In the end it is all a game (...

By jaydendush

20K 432 65

In search of a powerful ally, she goes throughout the world at Elio's request to find a partner More

chapter 1: the search begin
chapter 2: Bound by Fate
chapter 3: the resolve part 1
chapter 4: the resolve part 2
chapter 5:y/n origin: part 1
chapter 6: y/n origin part 2
chapter 7: y/n origin final
chapter 8: awaken trailblazer
chapter 9:echos of uncertainty
Christmas short part 1
chapter 10:Frozen Destiny
valentine day!!
Chapter 11: Workshop Wonders
y/n and silver wolf shorts #1
chapter 12: return to underground
chapter 13: vagrant shenanigans
chapter 14:new yet old faces
chapter 15: a broken resolve
chapter 16: The Gatekeeper's Test
chapter 17: svarog dramatic battle
y/n and silver wolf short #2: late birthday gift
chapter 18 : not good with goodbyes

Christmas short final

602 11 5
By jaydendush

(in robot settlement)
(Silver wolf pov)

In the early morning glow, Silver Wolf stood before Clara's door, clutching a beautifully wrapped present, a quiet excitement bubbling within her. Her fingertip hovered over the doorbell, then gently pressed it, the chime echoing through the hallway.

As Clara swung the door open, her eyes widened with surprise, expecting to see her brother, but instead found Silver Wolf standing there with a beautifully wrapped gift in hand.

Clara: (surprised) Oh! Big sister Silver Wolf, Merry Christmas! I was expecting my big brother. Is he not coming with you?

Silver wolf: well,Clara, your brother did tell me he had something to accomplish in Beloborg. He asked me to come to your house ahead of him. In the meanwhile, as you wait for him, I've brought you a gift that I hope you enjoy, it's nothing fancy, but it's a handmade item.

Silver Wolf's words hung in the air, accompanied by a slight nervousness despite her confident demeanor. Clara's eyes sparkled with curiosity, her anticipation building ,As Silver Wolf passed the box of the gift to Clara, a warm smile lit up her face.

Clara: big sister Silver Wolf, Come in and join me in the house.

Silver Wolf entered the house and took a seat on the couch alongside Clara.

Silver Wolf: Well, do you want to open the present now?

Clara : Oh, wait, um... is it okay if I don't open the present right away? I heard from my big brother that it might not be polite to open gifts in front of the person who gave it to you

Silver Wolf : Oh, no worries at all! It's completely fine. You can open I don't mind at all just hope you'll like it when you do!

Clara hesitated for a moment, her excitement palpable as she carefully unwrapped the present with Silver Wolf watching on, eager to see Clara's reaction.

Clara carefully removed the wrapping paper, her eyes widening in surprise as she lifted the lid of the box. Nestled inside was a plushie featuring Silver Wolf and Y/N.


rafted with incredible detail. The expressions on their miniature faces were reminiscent of the real pair, the colors and textures matching their distinctive features. It was a touching and thoughtful gift, and Clara couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading in her heart.

Clara:Wow, big sister silver wolf, this is quite incredible, and all of this was knitted by you?

Silver Wolf: Oh, I'm glad you think so, Clara! Well, not entirely. Y/n helped a lot with the knitting part. Your brother is quite the talent when it comes to crafts like this. We wanted to make something special for you together. It was a team effort!

Clara: (smiling) It's amazing! I truly appreciate the effort you both put into this. Thank you so much, Big Sister Silver Wolf and big brother

Silver wolf: you're very welcome. Now clara, since we're still waiting for y/n, how about we make cookies from scratch?

Clara: Baking cookies from scratch sounds like a fantastic idea! I've always wanted to try making some special Christmas cookies.

Silver Wolf: Perfect! Let's gather the ingredients and get started. I'll guide you through the recipe.

(Meanwhile at belobog )
(y/n pov)

Y/n made his way through the familiar pathways toward the cemetery, the crisp air carrying a hint of nostalgia and a tinge of sorrow. Carrying a small bouquet of fresh flowers, he walked with purpose, his steps measured yet resolute.

As he arrived at the cemetery gates, memories of the past year flooded his mind, especially the moments spent with Cocolia. The trailblazer encounter lingered as a poignant memory, one that had left an indelible mark on his life and on the fate of Belobog.

With a heavy heart, Y/n approached Cocolia's grave, adorned with an elegant marble headstone. The sight of it brought forth a wave of emotions, a reminder of their shared history, the trials they faced, and the choices that ultimately led to this final resting place.

Placing the bouquet gently by the grave, Y/n took a moment to reflect in silence. Memories of Cocolia flashed through his mind-the times they spent training, the moments of camaraderie, and the shadow of betrayal that ultimately severed their bond. He closed his eyes, silently paying his respects to a friend who had once been a guiding presence in his life.

