Sonic Prime: Equestria Girls

By SonicandMLPFan

810 4 18

After disappearing from the Shatterverse, Sonic had found himself in Equestria and meets Twilight Sparkle and... More

Chapter 2: Entering the Fall Formal/Meeting Pinkie Pie and Applejack/Library job
Chapter 3: Meeting Rarity/Challenging Rainbow Dash/Cafeteria Song
Chapter 4: The Truth/Fixing the Hall/Time To Come Together
Chapter 5: This is Our Big Night/The Most Important thing is Being Friends

Chapter 1: This Strange World/Meeting Fluttershy

185 1 2
By SonicandMLPFan

The trio got up and groaned.

"Uh... Twilight?" Spike spoke up.

"Ugh, Spike, you're not suppose to-" Twilight trails off, seeing a purple dog with green eyes, hair, ears and underbelly, and it looked exactly like Spike. "Spike? Are you a... dog?"

Spike looks around his body, knowing he is a dog. "I think so."

Laughter was soon heared. And it came from Sonic, seeing Spike as a dog.

"OH MY CHAOS! THIS IS SO RICH! SPIKE'S A DOG! HAHAHA!" He laughed, but it was stopped when Spike bit his butt. "OW! What the heck?!"

"Why were you even laughing at me?" the dog asked.

"Sorry, Spike. I just found it funny because Spike is also a dog name." he said. Sonic was still a mobian with his New Yoke City appearance. "Anyway, we still have to-" He cuts himself off, seeing Twilight. "Oh my Chaos... no freaking way...."

"Okay, Sonic's still a mobian and I'm a dog, but I have no idea what you are, Twilight." Spike said.

Twilight looked at her hooves, only seeing hands that were smaller than Sonic's, knowing she wasn't a pony anymore.

"3....2....1...." Sonic counted and then covered his ears.


Twilight's scream was all at the distance too. When she stopped and covered her mouth, she began to look at her new form, nervously.

"Okay, I knew you'd take that kind of reaction that you're a human, now. We've had some humans on Mobius." Sonic said, looking to see Spike was scratching his ear like a dog. "Yeah, and a dog definably does that."

Twilight was breathing heavily, over her reaction.

"Twilight, you need to keep it together!" Spike said.

She stopped and looked at Spike. "What.... does the rest of me look like?!"

"Well, you still have your colour. You also have a light blue dress with a small pink bow at your neck and a purple skirt that has your cutie mark. Did I mention you have purple boots with black tips?" Sonic said.

"Only you! But not like you! Your muzzle is really small!" Spike said. Sonic started to glare at him as he chuckled nervously.

"My muzzle?!" Twilight asked, touching her 'muzzle'. She was about to scream, but thankfully, Spike stopped her and Sonic was beside her.

"Are you gonna scream again?" the hedgehog asked. Twilight shook her head as Spike uncovers her mouth. "Good. You wouldn't want us to get involved. I mean, what would everyone else think?"

The trio looked as their surroundings.

"Where are we?" Spike asked.

"Probably a city, unlike New Yoke." Sonic said. "In other rounds, I'm not sure where we are." He turns to a stature they were in front of. "Looks like after all this time, a portal was secretly hidden here. If Tails was here, he'd know what's going on."

Groans appeared behind Sonic as he turned seeing the Shatterverse versions of his friends, except Nine since he's with Sunset, and Shadow.

"Darn, what the heck just happened?" the black hedgehog asked, before seeing Sonic. "Sonic? You're alive?!"

"Everyone?! How'd you get here?!"

"One moment I saw you fading, the next moment me and those versions of your friends are here."

"I ended up where they came from." the blue hedgehog points at Twilight and Spike.

"...That's a human and a dog."

"From another world. And I figured out where Nine is. He's here and teamed up with Princess Celestia's former student, Sunset Shimmer."

"What?! If Nine's here, then this means we can still get the Prism!"

"It's not just the Paradox Prism, it's Twilight's crown too. They took it and replaced it with a fake one. I think we need all the help we can get."

"...fine. We might not know what'll happen to the Shatterverse, but we have to go home."

"Right. But we need to find Twilight's crown as soon as possible."

Everyone turned to the castle.

