The Avengers: Nitrous

By marvelstars

788 40 0

I haven't written a story for Steve Rogers in awhile. So, here you ago. Hope you enjoy More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Starting City
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Authors note
Chapter 6: Brooklyn Diner
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: SHIELD HQ
Chapter 9: Steve's room
Chapter 10: Travel
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Authors Note
Chapter 17

Chapter 14

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By marvelstars

Have you ever wondered what life is like just before you lose it? Have you ever wondered what you would see just before you kick the bucket? Have you ever wondered what you'd say, the apologies you'd make, or even the stories you'd tell? Well here is my story. To anyone who finds this tape. I want you to know I don't regret my actions, I don't regret meeting any of the avengers... My only regret is not telling the man I love how much he meant to me. The world is a sick messed up place. Genius kills, and right now it's killing me. A genius built me, I see its only fitting that another one is to put me down. I just hope... No I pray that my brother has found what I sent him to look for. Its the only way I can survive this. The only way I will get to see the man I love again. My future, my everything, it all relies on my brother.


After the battle


I lay in an empty field with a metal shard through my stomach. As I lay there I watched my lives flash before my eyes. I watched the car accident, and the entire time the song burning house was playing in my head. It wouldn't go away so I started to sing:

I've been sleepwalking
Been wandering all night
Trying to take what's lost and broken
Make it right
I've been sleepwalking
Too close to the fire
But it's the only place that I can hold you tight
In this burning house

I could hear my name got called. As Steve got to me I started to sing, "Love isn't all that it seems I did you wrong."

I'll stay here with you until this dream is gone." He picked me up and started running back to the Quinn jet. Once we boarded Steve set me on a gurney then said, "Hang in there. I cant lose you. Please hang in there Lily." I slowly moved my arm to place my hand on his face, "re-remember your promise..."

Walker Labs

James ran to the computer and punched in a few keys to gain access to Lily's network, "ready for down load. Beginning in three..."

On Quinn Jet

Lily placed her arm back on the table then looked out the window above her and said, "Let me go James. It's time to let me go," tears started to fall again as lily coughed up blood, "please let me go."

James said, "i cant, you are the only family I have left. Please. You have to let me save you." Lily closed her eyes, "Then save me. Just, let me remember. Let me remember Steve. I... I lo-" James had started the transfer of Lily's consciousness into a new body. It was the only way to save her.

Walker Labs

James turned to find Adam standing behind him, "what are you doing here?" Adam looked worried, "Resister is headed this way. Adam... We have to protect her." Adam turned to the computer and activated the defenses for the lab, "that should hold him long enough. We need," James was interrupted when the building started to shake, "no." Adam walked over to the chamber where lily's new body was, "what happens if this process is not completed?" James opened the floor boards for the pool, "she loses her memories and there is no way to get them back. We have to hold off resister till the transfer is completed." Adam nodded his head then started to use his powers to strengthen the walls in the room.

James's POV

Unfortunately, luck ran out and the debris from the collapsing roof fell onto the machine and interrupted the transfer. I didn't know how savvier it was until my sister asked me if the letter of acceptance for the scholarship program had come in. She had lost almost 4 months of her life because I couldn't protect her. She's my sister and I couldn't protect her. I failed.

I went to look at the ruble of my computers as Adam brought Lily a robe. "James, Why is he not in a cell." I walked over to her, "he's started a new course. One of peace. He's become a hero."

"when did that happen?" asked lily? I looked down, "your consciousness was being transferred. lily, the last four months of your life. There gone and I cant get them back. I'm sorry." Lily turned around to try and take in the shock, "Can I ask a question?" I said, "of course." Lily turned back to me, "there was a man. He was important to me. Do you know who he is?"

"no," I lied, "we're back in starting city. How about you get dressed and go out. get your land legs back and see if you remember all of the people who live here." She nodded her head then left.


Major city's were rebuilt in a matter of a few years thanks to the iron legion. Tony built a specific suit of armor to help rebuild. Once the major cities were finished the iron men swept through the rest of the country then to the rest of the world. With Ultron gone the last of the American government banded together. There would be an end to masked heroes. A new age was coming, and with that pain and suffering.


A man walked of the stage then to the center of the room and said, "we must know who they are and above all we must know what they can do!" He looked around the room and listened to the applause. Once everyone quieted down Tony stood up from his chair, "so i stand here today," he walked to the center of the room, "one man. to pledge to you. I will do what i can to make the world a tiny bit less frightning." The crowd began its applause again.


