Danganronpa THH: Resurgence

By Demolv

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Scouted by Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Strategic Mind, you are unexpectedly thrown into a killing gam... More

Prologue: New Beginnings, Same Endings
Chapter 1: Lurking Despair
Chapter 2: To Survive
Chapter 4: Your Words, Not Mine
Chapter 5: A New Dawn

Chapter 3: Loss

118 4 0
By Demolv

*Ding dong, bing bong*

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

Junko gets up from her bed and looks around the room. Her piercing eyes scanning around like an owl, searching for any inconsistencies among the consistent. Maybe it is an old habit. Maybe it is not.

A strand of black hair droops slightly over her royal purple eyes. She sighs lightly and pushes it back in position. She grabs the wig that is placed on the desk and walks to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror is the outfit that she is well accustomed to.

A deception.

A lie.


But if it was for her, she would destroy the world and do it again. Love is undeniably twisted in a sense. Undying loyalty to a specific person. Love is great. Love is destruction. Love is malleable.

But she pays it no mind. She wants to believe that she understands her. Looking the part, taking the name, and playing it should help, right? After all, she's the big sister, so looking out for her is important. Despair? Hope? It does not matter in the slightest. Only she matters. So, Junko pays it no mind.

But nothing stays true forever. The rhythmic beating of a heart falls on deaf ears. When she first met him, Junko did not pay any attention to him. What she saw in him was something Junko could never visualize. She offered love to him and enlightenment. A twisted warmth.

He took it, but Junko does not understand why. She never asked though and probably never will. Not now at least. Stranger turned acquaintance. Acquaintance turned friend. And friend turned into something more. For once, other than her, she had built a relationship. A relationship that she holds dear to, but will not pursue it.

That's why.....if they both crave despair then she'll be their blade. Their weapon. Their soldier.

Junko walks out of the bathroom and walks to her door, entering the quiet hallways. She looks at (F/N)'s door and looks away, shaking her head slightly.

"Right, it was Shimizu's idea to meet in the dining hall. Better go meet at the rendezvous."

Entering the dining hall, the 'good-abiding' kids are already there: Naegi, Ishimaru, Asahina, Ogami, and Fujisaki.

"Ah, I must be late."

"Mornin' Junko!" Hina says

"Hello, a very fine morning to you. I'll excuse your tardiness since the breakfast meeting just took effect," Ishimaru says.

"I would not care either way." Junko sits down next to Naegi. "Is Shimizu here?"

"No, he hasn't come in yet," Makoto says.

"Damn it, Shimizu. To be late even though you suggested this." Taka sighs.

"That's professor to you, padawan."

"Yo, sorry I am late. Totally slept through that alarm."

Shimizu and Leon enter the dining hall and sit down at the main table.

"Fine morning to you two," Sakura says. "I hope everything is well."

"Good morning," Chihiro says.

"Yes, greetings aside, is this everyone?" Shimizu adopts a saddened expression. "J-Jeez, h-how could they break our p-promise so e-easily..."

".....it's not that deep," Junko says.

"No, it IS that deep? Is no one taking this seriously?" Taka shouts.

"Yo." Mondo walks in and sits at the main table. "Is this everyone? Shit, I shoulda stayed in bed."

"My apologies, ladies and gentlemen. My morning, ah, duty took a little longer than usual." Hifumi walks in and sits down as well.

"Morning duty?" Taka asks.

"Well, yes, Mr. Ishimaru. My morning duty consists of nothing but intellectual leisure work. Perhaps, I can show you some of it?"

"Maybe....this can help me understand people and have more conversations."

"I would advise not," Shimizu says.

Kyoko and a few others suddenly walk in and find a seat.

"..I suppose I'm late," Kyoko says.

"Good morning, everyone," Celeste says.

"Jeez, you guys. To be late so casually," Taka says.

"Wh-What? Is it s-so awful to be l-late?" Toko asks.

"I didn't oversleep, just so you know. Nope, got lost! I blame the Bermuda Triangle," Yasuhiro says.

"This still isn't everyone though," Junko says.

"Yeah, Sayaka and Byakuya aren't here yet," Hina says.

Junko looks at Shimizu who just merely smiles at her. His smile almost resembles a Cheshire cat.

"Shimizu did you..."

Shimizu boops her nose, that smile almost emitting malice.


Byakuya walks in and notices the brouhaha in the dining hall. He looks at everyone with a puzzled expression.

"...What's going on? Did something happen?"

"Hey, man! Have you seen Sayaka?" Mondo asks.

"Why would I have? I just came straight from my room to here." Byakuya smirks. "That was the idea, right Shimizu?"

"You want a cookie for remembering something like that?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Go on provide me the cookie."

"Jeez, you guys are totally petty," Junko says.

"Yeah, if Sayaka was here she'd say something like, 'It sounds like you two are so close that you're fighting like sisters,'" Yasuhiro says. "But I suppose brothers would be more accurate."

"....Sayaka," Makoto murmurs.

"Brothers, huh? Wait until you guys hear what he did to his," Shimizu says.

"Tch, like you are any better," Byakuya says.

"Anyway, since Byakuya is here.....where is Sayaka?" Hina asks.

"Did she forget about our breakfast promise?" Hifumi asks.

"I got the sense she always has her stuff together," Kyoko says.

"Is she sick or something?" Chihiro asks.

"I-I need to go... I have to check on her!" Makoto suddenly runs out of the dining hall in a frenzy.

Shimizu looks at Leon, who twitches slightly and meets his gaze. Shimizu smirks slightly and gets up from his seat.

"Well then, let's go deal with the body," Shimizu says.

Shimizu's words pierced through the air like a bolt of lightning. The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at him, their faces a mix of shock, nervousness, and confusion. It was as if time had stopped and all eyes were fixed on Shimizu.

