Scary Girl X Male Reader

By RealMemey

31.5K 689 984

You're a normal everyday guy who signed up to be apart of the reboot of the hit show Total Drama Island to wi... More

[Prologue] The Letter
[Chapter 1] New Screams, Old Ways
[Chapter 2] A Sinking Feeling
[Chapter 3] Leap Of Faith
[Chapter 4] Bone Head
[Chapter 5] Baby Wails & Dinosaur Tails
[Chapter 7] Horror On TDI
[Chapter 8] Bird Brained
[Chapter 9] Throwing (Up) The Game
[Chapter 10] Head Over Falls

[Chapter 6] When Campers Fly

2K 59 78
By RealMemey

[You wake up against a tree, your muscles still aching from running from Scary Girl yesterday. You feel a weight on your lap as you look down and see her laying peacefully on your lap, asleep. You blush as you're not too sure what to do. You had to admit, she looked cute when she wasn't running around trying to scoop you or whatever.]

[You gently nudge her on the back of her head as she only just flips to the other side, her head now facing your stomach. Your roll your eyes as your stomach growls, starving after not really eating much yesterday.]

[To your surprise she sits up, her hair in a mess as she rubs her eyes. She looks at you with a a cheeky smile.]

Scary Girl: "Someone's hungry!~"

[You roll your eyes as you look back at her.]

(Y/N): "Yeah, well running for over an hour straight does that to ya."

[You stretch as she giggles. She undoes her pigtails as she lets her hair fall. Its a bit shorter than you thought but still, seeing her with out her usual pigtails was odd.]

Scary Girl: "Don't get used to this! I'm just fixing them."

[She pulls out a comb as she straightens out her hair.]

(Y/N): "What are you, 'Scary Poppins?'"

[Now she rolls her eyes as she smerks.]

Scary Girl: "I may be scary, but even I keep up hygiene, I'm not Ripper!"

[You shrug in agreement as she puts her hair back into her signature pigtails.]

(Y/N): "Why you still out here anyways?"

[Scary Girl looks off to the side for a second then faces you with a grin.]

Scary Girl: "Well I didn't wanna leave you out here alone! Besides, I was tried too."

[You look around the area, it's unfamiliar to you.]

(Y/N): "Unless you know where we are. I think we're lost."

[She hops onto your back as you face her, your faces super close to each other. You had to admit she was pretty light for some of the things she can do.]

Scary Girl: "Don't worry, I know this island like the back of my hand! How else do you think I find food?"

(Y/N): "Please tell me you're joking..."

[She creepily giggles at you as she wraps her arms around you.]

Scary Girl: "Now let's go!"

[You sighs as you walk down a trail. Scary directing you where to go.]


[Once you reach the main area again, you both depart as you get a shower and change your clothes. You enter the main lodge to see the whole kitchen blown up and everyone remaining eating a burrito. Everyone but Julia and Scary Girl are inside.]

Zee: "Oh hey man! You didn't come back to the cabin yesterday? Did you need to pee that badly?"

[Mostly everyone turns to look at you.]

Priya: "Yeah we didn't see you after the elimination ceremony yesterday. Is everything okay?"

Chase: "Probably planning something behind our backs."

(Y/N): "Shut it Chase I'm not planning crap. And yes Priya I'm fine. Just had some problems last night."

Zee: "So it was a pee break! Yeah I get you bro. One time I had to pee, and it lasted for over an hour!"

Chase: "Woah!

MK: "TMI!"

Millie: "I- don't think that's healthy..."

[You sigh.]

(Y/N): "No Zee it wasn't a 'pee break'."

Millie: "Was it Scary Girl."

[MK gets a sly look on her face as you just turn off to the side.]

(Y/N): "Yeah, it was."

Chase: "What's been with you two? Every time I see you, she's not too far behind ya!"

MK: "He totally has a crush on her~"

(Y/N): "No I don't!"

Millie: "(Y/N), if you have feelings for her it's okay!"

*Confessional Booth*

Millie: "Albeit questionable.."


(Y/N): "I don't! Can you please stop asking.."

Zee: "What ever ya say man! Wanna burrito?"

[He slides you one as you take it, remembering your hunger from earlier.]

(Y/N): "Thanks man."