Steve and Agent Hill sat in an office. Steve had just about enough of this meeting and stood up then said, "you're asking me to arrest people who risk their lives for this country everyday." hill stood up and damn near knocked her chair over, "no. I'm ordering you to obey the will of the american people, captain!" shield agents walked in with guns at the ready. he said, "Weapons down, gentelmen!" steve dove for his shield then started running as agent hill yelled out, "take him down, take him down!"


Mahattan City Streets

Press Confrence


"my name is peter parker, and i have been spiderman since i was 15 years old. I'm proud of what i do," peter paused for a moment, "of who i am," he scanned the crowd, "and i'm here to prove it." Peter unmasked himself and the crowd went wild.

---Time Square---

Lily looked up at the giant screens to look at the national news brodcast that interupted all the ads. The anchor for the news looked down for a moment. it was as if he needed to compose himself. After another minute he looked up and straight into the camera and said, "thor," another minute passed, "thor has fallen in battle. he is no more," raleigh looked around at the crowd of people staring at the screens. all of them in awe from what they had just heard.

Instead of joining in on the sorrow she quickly left. Heroes were dropping like flies and if she was a target, then she needed to leave and find somewhere safe. But where, all the people who could possibly help her are the people she didn't remember.

---Avengers Tower---

Wolverine sat in a room with several of the avengers talking about what was going on. he then said, "the mutant community is staying out of this crap." tony spoke up in anger, "you're also an Avenger Logan."

A voice from the back of the room says, "The fantastic four have been public since the very beginning."


In another room Reed Richards grabs his clip board and walks into his lab to find the results of Project 42: Gateway results to be sucessful, and found it was located deep in the Rikers Island Penetralium."

---Streets of Manhattan---

Ironman found the Iron Spiderman and went to confront him, "I trusted you Peter. I gave you everything, and this is how repay me?" The iron Spider yelled, "we've taken things to far, you've taken things to far." Ironman grabbed the iron spider and through him into the top floor of an apartment building. Ironman then landed and said, "did you honestly believe I wouldn't put in a fail safe incase you turned on me?"

Spiderman laughed, "you forget stark. Im smart too. I knew you'd do something. I ran through the hardwiring and rewrote the programming, all of it."

The iron spider ran at ironman as an attempt to blind side him. He then got out of the area before anything bad could happen. When stark gave up looking he went to his home in Malibu. Once there he sat down next to his the window and said, "Is this all worth it?" before taking a drink of the scotch in his hand. he then said, "is this all worth it? do i have... do I get the right to do this?"

---Brooklyn Apartment---

Perter crawled through lily's apartment as she was walking in the front door when she saw Peter she shut the door, dropped her things then hurried over to him, "oh god spiderman," she started to get worried when she saw bullet holes, "peter, are those bullet holes. What happened to you?"

Peter said, "wrong apartment," laughed a little then tried to leave when lily said, "you are hurt. Let me help you." Peter nodded his head then slowly started to crawl out of the armor then rolled onto the floor, "you're very kind to risk helping a hero during times like this. Ironman, he's taken things to far. I joined Caps side and was headed to meet with him when ironman came at me and through me into an apartment building. He's taking things to far. After Thor died. He just, he hasn't been the same. Miss, you need to be careful. There picking us off one by one and soon there will be nothing left."

"Peter. What are we going to do?"

Peter sat up slowly, "we have to stop this. I have a bad feeling. My senses. They're going haywire."

lily said, "I don't understand."

Peter took lily's hand, "I have this horrible feeling that something bad is going to happen and soon."

lily helped Peter up, "then we have to be ready for when it comes. We've survived loki and ultron. We most certainly can survive a third one."

Peter stayed quiet as lily got him to the couch. "peter, can you take me to meet captain America. There are people like you that can help him." Peter looked down, "i'll ask him. then come find you after." lily nodded her head then said, "get some rest. you'll be fine by morning."


Manhattan War Zone

One week later


Ironman landed in front of Cap, "I talked Shield into giving you one final chance." Cap said, "you mean surrendor? No thanks."

Ironman said, "you've known me for more than half my adult life Cap. I dont want to fight you, none of us does."

Captain america stood in front of his team, "you're grand plan sounds more like 1940's germany to me."

Falcon came flying in and yelled out, "Steve, Look out!" Tony raised his arm at Steve, "this is going to hurt." Steve end up hurdling into a car. Ironman said, "come on steve, dont get up," steve slowly started to get up," i dont want to hit you again," ironman raised his arm once more. Steve raised his shield into the air then yelled, "attack!"

ironman said, "call it, Captain," as he fired off his repulser gauntlets. through the comunicator the human touch says, "what are you doing cap? Do you want them to through everybody in jail!"

falcon lands next to steve and says, "were beating them, we can win this!"


