Cannot Bend Your Love (N.R.)

By artemis_olympia

3K 162 22

In a world before Captain America emerged from his icy slumber, there existed a girl named Y/N, born with the... More



361 20 0
By artemis_olympia


In the quiet dance of moments, trust blooms silently, a delicate flower nurtured by comfort, and love tiptoes in, leaving footprints on the heart, unnoticed until it becomes an undeniable presence.
Y/n P.O.V.

It's been a few months since the battle of New York, a few months since I landed a job as a S.H.E.I.L.D. I'm currently making food for me and my roommate who also shares the same job as me. Speaking of my roommate, they opened their bedroom door and made their way to the coffee set I had made for the both of us.

"Mornin." She mumbled to me knowing I wasn't going to g to give her a verbal response other than a nod. I continued to make our breakfast which consisted of egg, bacon, and toast. I didn't make a lot since I don't normally eat breakfast, plus I had a cup of coffee so the liquid made me a bit full.

"You know one of these days I'm going to get a morning from you." The forest eye woman spoke as she took her seat on the bar stool sipping her coffee. I fixed her a plate of the breakfast I made and placed it in front of her, fixing a smile on my face.

"I hope you know it almost twelve, so why should I give a good morning back when it's already the afternoon? Some special spy you are Ms. Romanoff." I teased at her and went to the living room to watch some news, today was our day off since we just came back from a week long mission last night.

"It's called human decency, also we just came back from a mission a couple hours ago." She grumbled while taking a bite from her bacon, she turned to look at me but I payed no mind since my eyes were focused on the weather today.

Only then where my senses alerted when I felt the couch dip next to me, I glanced to see Natasha sitting next to me coffee placed on the coffee table infront of us and the plate placed over her lap.

I looked back at the tv to see it changed to some ads, "I've got a question, which I probably won't and answer since you hardly speak." Natasha started, I felt her shift in her seat, giving her my undivided attention I turned my body to her.

"Since you are this Avatar, can't you like change the weather or something. Like let's say it's raining can't you do some wrist mojo and make it sunny?" I couldn't help but laugh at this, like fully laugh at what this assassin had just said.

"Ms. Romanoff, I'm the Avatar master of all elements, the gateway between human and spirit world. I'm not God." I explained to her, she seemed to have a tint of redness on her cheek before nodding an acceptance to my answer.

"You should laugh more, it's cute" she muttered loud enough for me to barely hear, she then turned back to the tv. I was too focused on what she had said than what was showing on the tv, whatever she said had some type of an effect on me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turn my head to be faced with a bitten piece of bacon. I looked to see Natasha giving me a small smirk, I just gave her a confused look on what she wanted me to do.

"Take a bite." She said, to where I just gave her a small shake and looked back at the tv, "no thank you Ms. Romanoff." I declined politely to her.

"One of these days I'm going to get you to say my first name." She mumbled and she finished her food and got up to wash it.

"And on that day, I should be on my deathbed." I said quietly, I then heard the phone ring knowing it was Natasha since mine was still in my room and she brought hers. I saw her go to answer the phone, looking at the caller ID she rolled her eyes.

"Romanoff" she started, I could tell the other person was talking due to her nodding her head. She then glanced at me for a few seconds before speaking. "We'll be there in 2 hours, have the jet prepared." And she hung up.

"How do you feel like doing some country dancing?" She looked at me with her signature smirk.

Natasha's P.O.V.

I left a little bit early to get the mission file from fury, I was sorta annoyed since we just got back from a mission but this is the life I forcibly signed up for.

My mind somehow drifted to person I left in the apartment, I don't know why but she keeps popping up in my thoughts. From the way she keeps to herself to the way she would slip out small smiles.

I finally reached HQ and headed straight to fury's office, I knocked twice before being called in by him. I walked inside and stood infront of his desk where he handed me two files, "you two be careful, try not to let Y/L/N get into her avatar state." Fury shared out I give him a nod for a response and left his office.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, as I continued walking I took it out to see it was a message from Y/n.

'Already on the jet with both luggage, just waiting on you. No reckless driving.'

I smiled at the end of her message, I remembered when she first got into a car and I was the driver. She kept telling me to slow down staring we were going g to crash with how I was driving.

Good memories.

I replied to her message stating that I'm on my way to the jet. As I pressed the elevator button to the garage floor I took a glance at my file, supposedly an easy in and out mission with the Mexican cartel. As a married couple.

Before I could get anymore details the elevator door opened, signaling me to get off. I quickly made my way to my corvette and sped towards the jet where I know an anxious woman is waiting for me.
"How do you suck at gold fish?" I teased the woman sitting g in front of me who had a small scowl on her face, she placed the card down and rested her hand on Rava head who was laying beside her.

"When I was out of the ice the first time there was no gold fish card game, only one you either kept as a pet or eat it." She mumbled and looked towards the window, she constantly kept bouncing her knee and looked paranoid.

