My Amygdala

By Mussrose

12.2K 462 50

A little kitten like boy running for his life even tho his lungs seem to give up soon his legs are sore and n... More

Characters πŸ’œ
The escape
Who is he ?
Awake ?
Home ?
Scared ?
Attachment ....
First day at school.
Bullied ?
Promise ?
Party,party yeahhhhh......
Party pt:2
Past pt 1
Past pt 2
Accepted ?
Changed ?
Alive ?
Not an update πŸ’œ Spoiler
His Request.
The end
Self promotion
Valentine's Special
New Story

Office ?

374 16 0
By Mussrose


Everyone is sitting in the meeting hall of
their mansion

"Since you guys know Yoongi's birthday is coming I wanted to make his day remember able for him i want to make him feel special I talked to dad about it he said that he wanted to throw a party at our farmhouse He told me that he wanted to call all of his business friends too and also to announce that Yoongi as his new ( adopted) son to his friends and family. But I personally don't think it's a good idea bcz yoongi is really not ready to meet new people plus you know our grandparents or our other family won't like yoongi".     Jin said

( you must be thinking why their family or relatives won't like Yoongi bcz Min family were rivals of Kim family and they have pretty bitter rivalry. They found out about this information when they first met yoongi But it didn't effect them bcz they loved yoongi beyond any boundaries)

"They will find out about yoongi one way or other. It's better for us to introduce him and tell everyone clearly that he is ours so no one can dare to even look at him and if they do so it will be their last day in this world ". Namjoon said

" Hyung I think we should add  more strict security on the birthday vanue. We will be always by Yoongi's side to protect him." Said Hoseok

"And what about his gifts hyung" Jk asked while getting excited and jumping like a bunny.

" Just give  him whatsoever you think he likes"Jin said  calmly

" Namjoon hyung what did you do to the school I heard you bought it and fired the principal but can you explain why?"   Jimin asked.

"Yea I did it soo what. What are you gonna do about it?" Namjoon asked with challenging gaze

" Ahm I nothing hyung i was just asking. Ohh okay where were we oooh Yeah presents for Yoongi."Jimin said awkwardly

" Okay boys go to your rooms we have a long day around so go get some sleep."Jin said

With that everyone went to their respective rooms but jimin he went to sleep with yoongi in his room.

Jimin opened the door and saw Yoongi sleeping his little hands were faithfully petting his plushy. Sweat formed on his forehead Jimin noticed the changing expressions on his face. Jimin understood immediately that Yoongi is having a nightmare.He hugged yoongi and started to mumble comforting words to him.

" I got you baby. Just relax Your chimmy is with you" jimin mumbled

Yoongi immediately relaxed in jimin's embrace
"Chimmy hyung" yoongi said and opened his eyes he saw jimin was hugging him he immediately hugged him back and snuggled in to my chest not wanting me to leave him. Jimin kissed his head. Then they both drifted into dreamland embracing each other.


Namjoon and hobi went to their base early this morning Jungkook and jimin went to airport bcz they got argent call from their spies about special weapons ( its jimin work but jk accompanied him ) , Jin went to hospital bcz he got a call from his friend that an emergency broke in and they need him immediately in hospital.

Now only TAEHYUNG was left with Yoongi.

Tae received messages from all his hyungs telling him to take care of yoongi and make him to take a nap Jin texted him about yoongi's daily requirements and routine. Tae was really tired of his hyungs extreme possessive nature he told them that he can take care of yoongi all himself and doesn't need any more advices He also told his hyungs that he will take yoongi with him to their office he can't leave yoongi all alone at home. They all agreed some how.

Time skip ⏭


Taehyung woke yoongi up he was all grumpy bcz he is not a morning person. He whined when taehyung told him to get fresh and wear clothes he picked for him.

Yoongi pouted and made grabby hands towards taehyung asking him to pick him up. Taehyung sighed "you are soo spoiled Yoonie". Then he picked yoongi. Yoongi immediately rested his face on taehyung's shoulder he was all sleepy. Taehyung changed his clothes carefully not to wake the grumpy, whiny cat again.

Yoongi was sleeping on his shoulder taehyung went to his car.