[You hear the door slam open, expecting it to be Lauren you turn around, only to see an angry Julia. She scans the room as Bowie prods at her.]

Bowie: "Hey Julia, where've ya been? Insulting forest creatures?" 

[He laughs after he says that as Julia takes the burrito from his hand and smacks him upside the head with it causing him to hit his head on the table causing everyone to gasp.]

Julia: "Who posted the video of me yelling at the dinosaur!"

[MK looks away nervously as Julia scans the room.]

Julia: "No one brave enough to admit it, that's okay! I'll figure out who did it myself!"

[She walks out the door as Scary Girl comes up, she tries to push Scary Girl down the stairs only for Scary to smack her hand away and shoot a glare at her.]

*Confessional Booth*

Scary Girl: "Julia's a real jerk! Though if she tries to be rude to (Y/N).. she has another thing coming!~"


Julia: "Scary Girl, her boyfriend, and Bowie are proving to be a problem. As soon as I find out who leaked that video. They're all going home A.S.A.P!"


MK: "Does that mean you won't be blessing our morning burritos..?"

[You meet up with Scary Girl at the doorway scratching the back of your head.]

(Y/N): "Yeah.. sorry for not believing you yesterday.."

[She smiles.]

Scary Girl: "It's fine!~"

[An airhorn goes off as Chris comes over the intercom.]

Chris: "Next challenge! The field. 10 minutes!"

[You turn to Scary Girl and offer her a burrito as she shakes her head.]

Scary Girl: "Don't worry, I ate something on the way here!~"

[You don't want to think about it so you just shrug it off.]

(Y/N): "Okay, if you say so.."


[Your team is heading to the challenge as Chase speaks up.]

Chase: "Hey, has anyone else been having things go missing? I lost one of my practice cameras."

(Y/N): "What's a practice camera?"

Chase: "Oh, just because I haven't been uploading videos doesn't mean I'm not practicing. It's something I made out of a tin can and a stick."

Scary Girl: "That's sad!~"

[Chase looks down in disappointment as Zee speaks up.]

Zee: "Yeah, I'm missing a can of soda."

Millie: "A few of my pencils have been going missing."

Priya: "You think someone's stealing from us?"

(Y/N): "But who, and why?"

Chase: "I dunno. But if I find who took my camera, I'll bring the pain!"

Scary Girl: "Oooh! Can I help!~"

[Everyone just looks at her as she happily looks at them.]

Millie: "That- won't be needed Scary.."

*Confessional Booth*

Millie: "Although Scary Girl is, well, scary. I have to admit that she can be a pretty valuable teammate. It's kind of like having two Priya's!"


[You all reach the challenge area as you're handed helmets, you notice the two catapults and get concerned as to what this might entail.]

Chris: "Okay! Today's challenge is called 'Stranger Flings!'"

Chef: "Each team gets their own state of the art medieval catapult, which you will use to fling your teammates as far as you need to."

Chase: "Oh-a-oh hold up.. fling..?"

Chef: "The goal is to land your teammates into one of three point value targets. Land in the first one, that's 1000 points, second is 2000, third is-"

Bowie: "3000 got it, but what's with the craters in front of and behind each target?"

Chris: "Those are surprise penalty pits! If you overshoot or undershoot your target, you land there."

Scary Girl: "Ooooh, what are the surprises?"

Chris: "Do- you not understand how surprises work..?"

Chef: "So if you land in a point section, go through the door and come back to your team."

Chris: "So, is everyone ready to- Chase, you okay..?"

[You turn to see Chase curled up in a ball as he rocks back and forth.]

Chase: "Uh yes uh dude.. I'm just... I'm just.. hehe-ehh."

*Confessional Booth*

Emma: "Chase has never backed out of a dare, he's done it all, except for the slingshot ride at 8 Pendant Themepark! He totally chickened out!"


[Chase stands back up and composes himself.]

Chase: "I um eh, it's uhm I- oh- ah, I call flinger, yeah I- I said it first so I'll just work the catapult no big deal-!"

Chris: "No no, every team member must take a turn being fling before anyone goes twice!"

[Chase bites his finger.]

Chase: "Ooooh no.."

Chris: "First team to reach 10,000 points wins and the loser team will be sending someone home!"

