bleeding heart | one piece li...

By dearmiffy

3.9K 94 27

BLEEDING HEART ā My dream was to find the Bellflower to cure my people from the Bleeding Heart disease. āž... More

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416 12 5
By dearmiffy


'Where the hell is he?'  The pink haired searched all over Shell Town for Helmeppo. She was going to go back to base, but suddenly heard his voice coming from a restaurant, hearing commotion inside. The archer walks closer to the restaurant, pushes the entrance doors slamming them wide open, the whole place grew silence, even Helmeppo.

"What seems to be the problem?"

Rosie slowly strolled over to Helmeppo and she notices someone with particular green hair with their back facing her.

"Rosie! Thank god you're here, this impulsi-"

While he was about to explain the situation to the archer, she held her hand up to pause his storytelling, seeing the marines in the place are either out-cold and injured.

She left out a deep sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "I'm assuming you've stared this altercation."

"Doesn't matter do something to get him off me!" Helmeppo shouted but then let out a small whimper when the strange man slammed him against the bar table. "Is that how you speaks to a women?" although he meant for Helmeppo to hear but Rosie heard him anyways.

"Why should I? He didn't do anything to me."

"He assaulted the Marines, Rosie!"

'Does he ever stop talking?' Rosie had enough of his annoyance and was feeling frustrated to the point where she wanted to choke him.

She tapped the stranger on the shoulder, "I don't necessarily care who you or what you do for a living, but you have to release this man, if you have a problem with it, go talk to his father, Captain Morgan, he's in charge of the Marine Base."

The male glanced at the pink-headed, she showed nothing but emotionless expression. Her aura was mysterious but held her head high, full of confidence. While the stranger was observing Rosie, her eyes stare down at Helmeppo, "Take this as a lesson learned from the universe for going around spreading lies, if I've gotten to you sooner, it would of been worst."

Rosie left the restaurant, while Helmeppo was shouting for her to help him to get out of the situation he'd made in the first place.

Although, before she had walked out of the restaurant, she did notice a certain someone wearing a yellow straw hat, his eyes fills with curiosity of her. Her eyes quickly turned away, finally exiting out the restaurant.

'He has to be a pirate, no doubt.' She thought, she being to theories of the possibility of him coming to Shell Town, unless, 'He must be after the map of the Grand Line.' Now she's debating on whether or not, she should warn Caption Morgan or come up with a plan by herself.

Rosie decides on the second option.

The next seven days had passed, Rosie goes to visit a certain green haired man tied up on a post. She heard of his punishment for his actions at the bar, then again Helmeppo and the rest of the Marines deserved it, but since Captain Morgan is in charge, you have to go by his rules.

She stood behind the bricked walls, waiting for Helmeppo to stop taunting the swordsman and once he does, he left with two Marines walking beside him. Rosie stepped out from hiding and trailed towards the swordsman. She stood in front of the male, opening the bottle of water and helped him drink the cold water. He was cautious of it, of course, but he was dehydrated so he tilted his head upward while the girl tilt the bottle of cold liquid for him to drink.

Once he was done drinking, Rosie spilled water on a napkin and dabbed on his forehead to feel cool due to being under the sun for the last seven days.

"About time someone kicked all these amateurs asses. That's what they get for not training enough, then again, you're Roronoa Zoro, the pirate hunter, right?"

She starts the conversation to ease the man that she's not a threat or nothing like the Marines with obnoxious attitude towards citizens. Of course, she knew he wouldn't talk to her, even if he spoke to her, he would have his guard up if she tries to do anything.

"You don't have to respond, just listen. It's really impressive of you to protect the little girl, even though it's the Marines job, but they've been slacking during their training-"

She stopped mid sentence to pull out apple slices and place one of the slices against his mouth. Look of confusion when she use the slice of apple to poke his lips. "I know you're hungry so might as well eat it," Zoro hesitated for a moment, the pink haired munched on the apple slices in front of him, confirming that she didn't poison them like he thought.

Rosie gave him another slice and he eventually eats almost the whole bag of apple slice while she continues talking to him even if he didn't join in the conversation. She didn't cared, she needed him to trust her.