"B-Body?!" Hifumi's voice was the first to be heard.

"Yeah, what the hell are you talking about? This is not fucking funny!" Mondo shouts.

"N-N-No way that someone was killed," Hina says.

"Y-Yeah, t-there is no way someone committed such a heinous act," Ishimaru says.

Shimizu looks at them with a dull expression. "Are you guys fucking mental? We just had a motive to kill someone, so obviously someone is going to kill. Do you guys remember what Celeste said? 'If you cannot stop yourself from showing weakness in front of others you will die.' And well, we all saw Sayaka's breakdown over a measly video. Jesus Christ, get your head in the game. Are y'all even aware of this killing game that we find ourselves in?"

"I am inclined to assert his notion," Byakuya says.

"I knew my brother would get it."

"I would kill myself if I was your brother."

"Damn, man that hurts. Maybe once you do, you can see your real brothers in the afterlife."

"Y-You mean s-she was k-k-killed?" Toko groans loudly. "Nggghhh, I-I-I knew t-this would h-happen."

"W-Wait, let's not fill our heads with this stu--" Ishimaru says.

A bloodcurdling scream erupts in the air, as everyone turns to the hallways. It dies out soon after, causing a rise in everyone.

"T-That sounded like Makoto!" Hina yells.

"Huh? What's going on?" Yasuhiro asks.

"Calm down everyone. We will not know for sure until we check it out," Kyoko says.

"Well then let us find out why Makoto screamed and why Sayaka was not here." Shimizu leaves the dining hall.

Junko quickly leaves after him.

"I shall go as well." Sakura leaves.

"W-Wait up." Hina hurries after Sakura.

After a while, mostly everyone left the dining hall to explore the mysteries that had unexpectedly begun this morning.

Shimizu is the first to the ajar door and enters the room. The room is quite a mess, frankly. There are scratches on the floor, clearly evidence of a struggle. However, one thing stands out in this room. The door to the bathroom. An immense presence can be felt inside there as Shimizu just stares at it with a smile.


Shimizu turns around and looks at her. "Enoshima."

Junko walks over and stands beside him, inspecting him. "You....look like you are enjoying yourself."

"How can I not? It beats having nothing to do all day. I bet you already know what happened here."

"Well, whatever you did.....I will stand beside you."

"I could not ask for better company."

Sakura and Hina suddenly walk in and look at the area with confusion.

"What the?! What is this?!" Sakura asks.

"W-What?!" Hina asks.

"Oh, there's Makoto." Yasuhiro walks in with a smile. "Haha, someone's been partying it up in this room."

"Dude, knock it off this is serious," Leon says.

"It appears he's unconscious," Kyoko says.

"Leon, let's check out the bathroom together." Shimizu smiles at him.

"H-Huh, y-yeah sure."

Shimizu and Leon walk into the bathroom and there it is:

The body of Sayaka Maizono, the Ultimate Pop Sensation, was dead leaning on the wall in the bathroom. A knife seems to thrust in her.

Makoto remains unconscious at the bathroom entrance.

Shimizu firmly grips Leon's shoulder and makes him face him.

"Remember the plan."

"Y-Yeah, I got it..."

Aoi rushes over to the bathroom and nearly falls unconscious like Makoto, but just falls on her knees. "I-Is s-she..." Aoi trails off suddenly, wishing not to believe that a friend that she had seen yesterday was.....gone.

"Dead? Yes. It is a cruel reality that we find ourselves in and a sickening nightmare." Shimizu balls his fist.

"Hina, are you okay?" Sakura rushes over to comfort her friend before stopping and seeing Sayaka. "Who....could have done this? To kill someone that's...."

"Horrible..." Chihiro mutters while a few tears stain her face.

Kyoko stands at the entrance with a neutral expression. Her eyes scrutinizing everything. She subtly looks at Shimizu, who just has a carefree expression on his face. Leon looks distraught next to him as if standing next to a devil.

"I should keep an eye on him. Could.....he have done this? Is he the reason behind this? What would be his motive? The video from yesterday? No, it has to run deeper than that. His lack of reaction is one thing, but it is not sufficient evidence of something."

Kyoko's thoughts are cut short as the monitor flickers to life. The annoying headmaster appears on the screen with a dangerous smile.

*Ding dong, Bing bong*

"Ah, nothing like seeing a fresh corpse in the morning. Do you know what's better than just seeing a corpse? Of course, you know, it is a corpse that you do. Lost time sent down the drain and their blood along with it. Puhuhu, this is the moment I have been just aching for."

Laughter erupts from the bear. A cackling and chortling type of way, taunting everyone in the room.

"Anyway, since this is the first murder....I declare an emergency meeting at the gym. Attendance is mandatory or punishment will be executed. Sooooo, see you laterrrrrr!"

The monitor fades to black, a welcoming familiar silence fills the room.

"Well then." Byakuya leaves.

"I-I-I will go too." Toko follows suit.

"Damn this shit! That psychobitchfreak bear has fucking questions that need answering." Mondo runs out.

Unable to withhold his moral justice, Ishimaru follows after him to reprimand him.

"Um, what about Makoto?" Yasuhiro asks.

"Carry him, will you?" Kyoko asks.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure." Yasuhiro effortlessly picks up Makoto and walks out of the room. Carrying him in a piggyback.

"Let's just get this over with," Leon walks away.

"Hina, please come with me," Sakura says while helping Hina off her feet.

"R-Right, sorry for worrying you. Let's go!"

"Let's go, Enoshima." Shimizu walks out of the room followed by Junko.

"You lead."

Out in the hallways once more, the duo makes it to the gymnasium entrance before Junko grabs Shimizu's shoulder, halting his movements.

