Yeah, so you might as well have some fun now." Grace smiled.

"Thank you for that vote of confidence." Jackie laughed.

"Wait, who's Erin?" I sat back down with my paint in hand.

"Student council president." Jackie's friend, Skylar, answered.

"Guys, it's just I had to agree to work a church barbecue tomorrow to even be here tonight, so if you could humor me? Please?" Grace pleaded. "Okay, Skylar. Uh, kiss, marry, kill..."

She began to name off people that I had no idea who they were whilst Jackie and Skylar just laughed at her antics. After the full half hour that they'd been here, I'd figured out that Grace reminded me a lot of Ella.

"Okay. Jackie, your turn." Grace laid down on the bed, after just arguing with Skylar why he should definitely kiss someone named Brandon and marry someone named Tyler. "Um, kiss, marry, kill. Cole, Alex, Danny."

"Grace!" Skylar laughed, making her jump up. "Why are you the way you are?"

"Maybe because my parents won't let me date and now you guys won't let me dream." Grace grumbled, then sighed once they each laughed. I even laughed too, staying quiet as I listened to the conversation. Grace then jumped up again at the sound of my laugh. "Oh, Y/n, you play."

"What?" I looked at her weirdly.

"Yeah, come on, it's fun." she smiled, "Okay, kiss, marry, kill. Cole, Lee, Isaac."

I felt myself smiling, not believing the question as I painted a wooden barrel, "I'm not sure but definitely kill Isaac."

At this, Grace gasped, sitting up straight and looking at me, "You'd kill Isaac?"

I shrugged, "Without a doubt."

"Y/n and Isaac don't have the best relationship." Jackie explained.

"That makes it all the more juicier, right?" Skylar smiled, then turned to Grace, "Stop with the game, Grace. I don't think they're interested."

"Okay, fine." Grace huffed, "We can play again after you spend all day with Alex."

"Oh wait, I'd love to hear this, J." I looked over at my sister, "You've been spending a lot of time with him. You got something to tell me?"

Jackie gave me a look, "Alex and I are just friends."

"Okay, well, what is love if not friendship on fire?" Grace teased. But before Jackie could retort, Benny came bursting into the room with a bra wrapped around his head.

"I got your booby holder!" he jumped on the bed.

"Benny! Hey! Give it back!" Jackie yelled, trying to grab him but he dodged her, running straight at Skylar and spilling the paint in his hands all over his shirt.

"Benny!" Jackie yelled, running after him as he left the room. I stood up quickly, grabbing a rag.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I handed him the rag, grabbing more to wipe the floor.

"It's cool. Don't worry about it." Skylar said.

"No, it's not." I shook my head, grabbing the rag and beginning to try and wipe his shirt. "Benny's just so annoying and he loves to mess with our stuff-"

"Y/n, really it's okay." Skylar grabbed me by the shoulders. I stopped, looking at him and smiling nervously. He let me go and laughed, "I appreciate it but I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom and wipe it off. Where is it at?"

I stepped back and held the door open for him, "Just across the hall where there's a pile of towels outside the door."

He laughed, heading out. I sighed, going back to the floor and wiping the paint down.

"Here, let me help you." Grace said, standing from the bed and dropping down beside me. She took another rag, cleaning the paint away.

"Thanks. This house is hectic if you couldn't tell." I said and she laughed.

"It's okay. I kinda figured the Walters always had a little chaos wherever they went." she joked. I smiled back, standing up and dropping the rags in a bucket once the floor was clean.

Grace stood beside me, looking down at my banner.

"This looks really good." she said, "Jackie mentioned that you used to paint."

I scratched the back of my head, "Yeah. I sort of stopped doing it though. I grew out of it I guess."

"Well you should definitely get back into it. We've got a art club at the school. You should try it."

I looked at her and she looked back at me with a big smile.

"I don't know. I'm not really into it anymore."

