𝓢𝓮𝓮 𝓜𝓮

By jackssfox

1.1M 19.1K 122K

What if Aaron Warner's sunshine daughter fell for Kenji Kishimoto's grumpy son? - This fanfic takes place alm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 21

21.1K 343 2K
By jackssfox

-ˋˏ☀︎𝕁𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤 𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕥.ೃ࿔☀︎

"I have a feeling that this is it, James," Kai said from across the small table, eyeing the chess board, "I'm going to beat you this time, but let's see your move, I don't—"

"Check," I cut him off, moving my rook that he obviously didn't notice.

"Wha— no!" He snapped and moved his King a block to the right thinking he did something, but then I just moved my knight, trapping him.

"Check again," I yawned jokingly, smiling as he threw his head back, groaning.

"This game is ridiculous," he crossed his arms, "you're cheating!"

"How can I cheat in chess?" I scoffed just when Emma strolled in from the kitchen with a glass of juice.

"Why are you guys yelling?" She asked, sitting next to Kai on the couch, taking a sip.

"He cheated," Kai rolled his eyes, pointing at me.

"I didn't cheat, you're just a loser," I crossed my arms, "but that's okay, you're my student anyway."

"He's been trying to make the saying about the student becoming the master for ages now," Emma smiled, patting Kai's shoulder, "maybe one day you'll get there."

"Yeah, good luck with that," I scoffed and looked back when I heard Kenji's footsteps as he sat on the stool in front of the counter, opening the lid of the cookies box to eat one of the leftovers from the Christmas party.

After that party, I haven't really gone out or hung out with anybody, so I told myself I'd spend some time here then head to Adam for a few, maybe take the kids outside too if they wanted.

"I want to try," Emma said and I turned to her putting her glass down, rearranging the chess pieces, "I haven't played in a while."

"You suck at this, Ems," I smiled at her frown as she shot me a side glare.

"I'm not going to play with you," she stood up, holding my elbow and tugging on it, "get up."

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow before she tugged on my arm harder, but I still didn't even sway an inch.

"You heard me, I'm going to play with Kai, so go away," she pinned me with a look, and I lowered my eyebrows.

"You wound me, Ems," I put a hand on my chest dramatically, having a sense of deja vu about this scene happening before since Emma was young.

"You'll get over it," she patted my shoulder with a smile before her expression fell blank again, "now go sit with someone at least close to your age."

"I was going to go anyway," I stood up and crossed my arms, "it's your loss. But remember this when you find yourself coming to me and saying 'oh, James, can you pretty please cook me that amazing lasagna you always make.'"

"Noted," she took my seat and continued to rearrange the pieces. I glanced at Kai who wasn't even paying attention to me or the chess board, only smiling at Emma even when she didn't see him. Down bad.

I rolled my eyes and went up to Kenji, taking the stool next to him. I was about to say something when my phone buzzed on the counter, causing me to quickly grab it because I thought I might have an idea of who it is. I looked at the number, and it turned out I was right, quickly declining the call and putting the phone in my pocket.

Evelyn last called me the day before Christmas. It wasn't the first time though. When Kai was in the hospital she tried calling me again, but I wasn't in the mood for her, or anything honestly, just focusing on taking care of Emma and the rest while waiting for Kai to wake up. After that, after we made sure he was okay, she called again and this time I answered, but it was the same as the first time she called.

How are you?

I want to talk to you.

Can we meet up?

When I would ask her why, she'd just say it can't be over the phone. When I would ask why she's even calling she would say because she wanted to talk to me, to hear my voice again. This only made me more angry, hurt. Because it made no sense, and it was mean. She was being cruel knowing what she did then acting like it was nothing.

"Who was that?" Kenji's voice pulled me out of the haze, and I realized I was clenching my jaw before I smiled.

"Nothing, just a friend."

"What are you hiding?" He squinted his eyes and pointed at me, "who was that?"

"Nobody," I grinned. I still didn't tell anyone Evelyn contacted me again because I knew what they would all say, and I've been saying to myself already, so I didn't see any reason for me to tell them and cause a headache to myself. Usually, I told Kenji everything, and I mean everything. This man knows about me stuff that I could even not know myself.

"Wait," he gasped, a smile drawing on his face, "was that a girl? Do you have a secret girlfriend we don't know about?"

"Why in the world would I have a secret girlfriend?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "but you really should put your leg in the game, I mean how long are you planning on staying single?"

"Umm, no thank you," I scoffed and grabbed a cookie for myself.

"Oh come on, bro, look at them," he pointed to Emma and Kai, Kai laughing about something Emma said before she killed his bishop.

