Bonnie Bennett St John Diaries

By MariePerry8

394 3 0

Since leaving Mystic Falls, i have travelled every corner of the globe, Lorenzo's blood by my side the entire... More

However Long It Would Take
Normal Life
Three Witches and A Baby
Old Memories and Old Friends
Third Times The Charm
Always A Vampire
Family Meeting
Double Trouble
A Cycle
Will It Ever End?
Father Dearest
Queen and The Pauper
Groundhog Day
A Possible Crisis Aversion
Dust to Dust
New Life
The Desire
Water Under The Bridge
The Hypocrite's
Peace At Last

Final Countdown

5 0 0
By MariePerry8

September 19th, we have been home for several days. Enzo is back at work, mom is researching with a witch she knows from her days in a coven, she and Gwyneth have been networking from our location all the way up north. Gwyneth knew Eliza and knew who the witches were she had at her beck and call. The two travelled around each coven seeking information, the information is important. I will need to inform Klaus and Freya that the head of the Catholic Church knows about Hope and for this reason we should all be concerned. Dalton had an idea, that he will go to Rome and sit in masses to listen to what the priests are preaching. I called mom to ask what she had discovered so far and she has been told the witches of the country have been keeping a very low profile, much lower than ever. I informed her Dalton is visiting Rome to listen to sermons. If anything or anyone could deal with the church is us witches. I feel this is one last hurrah before i go into retirement permanently. I need to put my family first, i will understand if mom continues being a witch and help in fighting the good fight.

Dalton called from Rome, where almost all masses are said in Latin, he understood that one cardinal who often said mass in this church once a month, that he has learned that "Evil is on our doorsteps." The cardinal went onto to describe a child, a child that is possessed with three deadly parts to her, it was Hope. I don't believe Hope has any vindictive motives in relation to the church, we have been largely left alone from i first discovered who i was. It then hit me, who asked Elena to reverse engineer the cure? I had to know, i called Elena and she told me that when she was in college a student approached her and explained that he knew she was once a vampire, that his brother is had just been turned, he knew about the cure and he was the student that guided her to learn how to reverse it. I asked her did she remember his name? Elena thought for a moment and told me his name was Matthew, he killed his entire family minus his brother after he turned. Matthew ran to Italy to an uncle, who indeed is a priest, he passed the information onto The Vatican. It was now falling into place, they knew of the Cornel's and asked them to protect the church if they help with either the destruction of Hope or they give the cure to every vampire including the Mikaelson's.

Mom and Gwyneth returned from Lombardi, they were with the coven that have protected the Cornel's since their line began thousands of years ago. The leader of the coven has someone inside The Vatican under the guise of a nun, she is using her assumed position to gain access to their archives. The Vatican do know about the cure, they haven't connected the dots of who received it and when Silas died the trail went cold, they believe he took the tiny drop of blood he held and passed on as the legend read. The Vatican almost came close to discovering it via The Hollow, they received a note that appeared on a bishops desk, it described Hope and her power. The Hollow described the cure was taken by multiple people and they will mass produce it. The bishops and cardinals don't believe in the beings we know exist, but there is a sect within the church that do and they want Hope more than they want the blood. The group have now reached a dead end on account of Eliza and her son's dying. Añeja and Raquel are unknown to the church, if they do discover them, they're more than capable of protecting themselves. Gwyneth added that the nun has overheard that the church seeks to abduct Hope, she has managed to link herself to an unsuspecting member of what she calls "the believers sect." The witch masquerading as a nun has heard with her own ears, she has recorded everything she has heard and as a symbol of proof she has recorded names, she has recorded locations of each meeting and their plan and what they plan to do with her when they have her in their hands. Gwyneth didn't want to explain what she was told as she found their plans disgusting.

"Bonnie, I don't care what that child is capable of, I know she plans on doing something nefarious in the future, but she is just a child, a child Bonnie. We need to tell Freya and Klaus."

"That's not a conversation i want to tell him, he'll be like a raging bull. I can see him killing the pope medieval style. Does the pope know?"

Gwyneth told us as far as they're aware and what they've been informed he doesn't know, this grew serious. The pope is unaware that there's a secret sect under his nose working to kidnap an innocent child and kill her, that's exactly what this sect is planning to do to Hope. It was time to pick up the phone, mom, Gwyneth, Enzo and i were deciding on who was about to deliver this bombshell. I decided to given i can speak to him in terms he understands. I began dialling.

"Klaus, it's Bonnie. I need you to remain calm and please don't fly off to Italy and place the popes head on a spike."

"Get on with it Bonnie, don't beat around the bush. It doesn't become you."

"Klaus, Hope is in danger. I know you've heard this before but this threat is the biggest one your family has faced from mortals, the Catholic Church a community of two billion. They have a sect in the church that deals with people like us, they see Hope as the ultimate evil. We have as much proof you need. The sect is planning on kidnapping her and killing her. Get to work."

Klaus ended the call, before he did he sounded incandescent with rage. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of whomever he gets his hands on first. I then called Freya, i told her that i just spoke with her brother in regard to the secret sect. Freya was calmer and she asked if she could fly out? I told her she was more than welcome as long as she can get Klaus to stand down and that she deals with it alongside myself, mom and Gwyneth. Freya promised she would get Elijah to distract him for a few hours while she gets on a plane. I asked her was she coming with Keelin? Keelin is staying behind for work and their child. I asked her did we need to prepare anything for her arrival?

"All you need to do is, have your mom and Gwyneth meditate. You need to steer clear of this Bonnie, you have a precious little bundle to protect. If you feel like a loose end, you can try and link yourself to the witch that has that sect in her sights."

I know I'll not be able to keep out of it, but I'll listen to Freya and do what she needs to help her save her niece.

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