"Do you need something?" Shimizu turns around and looks at her.

Junko's arms suddenly wrap around Shimizu, pulling him close to her. She buries her face into his chest, feeling the warmth of his embrace. Her eyes close, and her body trembles slightly as she holds him. She whispers, "Thank you," as she squeezes him gently as if trying to convey the depth of her gratitude through the strength of her embrace.

Shimizu fidgets under her embrace before relaxing, his arms wrapping around her as well. His eyes just look at her in confusion. "Um, thanks for what?"

"For being a friend." Junko blushes slightly. "And for being someone I hold dear to."

"What is this a confession?"

"Just something I needed to say."

"Well, hey, there's currently an objective that we must seize so stay focused. Hahaha, we have only known each other for like four days and we are already this close? I worry about your naivety."

Junko leans away and flicks his Adam's apple. "Naivety? Am I supposed to think that you're not also naive?"

Shimizu clutches his throat and laughs boisterously. "Ah, there goes my lover, always with the abuse. I like it though. Perhaps you should step on me."

"Don't be such a perv!" Junko glares at him.

Shimizu feigns shock and glares at her in return. "Me, of all people, a perv? Need I remind you that you hugged me? That's clearly debauchee!"

"Am I interrupting something?" Kyoko suddenly appears behind them.

Shimizu and Junko stop their arguing and turn to look at the mysterious lavender-haired girl.

"Not at all," Shimizu speaks up. "Although, I wonder if she would do my request have you not shown up."

"Like, hell no. Are you some type of freak?" Junko asks.

"Only in those sheets." Shimizu gives her a deadpan expression.

"Well then, I will see you two inside. Try not to waste time." Kyoko walks into the gym.

"Wait for me, I can't stand one more second of being around him." Junko enters as well.

"Fair enough," Shimizu says.

Inside the gym, everyone was gathered around and waited for the infamous proclaimed headmaster to appear.

Makoto begins to wake up slowly, his eyes begin to become awake. He sits up from the bleacher and looks around confusedly.

"Ah, are you awake? How are you feeling?" Hina asks.

"Y-Yeah, I am fine but..." Makoto trails off.

Mondo walks over and looks down at him. "Now's not the time to be lying down man. Get yo ass up."

"What is.....going on?" Makoto suddenly reels back as he suddenly remembers something. Sayaka is dead. Undeniably so. He tries to run to the entrance but is stopped by Mondo.

"Dude, where the hell are you going?"

"Where do you think I am going? I have to go check on her!" Makoto yells and struggles under Mondo's grasp. "I can't just leave her!"

"Check all you want Naegi. Once, twice, or a million times. She's dead." Byakuya walks in front of the dear boy. "When are you getting to accept that?"

Makoto stops struggling and looks at everyone. "Well, why are you all just hanging around in here? Don't you guys get it? Our friend, Sayaka, i-is......dead. Why.....Sayaka?!" He falls on his knees and a single tear roams down his face.

"None of us want to be here right now, either," Kyoko says.

"Then...why?" Makoto asks.

"Sh-Shouldn't it be obvious? Monok-kuma...he told us all to c-come here," Toko says.

"It's not like we had a choice," Hifumi says.

"Right now, we need to do whatever he says. We're his prisoners, right? It's not a good idea to defy him without reason. We don't need to make any more sacrifices than we already have," Kyoko says.

"Why should we listen to anything he has to say? It's obvious he's the one who killed Sayaka!" Makoto yells.

"No, that's wrong."

Makoto looks at Shimizu in confusion. "W-What do you mean?"

"Yes, Sayaka is dead, however, you have got to be a braindead fucking idiot if you think Monokuma just killed her. It defeats the whole purpose of his. I know you're just an average everyday nobody in this boring world of ours, but for the love of God put more thought into your words."


"I believe what Shimizu is trying to tell us is that the murderer is with us in the room right now," Celeste says.

"And he's right! I would never do that! If you can believe anything, you can believe that!" Monokuma suddenly appears.

"He's here again." Leon glares at Monokuma.

"Unless someone violates a school regulation, I absolutely will not interfere. I can promise you, I won't do anything that goes against the purpose of your school life here. I'm famous at safari parks throughout the world for following the 'Bear-Times-One' rule!"

"Then...who did it? Who killed her?" Chihiro asks.

"Oh my fucking God, one of us obviously," Shimizu says.

"Right again! Though I guess that was an easy question for you. But anyway, one of you decided to kill Sayaka so that you could graduate! Someone's just following the rules. There's nothing wrong with that!"

"Y-You're lying...right?" Hifumi asks.

"Of course, he's lying! I'm telling you, he killed her!" Makoto cries out.

"Makoto, I am one second away from pulling a Mondo on you."

"The fuck that's supposed to mean?!" Mondo asks.

"One of you is now a bona fide killer. If they wanted to, the one who did it could testify to that little fact." Monokuma continues.

"A-Are you serious?" Chihiro asks.

"Someone..." Taka pauses for a second. "Someone killed someone! I... didn't want to believe it..."

"It is amazing what some people are capable of," Celeste says.

"Hey, hold on! Don't just assume he's telling the truth!" Mondo yells.

"That's enough. Before we do anything else, I'd like to confirm something with the stuffed animal here." Byakuya glares at the bear. "If one of us really did kill her, that person gets to graduate from the school, right?"


"Don't play dumb! That's what you said, isn't it!? If you kill someone, you get to leave!"

"Puhuhu... Puhuhu! Poohohoho!"

A series of laughter erupts from the stuffed animal. Almost find their ignorance to be a top-tier comedy. Their plight only makes Monokuma laugh louder and louder. The whole gym fills with his hideous, despairful laugh.


"Why are you laughing!?"

