Fast and Furious | Dominic To...

By yasminie_0299

6.2K 109 23

Isabella Lopez, a girl from Miami. She got thrown out by her parents and moved to LA. After a week of settlin... More

Second Chapter
Third Chapter
Fourth Chapter
Fifth Chapter
Sixth Chapter
Seventh Chapter
Eighth Chapter

First chapter

941 15 2
By yasminie_0299

Isabella's POV

It was a beautiful day in LA. I was driving in town, did some groceries. Just the simple things you know? I started to get a little hungry and stopped by a sort of cafe/store/garage I think. I've never been there but it looked okay. I parked my purple Skyline gtr r34 on a parking spot in front of the small building.

(The car ^)

I walked in and saw a woman around my age standing behind the bar. "Hello girl. I've never seen your round before." She said with a smile and leaned her hip against the counter.

"Yeah well i just moved here. Cute store you have by the way." I said looking around with a smile.

"Thank you. Me and my brother run the store." She said with a smile. "What can I help you with?" She asked me.

I grabbed the small menu from the counter and took a seat at a bar stool. "Hm, I would like to have a Club Sandwich please." I said with a smile and put the menu back on the counter.

"Club sandwich is coming right up." She said with a smile and turned around to make it. "So, since when did you move here?" She asked while making the sandwich.

"Last week I moved here from Miami." I said with a smile.

She openen her mouth to say something but a loud engine interrupted her. I looked back and saw a deep  red Mazda RX-7 parking in front of the store. The engine stopped and I turned back around not really interested. I heard a car door open and slammed shut, the footsteps came closer and they walked past me. I looked up and saw a man around my age, around 6 feet tall, bald and ripped as fuck. His arm muscles where displayed and the rest where covered by a tight white tank top.

He kissed the girl on the cheek before walking to a small room at the back. He sat down with his back turned to us.

"That your brother?" I asked the girl and nodded my head to the man in the room.

"Yeah. How did you know?" She asked confused and put a plate with a club sandwich in front of me.

"Thanks." I said with a smile. "You both give off the same vibe. Trouble." I said with a grin, making her laugh a bit and took a bite off my sandwich. "Oh my god. This is so good." I said to her.

"Thank you. It's a family recipe." She said with a smile and started to clean the counter a bit.

I ate my sandwich and me and the girl talked a bit. After like 10 minutes another car parked in front of the store, this time in a real parking spot. It was a red truck kind of car, on the side was a sticker reading: "Harry's" and some kind of contacts written under it. A blond boy got out of the car and made his way inside.

"Hey Mia." The boy said to the girl and sat down on a bar stool next to me. "Hey. Brian." He said with a smile and held out his hand.

"Isabella." I said with a smile back and we shook hands.

"Nice to meet you. That car yours? The purple one?" He asked and nodded to my car.

"Yup. Wrapped and tuned it myself." I said with a smile.

"Nice job." He said with a smile and turned back to Mia.

"Tuna on white, no crust." She said as she was still bent over the counter a bit, reading a magazine.

"I don't know. How is it?" Brian asked and flipped through a magazine on the counter.

"Every day for the last three weeks, you've been coming here and you've been asking me how the Tuna is. Now it was crappy yesterday, it was crappy the day before and guess what. It hasn't changed." She said looking at Brian with a little smile I snickered a bit at the interaction.

I looked between them and smiled to myself. Brian likes her, it's obvious. But everyday for the last three weeks? Damn that boy needs to ask her out real fast.

"I'll have the tuna." Brian said with a smile while he was still flipping through the magazine on the counter.

"No crust?" Mia asked with a smile back.

"No crust." He said back with a smile.

Mia turned around and started to make it. In the room that was at the back of the store, behind the counter, stood Mia's brother up. Brian looked up at him as the man opened a door and grabbed cola and cracked it open while looking at Brian. His eyes just screamed danger as he glared at Brian a bit, obviously not liking that he was hitting on his sister. He walked back to his chair and sat back down, his muscled back towards us.

