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By izabelauthoresss

5.1K 908 617

๐‡๐„๐‘ Fierce, Hot-headed, Defiant, Strong willed. ๐‡๐ˆ๐Œ Ruthless, Cruel, Cold, Possessive....or better say... More

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Novus Locus
Vigilis Noctis
Periculosum Rosa
Cerritulus Amica
Vox tua
Rufus Comis
Male intellectis
Non solum
Exspiravit venator
Dangerou pulchritudo
Prandium mecum
Amica ad inimica
Inutiles ludos
Parum libertatis
Affectio ad dominum suum
Nova Caeli
Vivere mendacium
Effugium consilium
Affectio falsa
Deficio seduction
Dissentiens affectus
Obessio et libidinem
Saltus pericula
Spatio peregrinatione
Ab eo
Civitas luminaria
Demens pulcher
Ipsum iterum
Inveni meus catulus meus
Solus in frigore
Sine eo iterum
Novi comites
Necesse vult
Desidero te
Venisti ad me
Captum iterum
Cura tibi
Mea principesa
Solus semel plus
De quest
Gladius Oblivionis
Ego te semper adprehendet
Inclusus amor
Matris amor
Tu Es Mea
Verum vinculum
Bestia potest amare
Anima socios
Ultima pugna
Eodem sumus
Anima tua, cor tuum, mens tua
Te amo
Amor et odio
Inimicos amantes


28 4 0
By izabelauthoresss

The witches had gone to defeat the trolls but had failed miserably. Their powers had seemed like mere jokes against the small, ugly and grotesque creatures. They were currently running away with all their might. The forest was scary and dense and full of creepy insects. Their breath came in ragged gasps, their lungs burning from the effort. The forest grew denser and more oppressive, the air heavy.

"Maybe we should split up," Vesper suggested, glancing nervously over her shoulder. "It'll be harder for them to follow us if we're not together."

Allegra shook her head, "No, we should stick together. It's safer that way."

Circe didn't respond, too focused on navigating through the dense underbrush. She cursed Sirius under her breath, wishing she could confront him and make him understand the gravity of their situation. They were his most trusted allies, and he was treating them like pawns in some twisted game. Deep down, she knew they all were. But her sisters were too stupid to see through it.

Finally, trolls lost their track and they were already out of the forest, on a green field, the sun shining bright in the sky. They put their hands on their knees, trying to catch their breaths.

The way back to the castle looked long and unreachable. Their bodies ached from the beatings of the trolls and they couldn't shake the feeling that this was Sirius's wicked plan, to make them look powerless. Allegra's legs gave up as she sat on the ground and leaned on a rock, followed by Circe.

"The trolls.... must've been given some sort of enchantment," Vesper said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I told you he wasn't going to let that slip," Circe said tiredly.

"Shut up!" Allegra snapped. "We're in this together. That time, I'll be us who'll teach him a lesson and prove how wrong he was to mess with us!" she said furiously as she looked at her dirty, sticky skin and brushed her dirty long blonde hair with her hands.

"He crossed the limit that time. He needs a lesson. And all this for what? For a shitty mirror," Vesper said with the same fury.

"You're fools," Circe muttered under her breath.

"That scarface of slave is the problem!" Allegra exclaimed, standing up abruptly. "We stole the mirror because of her. She's the reason of our humiliation!"

Circe listened at their words, knowing it was useless to reply. She hated them both, but she didn't have what to do. She was stuck with them, and whenever they got punished, she got as well.

"And let us see what he will do when we eliminate his little captive," Vesper said venomously, her jaw clenched.

"My little who?" the familiar voice startled them. It was none other than the sorcerer himself. "Well, well dear ladies, how did the confrontation with the trolls go?" he asked with a mockery smirk, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Did you get defeated by some little dwarfs? Poor witches."

Vesper narrowed her eyes with anger at Sirius's mocking words, "This was your plan all along, you didn't tell us that these fucking trolls were enchanted and difficult!"

"Difficult?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "A potent witch would've been prepared. Or perhaps, you're not as powerful you think yourselves, are you?"

"You never meant for us to succeed!" Allegra retorted, her voice dripping with frustration.

"It's not my fault that you three couldn't handle some pathetic creatures. But it's not a big problem. At least, I know now well enough what the potential of my allies is." He then leaned against a tree, crossing his arms and watching them with mockery and satisfaction. They were no match, he knew.

"Allies?" Vesper replied, her tone incredulous. "Well, that's not what allies are, Sirius. You set us on traps and then you talk about allegiance. That's bullshit!"

"You're showing clearly that you aren't on our side!" Allegra added.

"We're all on the same side," he said, his voice turning persuasive, "I just wanted to teach you a little lesson, of what comes when you defy me."

"Well, then, keep your little lessons for someone else! You haven't seen all we can do," Circe finally spoke, her tone tinged with frustration.

"Yes, you haven't!" Allegra said through gritted teeth."

"Oh, so you're all turning against me now?" Sirius asked, faking a sad smile.

"You were the one who turned against us first! What was the need for all this?" Vesper demanded.

"Adherence Vesper, adherence. I warned you three for one thing only, don't come near Regan. And what did you three do? You followed your own useless plans, disobeying me."

"We're allies, and allies don't take orders from each other," Allegra snapped. "We've made that clear since the start. Besides, what the hell is so interesting about Regan?"

"Ah, my dears. You underestimate Regan. I know what you three think. You think that I'm willing to keep her inside that castle? I'm not. But I can't let her go and wander around, ruining my plans," his face took a stern, serious and intimidating turn. "That's why she's kept there, so she doesn't cause any trouble. She's dangerous, not like the ordinary ones you encounter everyday."

"And what are your so-called important plans?" Circe suddenly asked, noticing how her sisters' mouths were sealed. She knew his plans for dominance and control, however she couldn't help but think that there was something else, something more laying under that motive.

"My plans? My plans stand the same. I'll finish Regan off, when the right time comes," He confidently said, his gaze distant on the horizon, although deep down, he knew that was a doubt.

But still, Circe couldn't shake off her skepticism.

"And what guarantee do we have that you won't betray us once Regan is out of the picture?" she asked, her eyes narrowing.

Sirius, wearing a sly smile, replied, "I've invested too much in our allegiance. It's in my best interest to keep you three by my side. Besides, we've been through thick and thin together, haven't we?"

Vesper, still seething from the recent humiliation, hesitated but nodded in reluctant agreement. "Fine, but we're watching you closely, Sirius. If you betray us again.... there's no more allegiance."

"And don't think for a moment that we've forgotten this little lesson you taught us. It won't go unanswered. You ruined our looks and pride," the blonde added.

Sirius nodded, his eyes filled with a mischievous and manipulative glint. Feigning sincerity, he extended his hand towards them. "Agreed. Let's put this behind us and focus on our common goals. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with."

The witches, with a mixture of distrust and resentment, reluctantly shook hands with Sirius. As they turned to leave the accursed forest, the atmosphere remained tense. Circe, who was cautious about all that, whispered to her sisters, "Keep your eyes open. I don't trust him entirely."

The journey back to the castle was quiet each sister lost in her thoughts. Sirius, content with the apparent success of his manipulation, led the way with a self-satisfied grin.

As they approached the castle gates, the sorcerer turned to them, his tone veering towards a more authoritative stance. "Remember, we are stronger together. Our allegiance is crucial for our success. Regan is a threat to that unity. Stay focused on our goals, and everything will fall into place."

The witches, still nursing their wounded pride, nodded in agreement, though a glimmer of displeasure lingered in their eyes.

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