Blind In Love (Jensoo)

By NainaZara

34.4K 2.4K 942

Inspired by an Indian movie: Jennie is an eye doctor living in South Korea who grew up in Jeju Island. She do... More

Save My Number?
Hahaha....I'm Just Whipped
Get Ready To Say...
I Do
I'm Married But Not Tame
I'm Here For You
At The Drop Of A Hat
Short and Sweet
I Know You
Trust Fall
My Weird Feeling
A Jealousy Battle
A Distraction
My Priority & True Feelings
My Perfect Life Isn't Complete Without You Pt. 1
My Perfect Life Isn't Complete Without You Pt. 2
Sweet & Sexy
I'm Sorry
My Shattered Life Without You
My Partner
Without You
The Tragic Reveal
A Crack Splinters
My Anchor

Life Gave me Bullets, But I Picked You

1.5K 86 55
By NainaZara

Triggers: mentions of rape


"Okay! On the count of three! One! Two! Three!"

I unhook the harness from the rope we used as I use my legs to smash the window and somersault inside.

I have my legs crouched with one hand on the ground and one hand in the hair. It would probably look like Spider-Man's pose.

"Poser!" Lisa shouts as she jumps in and lands on her feet.

I grin shamelessly. "Watched Black Widow recently huh?"

She rolls her eyes with a smile and we both pull off the harness and drop it down.

"Who....who are you people?" A refugee asks us.

I take a shaky breath at the dozen women in tattered clothes huddled in the corner.

I smile and kneel in front of them. "We're here to save you."

One of them grasps my hand tightly which catches me off-guard. "Please!"

I nod and squeeze her hand as she lets go to hug another woman tightly.

I go to Lisa and she nods. We both hold our guns close to our chest as we walk to the entrance of the room. The owner will no doubt come through and start yelling at us.

And right on cue, the door bursts open and Lisa and I point our guns at him.

Lisa has hers pointed at his head and I have mine pointed at his nuts.

"Jisoo," she warns.

I load my gun and he immediately covers his private area.

"What are you doing?!" He shouts in fear.

⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️

I grin wickedly. "I'm about to do to you what you did to those women by letting them get raped every night by dirty men like you!"

⚠️ End of trigger ⚠️

I shoot but I purposefully miss and it goes into his thigh.

He yells in pain and falls to his knees.

I look at Lisa. "Shit! I missed my target!"

Lisa shakes her head and places one hand on her hip and leans on one leg. "I don't know why you're like this Jisoo. What happened? You're an ace shooter! Here let me try!"

She grabs my gun and shoots his arm. He screams in pain again and Lisa looks at the gun and then me.

"I think it's the gun Jisoo. Here use mine." She hands me hers and I load it and pull it back.

"Should I test it on some spot? This is new right?"

"It's new but I think it should work fine. I tested it back at the base."

I nod and press the gun near his temple.

He starts sobbing and crying loudly.

"I....P-Please don't kill me!" He sobs loudly.

I dig the gun into his head. "Those were probably the exact cries of the women. Did you do anything? Did you?!"

He trembles in fear. "I-I'm sorry! I'M SORRY!"

I pull the gun from his head and go to the woman that held my hand.

I smile gently and lift her up. I pull her in front of the man.

"How much rage do you feel looking at him?"

Lisa smiles at me with her arms crossed over her bulletproof vest.

The woman stares at the man for a long moment before looking at me.

"What if you get in trouble?"

I smile and hold her shoulder. "I'm part of the Special Forces." I hold a finger to my lips and look at everyone else too.

They all nod and she agrees too.

I squeeze her shoulder. "I was sent to do an encounter on him and find the men he employed for all of you. But I thought I would give you a chance. Would you like it?"

She looks at the gun and swallows.

"I'm not forcing you okay?" I clarify. "I can do it easily. I just want to give you a chance to feel free."

She slowly grabs the gun and holds her finger to the trigger.

I go behind her and hold her shoulders. "Since it's your first time, there might be a pushback. I'll catch you."

She holds the gun at the man's head and he clasps his hands in prayer. "PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!"

"Can you load the gun?" She asks quietly.

Lisa walks forward and does it for her.

She holds the gun with both hands and looks at him with a tear rolling down her face.

He shakes his head and tries to reach for her legs to beg for mercy but Lisa kicks him back hard so that he falls onto his back.


⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️

She sobs out, "You know what you said to me when you brought me here? 'You're a worthless piece of trash that couldn't keep her baby alive!' Well,'re a worthless piece of trash that couldn't even save his own life! I hope you rot in hell!"