"What about them?"

"I have no purpose anymore," he groaned making me chuckle, "I'm serious! I don't have anyone to matchmake. Jett hates our entire species, she threatened to burn the tangled movie CD when I asked her if she likes a boy once, and Zade is a total flirt."

"Ahhh," I nodded, "okay, well, I'm not being a part of this matchmaking game. Sorry."


"I'll tell you what," I cut him off, "how about you get yourself a new kid and fill your purpose on them instead? Leave me out of it."

He opened his mouth but then closed it again, tilting his head as if actually thinking about it.

"Tell me you're not actually considering this," Naz's voice suddenly came from around the counter, her hand freezing mid air about to grab the fridge handle.

"Of course not," Kenji waved a hand with a scoff, "we already got a kid that we kind of like, and he took over the good genes, what else would I want?"

"Mhm," she nodded her head slowly, but then Kneji looked at Kai, narrowing his eyes before tapping his chin lightly, he didn't even look like he meant to do that, "Kenji, I will seriously divorce you if you even think about it."

"I didn't say anything!" He snapped, and I shook my head at their banter just when my phone buzzed again in my pocket.

"Hey, I'll get going now," I said before turning to Naz, "thanks for lunch, Naz."

"Of course," she smiled at me, "thank you for helping me."

I smiled, giving her a hug before waving at Kenji who just said, "our conversation isn't over yet."

"It is," I patted his shoulder, walking towards the door, "find yourself a hobby, old man."

"Old man?" He snapped behind me as I put on my shoes, "I'm not old, we're like only 5 years apart."

"More like 10."

"Whatever, who cares about numbers?"

"Goodbye, Kenji!" I said sarcastically, closing the door behind me, still hearing his comments about 'not raising me right' and that he's going to have a chat with Adam.

I got into my car and let out a breath, burying my face in my hands before the phone rang again, sending a flare of anger up my chest. I didn't know what I was doing, I just grabbed the phone, flipped it, and answered her.

"What do you want?" I spat, not caring if it came out rude. I was done with this, done with feeling stuck in the same loop for weeks, "and I don't want to hear about you wanting to talk to me or hang out, I want to know what do you want."

She was quiet for a long moment, so quiet I thought she hung up, but then she spoke, "okay. I'll tell you, but I really can't talk about this over the phone. I want to meet up with you."

"Fine," I sighed after a while, gritting the words out, "remember that one cafe we used hang out at?"

"Of course I do," I could hear the smile in her voice, I could see it. I hated it. I hated how I could still remember exactly what she looked like, how her red hair would turn orange in the sun, how her blue eyes would shine whenever she smiled. I was scared to even see her because I thought this was over, that I was over her.

"Meet me there in an hour," I hung up, throwing the phone on the passenger seat and starting the engine, driving to my house's direction. Just thinking about seeing her again gave me a headache. I didn't know what would happen when I see her. I didn't know what she wanted. I didn't know anything.

It made me feel like I went back three years ago, feeling everything I felt three years ago when she left. I didn't know why she left, why she never called, why she never answered my calls. She just disappeared. I was so lost. I know I didn't do anything for her to want to break up with me, or at least I thought I didn't, but even if I did, I deserved to know what I did. She just freaking left.

She left but here I was one hour later, walking into the cafe, looking around for her before my gaze fell on the table near the entrance, my eyes meeting blue ones. I tried to breath, but I couldn't. It felt like I really went three years back, like nothing went wrong, like we were still together.

"What do you mean you don't like coffee?" She widened her eyes as we walked through the door.

"It's just so bitter," I shrugged, but she just scoffed with a shake of her head, linking her arm in mine.

"I promise you this cafe will change your mind," she leaned her head in a fraction, "do you trust me?"

"As far as you're not going to poison me, sure," I raised an eyebrow but couldn't fight the smile that broke when she frowned at me as we stopped in the line to order, "I'm kidding. Yes, I trust you."

"Then you're going to love it here," she faced forward, "I bet you, you're going to want to come here everyday."

And we did. We came by every single day. I actually started to like coffee. Until I didn't. I trust you. I didn't even understand the depth of this sentence back then. I trusted her. Trusted her with everything, with all my feelings, my respect, my love. But she broke all of it. I haven't stepped a foot in this place in three years. I was surprised I even remembered how to get here.

"Hey!" She straightened her back once she saw me, waving her hand at me with a smile like it was the most natural thing.

I swallowed past the lump in my throat as I walked up to her, pulling a chair to sit down, facing her, "hi."

I tried not to focus on her face, but it was the only thing I could see. It's not because she was beautiful, which she was, but it was because of how much her face reminded me of. How many memories that turned to be like a nightmare to me because of that face.

