Blood Moon { OC X Touhou Proj...

By Moopo123

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a high schooler gets into a truck accident and wakes up later to see several eyes in space staring at him, he... More

Chapter 0 - Where it Begins
Chapter 1 - The Shrine
Chapter 2 - Encounters
Chapter 3 - Scarlet Devil Mansion
Chapter 4 - Danmaku
Chapter 5 - A Visit to the Witch
Chapter 7 - Imperishable Night ( part 2 )
Chapter 8 - Oni and familiars
Chapter 9 - Youkai Mountain
Chapter 10 - Crimson Covenant Cult

Chapter 6 - Imperishable Night ( part 1 )

260 4 2
By Moopo123

PoV: Hanzo

I am in love with star sign spells - lasers, beams, stars, and meteors, all in all, a destructive arsenal in my repertoire.

It took me a month to learn the three spells that I wrote down: Star Sign "The Great Radiance", Star Sign "Astral Beam Barrage" and Star Sign "All Star".

Additionally, I tried creating a spell of my own. I wanted to create a spell that casts a dark veil around me, making it harder for my opponent to see. The problem was that it was also causing me issues until I managed to adjust the magic particles to suit my vampiric vision. I named it Scarlet Devil Sign "Lunar Eclipse".

Right now, I have seven spells under my belt. But these days have been rather peaceful. Aside from Cirno's daily challenge, there is no one I can have a duel with. Oh well, at least I will be able to visit the human village since today is the harvest festival. Come to think of it, I have yet to visit this village since my arrival here. I was so absorbed with my job and magic practice that I completely forgot about it.

I sigh and look up at the moon.

Hanzo: Hmm... The moon looks funny today.


Remilia: Sakuya! Something is wrong.

Sakuya: Is it about the moon, Ojou-sama?

Remilia: Indeed, Patchy told me that if things stay as they are, we will end up in an Eternal night. While I find it ideal for me, Patchy told me that it will affect the humans considering that they are mostly active during the day. In turn, it will affect Gensokyo as a whole.

Sakuya: I see... Should I go investigate?

Remilia: Yes, and I will come with you since it has been a while since the last time I went on a journey.

Sakuya: Alright, Ojou-sama, I will go prepare right now.

No one noticed Flandre in the corner with a mischievous smile on her face.




Hanzo: This night is rather lengthy.

I was cleaning Flandre-sama's room as a daily routine when suddenly the door burst open, and Flandre-sama jumped at me.

Flandre: Hanzo! Hanzo!

Hanzo: Yes, that's me.

Flandre: Let's go play outside.

Hanzo: Flandre-sama, weren't you instructed to stay here?

Flandre: Yes.

Hanzo: If you go outside then Remilia-sama will get angry at you.

Flandre: Yes.

Hanzo: ...So, we can't go.

Flandre: Hanzo... Let me ask you a question.

Hanzo: Hm?

Flandre: Who is your mistress? Me or my sister?

Hanzo: You are, of course.

Flandre: Who should you be obeying?

Hanzo: ...You.

Flandre: We are going.

I sighed, knowing that I will get punished either way.

Hanzo: Yes, Flandre-sama...

Flandre-sama grabs my hand and pulls me out of her room and out of the mansion.




Meanwhile with the "Visionary Scarlet Devil" team.

Remilia: Sakuya, did you deal with that annoying bug?

Sakuya: Yes, Ojou-sama.

Remilia: Good, let's go-

???: Hey!

Both Remilia and Sakuya stop, looking at the figure standing before them. She had grey eyes and pink hair, pointed ears like an owl, and light pink bird-like wings with purple highlights. She is dressed in white and brown clothing, where her hat and dress contain numerous bird-shaped ornaments.

Sakuya: Who are you?

Mystia: My name is Mystia Lorelei, the Night Sparrow Apparition. Fear me, human.

Sakuya: ...

Remilia: Let's just leave.

Mystia: H-huh? Wait!

She jumps in front of their path.

Remilia: I have no time to play with brats.

Mystia: I am not a brat.

Sakuya: Should I deal with her, Ojou-sama?

Mystia: Don't get cocky, human. I can attract all youkai in the area to come and eat you up.

Remilia sighs.

Remilia: This really is a long night, isn't it.