"Speaking of the fist ice awakening, how did those years go before you where taking under again?" I asked cautious with my words.

I looked at me but didn't make eye contact, something I also noticed about her. She would always give her attention to the speaker but could never make eye contact with them directly.

"I was first lost and confused, which turned into shame, hurt and guilt." She started I gave her a look of confusion as to why she answered like that.

"Before I was in the iceberg, I had a family. Even tho they weren't my biological parents I still saw the monks as a family. During that time, everyone and everything was normal, all bending were getting along with each other. But after I was found, I found out that there was a 100 year war during my time underneath the water." She paused, she looked found at her lap, hand fumbled together.

"And I thought that I can end the war with the help of my family, and the two friends I had made that day. But as I made it to my home that I had called for 12 years, I saw all of my family dead. Body deteriorated, to the bone. I lost it, I was angry at what the fire nation had done to the Airnomads, but more towards my self that I let that happen. All because I was scared of being something I never wanted." She paused and looked at Rava before continuing petting the animal.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I said trying to ease her mind from those thoughts, she gave me a small smile.

"It is what it's is." She says just loud enough for me to hear, and I knew that would be the last thing I hear from her in a while.

Y/n P.O.V.

After my little trip to memory lane I was having a hard time keeping them at bay, luckily the plain ride was almost over. When Natasha noticed I wasn't going to continue to talk, she pulled out both files and handed me one.

I started to read what the mission was supposed to be until my eyes landed on what status we were supposed to have.

"I'm guessing from the sudden stiffness you read our status part." Natasha quipped up at me I looked at her and gave a hesitant nod.

"We only need to act as married couple in public, but we do need to go ring shopping." She said so comfortably, she must have done this before since she already knows what to do.

I saw the seatbelt light turn on, doing as told I buckled in seeing Natasha do the same thing. I gently wrapped my arm around Rava to secure her for landing.

Lucky for us fury had everything plan, from the driver picking us up to the suit room of the hotel we were staying in. "Home sweet home for a couple of weeks I guess." Natasha mumbled as she opened the door. I followed her to have my jaw dropped, it's as Tony stark had a few words into this room built.

"Oh great, how fun" I hear the agent say, I noticed she wasn't next to me anymore but in the bedroom. I made my way over there to see just one king sized bed nicely made.

Knowing what the problem was in the start, I decided to be the bigger person and make the decision.

"I'll take the couch." I told her and turned around to my 'comfy bed' for the couple of weeks before she could open her mouth. As I placed my bag on the couch and headed to the kitchen that was placed in the room, I hear the agent call my name.

I walked to her voice which was still in the bedroom but more towards the closet area. When she heard my footsteps she moved to the side for me to look what she wanted me to see, and instead of just the regular empty hanger I saw 7 nice looking suits, 7 nice looking dressed which I could see had some color matching. I also noticed a big large metal suitcase at the bottom next to the dress shoes.

I picked up the suitcase and placed it on the bed on its flat side, and instantly I had a feeling what it was due to the big Shield logo that was printed. I opened the suit case to see a note, I passed the note to Natasha so she can read it as I looked at the contents in the case.

So far it was a lot of girly makeup, something Natasha would probably have to wear for this mission. I noticed there was something underneath, and as I picked up the girl makeup and moved to the side I heard Natasha let out a small chuckle.

I didn't pay much attention to it since mine was on some type of mask which looked as if was a mans face, next to it was two ID.

'Henry Caddel'
'Charlotte Caddel'

I gave Natasha a look, she handed me the note as she took all the make up stuff into the bathroom.

'Didn't want to give this information knowing someone was going to g to back out, Y/l will be disguised as a male who is mute since talking will be an issue with her from the start. The mask is specialized into Y/n face structure.'

I rolled my eyes at the note, I crumbled it up and burned it with my fist around it.

"You ready?" I turned around to see agent Romanoff leaning against the bathroom door, I gave her a confused look as to ask why should I be ready for.

"We need to get the rings, and while we are doing that we can scope out the areas we are most likely going to be going and spending our mission time. Plus I'm hungry, be a good husband and take me to dinner." She stared out to-do list once we walk out those doors, I rolled my eyes at her last statement before nodding to her that I was ready.

Making sure we have everything ready we made our way to the closest jewelry store that was near us. As we finally made it to the ring store Natasha handed me a black card, "Hopefully Tony wouldn't mind the charges for the mission. Knowing him he wouldn't even notice." She said with her own black card in her hand.

"You go and get me a ring, while I go get you a ring. Meet back here in an hour." I nodded my head and went to search for a wedding ring. It felt odd getting a wedding ring for somebody I'm in a relationship with, but anything to help the mission be smooth.

As I was looking at the rings I couldn't find one that caught my interest. One lady came up to me and asked if I needed help I dismissed her when she couldn't really help in my situation.

I mean what am I going to say? "I need help on getting marriage ring for my fake fiancé, who is actually my mission partner." If there was a ring for that I would gladly take it. I continued looking and I stumbled across a ring that was sorta familiar to the one I had married my wife with.