"Whoa, am I about to walk in on something?" someone suddenly spoke behind us. We both turned, seeing Isaac standing at the door with a bag of chips in his hand. "Cause if you guys are, please continue. I don't mind."

"Isaac, please get out of my room." I groaned, going to shove him out the door. He quickly stepped away from me and towards the banner.

"Whoa, not so fast, Converse. I wanna join in on this paint party."

"It's not a paint party. It's for the huddle." I put a hand on my hip. He then looked over at Grace.

"Oh, hi. I'm Isaac." he smiled charmingly, holding his hand out.

"I'm Grace." Grace smiled widely.

"Nice to meet you." he said, letting his hand linger on hers. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh barf." I took him by the shoulders, turning him away. "Come on, Isaac, we've got a lot of work to do still."

"Aw, Converse, come on. I could help you paint. We could do a cute little heart-"

"How about you do a cute little heart outside."

He quickly grabbed a paintbrush with pink paint on it and turned to me, "How about I do a cute little heart right there."

I gasped as he suddenly swiped the brush clean across my cheek. He stepped back, laughing and looking behind me at Grace.

"What do you think, Grace. You think I did pretty good?"

"Oh you're so gonna get it!" I said, quickly grabbing my own brush of blue and attempting to swipe it across his face. He jerked back, spinning on his heel with the brush in hand and making a run for it outside. "Isaac, get back here!"

"You're gonna have to catch me, Converse!"

I turned back to Grace, holding a finger up, "I'll be right back, I promise."

She only laughed as I turned and ran after the boy, chasing him down the stairs. For the next fifteen minutes, Isaac and I chased each other around the house, splashing paint on each other's faces, hair, and clothes.

It wasn't until Katherine yelled at us from the kitchen window as we ran outside that we finally stopped to clean up our mess.

Later that night, after I had completed the banner and had decided to even eat in my room to finish it, I took a late shower. Since Isaac had decided to have that full on paint war, he took it upon himself to initiate the paint in the hair, so I was stuck having to scrub myself clean from head to toe.

After I got out of the shower freshly clean, I headed downstairs for a drink. Some people were still up. Cole was outside in his little shed doing God knows what, Danny was in the living room watching a movie, Jackie was outside on a night run, and Benny and Parker were playing upstairs.

I sat in the kitchen island with a glass of water, scrolling on my phone. As I sat there, I stumbled upon an old social media post from my old school. It was a post talking about the annual end of summer parade that we set up in Central Park, with games, rides, and food for everyone to join.

I used to love it. Each year the art committee would make posters, decorations, and banners and I would spend the whole day with my friends. We'd get there early, eat, go on rides, and even skate at the skatepark.

It was amazing, one of my favorite days of the year and it was happening in a week from tomorrow.

For the first time in awhile, I let myself think about my friends back home. None of them had bothered to text me anymore. I guess that's technically my fault since I had stopped going out with them even before we moved here.

Still, it hurts seeing their social media posts and them hanging out with each other. I could only imagine the plans they had for next week at the parade.

Suddenly, the door slammed loudly, making me jump. I turned, seeing Lee with his skateboard.

"Jesus, don't do that." I sighed, putting my hand over my heart. Lee rolled his eyes, heading to the fridge.

"Why are you in the kitchen by yourself?" he asked me, pulling out a bottle of water.

"I can't be in the kitchen by myself?"

He titled his head, as if he was thinking, "No."

I raised my eyebrows and nodded, unimpressed, "What were you doing outside?"

"Skating." he said, obviously. I internally smiled.

Since we had been living here, I had also made it my personal mission to try and get on good terms with each of the boys, plus Parker.

Besides Isaac, for very obvious reasons (I'd rather sleep on the highway than become his friend), so far I had managed to get Cole on my good side, Nathan to be the one I talked the best with, Alex to be eh, and Danny, Benny, Parker, and Lee to all be cool too, minus the fact that they had participated in the nerf war against me.