Soon as he finished eating, she announced to Zoro, she's going to return to training. "Before I leave, I think you should to know this piece of information," her angelic voice changed to monotone, made the pirate hunter in stunned of her change of tone.


Rosie walks away from Zoro leaving him confuses after she had given him random number. In reality, the three numbers are the number of the safe combination, one that hides the map of the Grand Line.

She made a little white lie, she wasn't going to her training like she was, instead, she was going back inside to see if a certain pirate shows up in her base. She stalks the hallways slowly while looking out the window enjoying the ocean view, in the distance, she notice a shadow coming towards the Marine base.

A white dragon.
Her dragon, Seraphina.

She smirked at the sight of her reptile friend coming to pick her up to go to a desired destination. "Rosie, I heard you wanted to speak with me about something?" Captain Morgan spoked from behind.

Rosie greeted him as she usually does, but she tone and demeanor changed. No emotion in her eyes, the tone of her voice is stern but formal to the Captain. "Certainly Captain-"

Before she could talk further, he silence her by having his index finger up as he notice two individuals walking down the hallways. Rosie spotted what was her Captain was glancing to, her smirk slowly creeps on the corny of her lips but quickly stops before he could suspect her.

Captain Morgan stood in front of the girl, but Rosie moved to his side to verified a certain male pirate. A marine with tangerine hair stood along side him. 'Never seen her before, perhaps she's a member of his pirate crew?' Rosie studies the orange haired woman for longer than five minutes.

Captain Morgan had also suspected the two but mostly the woman holding onto the straw hat arm, "Captain Morgan, I was escorting this prisoner to the brig, he was arrested for causing a disturbance."

"I've never seen you before, Rosie, can you confirm for me?" He got closer to the suspicious marine, holding his axe hand against her face.

"Of course, could I perhaps have your name and where did you transfer from?" Rosie's voice sounded flat as usual. The marine tells the archer the info she requested.

"Nami, I've transferred from the 77th. I've actually put in a request to serve under Captain Morgan's command." Nami respond to Rosie, which is obviously a lie.

Rosie was put in charge of handling any transfer papers in her private office, not one slip of paper tells her, we were getting a new marine being transferred today.

Nami was glancing at the pinkedette, she didn't want to get caught right away, not unless she could get her hands on the map. Rosie pretended to be rhinking for a moment trying to recall from working last night of the information she was given to her.

"Yes, I do remember a certain transcript informing us we were getting a new marine place here, I didn't think it would be so soon," she lied.

Nami & the pirate looked at Rosie, couldn't comprehend at the fact she lied in front of them to her Marine Captain. Why did she lie in front of her Marine Captain's face? Why would she lie for them?

"Wise choice. I expect great things from you," Captain Morgan spoke with a grin appearing on his face. Nami didn't know what had happened, knows Axe-hand Morgan trusted Rosie, a loyal marine member, or so he thought.

"Yeah, she's the best!" The straw hat has spoken as he playfully punches Nami's arm. Rosie released a small chuckle while Captain Morgan look at the male pirate with his eye brows raised,

"I mean, she's the best of the worst. I hate Marines."

He blurted out the last three words, Rosie tries her hardest not to show bit of emotion, not in front of her Marine Captain.

"Carry on," He dismissed the imposter and the pirate. While he escorted me out of their way and proceeded to continue our talk when he interrupted.

"And Nami," I turned around while shouting in the hallways, "I need to speak with you after you're done with him, alright? My office is straight down, take a left and it's the first door there, do not take the right side, that's Captain Morgan's office. "

Nami didn't trust Rosie at all, even if she lied for them into not getting caught. Of course, the straw hat grew his curiosity about the girl even more. Although, the straw hat whispered to Nami, he was loud enough for the her to hear him, "That was amazing, we might need her in our team."

"We are not a team and she's a marine!"

Rosie heard Nami whispered for him to hear but the pinkedette heard them clear as day. Although, she's only doing this because she needs a reason to leave the Marines and have Captain Morgan fired as Marine Captain of Shell Town.