She shoots him straight in the face and the force of the gunshot shoots her into my arms and I wrap my arms around her waist.

All of the women scream and look away from his gory face.

⚠️ End of trigger ⚠️

Lisa casually pulls a black cloth from her utility belt and places it over his face.

The woman turns in my arms and sobs into my neck, dropping the gun to the ground with a thud.

I stroke her head and hold her against me.

"I...I....killed—" She sobs again and I kiss her forehead.

"You did did well."

I smile over to Lisa who winks back.

2 hours later:

"Hello everyone!" I shout as me and Lisa walk in with donuts.

We both appear at a person's desk.

I place the napkin on the person's desk and Lisa places a donut and we go around to each person doing that.

By the time everyone has one, there's two left and we hit the donuts against each other and then chomp them down.

"Jisoo! I have some paperwork you need to sign!"

I turn around and see Sam running towards me with a stack of papers.

I widen my eyes and dust my hands off. "You know what?" I turn to Lisa. "I have to go see my parents. You remember?" I hope she gets my meaning as I nod my head.

She nods back and holds my cheek. "Of course I remember! That....that....that thing!" She points at my face and I hold her finger.

"Yes! I'm so happy you remember!" I say cheerfully.

Sam sighs. "Jisoo. You have to—"

"I'm off Sam! I'll see you later! Don't miss me!" I shout and pat his cheek.

I skip out....literally.

I skip out and pull my hair free of its rubber band and let it bounce with each step.

"HOW ARE YOU THE HEAD OF THE FORCE JISOO?!" Sam shouts behind me.

I open the door and shout, "BECAUSE EVERYONE LOVES ME!"

Then I leave dramatically with a hair flip to sounds of laughter.


I burst into my house.

Yes, I'm 36 years old and I still live with my parents.

But hey, if I can afford a house the size of a mansion then they shouldn't worry.

"My mother! My father! What are you—AGAIN?!"

Both of them are sitting at the dining table and looking through possible partner pictures for me.

I slump into one of the dining chairs and they don't notice me.

I clear my throat. "Excuse me?! My parents!"

My dad looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "When are you going to act your age?"

I smile. "Never."

He chuckles and goes back to the pictures.

I smile and lean forward on my forearms. "Any hot girls yet?"

This time my mom gives me a look. "Refrain from objectifying women."

That's what you get for having a mother who's a Liberal Arts and Women Studies Professor while your dad is a Senior Architect at his IT company.

"You know?" I say as I drum my fingers on the table. "I think this marriage thing is nonsense."

"We know Jisoo," they say in chorus.

I roll my eyes. "I've given up on marriage. No one wants to marry a mid-thirties woman."

My dad points to himself and I roll my eyes. "Let me rephrase—"

"Jisoo. We want grandkids. And someone to bury us at our funeral. With you constantly running around and putting yourself in danger, how are we supposed to do anything?"

I hold my hand out. "Fine. Who do you want me to meet?"

My mom's face lights up and she says, "I found the perfect girl. However—you can't see her just yet! I'll give you her address though. She lives on Jeju so get planning for a plane ticket!"

I glare at her. "I'm only going there to meet her. Not marry her. And she better damn be worth it."



"As a specialist, I recommend glasses."

My patient frowns. "But they make me look ugly!"

I chuckle. "I'm wearing contacts sweetie."

"Exactly! Can't I wear contacts?!" She whines.

I shake my head. "I wouldn't recommend contacts till you're 16...." I turn to the mom. "Unless there's a serious need?"

Her mom shakes her head and I smile and turn to the computer to print out a prescription.

I give it to her and bid them a good day.

I slump into my chair and rub my face.

I sit like that for a few moments before sitting up straight and checking my to-do list.

✅ Go to work
✅ get groceries
✅ check patients in the outskirt village

I smile.

I actually finished everything on my list.

That almost never happens.

Maybe I won't go to sleep exhausted today.

I frown. But if I go home then I have to deal with my parents and all the marriage proposals they have in mind.

I sigh and open up my phone. I call my mom and she answers on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Mom. It's me."

"My favorite daughter!"

"I'm your only daughter," I say monotonously.

"And that's why I believe you need to get married! I've been looking at this woman all day and she's just amazing! She—"

"I don't care mom. I told you I don't want to get married."

"Then you just want to be alone for the rest of your life?"

"Mom. I have Kuma!"

"A dog doesn't count Jennie!"

I roll my eyes. "I'm not meeting her okay?"

"Fine. Why did you call me?"

"To tell you I'm not meeting her," I say simply. "I love you!"

