Ephialtes ll KTH ll 18+

By ficneont

857K 39.3K 17.4K

Genre : Mafia Romance His presence was killing her without even touching, Her heart went out of control when... More

Chapter -12
Chapter -16
Chapter-36 ll Last ll
Book 2


19.3K 1K 838
By ficneont

Taehyung peered at Jieun intensely and she was expecting him to be shocked to know his deepest secret but he was smart enough to know that only his father has courage to open his secret and past. She blinked slowly and passed her tiny smile while slumping her shoulder. "Was he?. She must have a reason to leave you and your father".  she thought she had found the perfect way to hurt him, she brought up his mother's topic, knowing how sensitive that topic was for him.

As the words left her mouth, she waited for his reaction, expecting anger or sadness. But to her surprise, he didn't flinch. Instead, he maintained his composure, his expression turning into a slight smirk. He chuckled softly, almost as if he found her attempt amusing.

"Yeah my mother had reason to leave us but what reason did your mother have?".
As he mentioned her past, her heart tightened. The room fell silent, tension thick in the air. Her husband tilted his head, his eyes fixed on her with an intense gaze. Her throat went dry, feeling vulnerable under his penetrating stare.

"I wish my father was actually like me........then my mother would not even dare to take a breath without his permission". She grasped the sheet in her fist tightly and dropped her gaze down. She felt her defeat terribly. Taehyung had no weakness and hurting him seemed impossible because nothing affected him. He was the real definition of a stone hearted person.

"My father was exactly opposite to me and she took advantage of his kindness........she left us just because she wanted d*ck inside her 24/7 but my father was madly in love with her, he always worked hard to give us luxurious life but she was wh*re and one day she left us for another man......love is bullshit, my father turned so weak because of that woman".

She could sense the stability in his voice, as if it were just another casual topic for him. It was disconcerting to witness how effortlessly he unveiled his past without a hint of tremor in his words. "What about your mother, Angel?". Her heart shattered when he mentioned her mother, a jolt of emotion coursing through her.

But what startled her even more was when he suddenly gripped her chin between his fingers, gently lifting her face to meet his gaze. A mischievous smirk played on his lips, adding an air of mystery to the moment. Her heart raced as she tried to decipher his intentions. "Your mother must have a reason too, why did she leave you". The room seemed to shrink around them, her silence amplifying the weight of her unspoken pain. His eyes locked with hers, holding her captive in their intensity.

"I know that reason too". With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, she awaited him. What secrets lay behind that smirk? What did he want to reveal?. "Your mother was r@ped, she was embarrassed and too disturbed at that time, she was alone at that time". Her heart fell deep into her stomach while tears fell down her eyes looking straight at his blank eyes. She just knew her mother died because of hara but she didn't know. Horrible happened to her mother and guilt washed over her that she wasn't with her mother.

"Now you know the reason too".   Taehyung left her chin slowly with a tilted head with a light smirk and she stuttered with a broken voice. "P-please stop, i-i can't listen to anything anymore". The room was filled with a mix of tension and vulnerability. She sat there, her eyes filled with frustration, guilt, and misery. Thoughts of her mother's condition without her raced through her mind, intensifying her emotions.

As she took a shaky breath, her heart skipped a beat when Taehyung, sensing her distress, gently cupped the back of her head, drawing her closer. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as he pulled her into the warmth of his naked chest. His other arm wrapped around her shoulder, creating a protective embrace that offered solace and comfort. "It will not bother me how many times you mention my mother but trust me angel, it will haunt you if I mention your mother".

She tightly closed her eyes, her palms clenched against his chest, seeking solace in the rhythmic beat of his calm heartbeat. But as her distress grew, her own heart raced with fear and vulnerability. She couldn't help but believe that her husband was invincible, immune to any pain or hurt. However, his words, like venomous daggers, pierced her soul with their cruelty. Every word that escaped his lips seemed to carry a toxic power, leaving her wounded and trapped in a web of emotional torment. Taehyung caressed her back softly and spoke in his husky voice while placing his chin on her head.

"Think twice before initiating something with me"

After a few days, Namjoon opened the door and saw Mr Kim coughing while sitting on his bed. Namjoon knocked on the door to gather the elder's attention and Mr Kim smiled lightly. "Come Namjoon''. Namjoon nodded slightly before stepping forward and placed the packet on the side table before looking at the man. "These are your medicines, do you want me to inform Taehyung about your health". He spoke while taking out medicines and Mr Kim shook his head lightly before saying. "No there's no need, I just have a mild fever, it will be gone and he is busy taking care of his wife". Namjoon signed under his breath before giving him a glass of water and putting medicines on his palm.