"I'm suggesting we check out that castle first." Twilight said. Spike hoped on her back and she started walking like back in Equestria.

"She's not a human, is she?" Shadow asked.

"Yeah. Twilight's a pony where she comes from." Sonic answered.

"A pony!? You were in a world full of ponies?!"

"Yeah. And Spike's a dragon, not a dog."

"...I have seen and heard everything now."

The mobians followed after her, until Spike taps her back, seeing a boy with his dog, walking them normally.

"Yeeah, I think this isn't what the new you should do." the talking dog said. Twilight stood up, waving at them, nervously as they walked off.

Sonic knew she was about to fall, but rushed to catch her on time.

"How do you deal with walking on two legs?!" Twilight asked.

"Dunno. We just live with it." Sonic replied.

"Come on, Spike, everyone. I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it." She grabbed the bar of the 'castle' and they arrived in front of a door.

"Well, look on the bright side," Spike said. "At least you don't have those pesky wings to worry about!" Both Sonic and Twilight glared at him.

"Why the wings?" Shadow asked, annoyed.

"Twilight is now part unicorn and part pegasus in Equestria." the blue hedgehog explained.

Twilight thought she could use her magic here, but she hits the door, thinking it worked. She shook her head and tried again.

"My magic, it isn't working." she said.

"Well, it's because you don't have your horn." Spike said.

"WHAT?!" She asked, grabbing her hair.

"Easy, there. You just gotta do it the normal way. We still gotta find the crown." Sonic said, opening the door as everyone looked around.

"Something tells me this isn't a castle." Knucks said.

"You're right, Knucks. This is a-" Rebel was cut off when a school bell rang and teenagers were around as everyone tried to escape the crowd. The mobians were the first to escape and then Twilight and Spike, then they bumped into someone.

"Whoa! You okay?" the boy asked, reaching his hand to Twilight, she grabbed it and got up.

'He looks familiar. Have I seen him before?' Sonic thought to himself.

With that, Twilight, Spike and the mobians walked off, exploring the school.

I've never seen a place

That's quite like this

Everything is turned around

This crazy world is upside-down

Getting on my feet

It's the hand that I was dealt

But I don't have much time with them

Got to learn all that I can

Twilight was curious on how everyone in the school is dealing with having two legs and two hands, like Sonic and the others.

They don't use any magic or fly with any wings

I don't get these funny clothes, skinny legs or tiny nose

Everything's confusing when it seems so new

But I look a little closer and it starts to feel familiar too

Twilight entered a bathroom and looked in a mirror, seeing her new appearance and knew Sonic was right. A boy came in and screamed when he saw her as Sonic came in.


Both Twilight and Sonic ran out of the boys' bathroom, back to their friends.

What a strange new world (what a strange new world)

I'm trying to make heads or tails of this strange new world (what a strange new world)

Sorting through the small details of this strange new world

What a strange new world


Everyone was in the locker halls, until they heard a voice unfamiliar to Shadow and the others but familiar to Twilight, Spike and Sonic.

"Do ye hear that?" Sails asked.

"I did. It sounds like someone is being bullied." Shadow said.

"That nearly sounds like Fluttershy..." Sonic said. "She's a pegasus back in Equestria and loves animals. She was known as the Element of Kindness back home."

Everyone took a peek, seeing a yellow skinned and pink haired girl with a white dress and lime green skirt and boots with Fluttershy's cutie mark on the skirt. She was being bullied and demanded by a girl with a black jacket and pink dress and sunset coloured shirt and black and pink streaked boots. Her hair was similar to Sunset Shimmer's.

"It isn't nice if it doesn't belong to you..." the girl whispered.

"What did you say!?" the bully meanly asked.

"N-Nothing...." the Fluttershy look-alike said, crouching down.

Twilight wasn't happy with the bully.

"Why I oughta...." Sonic growled along with Spike and Mangey.

"That there be one of the toughest girls that has ever bullied a young girl!" Sails said.

"How dare you speak to her that way!" Twilight demanded, stepping out of the spot. The bully turned to her, as Sonic could see that she had Sunset's eyes.

"What did you just say?!" she asked angerly.

Sonic steps in too and growled. "You heard what she said! And leave that girl alone you.... BIG BULLY!"

