Innocence Lost: Ashton's Story

By Lashtongivesmehope

524 35 18

The internet can be a deadly place. When Ashton meets a "nice girl" on a chatroom, they form a great friendsh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapeter 8
Chapeter 9
Chapeter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapeter 17

Chapter 3

31 2 3
By Lashtongivesmehope

I hooked up my computer after everyone left my house. When i first turned the computer on the screen was all black but soon a multi color logo appeared in the middle of the screen. It took a few minutes for the computer to warm up and get to the log in. In the mean time, I decided to clean my room. A few minutes later I walked to the computer and the log in screen was finally up and running. I clicked a button that read "Make new account". I entered in all the information and the computer processed this information and the home screen appeared. It was completely blank but a bunch of tiny icons appeared. One of theses icons was the chatroom. I scrolled the mouse to the icon and double clicked it. A screen pop up and it asked me to sign in (which I did). Once again I entered in all my information and another screen appeared. 

This screen was different. It had a tiny box in the left corner and a username searcher on the right corner. In the middle the screen read "No new massages".  I called Michael to tell him I now had a new account. I picked up the phone on my dresser. I dialed his number and waited for him to call. He picked up and we exchanged our usernames. The computer flashed a red light  and a new massage appeared.  For the rest of the night, me and Mikey chatted on the chatroom. At around 10:45 PM I said goodnight to Miley and went straight to bed. I turned off my computer and i turned off the light.

I woke up and I immediately went to my computer. I did the same routine like yesterday. I went to the chatroom to see if I had gotten any new massage. On the screen I saw Mikey but I also saw this other person. She sent me the massage at 2:53 AM. I clicked on the the massage and anwsered the person. They respond right on the spot saying "Hello"

"Who are you?" I anwsered her

She took longer this time  to answer but she said she was Ella.

"Can you send me a picture of yourself" i asked her

She sent me a picture of three girls on the beach which looked like a beach that I've been to so she had to be from Australia. The girl on the left wore a red striped one piece bathing suit. She wore cat eyed sunglasses and had a nice natural glowing tan. She also wore a brown hat and wore her hair in a braid. The girl in the middle wore a blue bikini with white anchor. She wore her blonde hair in a bun and had a killer pearly white smile. Her eyes were baby blue and she had a beautiful pale glow. The girl in the right was nothing luke the other girls. She had multi colored hair and wore a black skull bikini. Like the girl in the right, she was pale but she had many tattoos and piercings. She wore a brown banana that matched her eye color.  I asked her which ine was her. She told me that she the girl in the center.

"Your really pretty" I answered

"Why thank you. I don't get that told to me a lot." She responded 

"Really?" I said 

"Yeah. Every says I'm a slut and wjore. I don't go out that much because I don't want them to see me." She said

"I don't think your slut." I said

"Your only saying that so I don't think that." She said adding a sad face

"No that's the truth. Your really pretty and you seem nice and friendly" I tried to convince her

"Thanks for not making me feel like a fucking low life. I'm crying right now" she said

"Please don't cry. It seems like far away but there's a place where you will feel beautiful and loved and I thinks this is the place." I said

She didn't anwser for a while

"Is it bad to fall in love with someone you pratically know but they make you feel like a human?" She finally said. 

"I don't think it is. Why?" I asked

"Cause I think that's what's happening...what your name?" She asked

"Ashton" I answered 

"Ashton, don't ever leave me okay?" She said

"Okay Ella. But you got to make me a promise." I said

"What is it?" She asked

"You have it promise me that you will always be there too. Okay?" I asked her

"Of fucking course. Goodnight beautiful Ashton. I love you." She said

"Goodnight beautiful Ella. I love you too." I said

I saved her username and added her to my contacts. I exited out the chatroom. I felt loved like no other way before. Even though it was virtual and far awy it felt real. My dad walked in.

"Ashton it's time  for bed. I hope you had a wonderful birthday." He said 

"Dad, it was the best birthday ever. I found a girl and we fell in love." I said

He looked concered. "What?" I asked

"Ash, I want you to be careful. This "girl" can be anyone and they can take you." He said

"Dad, I can trust her. I'll be fine." I said 

"Okay. Goodnight son. I love you. I hope you had a good birthday." He said

"Thanks. I love you too" I said

He walked out and closed the door behind him. I turned off the computer and turned off the lamp. I sunk into my bed and fell asleep with the stars in my face.

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