Mr Kim gulped down the medicines and Namjoon took glass from him before putting it down on the table but diverted his head towards Mr Kim who asked. "How is Jieun, i didn't get a chance to meet her after Taehyung's accident". "I don't know about her, no one knows anything about them, they're so private in their relationship". Namjoon replied with a poker face and the man shortly chuckled before uttering. "Taehyung is a good son but I don't know how he is as husband but I'm sure, he will be a great father". Namjoon nodded slightly but he looked at Mr Kim with narrowed brows as elder spoke in low audible voice.

"I hope his child will be like him"


After a few hours Taehyung stood in his dimly lit room, his heart pounding in his chest, he couldn't tear his eyes away from Jieun. The moon's soft glow filtered through the curtains, casting long, haunting shadows across the floor. The silence was deafening, amplifying the tension that hung in the air. His gaze locked onto her figure sitting in the corner. Feeling the presence in the room she slowly moved her head and stared back at him, her eyes filled with agony but his impassive eyes sent shivers down her spine. It was as if they were engaged in a silent battle of wills, each one daring the other to make a move.

With every passing second, the room seemed to shrink, suffocating them in its oppressive atmosphere. The weight of their unspoken words and unresolved emotions hung heavily between them, threatening to consume them both. Slowly, he took a step forward, his footsteps audible against the floor. His face remained a mask of stoicism. As he closes the distance between them, his heart beats calmly. She held his gaze, unyielding, her eyes revealing fragments of a shattered soul. Her pain was palpable, etched into every line on her face.

Kneeling down in front of her. He travelled his eyes from her face to her hand and saw broken glass pieces around her while she clutched the piece of glass in her fist tightly, he reached out his hand slightly. With a tenderness that belied the intensity of the situation, he gently took hold of her bloodied fist, prying her fingers open. The glass shard, stained crimson with her lifeblood, glinted ominously in the moonlight.

As he removed the shard from her hand, her heart skipped a beat before she blinked and looked at him who was focused on her palm. The wound on her palm was deep, the pain evident, but she remained strangely detached, as if the physical agony was inconsequential compared to the emotional turmoil she carried within. "Why did you hurt yourself?'' he trailed his eyes slowly.

As he gently released her hand, his gaze remained fixated on her, unable to tear himself away. A wide, unsettling smile spread across her face as she reached out with her blood-stained hand, painting his cheek with crimson. His expression remained unchanged, his eyes locked onto her, devoid of any emotion. He sat there, unmoving, as she blinked slowly, her actions were disturbing. It was evident that her mental state was far from stable, a turbulent storm raging within her. She slowly leaned closer to his chest before resting her head on his chest while her palm slided down on his neck and his mysterious eyes stuck on white wall as she uttered.

"Thank You...........for killing hara"


Few moments ago, Seokjin tied Taehyung's waist securely and spoke. "Good to see you recover well". Taehyung passed him a glance before standing and took his shirt but paused hearing doctor, "wait Mr Kim, actually I've to inform you something really important". Taehyung faced him completely with raised brow and seokjin inhaled before slumping down his shoulders. "Actually it's about Mrs Kim". "Hmm what about her".

Taehyung asked with his deep voice and Seokjin answered, "you really have to be serious about her health, i checked her yesterday and today I checked her medical reports which aren't good". "What do you mean?". Taehyung asked with little stress and Seokjin continued. "Her mental condition is really at a worse stage, I'm afraid for her and the baby too. If she stays like that then I'm afraid the baby will not be able to make it up even if she give birth to baby in this condition then there's a chance her life will be risked"

Taehyung peered at Seokjin and inhaled sharp breath before asking the doctor, "What to do about that". "I know her trauma and it's hard for her to forget, no matter how much you try it's difficult for her to overcome because it affected her mind badly but atleast while she's with you, try to not let her think about her past, her trauma". Taehyung sighed and seokjin spoke, "you're her biggest trauma but do not give her stress, her mental health is sensitive right now". Taehyung nodded and wore his clothes before looking at the doctor who was looking concerned for jieun.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of my wife"


Present :

Taehyung looked down as jieun was calmly against his chest, she could hear his steady heartbeat. He slowly placed his long palm on her back and spoke in his husky voice, "Don't hurt yourself". He pulled her closer as she whispered, "Everyone leaves me because I don't deserve them". She slid down her palm staining his white shirt in red but he didn't say anything but gasp escaped her lips when he carried her suddenly in bridal style. He looked down at her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he teared his eyes from her before looking straight and walked closer to the bed before placing her on bed securely.