"Puhu...it's cuz....naive...you're just so naive! Do you think it's that easy? You can just kill someone and waltz on outta here? You're super naive! Devilishly naive! HELLISHLY NAIVE! No no no, the real thing has just begun."

"The...real thing?"

"Are you ready!? Allow me to explain the second part of the rule regarding graduation! Just like I explained before, you must kill someone if you want to leave. However...even if you do that, there's still one more part to the agreement you have to upload, remember?"

"If you are the 'blackened' that committed the murder, you can't be found out by the other students. That is what you are talking about, is it not?"

"Bingo! It's not enough to just kill someone. You have to get away with it! Which naturally means you need a system in place to assess whether or not it's been gotten away with! So, a certain amount of time after a murder has taken place, a class trial will begin!"

"A what?" Makoto asks.

"Yup, a class trial. It'll begin a few hours after the murder! Everyone will gather together, including the blackened who committed the murder. And they and the spotless students will all engage in one big debate showdown!"

"An intriguing battle of intellects is about to unfold before us, with each participant striving for an undisputed triumph." Shimizu laughs loosely. "These class trials should be an engaging and captivating spectacle for all those who appreciate a battle of wits. I wonder who came up with such a glorious idea."

"You'll be surprised," Junko mutters.

"During the trial, you'll have to present your arguments about who you think the blackened is. And once everything comes to an end, the outcome will be decided by popular vote! If the answer you've arrived at is correct...only the one that disturbed your peace will be punished. The rest may continue their communal life. However...if you choose poorly...then the one who got away with murder will survive, and the rest of you will receive your punishment. Which of course means your school life will come to an end! As far as class trial rules go...that's all there is to it!"

"So, um...what exactly is this 'punishment' you keep talking about?" Hifumi asks.

"It's execution!"


"And by execution, you mean..." Chihiro trails off.

Monokuma looks at everyone menacingly and fixes his gaze on everyone so there is no confusion. "Execution is...execution. Ex-e-cution! Electric chair, bzzt bzzt! Poison gas, cough cough! Torn apart like a paper place in a hurricane!"

"S-So, to make sure I understand. If we get the culprit right, then only they die. But if we get it wrong...all the rest of us get...executed?" Taka asks worriedly.

"What a smart little chimpanzee you are! Look at you, implying you didn't do it without actually saying it! So it's basically what the outside world calls a 'lay judge' system, or an inquisition-type thing! Which means you'll be deciding who you think the killer is. But judge carefully, because all your lives are on the line! Okay, let me just add the rule I just described to your handbook. make sure to keep it in mind!"

"W-Wait, hold on a second!" Junko speaks up. "You're freaking insane, you know that!?"


"A class trial? What the hell is that!? I don't want anything to do with it!"

"Why not?"

"Whaddya mean why not!? Why do I have to waste my time trying to figure out who murdered someone!?

"What!? Are you saying you're not gonna participate in the trial!? Only punishment awaits such blasphemy!"

"What? Punishment?"

"I might...I dunno, throw you in a deep, dark, scary prison or something!"

"Shut the hell up! Say whatever you want, I'm not gonna be part of this!"

"Don't be so selfish!"

"You're the one being selfish! Kill whoever you want, it's got nothing to do with me!"

"The evil standing here before me... I'm trembling with fear! But I won't give in to such evil! It's my style to stick it out and resist till the very end! If you really wanna get out of here you'll have to go through me!" Monokuma suddenly charges at her.

Junko looks at the charging bear and raises her foot, merely stepping on Monokuma.

"Gyumeh!" Monokuma struggles beneath her boot.

"So, you will step on Monokuma but not me? I am offended, truly."

"Are you enjoying yourself now?" Junko further applies pressure.

"Are you?"


"Violence against Headmaster Monokuma is not allowed. You've violated a school regulation. I invoke the mighty summon spell! Help! To me, godly spear Gungnir!"

"Godly spear Gungnir?" Junko asks, confusion present on her face.

Junko senses danger lurking from somewhere in the gym, but it was too late. The sound of metal scraping against metal filled the air as several spears shot out, their sharp edges glinting in the light. Junko felt a sudden jolt of pain as they pierced her body, and the acrid smell of blood filled her nostrils. She gasps in agony and takes a few steps back, staring at her body blankly.

"...Wh...? H-Huh? This wasn't...supposed to..." Blood drips from her mouth and her head starts to feel wobbly. It hurts. It's pain. It's anguish. "Why....me...?"

"Junko." Shimizu walks over to her and just looks at her with an unreadable expression.

Junko looks at him and tries to slowly walk towards him, but slips in her pool of blood.

Shimizu catches her and they both fall together on their knees. Her blood smears his clothing and her eyes look distant yet focused, staring at him intently.

Her breathing becomes slower and slower and she realizes her life will fade away any second now. She has a ghost of a smile on her face though. ".....are....you.....in despair?"

A single drop of tear graces Shimizu's face as he stares at her. "Yes."

"I'm.....glad..." Junko stops breathing and falls limp in his arms. Her head leaning against his chest before Shimizu gently Junko Enoshima places her down on the floor. Junko Enoshima, the second victim in this killing game, was dead undeniably.

Shimizu covers his face with his hoodie and sighs heavily, his clothes still stained with her blood, and rises from the ground.

"Wh-What the..." Hina exclaims and looks away from the body.

"I don't..." Chihiro looks at Junko with a frozen stare, her body trembles.

"Th-This can't be real," Leon says.


"Now I am painfully aware of the great power and meaning of a promise... I wanted to keep a corpse from popping up for no good reason, ya know?" Monokuma shakes his head disappointedly. "But I guess you all needed to be taught a lesson, after all. Ahh, what an amazing promise! But now you guys understand, right? Defy me and you get shot full of holes, exploded, buried alive, disintegrated...et cetera. So if you don't want that to happen to you, you'd best obey those school regulations!"