"What are you doing?" She turned her head from the TV to me, blinking.

"Nothing," I replied flatly but didn't look away from her, my eyes following the strand of her falling on her cheek to her shoulder.

"What?" She laughed, nudging my shoulder, causing me to smile.

"Nothing," I repeated, this time looking in front of me, my body still semi turned to her on the bed.

I sensed the mattress shift before a hand came to my shoulder, pushing slightly making my back be against the pillows as Eve swung her leg around me, sitting in my lap while my hands went to her waist to steady her, "tell me."

"I just think you're pretty, that's all," I smiled with a tilt of my head, watching a smile draw on her own face as I tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Mhm," she hummed with a nod, her mouth forming into a thin line before she lowered her head, whispering, "I think you're pretty too."


"Yup," once she said the words, she brushed her lips against mine softly before resting her forehead on mine, "you're even prettier than how coffee smells."

"Let's not say things we don't mean, sweetheart," she giggled when I flipped us around, nuzzling my face in her neck.

"James, stop! That tickles!"

I cleared my throat to snap my mind to reality, my sight focusing again on Evelyn just staring at me, waiting. What was she waiting for? Did she want me to speak?

"How are you?" She asked softly when I didn't say anything, leaning her elbows on the table.

"Never been better," I threw in a sarcastic tone, crossing my arms and leaning back. I was giving away something while feeling the exact opposite. I was showing her how much I didn't care, that it didn't affect me being with her right now when it was messing with every thought in my mind, my chest felt so tight, my heart twisting at the sight of her, the sound of her voice, "what did you want to tell me that was so important?"


"Stop," I help a palm up at the sound of my name coming out of her mouth, "I don't want to hear about how you missed me, or wanted to catch up, or wanted to hear my voice. I don't believe any of that nonsense, alright? So just spit it out and get it over with."

"How is Kai?" She asked out of nowhere.

"What?" I jerked my head in surprise. Why was she asking about Kai?

"I heard about the academy bombing," she cleared her throat, "everyone knows he was in there. I don't know details though, I kept trying to call you to just ask about him, but you didn't answer."

I blinked at her once, twice, before I let out a scoff that turned into a light laugh, rubbing my hand down my face in frustration, "really?"

"James, I know—"

"Know what?" I snapped, leaning agains the table, pinning her with a look, "you don't know anything. You don't know anything about what's going on with me. God, I don't know what's happening. Eve, why did you call me? And it's not to check up on Kai because you called me before the bombing even happened."

"Well if you just listen," she hissed, but when I arched my eyebrow, she sighed and grabbed the purse on the chair next to her, taking out a file and placing it on the table, sliding it towards my end of the table, "I called you before the bombing because I knew about it."


"I knew it was going to happen," she repeated, her voice turning serious again, "I know we broke up years ago, but I needed to show you, to warn you. You guys don't deserve that, and yes, I know the way I left sucked, but I still care, James. I spent two years with you, with them. I remember everything."

I remember everything.

"Eve!" Jett tugged on her sleeve as we sat on the couch, "tell Emma what you told me today. She doesn't believe me."

I looked to the doorway, seeing Emma running towards us until she linked her arm with Jett, "did you really make this sweater yourself?"

She pointed at the green sweater Eva had on, and I saw a soft smile cross her face, "yup, do you like it?"

"Oh my god!" Emma gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, "it's so pretty! Can you make me one?"

"My mum makes clothes too, do you also have powers like her?" Jett chimed in, but I shook my head.

"Jett, Emma," I warned. This wasn't the first time Eve came by, but we just started dating, and I knew my family can be... too much. I didn't want to overwhelm her.

"Sorry," Emma blushed, looking down, but Jett only frowned at me while I maintained eye contact with her before I felt Eve's elbow nudging me.

"Hey!" Eva snapped, "don't get involved when I'm talking with the girls, this is none of your business."

I opened my mouth to reply but Kai's voice next to Eve on the couch said, "he can't help it, look at that big nose of his, you'll find a piece of it in everyone's business."

"Hey!" I scowled, trying to reach him with my hand, but Eve smacked my hand, my gaze falling on her face.

"Stop being so mean, oh my god," she blinked in surprise, "how didn't I know you were like this? You were so sweet in college, what happened?"

"I'm not mean," I stressed, "did you hear what he said?"

"He's 14, James," she raised an eyebrow, "calm down."

I crossed my arms as I leaned back agains the couch until she let out a chuckle, putting her arm around my shoulders, "fine, I'm sorry."

