My Keeper

By CrystalAnnn

274 39 0

It all started with the death of my best friend William Keeper, He was 17 when he died. I was the one who fou... More

1 The dream
2 Death can be painful.
3 Burning truths
4 Secrets
5 Its safe here
6 Tall Dark and Distracting
7 This is more then a Game
8 Just Trust Me
9 I don't want to be Weak
10 Training for Two.
12 You Have An Ex?
13. The Key
14. Right well I guess I forgot
15. Markus' words
16. Past me.
17 Quod Foedus.

11 This is More than a Dream

17 3 0
By CrystalAnnn

P.O.V Allyson

Every few minutes a dim light would flash bringing a brief moment of light to the confined room. and the world's most uncomfortable chair ever made. I mean why would they build metal chairs and who uses them. You know what they are made for this precise moment, to make moments like this more intimidating. Only I don't feel intimidated or scared, this is not how this is supposed to even go. Here comes the whispering. I know the voice I just can't place it, Allyson, Allyson...Alllllllyyyyyyyssssssssssoooooooooonnnnnn. I got up and walked outside the only door in the room, considering I didn't have much control over my actions anyways. The door led to an even darker hallway, my name continued to echo off the walls. I continued down the hall following the same voice from earlier and continued calling my name. I knew what I would find at the end of the hall. I tried to prepare myself for what I was about to see, I tried to seal my eyes shut only to fail as I couldn't control my body. I watched as my hand slowly reached up and turned the knob. The door then swung open.

Inside was a dark bloody mess, a man stood in the middle of the room and his back faced me. A body lied to the left of the man, the body oddly resembled William, and my heart began to race really fast. I knew he would be okay but nothing about this place was ever okay. The man was no longer in the middle of the room; I spun around expecting him to appear behind me. There was a tap on my shoulder, it was him. And then something new happened. Williams voice broke into my dream, "Allyson wake up it's just a dream come on Ally. Come on."

P.O.V William

Ally didn't come down for dinner so I decided to bring her some which was Chicken Alfredo. Inside our room I found her passed out biting her lip so hard that it was starting to bleed. I dropped the food and ran shaking her awake, "Allyson wake up it's just a dream common Ally. Common." She didn't move or release her lip. So I ran to the bathroom and got a cup of water. I was about to pour it on her when her eyes snapped open, "William." She almost shouted at me.

She sat up "Please tell me you weren't going to pour that on me."

I shook my head and drank some of the water, "No, why would I waste perfectly good water on you?"
She laughed and chucked a pillow at me. "Why are we having those horrible dreams again?"

I ran my hand through my hair and kicked up the pillow she chucked at me. "I really wish I knew Ally." I pointed to my lip, "You're bleeding."

She sighed and walked to the bathroom. I followed her to the door. She held her own gaze in the mirror as she cleaned away the blood with a tissue. You would think she would freak out, but I guess she was finally used to it. It was like the nightmare consumed us and we just can't get away. We've been having them since we were 8 and they stopped about two years ago. When I was little I thought we had them because I had found out my destiny and hers way before I should have. I learned later that wasn't the case. Because when Alaric brought me here for the first time Markus told me that in the past I found out earlier. Not that I get to remember, only Allyson can unlock those memories. Even though she doesn't know that and frankly I don't even want to know.

Her lip was done bleeding, when you looked at her you couldn't even tell that it had been cut. I'm certain that it was because her teeth pierced mostly the inside. She watched me through the mirror, so I watched her back. Even with the distressed look in her eyes she was beautiful; I gave myself a mental shake. You are not allowed to think of her like that, I told myself. "You're next," she said. Ally was right it always switched one night it was me the next her, never at the same time.

After Ally got settled in bed I went into the bathroom to shower and change into comfortable clothes even though I had no intention of sleeping. Quietly I snuck out of our room and made my way outside into the back yard. The night was breezy and damp. I made my way to the hammock and laid my head on a fluffy pillow that began to wag her tail happily to be chosen as my pillow. She snuggled closer and got comfortable. I was drifting close to sleep when Jen sat down next to me on the hammock.

"Hey" I said softly while keeping my eyes closed.

She laughs lightly, "How are you?"

I opened one eye and looked at her wishing she was Allyson. "I'm great and how are you?"

"Then why are you outside and not in your room?"

I sighed, "I could ask you the same thing."

She laughed and pet Sammy. "I saw you from inside the infirmary."

I closed my eyes and nodded "What's wrong with Kyla?"

She sighed, "Kyla's fine." I raised a brow while keeping my eyes closed, "It was Annalisa."