"Jesus, what the fuck is this?" Mondo asks.

"It's not all that shocking. She just died, that's all. Just went and died. It's no more remarkable than the inevitable demise of the entire human race. It's just as natural as the eventual end of the world itself. This isn't some superhero comic. So it's not like when you die, you didn't die. This is reality!"

"Why did you have to kill her? Didn't you say you would put her in prison or something?" Kyoko asks.

Monokuma turns his back to her. "I changed my mind."

"No, you've been wanting to kill this entire time."

"Kill this entire time? Don't be silly, you can't kill time! Or are you being metaphorical? Are you saying I wanted to waste time this whole time?"

"Enough with your theatrics! Just continue with the ordeal," Shimizu says.

"Ooh, someone's feeling cranky over a pointless death. But for you, I will continue to play my part in this stage!"


"Ahem, I have something I'd like to give you to help you in your search for the blackened!" Monokuma passes out a file to everyone. "This little file has all the information I've gathered about the death in question. I like to call it....The Monokuma File! I mean, naturally, you guys aren't experts at this kind of thing, so you can only do so much with a corpse. So instead, I've gathered up everything I know about the circumstances and cause of death."

Shimizu steadily reads what the file contains.

"The victim was Sayaka Maizono. The time of death is estimated to be around 1:30 a.m. The body was discovered in Makoto's room, in the dormitory. The death took place in the bathroom. The cause of death was a stab wound to the abdomen, and her right wrist appears to have been fractured."

"This is suspicious. How do you know the cause of death? You're going too far with this joke..." Yasuhiro says.

"Cuz the surveillance cameras picked up the whole thing! I got to see it all godown!"

"Wait, so then...you know who killed Sayaka?" Kyoko asks.

"Of course I do! If I didn't, I couldn't possibly pass a fair and accurate judgment during the trial, now could I?"

"That's a good point. The judge has to be able to make the proper decision. That's...somehow comforting."

"Now then, please put your full effort behind your investigation! After all, you don't have any choice but to give it your best shot! Seriously, you don't have a choice! Okay, so we'll meet up for the class trial...in a little while!" Monokuma dips out, in a happy mood.

"Now's no time to wallow in your depression. The worst thing we can do right now is lose all faith in each other. That would lead to the same disastrous result as having total faith in everyone else," Kyoko quickly says before silence pervades the air again.

"Huh?" Leon asks.

"Cooperation is key at this point. Who you decide to trust or not trust is, of course, up to you."

"Continuing to think about and talk about the deceased certainly isn't going to help anything," Celeste says.

"S-Saying stuff like that is just--!"

"How many times have I told you? Anyone who can't adapt...will die. Death is the only thing awaiting those who are unable or unwilling to adapt," Celeste cuts Hina off. "If that happens, you only have yourself to blame."

"What an awful thing to say! Especially after what's happened," Hina shouts at her.

"Oh well. I would not expect someone like you to understand anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean," Hina shouts louder.

"Last I checked your ears worked perfectly fine. Perhaps your brain cannot comprehend very simple words."

"G-Guys, we should not fight amongst ourselves!" Makoto cries out.

"I agree! We suffered two unfortunate deaths all in one day. I know how you feel but right now we need to anchor with one another against the approaching tide. Right, professor?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Right now, exposing the killer is the most important thing. Because if we don't, we're all going to die here," Kyoko says.

"She's right. We need to begin our search right away," Byakuya says.

"Either way, we can't run away from the situation, so we have no choice but to move forward," Sakura says.

"We just hafta do it, I guess. What other choice do we have?" Hina readies herself.

"No way in hell am I letting someone kill me! Alright, dammit! Let's do this!" Leon bumps his fists in determination.

One by one, each student finds their determination to move forward and face what happens next.

Makoto walks to Junko's corpse and puts his hand on her wrists, checking for a pulse.

"She's really dead," Makoto mutters.

"I don't know why you even bothered to check. After those injuries, and losing that much blood. Frankly, I'd be shocked if she did survive something like that. It's a shame that she died, right Shimizu?"

"Nice taunt, jackass."

"H-Huh? H-Hold on." Yasuhiro pulls his hair in shock. "H-H-H-Hold o-on! J-J-Just w-wait a second! Sh-She's...dead!? Then that means! That means everything that's happened so far is real!? It's not a joke or whatever!? It's really real!? Hell no! S-Someone save me! Let me outta here! SOME--"

Shimizu grabs him by his shirt and pulls him close, his dead eyes looking at his frantic ones. "You're too noisy. Quiet down." He lets go of him and goes back to looking at the Monokuma file.

"R-Right, s-sorry, I guess I got carried away."

"You're j-just now accepting this?" Toko asks.

"Before we start searching for Sayaka's killer, we need to decide what to do about securing the crime scene," Kyoko says.

"What do you mean?" Makoto asks.

"You're thinking of putting someone on guard duty so nobody can disturb the area, aren't you? After all, if the culprit decides to destroy the evidence, we're pretty much screwed," Byakuya says.

"In that case, I don't mind doing it. I don't like havin' to think, anyway. I'll let you guys figure out who killed that chick," Mondo says.

"Okay, then we can let Mondo look after the scene," Hina says.

"Well, no, we can't just leave him there alone," Byakuya says.

"What? Why the hell not!?" Mondo asks.

"Isn't it obvious? If you were the culprit, what's the first thing you would do? By volunteering for guard duty, you're in a position to destroy all the evidence you want."

"Wh--!? Fuck you!"

"Fine, then I'll stay there on guard duty as well. That way there's no problem," Sakura says.