Taehyung ordered his driver to head to their office while he sat on the backseat with  sleeping yoongi in his lap. Yoongi's head rested on taehyung's chest.

Time skip ........

The car stopped by the entrance of a massive huge building. It was Kim enterprises Company.    

Taehyung tried to wake yoongi up but he let out a small whimper not wanting to get up  from his hyung's lap nor wake up.

Taehyung sighed and picked yoongi in his arms his face hidden in tae shoulders and arms wrapped around his neck Yoongi was hugging tae like a koala 🐨. Yoongi told Tae to also carry his favourite kumamon plushy. Taehyung sighed he knew the employees will now find a new topic to gossip about.

Anyways he walked in and noticed the sharp gaze of his employees on his some of them were beyond shocked and some were now gossiping about how their cold ,scary , ice hearted and short tempered boss is now carrying a little young boy in his safe and warm embrace and secondly he is also carrying a black coloured kumamon plushy in his one hand. Taehyung asked everyone  in his cold voice and expressionless face to focus on their works and not even dare to lay an eye on the little boy or it will be their last day in this company. Yoongi got scared by hearing his hyung's loud and cold voice he started to shiver badly which tae noticed and immediately rubbed his back.

Everyone immediately went to their respective works bcz they are really in need of this job and they can't lose it in anyway.

Tae layed yoongi on a sofa then his secretory walked in after knocking the door she politely  bowed and greeted them with a smile to which yoongi smiled back showing his adorable gummy smile.

"Sir you have a meeting in  15 minutes and there will be atleast 5 meeting arranged today and you can't delay them bcz they were alrea delayed alot " the secretary said

"Hmm Mrs Mira I want you to bring us breakfast and I'm also handing you over to take care of yoongi he is really dear to me and yes make sure he doesn't leave my office room even for a second".

" Yes sir all understood anything else i can do" said the secretary.

"That's all for now." Said taehyung

The secretary bowed and left.      After 5minutes the secretary came with all the food tae ordered. " I want you to examine this file before my meeting" said taehyung
"Okay sir".

Taehyung  fed yoongi and talked really softly to him while feeding him breakfast yoongi was still on his lap. He used small nicknames for yoongi like kitten ,baby ,sugarbun etc. the secretary was really shocked about how change is her boss behaviour with that little guy he is really a completely different person from the boss Mr Kim Taehyung she knows or she meets everyday. She liked his soft side for the boy.
Taehyung told his secretary to let the kid do whatever he wants and not to scold him nor to speak loud near him. She nodded in response tae then kissed Yoongi's forehead and left to the meeting room.

Yoongi was looking with curious eyes at everything in tae's office especially the monitor screen of his laptop. Yoongi played games on was almost tae's phone till his phone's battery ran low. He pouted and plugged his phone on charging and grabbed his coloring book out of his back and started to color on it with crayons but soon he got bored and hungry bcz it was almost 12pm. His stomach was making sounds he looked cutely at the secretary. She understood and asked what him wanted to eat.

Yoongi looked around though for a while and answered " Yoonie will have buwerger ( burger )  and fwies and a dwink  a cowld dwink."

She smiled and left from there

Yoongi knew that his hyungs will definitely scold him for eating junkfood but he was hungry and wanted it besides he can only have junkfood twice a month he wanted it anyways. He desperately waited for his food and once it arrived he just ate speedly so that his hyung won't caught him eating junkfood again. He ate almost half of his food When he felt extreme pain in his stomach. He tried to ignore and eat more but the pain grew harder his chest clenched with  tightness he was running short of breath he tried to breathe but couldn't tears blurred his vision.

The secretary was out for a moment bcz an employee was stuck on something so he asked for her help so she left.

He ran out of the office room running anywhere in any direction just to find his hyung he clenched his chest with his one hand it was hurting him like hell. He soon stood out of a room on which it was written with bold letters Meeting hall -1 the guards shouted at him and were not letting him in but he somehow got out of their grip and went inside.

He saw a room full of business people discussing something important.. He couldn't process things anymore he shouted "hyung.................


Rose 🥀

Love you Army 💜💜💜💜

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