Y/n: (whispers softly) Cocolia, it's been a year since... since everything changed. I hope you found peace in the afterlife. Don't worry about Belobog,your daughter Bronya has taken on some of your responsibilities. There are so many things I wish I could say to you, things I wish I had said before the Stellorn's influence took hold. But for now, I'll carry those unspoken words with me and strive to make things right.oh and one last thing merry Christmas!

As Y/n turned to leave the cemetery,
However, just as he reached the cemetery gates, a voice calling out to him broke the silence.

???: I figured you would come and visit her grave on Christmas.

Y/n paused, turning back to locate the source of the voice. He spotted Serval, a close acquaintance of y/n

Y/n: Serval... Yeah, it felt important to be here today. How have you been holding up?

Serval: It's been tough, you know? Missing someone who was like family. Bronya is doing her best, but it's not the same without her mother. And you, Y/n? How are you coping?

Y/n: Well, mentally I'm holding up quite well, but I'm concerned about my emotional state but lucky for me there people around me comforting me like my friends.

Serval: I get it. Losing Cocolia was a big blow for everyone. Remember, it's okay not to have it all together. You've got friends like me here for you.

Y/n: It's strange how time has a way of softening the sharpest edges of grief, yet moments like this bring it all back, don't they?

Serval: They do. Especially on days like today, when memories are wrapped in the colors of celebration and longing. But you know, Y/n, you've been resilient through it all.

Y/n: For Belobog... absolutely, it is critical to be strong in order to guide and preserve this place we call home.If that's all, I'll take my leave,Clara is waiting for me to return home, after all. Is there anything else you want to tell me?

Serval glanced towards Y/n, a reassuring smile gracing her lips.

Serval: Nothing specific, Y/n. Just take care of yourself, alright? And if you ever need someone to talk to or just some company, don't hesitate to reach out. Merry Christmas, Y/n.

Y/n: Thank you, Serval. I'll keep that in mind. Merry Christmas to you too.

With a final nod, Y/n embarked on the path back to the Robot Settlement

Serval stood amidst the serene stillness of the cemetery, a solitary figure surrounded by the quiet whispers of the wind rustling through the trees. Her heart felt heavy with the weight of unspoken words, and the memory of a missed opportunity lingered in her mind.

As the soft light of dusk bathed the gravestones in a gentle glow, she whispered to the tranquil air, her voice barely audible but carrying the weight of longing and regret.

Serval: If only I had gathered my confidence that day without any interruption

(Robot settlement)

Y/n utilized his incredible speed, the Flash Step ability, to swiftly cover the distance to Clara's house within mere moments. With a blur of motion, he arrived at the doorstep,

Y/n took a deep breath, hoping to calm the nerves that had suddenly cropped up within him.

Y/n: (inhales and exhales) Hopefully Clara doesn't get too upset with me.

With that thought lingering in his mind, he pressed the doorbell.

Clara's heart skipped a beat at the sound of the doorbell. Without a moment's hesitation, she dashed towards the door, the anticipation palpable in her every step. With an excited squeal, she swung the door open wide, only to find herself practically lunging into Y/n's arms, wrapping them around him in a tight embrace.

Clara: Big brother, you're finally here!

Y/n smiled warmly, letting out a gentle laugh as Clara wrapped her arms around him in an exuberant hug.

Y/n: Hey there, Clara! Missed me that much, huh?

Clara's face beamed with joy as she pulled back slightly, looking up at Y/n with sparkling eyes.

Clara: Of course, big brother! Christmas wouldn't be complete without you here.

Y/n ruffled her hair affectionately, feeling a wave of warmth at Clara's enthusiasm.

Y/n: Well, I wouldn't want to miss spending Christmas with my amazing little sister. Is everything ready for today ? Is silver wolf in?

Clara nodded enthusiastically, a wide grin on her face as she led Y/n further into the house. The warmth of the festive decorations and the inviting aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the air.

Clara: Big sister Silver Wolf arrived a while ago, and she brought the most incredible gift! You have to see it, big brother

Y/n's attention was drawn not only to Clara's infectious excitement but also to the delightful aroma that wafted through the air. His keen senses immediately detected the scent of freshly baked cookies, a nostalgic and heartwarming fragrance that signified the holiday season.

As they stepped into the living room, his eyes scanned the space filled with festive decorations, but his nose led him towards the source of the tempting aroma. He paused momentarily, taking in the inviting scent that mingled with the atmosphere of joy and celebration.

Y/n: (sniffing the air) Mmm, something smells amazing! Are those cookies I smell?

Clara: Yes, big brother! I've been making cookies with big sister Silver Wolf. We thought it'd be a great way to celebrate Christmas together while waiting for you. By the sound of the timer, I think you've come to the house just in time.