Back with the "Stellar Scarlet Devil" team.

We were both currently flying towards a location named "The Bamboo Forest." I noticed that the night was yet to show any signs of ending. Flandre-sama looks so excited, but I don't know why.

As we were flying, we saw a pair of two in front of us. One of them had short silver hair and blue eyes. She also had what looked like a lame school outfit that I didn't bother taking detail of. And was that a giant marshmallow floating next to her?

The other one was wearing an elegant, traditional Japanese-style outfit with a pink and white color scheme. She has long, flowing pink hair. She had two floating marshmallows next to her.

They both stare at us, and we stare back.

???: My, my, what are vampires doing here?

Flandre: We are here because of that.

Flandre points at the odd-looking moon in the sky.

???: So, you two are the culprits?

Hanzo: Wha-

Flandre: Hmph, and so what if we are? You gonna do something about it?

???: Well, it seems that we found a clue about this incident, didn't we, Youmu?

Hanzo: Incident?

Youmu: Indeed, Yuyuko-sama, prepare to face judgment.

Hanzo: Wai-

Flandre: Heh, bring it.

Hanzo: Flandre-sama!

In a blink of an eye, the girl named Youmu stood in front of me with her blade near my neck.

Hanzo: Space Sign "Quantum Mirage Waltz".

Immediately, she started falling down as her blade that was intended for my neck retracted.

Youmu: What the-

Not wasting time, I started conjuring danmakus and throwing them at her. Meanwhile, Flandre-sama was fighting with the ghost lady.

While Youmu was having difficulty dodging my attacks with her altered movements, I took the opportunity to try my new spell.

Hanzo: Star Sign "All Star".

Thinking that I had finally won, I watched as a rain of stars landed on my opponent, that was until I saw her unsheathing her second sword.

Youmu: Closed-Eye Slash "The Bullet-Cutting Spirit Eye from Roukan".

She slashed all my projectiles mid-air.

Hanzo: Oh, what the hell.

She started charging at me again; that is when I decided to release my spell, causing her to stagger from the return of normal control.

Hanzo: Star Sign "Astral Beam Barrage".

I conjured multiple beams and started directing them at her as she started retreating and dodging.

I kept switching on and off my Space Sign "Quantum Mirage Waltz" which seemed to frustrate her as she showed a displeased expression.

Youmu: Heaven Sword "Five Signs of the Dying Deva".

She then produces a half-circle of bullets aimed at me, made of individually random arrowhead bullets of five colors organized per section. I began dodging her attacks as she starts firing more.

Hanzo: Space Sign "Astral Sway: Gravity Weaver's Embrace".

I manipulated some of her attacks into firing back at her, seeing this she stops attacking with bullets and continues fighting with her sword.

After exchanging attacks back and forth for God knows how long, I started to get both tired and frustrated, and I can tell that she was also getting tired.

Hanzo: Say, I am getting bored of this, survive my next attack and I will concede.

Youmu hearing me stops and prepares.

Hanzo: Scarlet Devil Sign "Lunar Eclipse".

A dark veil erupts from me covering the entire area making it hard to see for her.

Hanzo: Star Sign "All Star", Space Sign "Stellar Mirage: Galactic Illusion".

I made a rain of stars in the dark and used my reality illusion to make it hard for her to see them.

As she struggles, I decided to charge my mana for my final spell. The dark veil began to dissipate revealing an injured but still standing Youmu.

Hanzo: Heh, you forced me. Star Sign "The Great Radiance".

I conjure a large beam of light and shot it towards Youmu; panicking she tried to move out of the way but with her injured state, it was hard for her to evade the attack, so instead, she opted to tank it.

Bad move on her part but she didn't have any other choice anyways.

Soon the attack stopped, and I fell on the ground exhausted, looking at her direction to confirm that I have won I saw nothing.

Hanzo: H-huh?

Yuyuko: Well, this was fun to watch.

I look to my right to see the lady from before with the unconscious Youmu in her hand.

Hanzo: Wha- what about-

Flandre: I am here.

I turn to see Flandre-sama standing next to me.

Yuyuko: Little one, you really shouldn't cause trouble to us by lying.

Flandre: But I wanted to have fun.

Yuyuko sighed.