Manhattan City Streets

The next day


steve sat in a park and said, "we were supposed to be fighting for the will of the people, but thats not what we're doing anymore," steve looked down, "we're just fighting." after a minute steve got up and started walking down the street when a group of Shield agents swormed him. An agent placed cuffs on steve as he started to say, "Steve rogers. United states armed forces. Honorbly Discharged. Serial number RA25-262-771," the agents made steve stand up. he then said, "i surendor," as he got loaded into the back of an SUV.

---Court Trial---

Steve was to remain in hadncuffs as he was being escorted into the court house. Steve was half way up the stairs when a sniper fired a shot and shot steve. the crowd that had gathered ran in terror. When lily saw this she used her gifts to stop time long enough and push Steve out of the way and take the bullet in the shoulder. When Steve saw this he hurried to her aid to try and stop the bleeding, "why did you do that?" lily smiled, "no one deserves to die." Steve looked down, "hang in there lily," Steve turned to a shield agent, "get the Quinn jet. She needs help." the agent nodded his head then started to run to a jet. Steve turned back to lily as she said, "you know my name, but I don't remember you. i'm sorry."

"hang in there, ok."

lily tried to nod her head, "daja vu. We've done this before, have we not?" Steve nodded his head then picked lily up and boarded the Quinn Jet.

on jet headed to the Tri-carrier

"Steve?" Steve looked at lily, "can you tell me a story?" Steve laughed, "a story?" lily nodded her head then Steve began, "a long time ago, more like 4 months, you had won the scholarship stark put out. We met the night you flew into Manhattan." Lily smiled, "I was in a red dress and you were dressed in your service uniform," Steve nodded his head then started to run his fingers through her hair. As the Quinn jet landed Steve picked Lily up and walked out to the medical team waiting and placed her on the gurney. "Captain," Daisy walked up, "she's in good hands. If you follow me to the observation room we can watch them." Steve nodded his head then followed sky.

Observation Room

"Captain these people have tremendous healing capabilities. She is going to be fine." Steve continued to stare through the glass at Lily, "I lost her once after ultron. Now I might lose her again and she doesn't remember me." Daisy smiled, "don't worry. I can help with that. Captain Rogers, we have a bigger problem to worry about." Steve turned to Daisy as she said, "you're still a wanted man Captain. I can protect you until she's better. You'd have to be watched by me or someone from my team. Director Coulson is here to insure your safety and security until we can get Lily Walker back on her feet."

Steve turned to daisy, "thank you. If you can get in touch with her brother Dr. Walker. He had this machine that helped her. I don't know if it could be used to help her." Daisy interrupted, "I'll get someone from my team on it right away." Steve went and sat down, Daisy joined him.

"You seem to know me, but I don't know you." Daisy placed her hand out, "Agent Daisy Johnson. It's an honor to meet you sir. After everything you've done for this country. It's truly an honor." Steve shook her hand, "thank you agent Johnson. You seem to be my only fan." Daisy was about to say something when Tony barged in with shield agents following. Steve stayed looking at Lily as tony said, "we came here to brig you in." Skye got in the middle of them, "you think that's wise?" Steve got up and walked to the glass window, "you killed her once stark. You really want to do it again."

Coulson walked in, "he's been given immunity for the time being Mr. Stark. I suggest you back up before we make you." Daisy (Lily's in control of Daisy's body) raised her hands for a moment then stopped, "this is weird. never thought I could do this before." Daisy looked at the glass as Coulson said, "do what? Daisy are you alright?"

"Oh, forgive me for not explaining. A few months back my brother was able to save me. In the process Walker Labs was attacked and I kissed a considerable amount of time. The doctors, one of them repaired the neural path way that allowed me to gain access to what I'd lost. I will leave Agent Johnson here, but first," Daisy pushed tony up against the wall and held the iced to his head, "you're lucky I don't pull the trigger and wipe that pretty little brain of yours clean."

"Why don't you do it?"

Daisy moved her finger off the trigger, "because I owe this girl a lot and I respect her boss to much to hurt, and kill an unarmed man. Stark, you want to know why I have this thing to your head?" He slightly nodded then Daisy continued, "because you never came to starting city to apologize to my brother. You're machine is the reason he lost his sister and I don't look like Lily. He was tired of losing people he cared about and now he's an orphan. He has been for sometime, just... oh never mind," she let stark go and watched him stare at her as stark said, "you want to know why I never went to your brother?" Daisy nodded then tony continued, "because I'd fallen for you Lily Rose Walker, and I knew I'd never compete with Captain Rogers there. You're the spitting image of Margret Carter. In that red dress I couldn't of told you apart. Lily," Daisy got control of her body again then said, "she's gone. She left. She's..." They all turned to see Lily sitting on with the sheet wrapped around her.

Steve quickly ran to her.

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