"You guys are disgusting," Kai said again, making me roll my eyes, "get a room."

Eve's eyes widened before she whispered, "how does a kid say stuff like that?"

"His father has... some raising methods."

Kai jumped off of the couch, holding his hand out to Emma, "want to play outside?"

"Yes!" She grabbed his hand but then paused, "but dad told me not to... it's cold, I can get sick."

"Just take my jacket," he grabbed the jacket that he threw when he came in on the couch, handing it to her, "if you're still cold, we'll come back inside."

"I'm taking the swing first!" Jett pushed Kai to the side, running to the backdoor. The conversation about the sweater already forgotten.

"Hey, no!" Kai yelled after her, tightening his hold on Emma's hand and following Jett, "it's Emmaline's turn then mine! You took it last time!"

"They're so cute," Eve said when they disappeared from view, resting her head on my shoulder, "I love this."

"Really? You're not annoyed?"

"What? No!" She let out, "why would I be? I like them," she titled her head up, her face inches away from mine, "I like you."

"That's nice to know," I shrugged, looking in front of me at the TV, sensing her still facing me, waiting for me to say something else before I glanced at her giving me a look, "I like you too."

"You better," she put her head on my shoulder again, facing the screen.

I hated being stuck in these memories. They felt so real, they were real. But now they're not. They feel like a fever dream. One that I feel the air being knocked out of my chest when I wake up from.

I shook my head and opened the file, seeing some papers, flipping through them then finding a single photo. It was just a shot of a man that looked my brothers and kenji's age. It was taken from afar, so I couldn't really make up the details, but he had a bag on his back, looking behind him as if to check if someone is following. He looked like he was running away, leaving whatever place he was in. The only thing I was clear about was that he had dark hair.

"What is this?" I showcased the photo, watching her swallow before taking a deep breath, speaking lowly.

"That's... he's my uncle. We're not that close, so I don't know much of what's going on but... if there's really a rebellion going on, which is all what everyone is talking about since the bombing happened, and it being confirmed by Juliette Ferrars then," she paused, "he's probably a part of it."

I tried to process what she's saying, why she's saying it.

My uncle

I knew about it

A rebellion

"In those papers, you'll find some info about him and... a phone call. He was talking to someone and I overheard by mistake. I memorized it and wrote it down to print it out... to show you," she sighed, "I really wanted to warn you. That's why I wanted to see you, I wanted to tell you."

"And you couldn't have done it on the damn phone?" I breathed, my chest closing in.

"Someone could have heard me," she lowered her eyebrows, "I was scared, okay? That's my family. I was supposed to know everything about them, but apparently I didn't. He bombed an academy with two supreme kids in it, do you think he wouldn't have hurt me? You are the one who refused to just hear me out."

I saw my fingers shake as I gripped the papers, my chest rising and falling harshly, trying to breathe.

I knew about it.

You refused to hear me out.

I wanted to tell you. To warn you.

I could have stopped it. I could've stopped what happened to Kai. Could've warned them all about it. I could've done something. Instead, I just turned into a teenage boy who can't handle his own emotions about something that happened three years ago, and Kai is the one who suffered the consequences.

"James," her fingers brushed against my knuckles, making me take a sharp breath and look up at her, "it's okay."

"It's okay?" I frowned, my voice getting higher an octave, "what are you even talking about? You just dropped a freaking missile on me. What do you mean you knew? What do you mean he's your uncle? What?"

"James—" she hissed and looked around us before getting up, snatching the papers out of my hands and putting them back on the file, "lower your voice."

"Lower my— what the hell Eve—" I cut myself off at her nickname, closing my eyes, "Evelyn, I—"

"Get up," she tugged on my arm, but I didn't move, "get up, everyone's watching, let's talk outside."

I gritted my teeth and let her pull me up, push me outside before turning, my back being against the wall near the entrance. There were still people eating outdoors on tables, but at least nobody will hear us now.

"Calm down," she crossed her arms with the file still in her hand, "you already knew about the rebellion, right? You know about your brother's work?"

I didn't. I mean I knew about the rebellion because Emma and Kai asked about it when I was there, but I never really knew what's going on in Aaron and J's government work.

"Yes," I let out when she raised an eyebrow in question, "I knew about it. But it was too late when we found this out."

"Well then, this can help you," she raised the file up to her face, "this is jot a missile, this is something for your family to start with."

"Why are you doing this?" I blinked.

"What do you mean?"

"This is your uncle, Eve. Your family," I gritted out, "why would you sell him out."