Mia put a plate with tuna in front of Brian. "Thank you." He said and grabbed the sandwich.

Mia walked back to me and leaned over the counter. "So tell me about Miami and why you moved here." She said with a smile.

"Well it's hot as fuck there." I said with a smile making her laugh a bit. "I had a great friend group, dropped out of school, parent threw me out of the house and I moved to LA and well here I am." I said with a smile.

"How old are you?" Mia asked me a little shocked.

"21" I said with a smile.

"Damn and you already live on yourself?" Brian asked me with a laugh and took a bite out of his tuna.

"Yup. I knew the day would come so I had money saved up for this shit." I said with a grin.

"Good thinking." Mia said impressed with a smile.

Suddenly the sound of loud engines filled the air. Brian and I looked back while Mia looked up. Four cars drove to the store, they each parked in front of the stoor. A red one, yellow one, deep blue one and a white one. They all had some marking and stickers on the side of there cars.

I must admit, they all have one hell of a beautiful car.

Out of the red car got a girl out, shes wearing low rise camouflage cargo pants, a red see through top with little gold flowers on it and a pair of sunglasses. She has brown straight hair that is in a ponytail and is taller then she normally was due to her platform shoes she is wearing.

Out of the yellow car got a guy out, he's wearing a black top with a sleeveless black and white flannel blouse on top, he's tall, has black hair.

Out of the blue car got also a guy out. He is tall, muscular, has a tattoo on his left bicep and his right arm was covered with tattoos, he'a wearing a tight red tank top.

"Talk to me Jesse, this ain't working brother." The guy said to the other guy that got out of the white car. The guy from the blue car opened his hood.

"It's your fuel man, it's got a nasty hole. That's why you're unloading in third." Jesse said and walked over to the deep blue car, where the others also stood.

Jesse is wearing a denim sleeveless jacked, a hippie kind of hat and some sunglasses. He's a little skinny, and is shorter then the other guys.

"I told you we start shooting." The man from the yellow car said.

Suddenly the guy from the blue car grabbed Jesse by the face and made him look back, he pointed to a red truck that belonged to Brian. The blue car man then turned around and started to walk towards us. He looked pissed. I turned back around and looked at Mia who sighed.

"What's up with this fool? Is he sandwich crazy?" I heard the guy from the blue car say, by this time Brian was back to talking with Mia.

This was gonna be great.

"Nah V, he ain't here for the food dawg." Another male voice said as they walked closer to the shop.

"Chill out bro, he's just slinging parts for Harry man." The girl said.

"I know what he's slinging. He's trying to get at me man." The guy in the red tank top said. I took this as a cue and stood up and walked toward Mia as we began a small talk. She then notices the four people that walked in the store.

"What's up guys?" Mia asked them.

"How you doing Mia?" The Jesse boy asked.

"How you living girl?" The girl with the camouflage cargo pants asked and walked past us to Mia's brother that was still sitting in his room.

"Hey Dom. You want something to drink?" She asked the man. He showed her his cola without looking up. She sighed and walked back to us. Jesse and the other guy where playing around in the store while the red tank top guy was now leaning over the counter next to Brian.

"Hey girl. Who are you? You a new friend of Mia's?" The girl asked me.

"I'm Isabella and yeah I guess so. She's cool." I said and smiled Mia.

"Yup. She moved here last week from Miami." Mai said with a smile while keeping an eye out for Brian and the other guy.

"Sup. I'm Letty. And your from Miami huh? Sick." The girl said with a grin.

"Eh I guess so." I said with a shrug and leaned my back against the counter behind me.

They laughed and we started a small talk. The red tank top guy sat down next to Brian. They both stared at each other, none of them backing down.

"Ah he's beautiful." Jesse said about Brian.

"I like his haircut." The guy from the yellow car said.

"Vince." Mia said trying to get the red tank top guy's attention. "Vince!" She said louder finally getting his attention.

"What?" He asked in a whisper.

"Can I get you anything?" Mia asked him softer then earlier.