Still, I wanted to become good friends with each of them and I felt that Lee was definitely one of the tougher ones who wasn't really willing to put his guard down.

So I had to take this opportunity to try and make that happen.

"Where do you even skate out here? It's all dirt." I asked, trying to extend the conversation.

"Out by the orchard. Uncle G put in a cement area with ramps out there a couple of years ago."

"Really?" I grinned, "I've never seen it before."

"That's cause it's hidden." Lee shrugged, taking a drink out of his bottle. "No one's allowed over there but me."

"Well why not?"

"Cause I'm the only one who skates here." he said, obviously again as if I were slow.

I sat up straighter, "Well, not anymore. I skate too."

At this, his eyes went straight to mine, "Seriously?"

"Yeah." I nodded, then shrugged, "Well, I haven't in a long time but still. I got my board up in the room. Maybe you could take me to check it out soon?"

His narrowed his eyes, setting the bottle down on the counter, "Nice try, newbie. Like I said, no one's allowed over there but me. If you think you're gonna be the one to change that rule, you've got another thing coming."

And with that he scoffed, grinning evilly at my surprised face as he walked out the kitchen. I sat there in disbelief.

Well, so much for that.

The next morning I made sure to wake up bright and early. Today was the Homecoming Huddle and I did not want to feel the wrath of George or Katherine if any of us were late.

So I got ready, freshly showered and in a cute outfit with jean shorts and a tank top, and of course my black converse, and headed down to the kitchen for some breakfast.

As I walked downstairs however, I passed right by Isaac who was on his way out of the kitchen. When he saw me, he looked me up and down and smirked.

"You look better. I'm sad the blue got out of your hair." he reached for my head, making me swat his hand away.

"Shut up or else I'll make sure to get some more pink on your leather jacket."

He scowled, making me stick my tongue out at him just as Will walked in.

"What's up, guys?" Will nodded at us.

"Good morning." I greeted cheerfully, to which Isaac rolled his eyes.

"I'd stay clear of her, Will, she'll probably spray fire at you with her breath."

I attempted to punch his arm but he was quick to dodge me and run away. Will laughed as I followed him into the kitchen.


"Hi, honey. Hi, Y/n." Katherine greeted the both of us.

"Y/n, I made some eggs." George said, setting down a plate for me on the island.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled, grabbing the plate and sitting at the small table.

"Is Cole around?" Will asked.

"I think he's still in bed." Katherine replied.

Will nodded, turning to leave, "Okay. Thank you."

"You might need a crowbar." Katherine warned.

"Noted." Will replied back. He turned to me, "Oh, and Y/n?"


"Can you make sure to be there at the stables with Isaac when you're done? I sent Jackie and Alex out there to load the cart. I might get there a little late to the huddle too."

"Yeah, sure. Why are gonna be there late?"

"I've got another showing at the Lark. I'm getting Cole to cover for me, though."

"Oh, okay. I'll be right out there then."

"Thank you." he said, then disappeared up the stairs. I looked at Danny who was serving himself a glass of orange juice.

"What's the Lark?"

"It's the diner that him and his fiancé run. It's in town." Danny explained then laughed, "I wonder how he's gonna get Cole to work the cart though."

"Well why not? I'm sure Cole would do it. He seems like the type to help out." I shrugged. At this, Danny glanced around at his parents. I looked at them and furrowed my brows, "What?"

Danny sighed, "Let's just say the huddle's not really Cole's thing. At least not anymore."

George cleared his throat, "Hey don't you have a stand to get to, Danny? You two, Y/n. Stop talking and hurry up. I don't want anyone being late today."

"Yes, sir." I saluted sarcastically, quickly finishing my eggs.

Ten minutes later I found myself standing at Isaac and Lee's bedroom door, preparing to enter into whatever war zone I was about to see once Isaac opened the door.