"I said how dare you speak to her that way!" Twilight said as she and the bully glare at each other.

The bully smirked and flicked her chin. "You must be new here." She walked off. "I can speak to anyone whatever I like." She glared at someone and they hid in the locker and the bully walked off.

"So uncool...." Sonic growled. "At least the girl she bullied is okay." The rest of the mobians stepped out of their hiding spot.

"I can't believe you just did that!" the girl said.

"Well we couldn't just stand there!" Twilight said.

"Yeah! We couldn't let you get bullied like that! It's so wrong for someone to get bullied." Sonic agreed.

"It's just that... nobody has stand up to Sunset Shimmer before!" the girl said.

"Sunset Shimmer?" both Twilight and Sonic repeated the bully's name.

'So that was Sunset bulling that girl. Well she messes with the wrong hedgehog. But where's Nine?' the blue hedgehog thought.

"You've heard about her?" the girl asked.

"Sorta." Twilight said.

"Uh... she was a prized pupil, but the rest is a long story." Sonic replied.

"Did you just transfer here to Canterlot High from another school?" the girl asked again.

'Canterlot High? Why does it have Canterlot in it's name?' Sonic thought to himself.

"Um... yes. My name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight half lied.

"And my name's Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog." the blue hedgehog introduced. "Over there is Sails, Batten, Dread, Black Rose, Catfish, Prim, Gnarly, Hangry, Thorn, Rebel, Knucks, Denizen 1998, Rusty Rose and Shadow. What about you?"

"I'm..." she whispered her name, but no one could hear it.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Twilight said.

"It's Fluttershy!" she whispered again.

"It sounds like your saying 'Fluttershy'." Twilight said.

'Fluttershy? So everyone in this school and the world have human counterparts of our friends from Equestria? Whoa...' Sonic thought to himself in amazement.

Fluttershy soon sees Mangey and Spike and gasps. "Oh my goodness!" she rushes over to the two, making Twilight nearly fall, but she caught herself. "Who are these two cuties?"

"That's Spike," Twilight said.

"And that's Mangey. He's a feral, but he's sweet once you be nice and get to him." Sonic said and whispered to Spike. "Sorry Spike, you're gonna have to live with it."

"Oh, they're so cute!" Fluttershy said, then grabbing a dog bisect and gave it to Spike. "Go on, eat up Little pup." Spike ate the bisect, but realized it tasted great for him as a dog and he ate it.

'Wow. Like the Fluttershy back in Equestria, she loves her animals.' Sonic thought to himself. He smiled at how her reaction was to Mangey.

"Have you just ever wondered how adorible they are?" Fluttershy said.

"Mangey can't talk. Although I think his first word was 'feelings'." Sonic said.

"And Spike usually just talks to me." Twilight said.

"Twi...." Sonic muttered.

"What did you say?" Fluttershy asked. Spike barked and did a nervous smile.

"Oh, never mind. You wouldn't have something to do with a crown, would you?" Twilight asked.

"How did you know?"

"Oh... uh... lucky guess."

"She means, we overheard you and Sunset saying something about a crown. Do you still have it?" Sonic asked. Fluttershy shook her head. "But you found it?" she nods. "Can you tell us how you found it? We're not like Sunset. We're only wondering."

"Well, yesterday, I was putting up posters for the animal adoption centre. And then the crown appeared and hit me on the head. I had no idea how it got there. So I decided to give it to Principle Celestia for safe keeping." the shy girl explained.

"Principle Celestia?" Twilight asked.

"Is she in charge of the school?" Sonic further asked.

"Yes. You could say that. Technically her and Vice-Principle Luna run the school." Fluttershy said.

"Where is she now?" Twilight asked.

"She's in her office." Fluttershy answered. Twilight and Spike ran off in different directions but went back.

"Where is her office, exactly?" Sonic asked.

"Third door on your left." Fluttershy said as the group went off.

"Thank you!" Twilight called.

"Wait!" They turned back at Fluttershy. "You're not suppose to have pets on the school ground."

Sonic was nearly offended, but he wasn't thankfully a pet, but he was part human, for a mobian. "Except for me and the others?"

"Well, maybe. Might wanna tuck them in your backpack. That's what I always do." Fluttershy said, as a bird, a kitten and a bunny came out of her backpack.