"2-player co-op base defense with the two of them. With their stats, they're totally OP!" Hifumi shouts.

"Since we won't be able to help investigate, we're putting our faith in the rest of you."

"I'm still pretty freaked out, but...I'll try," Hina says.

Makoto reads the Monokuma file and gasps loudly while reading it. Celeste noticing this begins to smile.

"Heh heh...so you finally noticed."

"Huh? Noticed what?" Leon asks.

"I was looking through the Monokuma File we received. And I noticed something very obvious, and very unusual."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Chihiro asks.

"Go ahead, take a look. Notice anything interesting about where Sayaka died? She died in Makoto's dorm," Celeste states.

"Wh--? She's right!" Hina shouts.

"Then, could it be!?" Hifumi asks while screeching.

"H-Hold on a second! You've got it all wrong! F-For just one night, I...I traded rooms with her. I did it because...she was afraid," Makoto quickly says.

"Y-You expect us to b-believe that? Just tell us the t-truth!"

"The truth can only be found through an investigation. Time is ticking as we speak, so let's not waste it on accusations." Shimizu leans against the wall near the gym entrance.

"He's right, you know. We need to begin our investigation soon. At this point, we should split up. We need to get to the bottom of this and find out who killed Sayaka. We'll have to collect clues to form a foundation, and then construct an argument to come to a final decision. If we get this wrong.....do I have to say more?

"I'd rather you didn't, no." Hifumi sighs.

"Everyone pray for good luck." Kyoko leaves.

"I'll be going, too." Byakuya follows her on his way out.

"Oh yeah, I'm on guard duty, huh? I'd better head to the scene of the crime!"

"Ah, that's right," Sakura says.

"Lemme just say this right now! If whatever son of a bitch did this is here right now, and they're thinking of destroying that evidence. They'd better not let me find 'em! I'll skip the trial and cave their goddamn skull in myself! I'm serious! I will fuck them up!"

Mondo and Sakura hurriedly leave for the crime scene.

"But...I mean, we're not detectives or anything y'know? And we're gonna investigate a murder? How do we even do something like that?" Hina asks.

"We don't r-really have to do anything in p-particular. W-We already know who k-killed Sayaka," Toko says.

"What are you implying?" Makoto asks.

"It was y-you."

"I'm telling you, it wasn't me!" Makoto walks closer to her. "Just please listen to me!"

"D-Don't come any c-closer! Are you g-gonna kill me next!?"

"No, of course not! I would never kill anyone!" Makoto shouts.

"Y-Yeah, sure."

"W-Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot. It's not for sure Makoto's guilty yet," Hina says.

"That's true. We may as well at least check just to check," Hifumi asks.

"Even if I w-wanted to, I c-couldn't help inv-vestigate," Toko says.

"Wait, why not?" Leon asks.

"I'm not g-good with...b-b-blood. All it takes is an o-one glimpse and I b-blackout."

"So, you are hanging on one piece of evidence to determine if someone is guilty and you are not going to participate in the investigation? That sounds like 'Ultimate Clown' behavior," Shimizu says.

"S-Says you! Y-You s-spoke of something about a 'U-Ultimate Weapon' and t-t-trusting one another. How did that work out? I-I blame you for this!" Toko shouts.

"It worked out quite splendidly actually."

"W-What? How's that splendidly?"

"Maybe you'll figure it out."

"Hey! Don't blame Shimizu for this! It's not his fault!" Hina yells.

"Anyway, you guys should investigate or something. Who knows when the class trial is going to start?"

"Right, better get started!" Hina runs out.

"Hold on, just let me recharge my battery real quick." Hifumi leaves.

"I can't let things turn out the way Monokuma wants! All I have to do is find out who did it. Who killed Sayaka? I must figure out the truth." Makoto leaves."

Leon walks up to Shimizu and looks at him perplexed. "Um, what should I do exactly?"

"Go investigate and try not to look suspicious. If you can, however, delay any evidence being shown and cause misleads. Sabotage."

"Okay, but how should I even do that? I am not cut out for this type of work. Will you be joining me?"

"Nah, I am going to stay here and wallow in my despair right now. Sabotage may be difficult with Kyoko, Byakuya, and those two beef jerky in there. Just cause misleads then. Mostly everyone believes that Makoto is the killer anyway."

"Damn it, Shimizu! My life is on the line here and I need your support. What about the plan?"

Shimizu's bright eyes darken in color and somehow a chilly aura can be felt around him. Leon shudders slightly and doesn't meet his eyes.

"This. Is. The. Plan. Do I make myself clear? Besides, when the class trial starts l will protect you."

"F-Fine, I'll go or whatever." Leon leaves.

Shimizu closes his eyes and begins to just.....think. Not an unwelcome thing to do considering the circumstances, but lately it's getting tiring. He thinks about everything that has happened up until this point. He leans back and feels the cold bare wall touching his back. The air has gone almost even cooler and the smell of blood is still in the air.

"Two deaths in one day, ain't that something? And I am the cause for both of them. So.... despairful."

"Um, Shimizu?"

Shimizu snaps out of his thoughts and opens his eyes to find Chihiro next to him on the wall.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am peachy, but, why are you still here? Shouldn't you be investigating?"

"I can't leave Junko here. I-I feel sorry for her... I...I have to stay with her," Chihiro says solemnly.

Shimizu smirks slightly. "You're a good person, Chihiro. I am sure she is resting peacefully in the afterlife. I am going to miss her."

"Is that why you are here? Because you can't leave her too?"

"Dunno." Shimizu sits down and looks at her body once more.

Chihiro sits down as well and looks at Shimizu seriously, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Um, I think she enjoyed your company a lot. So, that's why you should not be sad. I mean, why be sad when you can cherish the memories shared? That way nobody truly dies and they will always be with you." Chihiro puts her hands on her lap and smiles.

