Just You - Kimchay

By Just2Anonymous

46.6K 1.9K 679

Kimchay Fanfic More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 28

743 34 6
By Just2Anonymous

It was a holiday and Chay has been bored sitting all alone in his house, Porsche seemed busy...again. 

Usually Macau and Chay normally played something together online or went out but Macau hadn't messaged Chay since yesterday neither seen the messages he had sent him, apart from that he wasn't even online anywhere...Chay tried calling but the phone wasn't answered either, he went to his apartment but it seemed as if no one was there, so Chay thought that Macau must've went to his brother's house, thus came back and had been lying in his bed ever since watching some mystery series. 

He was so used to Macau's presence that now it seemed too silent. When Macau had said that he liked Chay, Chay just couldn't understand why or how...He just wondered how someone like Macau,or anyone at all could crush on someone like him. 

It was quite ironic in a sense as well, One man's love he yearned yet that man felt none for him and there was the man he liked as a friend and that man loved him in a way he couldn't even return. 

Chay paused the series and sighed...he couldn't concentrate so he just looked onto his ceilings while lying on his bed ,"My life's so messed up, I must've surely been a brat last life" he said to himself, "Macau did tell me to talk to phi Kim...But I don't even know how to, it's not just that it's so awkward but it's so painful...His face just brings back the damn memories." 

Chay took a pillow beside him and hugged it tight "Ughhhh" he yelled it a muffled way through the pillow, suddenly his phone rang "Macau?" He thought to himself and picked up the phone 

"IF IT ISN'T MY BABYYY!" A voice yelled through the other end, it was obvious who it was "Hello Phii" Chay said almost giggling, "This guy was a whole damn mood for real." He thought 

"I MISSED HEARING YOU'RE CUTE LIL VOICE AHHH!" Tankhun cried out through his phone and Chay smiled 

"I miss you too Phi, How are you?" 

"Well, I've been quite bored but GUESSS WHATTT??" Chay inhaled, he knew tankhun was up to something again this time 

"Yes?* He asked in confusion about what he was going about now 


"for ME?" he said out loud,

 "Uhh YES? Did you forget? I promised you a party for getting into your University, You're Tankhun is a Gentleman of his words." 

"oh right" Chay thought to himself as he remembered it "But it doesn't matter anymore phi, it's already been months-" Chay started but Tankhun interrupted 

"NAH-UH I'M NOT TAKING ANY NO AND TOMORROW IS THE DAY, By 5pm an artist would come for your hair, outfit and make up too!" Tankhun spoke 

"HUH? WHY? phi don't you think that's too-" Tankhun again cut chats words "ITS NOT, NOTING IS NEVER TOO MUCH, ITY CHAY, YOU'RE NOT GIVING ME A NO FOR AN ANSWER, ANYWAY I GOTTA GOO!! SEE YOU TMRWWW~" he said in a singsong manner and cut the call 

"What now..." Chay thought to himself, it's not like he had any other option and he's too lazy to run away, and knowing phi Tankhun he will persist him up to death if he disagree 

"He can really be too much at times" Chay said and rolled on his bed.

Hellooo Everyonee, Hope this chapter is to you're liking :).....

see you in next updatee!

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