I hated their room. Since the last time Isaac had pulled me in there to distract me while they stole Jackie's clothes, towel, and shampoo, I had gotten a wiff of their dirty laundry and clothes all over the place.

Not to mention, this was Isaac's room, the very last person's room I wanted to be in.

I took a deep breath, walking up to the door and knocking.

"Isaac? Will said to come down to the stables." I called. I was received with silence. I knocked again. "Isaac? Isaac, did you hear me?"

I waited again, not hearing anything. I furrowed my brows, growing impatient. "Isaac, stop ignoring me. It's not funny."

I waited another time, and still nothing. "If you don't come out of there I'm going in."

After another round of silence, I ran a hand through my hair. I put my hand on the doorknob and took a deep breath, preparing myself.

"Here goes nothing." I sighed, turning the knob and opening the door. "Dude, I've been calling you. What are you-"

I stopped myself, being met with music blasting loudly on a small speaker that I'm surprised I couldn't hear from the hall. Clothes were everywhere again but this time it smelled heavily like good cologne.

But the part that made me really stop was the fact that Isaac stood with his back towards me in only his boxers.

Just red boxers.

At the sound of the door opening, he turned, his eyes widening in shock.

"Converse." he said, rushing to his phone to lower his music.

"Oh, I'm — I'm sorry." I stammered, turning to look out the window. "I've just been calling you and you didn't answer and I was getting really impatient so I just came in and I really should've knocked cause now we're here and-"

"Whoa, Converse, slow down." he stopped me, then laughed, "Look if you wanted a show, you could've just asked. My door is always open for you."

At this I rolled my eyes, "Please. That's so not the reason I came in here."

"Really? It wasn't the fact that you wanted to see me?"

"Nope. I actually try my best to ignore you."

"Oh yeah? Cause I think you're getting a little flustered right now."

At this I scoffed. "Flustered? I'm far from flustered."

"Oh okay. So is that why you haven't even bothered to look at me this whole time you've been here and why your cheeks are so red."

Then, I felt his hand grab onto the top of my head and move my head to look at him. He looked back at me, smirking.

"There, that's more like it."

I crossed my arms, looking straight at him and purposefully not looking anywhere but his face and to not let my eyes wander.

"You're annoying."

"I may be, but I'm also pretty. Can't you tell?"

"No." I said with a straight face, then sighed, "I thought you were already dressed."

"Babe, you obviously have no sense of style." he sighed, taking me by the arm and sitting me down on his unmade bed.  He closed the door, "The huddle is where all the ladies in town, no matter the age, come out looking good and are just begging for someone to take them by the arm and show them around. I have to look good."

Then he looked me up and down again and grimaced, "I know that must be hard for you because you obviously cannot dress but it's very important to me."

I scowled at him, crossing my arms, "Oh I know how to dress. Did I mention I was from New York?"

"Yes, but to be fair, your sister is too and she dresses like Rory Gilmore." he shrugged. I was about to say something to defend my sister, but quickly closed my mouth as he did have a good point.

"So I'm looking for something chill, something I'm able to throw a jacket over for later or to give to Piper Williams-"

"Who's Piper Williams?"

"A babe that graduated like ten years ago but comes back every year just for the huddle." he sighed dreamily at the thought of her.

"You're gross."

He ignored me, "I feel that I could never go wrong with the leather jacket, so that'll have to obviously be part of the outfit, but I don't know what else..."

He turned to his closet, rummaging through his clothes. It was at this point that I let my eyes wander down and — oh my gosh, since when did he work out?

He was built, probably from all the work he's done here on the farm, but I never imagined him to have abs! I mean, I had saw Cole's body the first day we got here, but I didn't think everyone here had a six pack.

And he had back muscles that I swear I've only seen in the movies. Since when did he get hot?

Wait, what am I thinking? I know I did not just let that thought come to my head.