Priya: "Last summer my parents sent me to catapult camp, so now I know all about torc, tension, and angles!" 

*Confessional Booth*

Millie: "Who sends their kid to catapult camp..? That is tragic. But it's also gold!"

[She jots it down into her notepad.]


Priya: "I know it's weird so, please don't tell anyone else that story, kay?"

Millie: "I won't say a word."

*Confessional Booth*

Millie: "But I am putting it in my book.."


Chris: "Ready! Set!" [He sounds the airhorn as everyone gets into place.]

Scary Girl: "Me me me! I wanna go first!~"

Chase: "Awesome! I'll look busy."

Zee: "Are catapults made of cats bro..?"

[Priya whistles to catch your teams attention.]

Priya: "Hey! I know how to work catapults, if you let me be in charge I can win this for us!"

Scary Girl: "Well come on lets go!~"

[Zee notices the lever to the catapult.]

Zee: "Ooh, what's this lever do?"

(Y/N): "Wait Zee don't-!"

[He pulls it as Scary Girl is sent flying.]

Priya: "Zee!"

Chris: "Looks like Scary Girl's the first one out of the bucket, and by accident no less!"

[She barely misses and lands into the pit in front of the thousand points.]

Chris: "Chef! Tell them what she's landed in!"

Chef: "Scary Girl has just landed in a very crabby crab colony!"

[The crabs pinch her as she just giggles.]

Scary Girl: "You guys are so adorable!~"

[Chef and Chris just look at each other in confusion.]

Priya: "Millie, get in, I'll get you to the third target."

Millie: "W-what?"

Priya: "Don't worry! I've made all the calculations and if they're right-"

Millie: "If!?"

*Confessional Booth*

Millie: "I want Priya to keep helping me through these challenges so I can keep doing my research I need to put myself at risk sometimes..."


[You run over to Scary Girl to check if she's okay.]

(Y/N): "You alright down there!?"

[She keeps giggling as the crabs are now keeping a distance from her as she looks up and spots you.]

Scary Girl: "Ooh, hey (Y/N)!~"

(Y/N): "Don't you 'Hey (Y/N)' me! Get outa there!"

Scary Girl: "Aww, you're no fun sometimes."

[She picks one up as it tries to get away from her.]

Scary Girl: "I can put one of these under Chase or Julia's pillows!"

(Y/N): "While that would be funny. Don't."

[You notice the giant shell behind her start to raise as a giant crab awakens.]

(Y/N): "Uhh. Lauren.."

[You point behind her as she turns to see to giant crab as it roars at her. It tries to swing at her but she just grabs its claw and chucks it out of the pit as it screams.]

*With the others*

Zee: "Woaahh, flying crab!"

Millie: "I don't think it's flying..."

Zee: "It's in the air! So that means its flying."

Millie: "Well, you aren't technically wrong but.. oh never mind.."

*Back with you*

Scary Girl: "Baaiii!~"

[You're once again left dumbfounded as Chris comes over the megaphone.]

Chris: "Scary Girl, please don't throw the giant animals.. I need them incase anyone else lands in the pit! Interns! Please retrieve the giant crab and put it back into the pit."

[She climbs out of the pit as she brushes the sand off.]

Scary Girl: "That was fun!~"

*Confessional Booth*

(Y/N): "If I wanna date her, that's the kind of stuff I'll need to put up with, someone who could literally throw me to the moon if I make her mad... I mean..."

[You scratch the back of your head.]

(Y/N): "I guess... there's always worse options..?"


[MK's looking at the phone.]

MK: "Can't wait to see in the news, 'Local idiot is sent to the moon by crazy girl!'"


[You look and see that Emma's been launched, all from her high-pitched screaming, as she lands in the 2000 point goal.]

Chris: "And the Frogs of Death leap onto the score board with 2000 points!"

[Emma comes out of the door dazed as she accidentally lands into the pit in front of the goal. She lands in a barrel as she hears snorting. She pokes her head out to be met with an angry bull.]

Chris: "I was hoping this would happen! Emma accidentally fell in to a penalty zone so now she has a mad rodeo bull to deal with!"

[The bull runs at her and sends the barrels she's in flying around inside as she screams.]

Emma: "Make it stop!"

[Chris laughs as Chef looks at him in annoyance.]