She followed his figure with her eyes as he took out the first aid box and held her hand. "How did this happen?". He wiped the blood with cotton slowly and she looked away while mumbling, "eomma, i saw her''. Taehyung trailed his eyes at her only to see her face turned away. "But how did you get hurt?". She slowly looked down and whispered, "i saw hara too, i broke glass''. "Okay calm down, don't say anything, it's all your illusion, stop pressuring your mind". She looked at her palm as he tied it.

She wasn't confused to see him caring because he had many sides which he show's whenever he wants, even that care didn't melt her because she had become numb to feel anything, especially from him but he still hold the power to unleash her emotions which she was scared of most, he was unforeseeable and she could never thought to underestimate him after knowing his intense power

He stood up and spoke looking down at her. "I'll be back after washing myself". She didn't say anything and he walked away before looking at her briefly. She sighed looking at her palm tied tightly before she looked outside the window. As she gazed out of the window, the night sky painted a breathtaking picture before her eyes. The deep blue expanse was adorned with countless twinkling stars, each one like a tiny beacon of light in the darkness. The cold wind brushed against her body, causing her to shiver. The curtains danced slowly in the wind, creating an ethereal movement.

Lost in her thoughts, she whispered softly, her voice barely audible in the stillness of the night. "Can you see me?". She spoke to the stars, as if they held the answers to her deepest desires and fears, she talked to them remembering her mother's words. In that moment, she found solace in their silent presence, as if they were listening and offering comfort from afar.

But she was still in her place as the bed sank beside her slowly indicating that her husband had come. "Angel". He called her tenderly causing her to shrink herself but she gulped when he placed his palm on her cheek making her to look at him with her gloomy eyes. "Do you think hurting yourself will help you". She continued to stare at him. "I'm alone". She whispered with quivering voice.

Their eyes locked, and she could feel the intensity emanating from his gaze. It felt as though he could see right through her, piercing deep into her soul. Nervously, she clenched the sheets in her fists, unsure of what was about to happen. As Taehyung leaned in, their lips met softly, sending a rush of nervousness through her. She closed her eyes, feeling anxiety coursing through her veins. He tilted her head, deepening the kiss, he grazed his tongue on her chin making her place her hands on his chest. Her stomach twitched with feeling and later

With a gentle suck on her bottom lip, Taehyung detached from the kiss, leaving her heart pounding in her chest. Their foreheads met, and she opened her eyes, meeting his gaze. For the first time, she noticed a softness in his eyes, a tenderness that she had never seen before. It was a side of him she hadn't expected but it scared her for some reasons but she couldn't understand her feelings. He cupped her face with both palms, his touch gentle yet firm, and stroked her cheeks with his thumb, sending shivers down her spine.

Emotions swirled within her, a mix of desire, curiosity, and a hint of fear of the unknown. "Everyone will leave you but not me angel.........I will be with you till my last breath". Her heart accelerated as he leaned onto her slowly before hovering over her. "I promise, I'll always be with you".  As he tenderly kissed her palm, holding it in his hand, her mind went blank. His words, though unexpected, were exactly what she longed to hear. Yet, there was a bittersweetness to it all. Fate had a way of intertwining their paths, leaving her vulnerable to his captivating power.

He exuded an effortless sense of strength and control, while she felt like a mere fighter standing before him, knowing deep down that she could never truly win against him. It was a constant battle of emotions and desires, a push and pull that left her both thrilled and uncertain. "You're not alone,  you've me and our baby".

Her soul jolted as he placed his palm on her stomach while looking deep into her eyes. "Do you want our child to survive like we are surviving without our mothers". In his presence, she couldn't help but feel the weight of his influence, his ability to sway her thoughts and emotions. It was as if he held a power over her, a power she couldn't resist despite her best efforts. "Don't be selfish like our mothers". "M-My mother wasn't s-selfish". She whispered in her broken voice, maintaining herself under his powerful gaze.

