Chapter 8 - Oni and familiars

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PoV: Hanzo.

Since the incident a month ago, I have been training on my magic to increase my mana capacity.

Yukari, also known as the gap sage, told me when I was at the shrine that I only was able to defeat Reisen because she manipulated Reisen's boundaries so that she doesn't have to put any effort into solving the incident. 

And so, I started taking notes of everyone I fought so far.

Youmu Konpaku, despite being a skilled sword fighter, could not defeat me due to the lake of ranged attacks which made it easy for me to defeat her, unlike Reisen Udongein who was putting me in a bullet hell, if it wasn't for Yukari's assistance I probably wouldn't have won even if I was at my best.

I am unsure about Marisa since I haven't fought her yet, same with Reimu though I am sure she would defeat me easily since she is respected among the other youkai.

Something made me confused was the fact that I could beat Sakuya ( albeit hardly ) when going all out but I can't beat Koakuma, who is supposed to be weaker than Sakuya, Koakuma likes to play dirty and hit from unexpected angels as well as use large spheres which is I can't seem to be able to manipulate.

It goes without saying that if I fight either Flandre-sama, Remilia, Yuyuko, or the other big shots I would end up becoming a blood stain on the ground. The difference in power is just that big.

Thank goodness for the existence of spell card rules. I do not want to imagine an all-out fight against any of them.

If this was a game, I would probably be a mid-boss or the boss before the final stage with Flandre-sama being the final boss.

???: Hey! Are you brooding again?

The person in front of me snapped me out of my thoughts. Ah, yes, I was currently in a pub called Geidontei with someone I met two weeks ago named Yuugi Hoshiguma.

Yuugi, an Oni with long, straight blonde hair, red eyes, and a single red horn coming out of her forehead, when we first met was when I was training, we had a conversation that started passively and ended aggressively, needless to say we got into an intense fight as a result. 

Since then, our routine involved meeting, fighting, and then cooling off at the pub, sometimes fighting again right after.

Not wanting to be caught lost in thought again, I turned to a pink-haired woman with green eyes, Miyoi Okunoda, who wore a blue hat resembling a whale and a blue apron with a stylized drawing of a whale.

Hanzo: A cup of tea, please.

Miyoi: Noted, and for you?

Yuugi ordered an extravagant amount of food and alcohol. Deciding to tease her, I smirked.

Hanzo: If you eat that much, you'll get fat. Not that I believe you Onis care about such stuff.

Yuugi froze, shooting me a contemptuous look.

Yuugi: I am not fat, and you vampires are all emos.

A tick mark formed on my forehead at the word.

Miyoi: Uh, why not settle this in a friendly w-

Hanzo: Barbarians.

Yuugi: Leeches.

Hanzo: Airheads.

Yuugi seemed to have had enough as she stood up fire in her eyes.

Yuugi: That's it, you and me, out of the village now.

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