I never met her family. She never really talked about them either. I only knew that her father died when she was young, and that she takes care of her mother. That's all. I never even met her mother, but I didn't really care back then. I knew her since college, I sometimes saw her mum on events, but we weren't together then anyway. But just because I never met them doesn't mean she doesn't care about them.

"I told you he and I are not close," she shrugged, "and he may have killed people, James. Kids. How can I just stand by?"

I let my gaze stay on her eyes, seeing how sharp the blue in them turned. That meant she was serious, she wanted me to listen.

"And... I know you," she took a step forward, and I held my breath for a second, "I know you and your family. I know how they rule. They don't deserve what happened. You don't deserve to lose them or for them to be in danger. For you to be in danger."

I knew that tone. That calm, peaceful voice. Every time we would fight, every time she would invent a fight then apologize.

"What are you doing?" I whispered when she put a hand on my chest, her eyes roaming around my face before settling on my eyes.

"Please, let me help you," she murmured, "I can help you stop this. I know that this is all I have, he... I don't even know where he is, I took this photo of him when he left one day, but he never came back. Trust me—"

"Trust you?" I widened my eyes, my jaw slightly dropping, "trust you? How could you even ask me that? Where have you been, Evelyn? What happened? How could you just— God, trust you?"

"I know," she nodded, "I know, alright? But I'm here now, and I want to be there with you—"

"Be there with— what?" I jerked my head back, fisting my hands at my sides, "you always do this."

"Do what?"

"This," I motioned to the tiny space between us, "you got with me when you wanted and left when you wanted. Every time. Every time you had a bad week, you were in a bad mood, you would leave, shut yourself out on me making me think I was the bad guy."


"We were always on and off," I cut her off, "because of you. I can't do this again. I won't," I grabbed her hand on my chest, pulling it away but for some reason kept them in the air between us, my fingers squeezing her palm as she kept looking at me.

"I've been trying to help you for weeks," she started in a flat voice, "I've been trying to just be there. I'm ready to stand against my family to keep you safe. Why are you being like this? You were never like this."

"It's been three years, people can go from people you know everything about to totally different person at that time rate," I moved her hand down now, still holding onto it even when I felt my eyes glare at her, "but I guess you haven't. You were always like this. You always played the victim when things didn't go your way. It used to be convincing, by the way, but not anymore."

I dropped her hand, but she only stepped closer, her jaw clenching, "I'm not trying to play the victim, for the millionth time I'm trying to help you."

"I don't trust you," I retorted and was about to push her away when her fingers curled around my t shirt, pulling me down slightly just to grab my attention. And she did. Because suddenly I felt my body heat up, my breathing becoming harsher as I tried to get my lungs to work again. She was still beautiful. So beautiful. Her blue glassy eyes felt like they were staring into my soul, not my eyes. Her ginger hair grew longer, falling over her shoulders to her elbows.

"I want to help you," she repeated, "I have no other reason to do this. You know me. You know how I was with your family—"

"But then you left," I said, "you left without warning. You didn't even explain why. You just decided I wasn't worth your time anymore. Do you know how long I stayed up wondering when you were going to call me and give a proper apology? Then you pop up in my life and say all that."

"You want an apology?" She shot back, "then consider this as one," she slammed the file in my chest as I held onto it to keep it from falling, "this is my apology, so please accept it."

I stayed quiet, just staring at her. I wanted to believe her. Or I didn't want to at the same time. If I believed her that would mean that all of this happened because of me. All what went down did because I couldn't pull myself together to see her for even 10 minutes that day. If I didn't believe her then I would be lost again on why she's doing this.

"If you're messing with me—"

"I'm not," she rushed, tilting her head up more to look me in the eye, "I'm not messing with you. Not anymore. Not again."

I let out a breath through my nose watching her gaze drop from my eyes to my mouth for a slight second before moving up again. I didn't let myself do the same, I didn't want to do this again. I thought I was done with her. I was. I was willing to forget her, I even think I did at some point. Not forget her, but forget everything bad I felt because of her. Then here she was again. Standing really close to me, leaning in a fraction, making my body turn stone.

I couldn't move. Couldn't even pull away. So I just glanced over her shoulder, wanting to wake myself up if she wasn't the only thing I can see, and it worked. Because what I saw snapped me back to earth, making me frown in surprise, "Aurora?"

I sensed Evelyn freeze before jerking back, "huh?"

I was still looking in front of me when I felt Evelyn follow my eye-line. Aurora was sitting on a table alone, brushing her fingers against some flowers on the bush next to her chair, seemingly not even focused on whatever is going on around her. Not focused on how some girls froze seeing her as they walked in, how the guy on the table across from her had his eyes pinned on her even when he held the menu in his hand.