Taehyung smiled lightly stroking her cheek. "But she left you despite knowing you needed her, whatever happened to her wasn't your fault still you suffered because of her separation, she took that step to get rid of her burden but didn't think about you for once, she preferred herself more than you". Jieun was quiet as he messed her thoughts but her confused eyes met his clever ones again as he spoke. "she suffered too but it could be fixed, she should have think about you before doing this............ isn't it selfishness".

Jieun gulped feeling lump in her throat because she didn't have power and protective words to answer him. He wasn't just physically but he was mentally strong person as well. "Do you want our child to suffer".

She shook slowly being lost in the web of his words which he just created leaving her mind tangled. Taehyung smiled and leaned closer to her and her heart skipped a beat when he requested in his deep voice with begging eyes, "don't hurt yourself......please". She pressed her palms against his chest as he put her hair strand behind her ear admiring her with his mesmerizing gaze which gave her goosebumps but she looked at him with a frown as he whispered on her lips. "You don't need anyone but me". Her eyes shut down slowly as he placed his lips on hers slowly.

He didn't put his all weight on her but her heart beat halted as his cold hand started removing her clothes slowly while his lips were moving in slow pace. She winced before tapping his shoulders, making him stop moving.

He pulled away slowly and looked at her and smiled, caressing her hairs. "Don't worry, it's safe". Once again, he pressed his lips against hers, igniting a fire within her that sent shivers down her spine. His tongue explored the depths of her mouth, leaving her breathless. As his lips trailed down to her jawline, his kisses grew sloppy and possessive, marking her as his own. With a flicker of dominance in his eyes, he slowly undressed her, discarding the clothes carelessly on the floor. He pulled away slowly and sitting on her thighs, he gazed down at her, his excitement grew palpable  as he realized she would be the mother of his child, forever bound to him.

Nervously, she clutched the pillow close to her chest, avoiding his intimidating gaze. With a smirk playing on his lips, he discarded his own clothes, casting them aside haphazardly. Leaning over her, he placed one arm beside her and tightly gripped the pillow with the other. She hesitantly met his gaze, her heart pounding, as he shook his head slowly, silently conveying the intensity of his forbidden desires. "You're the only woman I admire, angel". She gulped without letting him notice.

He was like pure magic, but a dangerous kind. It was as if he possessed a power that made it nearly impossible to break free from his grasp. The way he manipulated her was so intense, weaving a web of emotions that left her constantly entangled. "You're the only woman i think about.........do you think I would ever leave you like others". She found herself lost in the depths of his mesmerizing words.

The breeze that once sent shivers down her spine now couldn't even make her flinch in his presence. His aura radiates warmth, enveloping her completely, making her unable to feel anything but him. Their eyes locked, and for a fleeting moment, her heart skipped a beat as she gazed upon her husband's ethereal beauty. The moonlight delicately caressed his face, accentuating his already captivating features. Despite her deep-seated hatred towards him, she couldn't deny that he was a sculpted masterpiece. His handsomeness had the power to ensnare anyone, but only she knew the danger that lay hidden beneath his alluring facade.

It was him, and only him, who had been there for her whenever she needed someone. Helplessly, she found solace and a sense of safety in his presence, despite the undeniable danger he posed. She had become accustomed to his company, and now, he was the only one whom she spent most of the time with. She was used to him. She was powerless to resist wanting him above all else. "Do you think I'll leave you, Angel"

she shook her head slowly locking eyes with him, a mixture of emotions washed over her, causing him to let out a sigh accompanied by a gentle smile. However, his smile gradually faded as she tenderly placed her palm on his cheek, halting his heartbeat in its tracks. Without even realizing it, he leaned into her touch, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. In a voice filled with cracks of vulnerability, she whispered, her words carrying the weight of his manipulative words. "I have only you, taehyung".

She had always acknowledged, deep down, that no matter how much she resisted, Taehyung was the only person she truly had in her life. But she never anticipated that she would reveal her innermost feelings to him so openly. His manipulation was undeniably powerful, as it had compelled her to unravel her buried emotions in front of him, as if it would somehow alleviate the heaviness in her heart.

However, she felt no embarrassment in expressing herself to her husband, for she knew that he was already aware of her credence, whether she explicitly voiced it or not. As he let out a deep sigh, he gently placed his long palm on top of her hand that rested on his cheek. With a husky voice and a hint of madness gleaming in his eyes, he whispered to his wife

"I promise, I'll protect you and our child with my everything"

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