Chris: "Classic.."

[Millie's getting herself ready as Priya talks to her.]

Priya: "Remember to tuck on your decent. You got this Millie!"

[She launches her as she enjoys it, completely forgetting what she needed to do until Priya reminds her.]

Priya: "Tuck!"

[Millie tucks as she lands into the 3000 point goal.]

Chris: "And the Trout's are ahead of the Frogs by 1000 points!"

[Your team celebrates as Scary Girl hugs you. Millie busts out the door celebrating as well.]

*Confessional Booth*

Millie: "That was... the most fun I've ever had!"

[Wayne and Raj try going at once but Chef shoots them down, Wayne is launched instead as he hits a bird and lands into the bull penalty zone with Emma.]

Wayne: "Woah! Why is this cow so mad!?"

[Raj wants to help Wayne, but Julia ends up launching him too far and into the pit behind the 3000 point goal.]

Chris: "Too far!"

[Raj freaks out thinking he's landed in puke as Chris speaks up.]

Chris: "Nope! It's tapioca pudding."

Bowie: "Eugh, the evilest pudding of all!"

[Everyone else is revolted as Raj speaks up again.]

Raj: "Guys, I gotta cramp! I can't tread this tapioca much longer!"

Wayne: "Someone save my buddy Raj!" [He says as the bull bounces him up and down.]

Priya: "Zee, you're up!"

Zee: "Up for what? What game are we playing?"

Priya: "I just have to fling you 1000 to 3000 feet into a goal for us to score points!"

Zee: "Bro, did I say yes to that?"

Priya: "Just, get in!"

Zee: "Whatever ya say man!"

[He turns to Scary Girl.]

Zee: "You know, this is exactly how I lost my leg."

Scary Girl: "Ooh, can I have the other one if you lose it!"

Zee: "Sure man, don't see what else I'm gonna do with it."

[He's launched but hits a tree and falls into a penalty pit.]

Chris: "Ouch! That had to hurt! But was also pretty funny!"

[Bowie jumps into the catapult.]

Bowie: "Put me in the pudding!"

Julia: "If by pudding you mean target, I will." 

Chris: "While Bowie's about to get in the air, let's see how Wayne is doing on the ground."

[The bull is now spinning him in a ball with its hind legs as it kicks him out of the pit and into the 2000 point goal, giving the Frogs points.]

Chris: "Wayne scores! So now that is a total of 4000 points for the Frogs!"

Priya: "4000 points, how is that fair!? Wayne landed in a penalty zone!"

Chef: "Wayne landed on the bull so he never landed on the ground till he was in the points zone."

[Priya storms back to the catapult.]

Priya: "Well, no one mentioned that before we started the challenge! Chase, get in! I'm flinging you!"

Chase: "Wait woah woah, hey hey, how far are ya-"

[Zee and Scary Girl pick up Chase and toss him into the catapult as Priya launches him, he passes in and out in the air.]

Priya: "Tuck Chase! He's not tucking!"

[He lands back into the pit with the crabs as they surround him.]

Priya: "Ugh! (Y/N), you're up!"

(Y/N): "Aight. If you say so."

[Scary Girl looks at Priya as Priya gulps and looks up at you.]

Priya: "I'm sure we got it this time! Just make sure to tuck before you land!"

[She sends you off as Bowie is launched at the same time. He turns to you.]

Bowie: "Oh, hey."

(Y/N): "Hello again."

Bowie: "So, you and Lauren huh?"

(Y/N): "We're not, and I can say the same about you and Raj, gonna go be his prince charming."

[Bowie shrugs.]

Bowie: "Fair enough."

*Confessional Booth*

Bowie: "Straight couples, like ugh! Just confess already, like, almost everyone knows."


Chris: "Looks like Bowie landed in the 3000 point one while (Y/N) only lands in the 1000 point one! So that's 7000 for the frogs and 5000 for the Trout!"

[Bowie backflips out of the hole as he lands into the pit with Raj.]

Chris: "What's this? Looks like someone likes tapioca pudding after all! I just hope he can save Raj from the sharks."

Chef: "The what!?"

Everyone: "The what!?"

Scary Girl: "Shark!?"