Yuyuko: Since you two are going to continue forward, we might as well leave this incident for you to solve.

And with that, the ghost lady left with the girl in her hand. Feeling exhausted, I laid my back on the grassy land to catch my breath.

Flandre: Come on Hanzo, let's go.

Hanzo: Just give me some minutes, Flandre-sama...

Meanwhile with the "Visionary Scarlet Devil" team.

Remilia: Sakuya, did you deal with that annoying bug?

Sakuya: Yes, Ojou-sama.

Remilia: Good, let's g...

???: Hey.

Both Remilia and Sakuya stop, looking at the figure standing before them. She had grey eyes and pink hair, pointed ears like an owl, and light pink bird-like wings with purple highlights. She is dressed in white and brown clothing, where her hat and dress contain numerous bird-shaped ornaments.

Sakuya: Who are you?

Mystia: My name is Mystia Lorelei, the Night Sparrow Apparition. Fear me, human.

Sakuya: ...

Remilia: Let's just leave.

Mystia: H-huh? Wait!

She jumps in front of their path.

Remilia: I have no time to play with brats.

Mystia: I am not a brat.

Sakuya: Should I deal with her, Ojou-sama?

Mystia: Don't get cocky, human. I can attract all youkai in the area to come and eat you up.

Remilia sighs.

Remilia: This really is a long night, isn't it.

Back with the "Stellar Scarlet Devil" team.

We both continued to walk deeper into the bamboo forest when we were interrupted by a fireball going past us. Turning to see who fired it. Before us stood a woman with red eyes and ankle-length white hair. She wears a light brown shirt that appears as if it's been discolored from fire. Her hair's tied with these same red and white paper charms.

???: Don't you know that vampires don't enter a house uninvited?

Flandre: Of course, it is common knowledge that vampires don't enter houses unless invited.

???: And may I know who invited you here?

Flandre: I invited myself.

Mokou: Well in that case it is only right that I show you a warm welcome, after all I need to be hospitable to my guests. My name is Fujiwara no Mokou.

Flandre: Flandre Scarlet, this is going to be exciting.

Hanzo: I will sit this one out, I am still tired from the last fight.

Flandre: More fun for me then.

Mokou: Hourai "South Wind, Clear Sky -Fujiyama Volcano".

Blazing orbs and arrow heads start shooting out of Mokou's hand towards Flandre-sama. Maneuvering over them, she starts chanting her own spell.

Flandre: Taboo "Four of a Kind".

Three copies of Flandre-sama appear and start conjuring danmakus and attacking all at once, overwhelming Mokou. She uses a spell of her own.

Mokou: Inextinguishable "Phoenix's Tail".

A barrage of fireballs is shot at an accelerating speed, hitting all the copies and grazing Flandre-sama. Thinking fast, she starts chanting.

Flandre: Taboo "Kagome, Kagome".

Green square lines are slowly formed from around the area, while Flandre-sama shoots large, yellow bullets, some in random directions, others aimed at Mokou. Whenever she shoots a yellow bullet, the green pattern will dissolve and deform in the direction the bullet was shot. Making it hard for Mokou to dodge, and she ended up getting hit several times.

Mokou: "Imperishable Shooting".

Mokou shoots a barrage of bullets at Flandre-sama, which stops midway before continuing at an insane speed, causing her to get hit. She keeps repeating the process and increasing the number of bullets each time. Flandre-sama starts chanting.

Flandre: Taboo "Lævateinn".

Flandre-sama uses her Lævateinn, making a large beam of energy that looks like a sword. She starts slicing the bullets coming her way while closing in on Mokou until she finally reaches her before knocking her down on the floor.

Mokou: Ow!

Flandre: I win.

Mokou stands up and sighs.

Mokou: Well then, what is it that you two came here for anyways? Just here to beam me up?

Flandre: Yes.

Hanzo: No.

Mokou stared at us both dumbfounded.

Hanzo: Ehem, we would like to know if you have any clues about what caused the moon to be like this?

Mokou: Well... I do know that the culprits are the people of Eientei.

Flandre: Can you lead us there?

Mokou: Sure, come follow me.

Flandre: Come on, Hanzo!

Sighing we both start following Mokou.




To Be Continued.

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