I hand subconsciously went up the necklace I had always worn, her ring. When me and katara who was my wife at the time, we always carried the other ring as a sign that we are always close to each other. It still feels as if she's right next to me, guiding me for whatever is happening next in my life.

Knowing what I have to do since the ring selection isn't helping, I was going to give nat the ring around my necklace. I walked back to the spot we were supposed to meet and saw she was already there with a small bag.

"You ready?" She asked, she looked confused when I nodded to her and I didn't have a bag with me.

We both walked around the street for a bit until we found a restaurant we would be feeding our stomach. Fortunately for us the place wasn't crowded as much and we were seated quickly.

I took my seat and took a quick glance at everything the restaurant had to offer, "I think I'm going to have a steak with mashed potato and green beans, is that fine with you?" Natasha asked me I gave her a grateful look telling her it was fine and thank you for ordering for me.

One thing I know Natasha has picked up from me is I don't like making direct eye contact with anyone, even talking to somebody I don't even truly know. So every time the agent takes me somewhere new to eat she just orders me what she gets, to make life simple.

"Good evening, my name is Mia and I'll be your waitress for tonight. Can I start off with any drinks?" Our waitress came to our table I can tell she kept glancing at me, Natasha ordered herself some wine and me a water. The waitress took it down on her notepad, and placed a hand on my shoulder. I immediately became stiff.

"I'll be right back with your drinks." She said and left, I could feel Natasha's eye on me through the whole interaction but I kept my view away and towards the window.

"Are you okay?" She whispered just for me to hear, I turned my head and gave her a tight smile.

I suddenly heard the chair infront of me move, I looked back at the red head to see her walking up to what seemed to be the manager. Some words were exchanged until I saw rhetorical manager have a scared look on their face and ran to the back.

A minute goes by and the manager comes back and gives Natasha a notebook and a pen. She swiftly turns around and heads back at our table, I have her a confused look as she handed me the notepad and pen.

"Since you seem to not use your voice a lot, I thought about using a different solution." She compromises with me, I gave her a small smile before writing something on the notebook to show her.

'I guess there is a big brain underneath that head of yours Romanoff.'

I saw how she rolled her eyes at the sentence, "Even on paper you won't say my name." I smiled at how frustrated she was over a simple name, next thing I know is our food being placed down in front of us. I took a quick glance at the waitress to see her completely ignoring my presence, I looked to see if Natasha noticed anything.

To which I saw Natasha glare at her as if she offended her in anyway. I wonder what was said when she left to go and talk to the manager.

"Y'all enjoy." She said and left in a hurry to other tables. Me and Natasha sat in a comfortable silence eating the meal in front of us, which soon we had to call our waitress down for a to go bag for my unfinished meal.
At hotel

We finally made it back from the hotel in one piece, I put my food inside the fridge and placed a note on it. Just stating that Natasha can have it and wrote the date it was packaged up into the fridge.

"Hey y/n come here real quick." She yelled in the bedroom, I made my way in and quickly catch a small box that was thrown at me. I looked at what was inside to see a wedding ring, more male style than a woman's. Wasn't complaining cuz it honestly looked really good, this agent sure does have some taste.

"Since I notice you didn't buy a ring I would just head back and find me one. And after that we need to get everything ready before we bug the country club." Natasha stated, I looked at her and actually took notice of what she was wearing g to bed. She had short shorts and a black tank top that fits her in all the right angles.

"Y/n, did you hear me?" She interrupted my nasty thoughts as i kept looking at her, grateful that she did. I shook my head as a no in case she actually did say something other than the ring and tomorrow's event.

"I said that I will go ring sho-"

"I have a ring for you." I interrupted her from having to repeat herself, she gave me a confused look since I had nothing on me when we left the shop. Taking a deep breath I slowly reached up to my necklace and undid the connection, I walked up slowly with the redhead watching my every move.

"This is the ring that I had giving my wife." I stated, I gently took the loop out of the chain and gave Natasha a look of permission. Seeing as what I was asking she then raised her left hand, I took her hand and placed the ring on her fourth finger.

A perfect fit.

"It's beautiful Y/n" she whispered as she looked at the diamond that rested on her finger, I held a small smile remembering that my past lover had said the same thing.

"Thank you, I made the diamond myself." I muttered quietly, this gained a shocked expression from the agent in front of me. "You are just full of surprises Avatar Y/n." She said to me.

I stayed quite and I reached down to the ring box she had bought me, it was suddenly snatch from me as I was about to take out the ring.

"It's only fair if I gave you the same treatment." Natasha teased before she gave me the same look I gave her for permission, agreeing to what she wanted I gave her my hand. I watched as she gently held my hand and slides the ring on my finger.

A perfect fit.


New year, new you, new booze

But seriously I wish everyone a happy, healthy, successful year. And hopefully we actually do at least one thing on the New Year's resolution list we wrote.

See you guys next year 🫶🏽

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