Sonic the Hedgehog-06 x Male...

By WilliamHarley0

5.7K 101 17

Dr. Eggman plans to revive an evil demon known as Iblis by kidnapping Princess Elise of Soleanna. However, in... More

Silver's Intro
Aeon's Arrival
Blaze Explores
Shadow Finds Rouge
Dusty Desert
Amy Learns The Truth
Time Travel
Encountering Iblis
The Train
The Solaris Project
Saving Elise
Egg Carrier Explodes
Changing The Future
Dealing With Mephiles
Battle In The Sky
Final Battle

Sonic Dies

187 4 0
By WilliamHarley0

Although Iblis had been sealed and Elise saved by Eggman, the story wasn't over yet. Mephiles appeared in the forest with the purple Chaos Emerald floating above him. He grinned, ready for his true intentions to be revealed to the world. Sonic and Elise walked through the forest and had smiles on their faces, but that was about to end. The Chaos Emerald appears behind them and sends out a bright light, giving Mephiles the opportunity to make his move. He sends a piercing attack through Sonic, causing him to let out a gasp sound. Elise notices this and lets out a gasp of her own as Sonic drops to the ground, dying right in front of her.

Elise: [Shaking him] Sonic! Sonic!

This was Mephiles' plan all along, and it was half true. Sonic was the one who releases Iblis from its dormant prison of Elise, but he wasn't the cause of it. He lets out an evil laugh as his plans have finally set in motion. Elise keeps shaking Sonic's body and turns him over, but his hand drops to the ground.

Elise: [Silently] Sonic?

Elise was holding her hands together, but remembers when she was little. Her father's words rang in her head, but she failed to listen to them at the end of it all.

Elise's Father: Yes, Elise... Don't cry, no matter what happens.

Elise's tears finally fell, and it was at this moment she realized what was going on.

Elise: [In sadness] Oh no... [Looks up at the sky; tears fall] Nooooooooo!

The flames in Elise's heart were finally released upon the world, and Mephiles was finally able to fuse with Iblis to become the Eternal Sun God of Soleanna, Solaris.

Mephiles: [Laughs] Finally, the seal is broken! At long last, I'll be able to join with you! Iblis! [Aims Chaos Emerald at Iblis] Now, Chaos Emerald! It's time for the final curtain call!

The Chaos Emerald rises into the air and begins the first part of the joining of Mephiles and Iblis. Shadow, Rouge and E-123 Omega were still in the ruins and standing in the center of a black, gooey shadow. Shadow puts his Inhibitor Rings back on and goes to pick up the two Chaos Emeralds, but a huge ball of light envelops the area. Aeon and Sally were walking around the forest looking for the back-up Espio was talking about, but unknown to them, the world was beginning to change.

Sally: We've been walking around for hours. Who do you expect we'll find?

Aeon: I don't know. [Feels surge; shocked] What the? [Pulls out Chaos Emerald] What's going on?

Sally: [Confused] Aeon?

A light similar to the one that enveloped Team Dark now envelops Aeon and Sally. Back in Soleanna, the clouds cover the city as Mephiles appears in the sky, Iblis' flames swirling all around him and the seven Chaos Emeralds. The two bond with one another and something far worse appears from the giant ball of light that was originally Mephiles and Iblis.

This was Solaris, the Eternal Sun God. A huge ball of light covers Soleanna and everyone gets sent to a time-space rift, far from that of our world. The group look around at the area that was once Soleanna, all stunned and confused.

Tails: What is this?

Amy: Where are we? What's going on?

Knuckles: Is this because of that light?

Aeon: Whatever that was, I'd suppose so, Knuckles.

Sally: [Looks around] Doesn't explain why we've been sent to a place like this.

Everyone was sent to this time-space rift, even Silver, who was pulled from his future.

Silver: [Looks at hands] The Chaos Emerald has disappeared...

Amy: [Looks to the side; confused] Silver?

Silver: [Looks at her] What are you doing here? This is all so confusing...

Rouge: It's all because of Solaris.

Team Dark, Team Chaotix and even the friends who have come to Soleanna were there.

Amy: [Sees Cream and Cheese; confused] Cream and Cheese?

Cream: [Terrified] What's going on?

Espio: This is a time-space rift.

Vector: [Looks around; confused] But it looks almost exactly like Soleanna.

Sticks: That's because it is, just shattered.

Charmy: [Flies to Vector and Espio; frightened] This is scary, alright...

Eggman: It seems we were all caught by the spatial distortion.

The group look up at the light above them and fully realize what's going on now.

Eggman: Iblis' seal has been broken.

Aeon: That explains why we're all in a time rift and why that ball of light's above us. Robotnik, what's going on?

Eggman: [Looks over to Elise and the dead body of Sonic] Due to Mephiles manipulation, we've been sent here.

Everyone looks to the side and sees Elise, clutching onto Sonic.

Amy: [Shocked] Sonic?

Tails: [Shakes head; doesn't believe it] No... You don't think...

Aeon: I think so, Tails...

Knuckles: Sonic!

Amy drops to her knees and begins crying, feeling sad about losing the person she cares about more than anything. All around Sonic and Elise, everyone feels sad about losing the blue hedgehog, even Shadow and Eggman.

Eggman: Mephiles played us all for fools!

Aeon: What do you mean?

Eggman: His plan all along was to cause the Princess to be so consumed with despair that she'd cry.

Silver: [Realization hits] So that's why he wanted me to kill Sonic before...

The ground begins to shake and a large roar comes from the light.

Silver: Solaris!

Eggman: This creature will consume all existing timelines.

Aeon: That isn't good. [Everyone looks at him] If that happens, all of time itself will collapse and disappear into nothingness.

Eggman: [Nods in agreement] Precisely.

Shadow: The instability of time caused this time-space rift.

Eggman: It won't remain for much longer.

Knuckles: We've no time to waste. We've got to defeat it now!

Aeon: It can't be done, Knuckles. I've gone through time before, and I'll tell you this. It's a transcending life form that exists in the past, present and future.

Eggman: And defeating it here, now, would do nothing.

Silver: [Defiant] No, I won't give up. There has to be a way. If you say it exists in the past, present and future, I'll destroy them all at once!

Shadow: Certainly, it might have been possible, [Looks to Sonic] if he was still alive.

Amy: [Cries even harder] Sonic! Sonic!

Everyone was confused as to what they should do, that is until Elise looks up and feels something flow all around her.

Elise: [Silently] Sonic...

Silver: [Confused] What's the matter?

Elise: I feel... Sonic's presence in the wind. I don't think he's dead yet! [Amy looks up] I'm sure of it. It's not too late!

Aeon: If it's not, then...

Silver: Of course! Let's call him back with the power of the Chaos Emeralds! [Everyone looks at him; clutches fist] Focus your thoughts on using its power to perform this miracle... [Runs to Elise; crouches down] You can do it, Princess!

Elise: I can?

Silver: You were the vessel that was used to seal Iblis. You should be able to use the gems' power to rescue Sonic's soul! [Smiles at her]

Elise: [Nods] I'll... Do it!

Aeon: [Looks to Eggman; curious] Robotnik, where are the Chaos Emeralds?

Eggman: [Uses glasses; scans the time-space rift] Solaris flung the Chaos Emeralds to the distant corners of this distorted world.

Tails: To collect them all in time, we'll have to split up!

Amy: [Stands up] I'll go, too! Because it's for Sonic! So Elise... Watch over him!

Everyone runs off and leaves Elise with Sonic, ready to look for the Chaos Emeralds in order to save Sonic's soul from the after life.

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