I've seen a lot of pretty women. So many. Evelyn was beautiful, and I would always be convinced of that. But her? Aurora was drop dead gorgeous. The kind of gorgeous that even girls would stare at. The kind of gorgeous that made my brain cells stop function for a second when I talked to her. I didn't know anything about her, or if she's even a good person or not, but I meant it when I said I'm sure she was great in whatever she does.

She seemed strong even when she was talking to Aaron and J, like she owned there respect wether they wanted to give it to her or not. I was harsh on her when she came by, but that was because I didn't know if we should just... trust her because she said we could. I know exactly what that was like.

Trust me, you'll like it.

Oh, trust me!

Trust me, I just needed to clear my head. It won't happen again.

Don't you trust me?

James, trust me—

I heard it a lot. I believed it even more. It didn't work out in my favor. I looked at the file in my hand then back up at her, thinking what I should do. You have to options. Trust Evelyn or trust a complete stranger. I didn't like both. I didn't want to do both. I didn't want to be involved in this.

The last time you didn't want to be involved in this you almost got Kai killed. You got someone you considered family in a hospital bed for a week.

I'm not doing this again. I'm not going to just back down and watch some other disaster unfold. Trusting Evelyn would feel safer. Key word, would. I know her, and it's because I know her I know that I can't trust her. Trusting a stranger is so much safer. At least if Aurora decided to betray us, she would be betraying all of us. The blame won't fall on me.

"Excuse me," I rounded Evelyn, walking up to Aurora's table, "Aurora?"

I waited for her to look up, but she didn't. She was still lost in whatever was so interesting about some red-orange flowers, so I tapped on the wooden table right in front of her, seeing her slightly jump in her chair, her eyes blinking rapidly before she looked up, "huh? What— James?"

"Hi," I waved a hand with a small smile watching the confused look on her face drop as her expression turned sharp.

"Do you want something?" She asked flatly, and I sighed.

"I have to show you something," I cut to the chase, "it's important. Can we leave?"

"I just got here," she crossed her arms, "what is it?"

"I can't show you here," I looked around us, "please, just can we go?"


"James?" Evelyn's voice started behind me, Aurora's eyes snapping over my shoulder just as I turned, "who... wha— can we at least finish the conversation?"

"We did, Eve," I said, "thank you for your help, if it even turns out to really help."

"No, but—"

"Can we go?" I turned to Aurora again, feeling a slight headache, "please?"

"James, I'm talking to you," Evelyn's wrist wrapped around my wrist, puling me to her, "we didn't talk. What are you going to do? Do you believe me?"

"You handed me something that would help us, I'll use it," I tired to pull my hand away but lightly so it doesn't hurt her, but she gripped it tighter, "what else do you want?"

"I... I don't want anything," she shifted from one leg to the other, "I just... are you going to call me again just to tell me what you did?"

"Call you?" I fired back with a scowl, "Evelyn, stop—"

"Excuse me," Aurora cut me off and both our heads snapped to her. Her eyes weren't even on me, she was looking at Eve, "who are you?"

"What?" Eve lowered her eyebrows in confusion, and I did the same.

"I've never seen you before," she blinked before looking at me, "who's that? You never told me about her."


"Listen, I don't know who you are, but if you could please," she stood up, slowly rounding the table and grabbing my arm above Eve's fingers, her other hand softly pulling on Eve's, "let go of my boyfriend's hand?"

"What?" Eve snapped, and I jerked my head to Aurora, I couldn't even check Eve's expression. What the hell was she doing?

"You heard me," she smiled softly and Eve's hand dropped on its own, Aurora's moving down my arm until she linked her fingers in mine, "I'm sorry, but we need to leave. You wanted to leave, right?"

She looked up at me with a smile, her brown eyes glowing under the sunlight, becoming a deep shade of amber, the shadow of her long lashes visible in them. I tried to speak but all I could do was nod once, watching her smile widen before she looked back at Eve, her curly hair brushing against my chin from how close she was.

"By the way, why did you want him to call— hey!" She snapped when I pulled on her hand.

"Let's leave. Bye, Evelyn," I turned before she could talk again, pulling Aurora with me towards the exit until we reached the car, "what the hell was that?"

"What?" She shrugged once I let gi of her hand, crossing her arms, "you looked like you needed help. I was helping."

"I didn't need anything from you other than for us to leave so we could talk," I rubbed a hand down my face, "why would you do that? You don't even know who that is. You don't even know me."

"Calm down," she scoffed, which made me even more angry, "I don't have to know you to know that you needed to get out of there and never talk to that woman again. I think you should thank me."