"You look good." The guy said to Mia.

Me and Letty grinned to each other as we all watched them. Brian stood up and grabbed some money.

"Thank a lot Mia, see you tomorrow." He said and put the money on the counter. He walked out of the store, everyone's eyes followed his every move. The guy on the red tank top called Vince looked more pissed.

"I love this part." The guy that stood next to Jesse said while he ate something like it was a movie making me shake my head with a grin.

Letty was leaning against a wall part of the small room while I was leaning over the counter watching what was gonna happen next.

"Yo!" Vince shouted to Brian and stood up from the counter. "Try fat burger from now on and get yourself a double cheese with fries, with $2,95, fagat!" Vince said and walked out of the store following Brian.

"I like the tuna here." Brian said as he walked to his red truck.

"Bullshit asshole! No one likes the tuna here." Vince said annoyed as he continued to follow Brian.

The rest of what they said I couldn't hear cause they where outside and I was still in the store. Suddenly we heard some slamming. We all looked out of the store and saw that Vince had pushed Brian against his truck and they where now fighting.

Mia looked concerned and Letty took of her glasses to see if she saw what she saw. I raised my eye brows in surprise.

"Jezus Christ, Dom will you get out there, I'm sick of this shit!" Mia said to her brother that was still facing his back towards us. "I'm not kidding Dom! Get out there!" Mia yelled at Dom making him finally stand up. He turned around and looked at the two boys fighting outside seeing that Brian was beating Vince.

"What you put in that sandwich?" Dom asked Mia with a small grin. His voice was surprisingly deep.

I smirked at the remark.

"That's really funny." Mia said sarcastically.

"Dom!" Letty said getting his attention and nodded outside.

His eyes then drifted to me and I nodded also to the boys that where fighting. He sighed and got out of the room.

"Aigh't." He said and stormed out of the room with his friends following him. I decided to stay back with Mia. We both leaned on the counter watching what would happen.

Brian was now on top of Vince beating the hell out of him. Dom threw Brian off of Vince onto the hood of my car making me stand up straight not liking that he might of damaged my car cause of how he threw him onto my hood.

"Hey man he was in my face." Brian said as he held up his hands in surrender.

"I'm in your face." Dom said to Brian. Suddenly Vince tried to get to Brian again but was held back by Dom and another guy.

"Relax!" Dom voices boomed through the air as he threw Vince back. "No bullshit!" He yelled. "You embarrass me!" Dom yelled and pointed his finger to Vince.

"Get on man!" The other guy said to Vince and pushed him away from the scene.

The rest I didn't hear but I saw Jesse handing Dom something. He looked down at it before giving it to Brian. "Don't come around here again!" Dom said and Brian grabbed it from his hand.

"Hey man you know this is bullshit!" Brian said making Dom turn back around.

"You work for Harry right?" Dom asked as he pointed at Brian's car.

"Yeah, I just started." Brian said calmer.

"Well you where just fired." Dom said and turned back around walking back to the shop.

Brian looked confused yet pissed. He got into his car and slammed his door shut. I got out of here with shrieking wheels. Dom walked back inside. I walked around the counter towards him.

"Hey man. You own me a hood. Did you really have to throw him that hard?" I asked him a little disappointed and annoyed.

"And you are?" Dom asked annoyed as he got into my face.

"Isabella Lopez. Now are you gonna answer me or what?" I asked him annoyed not backing down while I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Come to this address tomorrow. I'll fix it." He said and wrote something on a napkin.

"Alright. See you tomorrow then." I said and grabbed napkin from his hand. "Bye girls see you around." I said to Mia and Letty not breaking eye contact with Dom. I walked around him.

"See ya Isabel!" Mia said.

"See ya girl!" I heard Letty yell.

I got to my car and looked at the hood. I shook my head when I saw that there was a scratch and dent in it. I looked up seeing them all watching me making me glare at Dom. I got into my car and started the engine. I put the car in first gear and got out of there. I was pissed that they had to ruin my car a bit but was also pleased with the action I got with those people.

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