"Thanks, but I think Makoto needs your words of encouragement. He lost someone close too."

"I will, don't worry."

"Mhm, you are a strong person Chihiro to fight the despair in front of us."

"S-Strong? I-I-I am nothing of the sort."

"Don't discredit yourself.  Your heart is the greatest strength that a person can channel. You channel it effortlessly."

"But I am not--"

"Ugh...no way. I seriously don't wanna die here!" Yasuhiro comes over and sits down with them. "I'm begging you! God, Buddha, Mother Earth, God of Space, King Neptune! Help me! I don't care who it is, just get me outta here!"

"I-It is okay...I am sure we'll get out," Chihiro says.

"You say that but don't you understand? WE ARE TRAP AND THERE'S NOWHERE OUT!" Yasuhiro screams out.

"Don't worry I am sure whoever imprisoned us here is with us inside this school," Shimizu says.

"Huh? How can you tell?" Chihiro asks.

"Just a feeling. I feel almost drawn to something."

"You sound possessed. Maybe I should check your aura for you?"

Shimizu looks at him blankly. "Another body is about to be discovered."

"Please don't fight."

"Don't worry Chihiro we're all friends here."

"Yeah! If you want I could read your future for you. I am right thirty percent of the time!"

"Meaning that there is a chance that it is bullshit."

"Don't be mean! The seventy percent rarely happens!"

"Alright, clairvoyant, read my future."

"Sorry, no can do! My crystal ball is missing!"

"Your crystal ball?" Chihiro asks.

"Yeah, I use it for all my clairvoyant activities! It's blessed, unbreakable, and has been passed down in history. Genghis Khan, George Washington, Napoleon, and the like. Whoever controls that crystal ball controls the world!"

"Your gullibility may be your undoing. I wonder how you made it in life so far."

Makoto suddenly walks in and looks at the trio who are sitting near the wall. He holds remnants of a crystal ball in his hands and Yasuhiro quickly rises and goes to him.

"Hey! That's my crystal ball! What happened to it?"

"Oh, so, you recognize it?"

"I-I only bought it cuz the guy said it was blessed! He said it was unbreakable! So how did it break?" Yasuhiro asks dumbfounded.

"U-Umm, let's put that aside for now. So you can say without a doubt that this belonged to you?"

"Yeah, that's mine for sure. I prolly forgot it in the laundry room last night. Someone musta come by and snatched it."

"Thanks, Hiro. That's all I wanted to know."


Makoto begins to walk out but stops at the door. "Um, by the way, I'm almost afraid to ask, but how much did you pay for that thing?"

"Everything I saved up from fortune-telling for two full years. Came out to be like...a million."

"A m-million!?"

"That's pretty cheap. I mean, considering it gives you the power to control the world."

"Putting his tomfoolery aside, Makoto, how's the investigation going," Shimizu says.

"Oh, um, everyone is working together, but some still think that I committed the murder. Though, I hoping to clear my name at the class trial."

"I am sure you will, so I guess it is time for me to investigate." Shimizu gets up, stretches, and walks to the entrance.

"Huh? Why are you investigating so late? It is probably almost time for the class trial."

"Then I guess I will have to be quick, hm?"

Shimizu leaves the gym and heads toward the scene of the crime, Makoto's room. He stops at the door and acknowledges that the switched nameplates are there. Yes, Sayaka's nameplate was on Makoto's, and Makoto's was on Sayaka's. A classic switch. Walking inside, Sakura and Mondo were there as expected in guarding the crime scene. They nod at him and Shimizu nods back. Leon was seemingly investigating the room and Kyoko looked like she was double-checking something.

"You look like a natural at this, Kirigiri. So what have you uncovered?" Shimizu asks.

Kyoko crosses her arms and looks at him. "You have to cover this case yourself and form a basis for what transpired here. Otherwise, you will remain unconvinced during the trial."

"Hm, spoken like a sleuth. Maybe, I will start calling you that. Anyway, you don't have to tell me everything. Just give me a succinct summary. Besides, time is almost up and we all need to be on the same page here, right?"

Kyoko frowns and looks at him. "I didn't think you would be so lazy, but I will provide you a crux of this case."

"Ah, thank you. I am so glad we are stuck in a mutual killing game."

"Anyway, I am assuming you already read the Monokuma file and know the details of the victim. The victim is dead in the bathroom with a knife thrust into her abdomen - the cause of death. The doorknob to the bathroom seems to have been tampered with and I will let you guess why. There seems to be something written on the wall behind the victim, but it seems to also be tampered with."

"Hm, a dying message perhaps?"

"Precisely, the message reads: '11.....7.' Although Sayaka's fingers remain bloodless, so there's a possibility that she did not write it."

"Then who did?"

"That's the question, isn't it? This is all I am willing to tell you, the rest you can go investigate on your own. Good luck."

Shimizu scoffs. "I do not need luck. Thanks for helping me out though."

"Yes, well, see you later." Kyoko leaves.

Leon walks over to Shimizu immediately after Kyoko is gone. Shimizu looks at him expectantly.

"So, did you do your part?"

"....no, well, I mean sorta?" Leon looks away from him. "It's fine though, right? Mostly everyone believes Makoto did it, so we just have to pin the blame on him, yeah?"

"Don't worry, I predicted you will not be a good saboteur anyway. Now, as for Makoto.....let's just say things might get interesting."

"Interesting? I do not want things to be interesting! I just....don't want to die....and I want to get out of here."

"Placing your faith in me is the only logical choice you have, Kuwata. I will help you win the trial."

Leon sighs heavily, his blue eyes look tired from everything that has happened today. "You know, I have been meaning to ask.....why are you helping me? If I win the class trial...you'll be executed with the others. What's your motivation?"