Chris: "Did I not mention the pudding sharks!? Why am I always forgetting the sharks, it's like I'm-"

[Priya is launched as that takes his moves on.]

Chris: "Look! Priya's in the sky!"

Millie: "Go Priya!"

[She lands in the 3000 point goal.]

Chris: "Another 3000 for the trout's brings their score up to a tie! 7000 and 7000, and looks like Priya's jumping for joy about it!"

*Confessional Booth*

Priya: "I'm not gonna lie, I never thought catapult camp would turn out to be useful but wooo! Thanks mom and dad!"


[Raj is freaking out as Bowie appears from behind him.]

Bowie: "Hey there~"

Raj: "Bowie, what are you doing here!"

Bowie: "I'm here to save you silly!"

[He notices the shark behind Raj.]

Bowie: "We should probably-"

[Before he can say anything else, Raj moves in and kisses Bowie on the lips while Wayne looks down with happiness.]

*Confessional Booth*

Bowie: "Okay, interesting~"


Raj: "That felt... right!"


Wayne: "So I run over to help my bud and what do I see? Raj, kissing, Bowie!! Face kissing, on the face! That happened bro! Okay, I can't celebrate with him until he tells me. He's for sure gonna now though, this is it!"


(Y/N): "Called it."


[Raj pulls away, embarrassed.]

Raj: "That was uhh.. sorry, I've been thinking about kissing you a-and.."

Bowie: "Shhh, let's talk about this after we get away from these sharks."

Raj: "The sharks? They should be in San Jose, they got a home game tonight."

Chris: "Once again the Trout and Frogs are tied at 7000 points, and you know what that means!" [He says as he turns the Chef.]

Chef: "We're almost done?"

Chris: "It's tine for-" [He picks up his megaphone.] "The lightning round! Campers, there is now a winner takes all bullseye!"

(Y/N): "A new target?"

MK: "Yeah this won't be dangerous at all."

Zee: "Winner takes all? Why is it never winner shares all?"

Priya: "Shhh! I wanna hear the instructions!"

Chris: "The target is worth 10,000 points and it's 10,000 feet away!  And all you have to do, is glide through this lightning storm!"

[A hawk is electrocuted by the lightning as it turns into cooked chicken and falls to the ground.]

Millie: "That's a serious storm cloud.."

Chris: "Yes it is! But if you land in the target, it's an immediate win! So campers, what's it gonna be?"

Millie: "That seems pretty far.."

Priya: "But we have to win this! I'm sure I can get the distance right!"

Scary Girl: "Me, pick me!~"

Priya: "Are you sure..?"

Scary Girl:" Trust me, I've done worse!"

Millie: "What can be worse then getting stuck by lightning..?"

[She hops into the catapult.]

Scary Girl: "Let's win this!~"

[You walk up to her as she turns to you.]

(Y/N): "Hey.. good luck."

[She smiles.]

Scary Girl: "Aww, thanks buddy!~"

[She pulls you into a hug as Priya just smirks and rolls her eyes.]

[Over with the Trout, they're trying to find out which would be better to go for.]

Emma: "Okay! We're already winning."

MK: "Right? So why try for 10,000 points."

Bowie: "If we only need 3000, which we know we can do!"

MK: "Cool! It's settled, so we're gonna play safe and-"

Julia: "Despise me all you want, when I win this you- can't- vote- me- off! Hah!"

[She launches herself as Scary Girl is launched by Priya.]

Chef: "I can't watch.."

Chris: "And they're off!" [He yells into Chef's ear causing him to fall over.]

[Julia and Scary Girl meet each other mid air.]

*Scary Girl's POV*

Scary Girl: "Oh, it's you..."

Julia: "I can say the same. Now stuff it so I can focus!"

Scary Girl: "And who do you think you're talking to!?"

Julia: "Look Lauren. Your little stupid scary trick doesn't work on me, how your team hasn't given you the boot yet is beyond me, especially that dumb boyfriend you drag around. Jeez even Ripper would be more tolerable than you. Everyone is sick and tired of your annoying little gimmick, give it up, and just let the professionals win this."

Scary Girl: "Oh, so that's how you wanna play huh!?"

[Scary Girl pulls out another fake skull and chuck it it her, hitting her in the head.]

Julia: "Ow! You little-!"