"Thank you— oh my god," I tilted my head back with a groan, "why is this happening to me?"

"I don't know," I heard her say before tilting my head to her, "why would some pretty girl like that want to talk to you. You seem so annoying."

"I didn't ask for your opinion about me."

"Hmm," she hummed, tapping her chin, "I also remember not asking you for your opinion the last time we met, but you gave it anyway, right?"

I let out a breath of frustration. Why is everyone suddenly so hard to talk with these days? "Listen, I'm sorry, alright? I was just... look, it's nothing against you. I didn't mean to offend you, I was just... being careful. I hope you understand. What would you do if someone you didn't know came in to take all the information to help you when your sister just came out of the hospital?"

She shifted on her legs, working her jaw as she looked down, her curls falling over her shoulder, "I guess... you have a point."

"Thank you—"

"But still, you were mean," she crossed her arms, "and I don't tolerate that. I left my home and went to a different continent and that is what I was met with?"

"You— I— look, this is really not what's important right now, so please get in the damn car, Aurora."

She raised her eyebrows at my command, my tone. I was never like that. I was never mean or rude to people, especially ones who never did something to me. I was like that once. When I broke up with Eve, I was horrible. To people and to myself. Great, one conversation with her and you're a wreck again.

"I'm sorry," I repeated, "I didn't mean it like that, but trust me this is very important. I promise I'll get out of your hair in only 5 minutes."

"I have mine parked over there though," she pointed to a black one across the street.

"I'm not driving you to the base, don't worry, I just need to talk to you privately," I opened the door for her, "just 5 minutes."

"O-kay," she hesitated before going in as I shut the door behind her, rounding the car to sit in the passenger seat.

"Okay, I need you to really focus with me, because I can barely take in all of this," I handed her the file, "this is about the rebellion."

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

After I filled Aurora in all what Evelyn told me, she said she'll start looking into it once she got to the base and that she'll call J and Aaron tell them about it. I apologized to her again and thanked her for 'helping me out' or whatever before I headed to Adam's. I really wanted to just go home but I promised him I'd visit today, and honestly just chilling out with him was alright for me.

What I wasn't preparing for though was Aaron being there. Not only that, but I was also not preparing for Evelyn to call me again in front of him. He would kill me if he knew I even thought of her again.

"Who was that?" He asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Nothing," I shrugged, putting the phone next to me on the couch, "just a friend. I don't feel like talking right now."

He put the cup on the table in front of us, "you're lying."

"How— oh," I cut myself off, remembering his powers but decided to play dumb anyway, "first, stop using your powers as a lie detector. Second, you should probably check on them because they're not working properly since I'm not lying."

"Wait," he held his palm up, frowning before his expression relaxed, "another lie detected."

"Oh come on— what— no!" He moved too fast, grabbing the phone next to me and standing up while I followed, trying to take it from him, but he just pushed my chest, making me fall back on the couch while he flipped the phone and froze. Literally froze in place. His hand, his face, his body. He just stilled, the only motion being his eyes blinking at the phone's tiny screen. Well shit.

"What's going on?" Adam said, walking into the room with his own cup, eyes darting between me and Aaron before Aaron slowly looked at him, tilting the phone to his direction. Adam's eyes narrowed before opening wide, his head jerking back before turning to me, "no way in hell."

"Good thing we're not in hell then?" I smiled with a tilt of my head, not knowing what else to do.

"I am sure going to send you to it," Aaron threatened, finally looking at me, and I wished he hadn't. I have never seen him look at me like that, Kenji or Kai were always the ones receiving this look.

"That's kind of dramatic," I chuckled awkwardly.

"James, what the hell are you doing?" Adam asked calmly, but his expression was still traumatized.

"You're not seriously talking to her again," Aaron said before I could reply.

"I'm not! She talked to me."


"And...I— we— guys stop looking at me like that you're making me nervous," they both looked at me like I was a maniac, "oh my god."

"You didn't stop her? You just went with the flow?" Adam asked and when I didn't reply he just nodded slowly, putting his cup down on the table before grabbing a pillow from the chair and hurling it in my direction.

"Woah, what— hey!" He threw another one at me, causing me to jump away, running to hide behind the couch, "stop!"

"You're crazy. What the hell is wrong with you? Don't you remember what you went through when you guys broke up? Dude, Kenji was losing his mind."

"Wait," Aaron snapped his fingers, "what about we call Kenji and take his opinion on this issue? I'm sure he'll have something to say—"

"No!" I snapped, "don't call Kenji. Not him."

Kenji will literally murder me. Not just that, but I know how disappointed he'll be, and I just couldn't have that. Not with him.