Shimizu pauses and just smirks. "....despair. That's all."

"Really, that's it? You.....sound like... Monokuma..."

"I prefer if you did not compare me to that......freakazoid."

Monokuma suddenly appears in front of Shimizu and glares at him. "Freakazoid?! Freakazoid?! I am nothing of the sort. I am the loveable, charming, adorable, and despairful Monokuma! Did I mention adorable?"

"What the hell do you want?!" Leon asks.

"Tch, fucking bastard I say," Mondo mutters.

"I would rather not entangle with him."

Shimizu looks down at Monokuma and picks him up, staring at him intently. "You're a devilishly little thing, aren't you?"

"Aw, shucks, you're going to make me blush.

"But that's enough games." Shimizu sets Monokuma down. "It is time we start the end of this arc. Monokuma, start the trial."

"You got it, dear!" Monokuma disappears just as quickly as he came.

Suddenly, the monitor in the room flickers and it appears on the screen. "Erm, so ah, I'm getting tired of waiting. What say we just get started, hm? It's time for the long-awaited Class Trial! Now then, allow me to appoint a proper location for the proceedings. Please go through the red door on the 1st floor of the school! Puhuhu. See you soon!" The monitor fades to black.

"Shit, I guess we really are doing this, huh? Well, no point in complaining now." Mondo looks down.

"Let's not keep the others waiting. We should move." Sakura leaves.

"Let's do it, then!" Leon looks at Shimizu and then leaves as well.

Shimizu, who is now alone in the room, goes to the bathroom and looks at Sayaka. Even without touching her, he knows that her body is cold. Rigid. Lifeless. This despair.......is so captivating, so fulfilling. It makes life less mundane, and less boring. He can't help himself but smile.

"I did promise that I would help you escape Sayaka. Just.....not alive. But don't worry, your death has started the rollercoaster of despair and I will not let it stop. I will bathe them all in such despair that there will be no hope left. Yes....I will do it for her. Because we're destined to walk hand-in-hand."

Shimizu shakes his head and a fierce headache comes quickly and subsides quickly. "What the hell was I thinking? Now's not the time for this, I need to head towards that red door."

Shimizu exits the room and heads towards the red door on the first floor. The shiny, glamorous red door sits at the end of the hallway. It seems to emit fear and apprehension. Just a psychological effect. Shimizu enters through the red door and an argument is already ensuing inside the small compact room. An elevator resting at the end of it.

"You're late, Makoto! We've all been waiting for you!" Taka yells.

"Hmph. I bet y-you were afraid you would be discovered as th-the murderer you are," Toko says.

"Let's not jump to conclusions just yet! Save that for the class trial! There we can all reveal the details of Makoto's crime!"

"G-Guys..." Makoto trails off.

"Jeez, you guys need to stop picking on poor little Makoto," Shimizu says.

"Professor, you're late too! We've been waiting for you too."

"Nothing wrong with coming in late if you have an excuse."

"And what's your excuse?"

"Investigating, duh."

"Uh, right, that's acceptable."

The monitor in the room flickers again and Monokuma appears once more. "Puhuhu... Is everyone here? Okay then... Please board the elevator in front of you, which will transport you to the courtroom...where all your fates will be decided. Puhu. I'll meet you all down there. I'll be waiting..."

"Let us begin," Sakura says and steps first in the elevator.

"Good idea," Celeste says.

Shimizu walks towards Leon, who turns and looks at him nervously.

"Are you scared?" Shimizu asks.

"Y-Yeah," Leon says.

"Good. It's proof that you're ready for what's to come." Shimizu enters the elevator.

Everyone enters the elevator at their own pace and the elevator begins to descend. Loud gearing noises can be heard as the lift further descends and descends. Being cramped with sixteen people in a small box nearly allows you to feel their emotions. Apprehension made the air heavy, almost choking anyone who dared breathe.

"I wonder if this is how a death row inmate feels when his time finally comes," Makoto says.

"Rather than that, is it not more like a defendant waiting to receive his judgment?" Celeste asks.

"Or a soul standing before God, awaiting its judgment. To be tossed into hell or live bliss in heaven," Shimizu says.

"Oh, man! Are we dead?! Is this why this is happening to us? Are we in purgatory?" Yasuhiro asks relentlessly.

"We're not dead. Well, at least not yet," Kyoko says.

"That's reassuring." Hifumi sighs.

"Shut it, all of you. It is already bad enough to be cramped with all of you," Byakuya says.

The elevator finally stops and the doors open. A courtroom-like place was present on the other side as each of the students entered it. There were eighteen podiums all in a circular manner while a grandeur chair sits at ninety degrees north of it. Monokuma sits on it and grins at the approaching students.

"Nyohoho! You've finally arrived! What do you think? Doesn't it feel just like a real courtroom? It's like a Hollywood movie set, right!?"

"Not even close. It's total shit," Mondo says.

"Okay, okay, everyone find your assigned seats and sit down! Hurry up now, hurry up!"

Shimizu walks to the podiums and examines it. His name was etched neatly on the podium between Hiro and an empty seat. He walks over and stands at his podium as do everyone else. Ready to begin what could be an ending for everyone here. Everyone can see each other faces and tensions, causing the air to even grow more heavy. Everyone can see and feel their nervousness being conveyed between each person, their torment will be only known to them.

Shimizu breathes in the cool air and could almost hear the heartbeats of each student in this silence. Monokuma's wide grin, Chihiro's cloudy eyes, Byakuya's cold domineering glare, Celeste's smile, Makoto's determination, and the like fill the void of emptiness.

Shimizu stands at his podium with a faint smile and whispers to himself:

"Let the fun begin."

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