I sat up so fast that I got a head rush, "What is Annalisa doing here?"

"William, she's been here." She looked at me like I was crazy for not noticing. And then it hit me, the purse that sat in the chair next to me on the first day. The uneasy feeling when I was alone. She stayed out of sight pretty well.

"Will I'm sure even Allyson has seen her." Jen placed a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

I shook my head way too many times. "No because Annalisa would have mentioned me to her then Ally would have said something to me about her." Jen looked at me like I was a puppy that just peed on the carpet and she doesn't want to punish me. "Make her leave Jennifer."

"I can't." She shook her head

"Why didn't anyone tell me that she was here?" She continued to shake her head. "That is one devil I would like to keep far away from Ally." I stood up no longer tired, sleep was now push far from my mind.

"Who's a Devil?"

My whole body went rigid as her voice sent chills down my spine, I haven't even looked at her and yet I was still instantly drawn to her. I closed my eyes and soon as I did her image began to unfold. First the dark snake skin boots that crawled halfway up her calf, tucked into the boots would be lace tights that would cover every inch of her long legs. She would be wearing a tight black dress along with her signature leather jacket. Her lips would be colored a blood red and her long brown hair would flow down over her shoulders bringing Light into her green eyes. They almost resembled Ally's. My eyes then snapped open Ally she's all that's important. I spun around and met her daring gaze. "You are." Very childish of me I know.

She smirked, her eyes surveying every inch of my naked chest as she made her way to me. Why don't I wear shirts to bed? I don't want her dirty mind anywhere near me. I resisted the urge to cross my arms and cover my chest. "What do you want Anna?"

"You." She said as her eyes laced over the rest of my body. I resisted a shiver.

"And what happens if you can't have me?"

She licked her lips like a wolf who just found its prey, "Then I'll fight for what I want." And with that she turned around and made her way back into the house.

I spun around to look at Jennifer. "Glad that's over."

Jen laughed as I took my seat next to her, "Whatever happened between you two, you guys were pretty close that one summer."

"That's because she's very good at manipulating people to get what she wants."

"You didn't look very manipulated a second ago." She pointed toward the door. "And what exactly did she want from you?"

I ran my fingers through my hair for longing telling her, "Well... She wanted something that you wouldn't just give out to anyone. And she had no problem taking it."

Jen rolled her eyes, "Fine don't tell me."

"I thought I just did?" I looked at Sammy and she wagged her tail. Jen shook her head no. "Well let's just say she stole my virtue and be done with it." Jennifer laughed so loud my ears hurt, I narrowed my eyes at her, "It's not funny."

"William." She said, "You do realize that you're a dude, and something like that shouldn't really matter to you."

I got up, "Maybe but I'm not like every other guy." She nodded and waited for me to continue, "I'm an old soul Jen my heart still believes in the old ways that you wait until you're in love and married to that person."

She crossed her arms, "But William you don't get that option, she could die any second and you would leave this world with her, and wait to be reincarnated with her again to live the same sad fate over again."

"It doesn't always have to be that way." I shook my head, "It is different this time."

Jen locked her gaze with mine, "Different how."

There was something off with the look she gave me and something was screaming: don't say it, don't tell her another word, or you will regret it, "I don't really know, but it feels a bit different doesn't it?"

She gave a soft smile and nodded, "It does."

I smiled at her, "Well Jennifer I must get some sleep, please don't leave Sammy outside, I don't want her to freeze."

"I thought you and Adam were no longer friends?"

"So? Me and Sammy are still very good friends." She laughed and nodded. So I made my way back to the house, careful not to run into Annalisa. I got lucky she wasn't in the halls waiting for me. So I silently slipped back into our room. I jumped a dark figure loomed over Ally. She was asleep in my bed.

Anna brought her gaze to mine, "She's beautiful, I can see why you are otherwise unavailable."

"Okay Anna, get the hell out of my room and stay away from Ally."

She stormed up to me forcing me to press against the door. "Or what?"

I felt a smile rise to my lips as I spoke, "Or i'll have no problem taking you out of the picture. It doesn't matter who you are if you threaten her I have no issues with making sure that it never happens again."

She smiled, "Sounds good." She then slipped out the door.

I let out a loud sigh and looked at Ally to make sure she was okay. She must have moved to my bed when she realized I wasn't here. I smiled and tucked a stray hair behind her ear; I'll keep you safe Ally no matter what. She let out a soft "Will?" and looked at me with one eye. She scooted over toward the wall and patted the spot she cleared; I smiled and nestled next to her. And slowly I readied myself for the nightmares to come. 

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