"Rosie, what is it that you need to talk to me about?" Her captain interrupted her thoughts. She stopped walking beside him and mentions to him, she'll talk to him later since it's not important right now. She also mentions to her Captain of the arrival of her reptilian dragon.

Axe-hand Morgan dismissed Rosie as he walks away. Rosie had gotten her bow and arrow out as she heads towards the roof waiting for Captain Morgan to realize the two individuals are stealing the map from his office.

The alarmed was being sounded, but then she heard screaming followed by a loud crashing noise. Although she at the top of the building of the base, she can clearly see Nami, Zoro & the pirate fighting against all of the Marines in the square.

Based on the lack of training from them, he were defeated easily. While watching the fight breaks down, Rosie notice something different about the straw-hat pirate, she notice his entire body stretch,

'Is he a devil fruit user?'

Just then Captain Morgan arrived at the scene, not coming out from hiding but continues to watch the fight between these three against Marine Captain, Ace-Hand Morgan.

While in the middle of the fight, Captain Morgan was fighting against Zoro and the devil user successfully in the beginning while Nami fights off few of the Marines, not letting them come close to the safe on the sandy ground.

She watches Zoro taken out his third sword and place it on his mouth. 'Now I know where the third sword goes,' she thought. Captain Morgan bolted towards Zoro but he block his attack using his two swords sending the man flying across the yard.

He landed on his back and spotted one of his Madines, "Get Rosie to come fight these pirates now!"

He shouted as the Marine nods and went off the search omf or the archery girl. 'He wants me to do his dirty work, huh?' She shocks her head and rolled her eyes at the matter.

Straw-hat uses Zoro's back to launch himself to the tired Captain keeping him down for a moment for Zoro to block the Captain's axe-hand and have his sword against Morgan's neck. "Gum Gum Whip!"

Rosie watches as her Marine Captain took a hit of the Straw-hat's stretch leg. Also sending his flying across from them, defeated.

Rosie came out from hiding and stood visible at the top of the roof with her bow in her hand while her arrows were placed behind her back. They didn't notice her, which works better for her that way.

"Rosie, shoot one of your arrows at them!"

"Why? They didn't do anything to me," Rosie spoke in a monotone voice as she crossed her arms. Captain Morgan didn't like how cold she was acting towards him.

"If you shoot that arrow, I'll tell you where you can find the bellflower that you're looking for,"

Her eyes narrowed, 'How dare he brings that topic up. He has no right to bring up anything related to her island, the people and the disease.'

"Think about the people of your village knowing you've found the cure to the bleeding heart disease."

Rosie can tell he was lying of the whereabouts of the Bellflower, the corner of his mouth almost quirked up. She forced a smile, she immediately pulls out one of her arrows from behind, ready to aim it at the male wear a straw hat.

"Oh, they're dead,"

Rosie then got into position, aiming the arrow towards the straw hat male trying to get on his ship with his fellow two crew mates.

Just when she was going to let go the arrow, but Rosie decides to aim the arrow at the stolen safe containing the map of the grand line. The three pirates shocked when they notice an arrow pierce on the safe. All three of them look around and spotted Rosie at the top of the roof. What they've notice on the pink haired girl was a smirk was creeping on her face.

Rosie turn to Captain Morgan, "Oops. I missed."

The look on his face, it's like he knew, she did it on purpose. He started cursing at her, trying to intimidate her but she stood her ground. Once he was finish having a tantrum, she notice his nose flared and eyes staring down at her,

"Now that you've gotten your anger out, let me tell you one thing Captain," Rosie place her bow behind her back along with her arrow then she has her hands on her hips as she steps closer to the tall man,

"Don't you ever bring my people into our dispute. Worry about them getting away with the map?" Rosie pointed at the boat where the three pirates were sailing away.

"You three are one interesting team," she mumbles.

Captain Morgan and the rest of the Marines also watches as the pirates sailed off. Just then Seraphina landed on top of the roof, letting out a snarl at anyone trying to come close to her. She has her wings out for Rosie to climb onto her.

Her eyes held grudges after Axe-hand Morgan uses her Island and the disease hold against her, "By the way," She begins, she ripped her Marine badge off and threw it on the ground,

"I quit!"

not edited

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