"Idiot," Adam's voice suddenly was next to me, his hand smacking the back of my head.

"Hey!" I pushed his hand away, "what's wrong with you? You didn't do that when I was a kid."

"Because you were more likable as a kid," he hit my shoulder, "now you're just— I don't know what you are. Dude, one day I will seriously lose it because of you."

"What— you— now that's dramatic," his eyes turned into slits, making me swallow and turn to Aaron, "Aaron?"

He wasn't even looking at us, just staring at nothing while tilting his head from left to right, "call Kenji, don't call Kenji, call Kenji, don't call— Adam, I might need a little help here, what do you think?"

"I think he put him on timeout."

"Agreed," he pointed at Adam before flipping my phone and putting it on the table, "idiotic behavior like this shouldn't be left in wild for too long."

I sighed and closed my eyes, leaning against the back of the couch, "guys, seriously."

"Seriously, you're going to end up hurt, James. Again."

"I'm not! I know what I'm doing."

"That's what you said the last time she broke up with you, and not an hour later you were a wreck for a while," Aaron crossed his arms.

"I'm not talking to her, alright?" I said again, "and I'm not a kid," I pointed at Adam, "so stop treating me like one."

"You're acting like one," he crossed his arms, "you should learn from what happened, James. Trust me, it'll just end up hurting you more if you stay in the same cycle."

"How do you know it's a cycle?" I let out without meaning to, what the hell was I saying? "It's been three years. I moved on, I'm not the same as before. I know what I'm doing."

"I'm going to kill you," Adam and Aaron said at the same time and I widened my eyes.

"Woah, why so aggressive? Calm down, big bros," I laughed but they both looked at me with a blank expression, "no? Not joking? Okay," I rounded the couch, throwing myself on it as Adam went to stand next to Aaron again, "how did me hanging out at my brother's house turn into this?"

"Ask yourself," Aaron said.

"Okay, you know what— I wasn't even hanging out with you— what are you even doing here?"

It was so fast, but I saw him glance towards the staircase, looking up before looking down, "that's none of your business."

"Okay," I nodded, "so then why are you in my business? My life is none of your business too."

"Don't you know him?" Adam motioned to him, "it's his full time job to be in everyone's business. Since the day I met him. I couldn't even breathe without him interrupting, bro."

"I thought we moved past this," Aaron gave him a bored look.

"No we didn't," Adam shook his head, giving him a disturbed look.

"Oh," Aaron turned his head to him, "well that sounds like a personal problem to me so work on that."

"You suck, man," Adam gave him an annoyed grin, and Aaron opened his mouth to speak when Adam cut him off before he could, "no! Fine. We get it, you don't do curse word, good job," he clapped his hands twice, "you're not on Santa's naughty list, did he give you a present for this amazing behavior yet?"

A smirk pulled on Aaron's lips, raising his left hand and pointing at the ring on his index finger, the one Kenji got him, making me scoff, "you're the one who got Kai those socks, huh?"

"Yes, it was so good of an opportunity to miss," Aaron said before his eyes flickered to the kitchen, "I'm going to grab a drink."

"Your coffee is—" he brushed past Adam before I could finished my sentence, disappearing into the kitchen.

"What's going on with him?" I asked just when Adam sat beside me.

"I don't know, he's been coming by here a lot, it's concerning," he whispered as if Aaron could hear us even when he wasn't in the same room, "is everything okay at his house?"

"I'd think so?"

"You sure? Like, his closet isn't on fire or anything?"




It was silent for a moment before I felt a smack on my shoulder, "aw! what—"

"You're such an idiot," he huffed, "James, I'm serious. Don't get yourself involved with her again."

I let out a breath. I wasn't going to. I hoped I wasn't going to. I hoped the James from three years ago did learn something other than being messed up and not trusting people for the sake of it. When I froze today when she was so close to me shouldn't have happened. I should have pushed her away. I don't know if I didn't see Aurora what would have happened.

I also remember not asking you for your opinion the last time we met, but you gave it anyway, right?

The memory flashed in my mind at the thought of her name. I really was sorry. The way she said that didn't feel like she was blaming me, or hating me. It was more like she wanted to understand why I did it. She helped me, or at least thought she did, even when she knew I didn't trust her. Even when she felt offended by what I said. That was what made me feel sorry.

Yeah, Adam and Aaron were right. Such an idiot.


So... that POV was an interesting...surprise.

James is going to have a few POVs in this book, not a novella, because his POVs are going to be important to the plot so it can't just be optional for you to read like Jett's, so I hope you guys are okay with that.

Anyway, one chapter and I already miss writing Emma and Kai lmao😭

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