"I love you too but Jennie—"

I hang up and take a deep sigh.

I check the time and it's only 4 in the afternoon.

I can relax in my apartment for a bit and get ready for my flight in the morning to Seoul.

I shut down my computer and pack up my stuff before exiting my office.

I smile at the receptionist as I go out and she says, "Have a good night!"

I salute her and go out.

I walk to the parking lot and get in my Honda Civic.

I start to drive home and it starts to rain. Not heavily but I hate rain.

I curse and turn on the windshield wipers.

I drive through when I see a puppy freezing underneath the cold pour.

It's not a busy road so I stop and drum my fingers on the wheel, trying to figure out whether I should help or not.

Finally, I just reach for my umbrella.


It's just my luck that I come to Jeju on the day it's raining!

Maybe I can see her in wet clothes, a sheer white shirt that shows off her body...

I smile and sit back in my seat as I drive.

My mom told me to drive to her parents' house and meet the family once to be polite before meeting the mystery woman that my mom is gatekeeping from me.

It's in a rural area of Jeju so it's down a single lane road and as I drive down I frown at the old car parked in front of me.

It's raining and I can't really move unless the car moves.

I grab my umbrella from the glove box and open my door to run out.

"Please! Come on! I'll take you some place safe!" I hear a woman say.

I walk forward and see her shirt completely drenched and the ends of her brown hair wet.

"Hello?" I ask in between the woman pestering something.

She turns her head to me and lifts her umbrella up.

I feel something thud in my chest.

Her face is round with cat eyes and wavy brown hair. Her face is absolutely perfect and goddamn gorgeous. She looks like she walked out of a magazine. Her brown eyes peer at me curiously and I feel stripped of every emotional wall I put around myself.

"Hi..." I say weakly.

She nods and looks back at a drenched puppy. "Come on..." she says gently. "I'll take you some place warm."

I go closer and hold my umbrella over her. She turns her head to me and I ask, "D-Do you need any help?"

Great. Now you're a stuttering idiot Jisoo!

She nods. "Sure."

I crouch beside her and raise my hand to the dog's snout so that he can get my scent and trust me. The puppy leans towards my hand carefully and sniffs for a few moments before pausing and I take that as my cue to pet him.

"Wow...." She says. "I didn't know you were supposed to do that. That's impressive."

I feel heat warm my cheeks. What the hell is wrong with you Jisoo?!

"Y-Yeah. I'm a police officer. I work with dogs sometimes."

She nods. "Can you help me take him into my car?"

"Won't your car get dirty?" I ask.

She shrugs. "I can always clean it out later. Taking this little guy out of the rain is more important." She smiles softly and my brain short-circuits.

"What's your name?" I find myself asking.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "First help me with the puppy."

I nod and immediately grab it and hold it against my body as she leads me to her car and opens the passenger side door.

I gently place the small dog in the seat and it's still shivering but seems happier.

The beautiful brunette closes the door and we stare at each other under the umbrellas with the rain pattering down and a light rumble of thunder up in the gray clouds.

"What's your name?" I ask again.

She smirks and places a hand into her jean pocket. "Why do you want to know so badly?"

I hold a hand out and the rain falls on it from the space between our umbrellas. The tiny droplets feel cool against my warm skin from being near her. "I'm Jisoo. Kim Jisoo."

She looks from my hand to my eyes again and slides her hand into mine. The touch zings through my body and sends my heart into overdrive. It starts beating a mile a minute.

She shakes it and pairs it with her blinding smile. "I'm Jennie. Jennie Kim."

We let go and she says, "Thank you for your help. Have a good rest of your day!"

I nod. "Same to you."

She goes around me to her driver's door and I do the same.

I fold the umbrella and call my mom.


"Who was it you wanted me to meet?"

"I'm not telling you!"

"No! Not that! I found someone!"

She gasps loudly. "Really?! What's her name?!"

I lean back into my seat and stare dreamily at the her car zooming away. "Jennie Kim."

There's a long pause and I frown. "Mom?"

"Jisoo.....does she have long brown hair and sort of cat eyes with chubby cheeks?"

I lean closer to the steering wheel. "Yeah?"

"That's who you were supposed to meet sweetie!"

I don't think I've ever smiled wider.

"I'm marrying her."

To be continued 😉


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you liked this introduction! I know I'll enjoy writing this!!! ❤️

This Christmas I want to thank all of you for always reading and supporting my stories and my infrequent updates when I don't feel so great some days!

I also really love all of your comments! They make my day!

I always love writing and I'll keep it up so stay with me! 🫶

Once Again! Merry Christmas!

Naina Zara

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