"You know, I would love some help over here but since you can't dress, I guess the next best option is Lee." he turned around, holding up a black long sleeve and I instantly looked back at his face.

I scoffed, standing from the bed, "Quit saying I can't dress. I bet I can dress ten thousand times better than you."

"Really? Prove it then?"


He stepped away from his closet, holding out his arms, "Dress me. I want a good outfit that's gonna say hot, sexy, and chill."

"That's gonna be difficult cause you're none of those things." I said, mentally shoving down that impulsive thought I just had a moment ago.

"If you're not up for the challenge then fine." he shrugged, "I guess that just proves I'm better."

At this, I pushed him by the shoulder, "Step back, I'm gonna show you how it's done."

"Be my guest." he smiled, taking a seat on the bed. I stepped to the closet, rummaging through his clothes.

"Okay so I don't think we have to worry about jackets or long sleeves-"

"I need my leather jacket. It's a lady magnet."

"Please don't call anything a lady magnet — especially yourself." I grimaced. "But it's gonna be hot so I think a t shirt would be best. Do you have any plain ones?"

"In the dresser." he replied, "But style has no temperature."

"I think it does when you're gonna be working a cider cart all afternoon." I said, then crossed the room. I could feel his eyes follow me as I moved around and when I went to open the first drawer.

"I wouldn't open that one if I were you."

I retreated my hand, grimacing, and going for the second drawer and rifling through the mess. Finally, I pulled out a dark green shirt and looked at him.

"This is cute. Where'd you get it?"

"That's cause it's mine and I thrifted it." he looked back at me. I fought back a surprised look.

I used to go thrifting all the time at home. I loved it.

"Cool. You're wearing that one." I tossed him the shirt, and crossed back to the closet. "The next thing you're wearing is jeans. Some light wash ones should do..."

"There's some on the very far left."

I grabbed the pair, holding them up, "Yes, these are perfect."

"Okay, what shoes then?"

"Do you have reebox by any chance?"

He thought about it before his face lit up, "I actually do."

He stood up, coming up beside me and reaching up on the high shelf. He pulled out a box and held it in his hands, turning to me. I grinned, opening the box and holding the shoe out.

"Yes, these are hot." I took the box and and put it on the bed beside the rest of the outfit. "Okay, put all this on and make sure to add in rings and a necklace if you have some."

I turned back to him and he was looking at the outfit, unsure.

"I don't know. Its a little plain don't you think?"

"I think it's chill and simple, no? Isn't that what you wanted?"

He shrugged, "I guess it'll do."

"Okay, I'm going to the hall. Show me when you're done." I turned to leave, but he caught my arm.

"Whoa, are you sure, babe? You can watch me I don't mind." he smirked. I scowled, slapping his hand away.

"Don't push it."

He laughed as I walked out, shutting the door. A few minutes later I was about to knock again, growing impatient when he stepped outside.

He wore the outfit I told him to wear along with rings on his fingers and a silver chain. He had his stupid leather jacket thrown over his shoulder and he spun around.

"How's it look?"

I smiled, "I think I did a pretty good job. What do you think? — And please be honest."

He looked back at me and shrugged, "It's alright. I could've done way better but it'll do."

My smile dropped and I opened my mouth to say something before Alex came running up the stairs.

"What are you guys doing? Jackie and I have been waiting for ten minutes."

Isaac and I looked at each other and shrugged.


After the car ride into town and having to sit through Isaac's terrible rock music (he insisted on listening to Kiss the whole way there), we made it to the huddle.

I looked around in awe. People were dressed in red and gold, girls in cheerleading uniforms, guys in their jerseys, old couples getting ready to dance, kids running with ice cream.

It was crowded as Isaac drove the truck slowly as he broke through everyone.

"Oh yeah, babe. Welcome to your first huddle."

hi everyone, i hope you enjoyed! what did we think about this chapter? i thought it was okay, definitely will be making things a little more interesting soon though.

let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote!



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