Chris: "Looks like Scary and Julia have gotten into a mid-air fight! Awesome!"

Bowie: "Ohh this ain't good.."

Priya: "Come onnn Scary Girl!"

[Julia pulls out some phones and chucks it at Scary Girls as she grabs them and deflects all of them.]

Julia: "What!?"

[Scary Girl looks up and points.]

Scary Girl: "Hey, duck!~"

Julia: "Ha ha, real funny."

Scary Girl: "No, duck!~"

[Julia looks in font of her just as she collides with a duck. She's send crashing into the trees where she's flung around.]

Scary Girl: "Goose!~" [She giggles as she lands into the 10,000 point goal, winning the challenge for your team.]

*Back to your POV*

Chef: "The Ferocious Trout win!"

[Your team celebrates as Chris walks up to the Frogs of Death.]

Chris: "Frogs of Death, see you at the campfire, one of you is heading home tonight!" [He pulls out his megaphone.] "Hurry it up Julia, we don't have all day!"


[Your team is celebrating at the beach in your swimsuits since the main lodge is still destroyed, Chris getting some ice cream bars.]

Millie: "I can't believe we won that!"

Zee: "Yeah! And it was thanks to Creepy Girl!"

[He points to Lauren who's holding a crab while sat next to you.]

(Y/N): "Yeah, good job!"

[She smiles at you as she looks down a neutral look on her face.]

(Y/N): "Hey, what's wrong..?"

Scary Girl: "Can we, talk, for a moment..?"

[You look at the others and than back at her.]

(Y/N): "Oh uh, sure."

[You stand up and look to the others.]

(Y/N): "Hey uh, we're gonna go walk for a bit, we'll be right back."

Priya: "Oh, alright, take your time!"

Chase: "Hey, more ice cream for me!"

[Scary Girl sets the crab down as she leads the way. You reach a nearby tree line as she turns to you.]

Scary Girl: "Am- I annoying to you..?"

[You're taken aback.]

(Y/N): "What.. no! Trust me, I think I said this before but I'll say it again, if I didn't like you then I wouldn't hang out with you so much. Now who told you this?"

Scary Girl: "Julia."

[You huff.]

(Y/N): "Don't let what that prissy piece of crap say to you get to you. Trust me, I'm sure that the rest of the team can say the same. So don't let her get to you, okay Lauren..?"

[She looks up at you as you open your arms.]

(Y/N): "Bring it in."

[She leaps into your arms as she holds you back. You caress the back of her head, not caring about how odd it was or whatever, you just wanted to let her know you cared.]

(Y/N): "You're insanely talented and cool Lauren. Heck I think you could even win this."

[She pulls back.]

Scary Girl: "What about you?"

(Y/N): "An average guy like me? Yeah I doubt it, especially come merge I don't have a chance against people like Priya or Julia or even you."

[She looks off to the side for a moment with a neutral expression, she then turns back to you with her usual smile.]

Scary Girl: "Well, anything can happen (Y/N), kinda like this!~"

[In the blink of a moment water splashes you in the face, you rub your eyes as you look and see Scary Girl holding a water balloon.]

(Y/N): "Ohhh, I see~"

[You quickly snatch the balloon out of her hands as she tries to block it but fails and ends up getting a balloon to the face, all the while she giggles like a maniac, though you can't help but laugh along with her.]

Scary Girl: "Hey, that's not fair!"

(Y/N): "Well you started it soooo."

Scary Girl: "Oh, also, what were you and Bowie talking about?"

(Y/N): "I- it was uhh..."

*Confessional Booth*

(Y/N): "Crap... I don't know if I should confess or not.. I mean it went well for Raj, but I don't know if I could get the same luck.."


(Y/N): "It was.. nothing. Just small jabs at each other."

[She analyzes you before smiling.]

Scary Girl: "Oh, okay!~"

[She grabs your arm.]

Scary Girl: "Come on! Let's jump into the water and fight some sharks!"

(Y/N)'s Thoughts: "Yeah, you know what, I should tell her soon, while I still have the opportunity to-"

[You finally realize what she said.]

(Y/N): "Wait what-"

[She giggles as she drags you to the water against your will, though, a small part of you thinks you would have gone along with it anyways.]

[To Be Continued...]

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