Clara's excitement was palpable, and Y/n couldn't help but share in her joy. He glanced towards Silver Wolf as she emerged from the kitchen, a tray of freshly baked cookies in hand, filling the room with their enticing aroma.

Silver Wolf: Perfect timing, Y/n! The cookies just came out of the oven. We've got an assortment here - gingerbread, sugar cookies, and chocolate chip.

Y/n's eyebrows shot up in surprise, momentarily stunned that Silver Wolf, who often avoided chores, had managed to bake such a delightful array of cookies.

Y/n: I don't really remember that we had the necessary ingredients to make these. Are you sure you didn't buy these cookies, Silver Wolf, and claim to be baking them?

Silver Wolf's eyebrows twitched slightly at Y/n's question, her gaze holding a hint of surprise tinged with irritation.

Silver Wolf: Elaborate, Y/n? Are you suggesting that I didn't actually bake these cookies?

Y/n: No, no, that's not what I meant. I just found it surprising that we had the ingredients for these specific cookies without prior planning. My apologies if it sounded like an accusation, Silver Wolf.

Clara chimed in, attempting to diffuse the tension, seeing the discomfort brewing between the two.

Clara:Um, hey! Let's not get all tense. Let's just enjoy these cookies together, okay? It's Christmas, after all!

Silver Wolf's features relaxed, a faint smile returning to her face.

Silver Wolf, taking a moment to gather herself, softened her expression, her eyebrows relaxing as she chuckled lightly.

Silver Wolf: Oh, Y/n, I get it. You're wondering how someone like me managed to bake these delightful cookies without prior training Truth is, I did have a secret stash of ingredients hidden away for just such occasions. You caught me, though. I didn't exactly mention it before, did I?

Y/n: thats not what i- I mean a secret stash, huh? You've really outdone yourself, Silver Wolf. You're full of surprises.

Clara: Well, secret stockpile or not, they smell fantastic! Can we try them now? This scent is making my mouthwatering.

Silver Wolf chuckled at Clara's eagerness, happy to see her excitement.

Clara picked up a chocolate chip cookie, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. With a satisfied nod, she took a bite and a grin stretched across her face.

Clara: Mmm! Big Sister Silver Wolf, these are amazing!big brother here try this

Y/n chuckled softly at Clara's enthusiasm, accepting the gingerbread cookie from her hand. He took a bite and nodded approvingly.

Y/n:Wow, this is really good, Clara! You and Silver Wolf did an awesome job.

Silver Wolf: I'm glad you both like them! It's all about the secret ingredients... and maybe a bit of gamer's luck, too.

Their laughter filled the room as they relished the cookies, reveling in the joyous atmosphere of Christmas together.

Christmas chapter end

*Extra *

Y/n, Silver Wolf, and Clara strolled through the bustling streets of Belobog, adorned with shimmering Christmas decorations. The air was filled with a symphony of cheerful melodies from carol singers and the tantalizing scents of roasted chestnuts and hot chocolate wafted through the air.

Clara's eyes danced with excitement, reflecting the twinkling lights of the Christmas carnival as they approached its grand entrance. Her face lit up even more as she happily savored the sweetness of a candy cane, her joy contagious as she darted forward, eager to explore the festive wonders.

Silver Wolf's eyes gleamed with curiosity and a competitive spirit as she scanned the array of games spread throughout the carnival grounds. Her attention flitted from one attraction to another, contemplating the challenges they presented.

Y/n gazed around the bustling Christmas carnival, a faint smile touching his lips as he soaked in the festive atmosphere. Thoughts swirled in his mind, echoing the joyful experiences of the day.

Y/n: (Today was an amazing and awesome day.)

Meanwhile, Silver Wolf, wholly engrossed in the array of games and attractions, noticed Y/n's moment of contemplation and nudged him back to the present.

Silver Wolf, ever spirited, seized Y/n's hand, pulling him gently but eagerly toward the next game stall. Y/n chuckled at her enthusiasm, allowing himself to be guided by her excitement.

Silver Wolf: Come on, Y/n! Let's check out this game.

Clara, leading the way, was several steps ahead, relishing her candy cane while calling back to Y/n with joyous exuberance.

Clara: Brother, hurry up! You're missing all the fun!

Y/n: Okay, alright! There's no need to drag me around so hard!(If God truly exists, I wonder if they let me halt time and replay this memory indefinitely.)

He matched her pace, enjoying the playful banter and the joyful atmosphere of the Christmas carnival. As they moved through the bustling crowds, laughter and cheerful chatter filled the air, setting the perfect scene for a memorable evening together.

Author: and that the end of Christmas Chapter, Merry Christmas readers

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