Sonic was nearly found by the cuteness, but kept it to himself. "Why would you bring your pets to school and tuck them in your backpack?"

"They just get so lonely when I'm at school all day." she answered.

"Ah... I understand. All pets might've felt that way. No worries, really."

"Okay, thank you!" Twilight said.

"See ya later, Fluttershy!" Sonic said.

The school bell rang as Fluttershy gasped. "Oh no! I'm late for class!" She scooped up her animals in her bag and walked off.

Sonic grabs Spike and puts him in Twilight backpack, replacing her saddle bag back in Equestria. "There ya go, Spike. Just make sure no one sees you."

"Do I seriously need to be in the bag?" Spike asked.

"Says the dragon-turned-puppy." the blue hedgehog smirked, leaving Spike to grumble. "Also, think about it as if you were still a dragon, riding on Twilight's back as a pony."

"Okay, that's helping."

With that, the group walked off to the office. Unknowingly, Nine was watching them.

He realized he felt like he did the wrong thing. Why did he trust Sunset to begin with?

"Why? Just why did I betray you, Sonic? It's all my fault for what your doing...." He looks down, after seeing how Sonic and Twilight defending Fluttershy. He remembered how Sonic told him how he and Tails met.

"From the very moment we first met, you were a happy brainy little fox doing happy brainy fox things. Some block heads picked on you for having an extra tail, I ran by and they lost interest in being jerks." Sonic's voice came to his head.

"Nine...." he heard Sunset and turned to see her, Snips and Snails.

"Oh! Uh... Sunset! Hey... I was just... um..."

"Zip it, Nine. You're betraying me, aren't you?"

'What? What made her think of that? Was it when I was surprised to see Sonic and the others standing up to Fluttershy? But maybe Sonic is right... we can make it work. All I gotta do is find him. I'm done with Sunset.' Nine thought to himself and took a deep breath.

"Actually, Sunset, seeing how you're the one with these issues of being jealous of Princess Twilight, the fact is I am. I'm done with you! I betrayed Sonic once, but I won't betray him!" he said. "I realized, I have trust issues. I'm going to get the Prism and tell Sonic to fix it. If Sonic created the Shatterverse, this might mean, when he fixes the Prism, everything will still stand. And even though I hate New Yoke City, everyone doesn't deserve to loose their homes!"

"If that's so, then I'll take the Prism from you then..." Sunset smirked.

"WHAT?!" Nine shouted. "Sonic will stop you! I'll stop you!"

"Just shut it, you twin tailed reject!"

Sunset, Snips and Snails left Nine alone, as he growls. He calms down after a moment.

"You can do it, Nine. You can't let Sonic down." he said as he follows the mobians, Twilight and Spike.

Sonic was behind the group, angry at Sunset, until he felt a tap on his shoulder, turning to see... "NINE?!"

"Hey Sonic..." the fox said.

"I thought you were with Sunset?!" Sonic exclaimed. Everyone gasped when they saw Nine.

"I... I realized what I've done and.... I've got trust issues... Sonic, I'm so sorry, you were right! We can make it work. I'm-!" Nine couldn't finish when Sonic pulled him into a hug.

"It's alright, Nine. I should be the one to be sorry for. I realized Shadow's words saying that you and the rest of the Shatterverse said that you're not real. I only saw you as Tails.... I just miss him, that's all." the blue hedgehog said. "Do you have the prism?"

"No... Sunset would take it away from me. And she did. I betrayed her. And also, since your the one who broke the Prism, creating the Shatterverse, I was wrong about the Shatterverse ending. You're the one who created it, meaning it'll still stand."

"...Impossible." Shadow said. "If Sonic did created the Shatterverse, it'll still stand when he fixes it."

"We'll stop Sunset, Nine. And you're going to help us." Sonic said.

"Yeah... and Sonic? I'm sorry for betraying you, making a new home at the Grim...I thought I could just be your only friend." Nine apologized.

"I understand, Nine. Don't worry. What made you think of that?"

"When I saw your Tails and... I said we are nothing alike."

"Once you get to know him, you'll be alike."

"What do you mean?"

"Nine, I was planning on letting you live with me and the others since New Yoke City caused this to you."

"Wait, really? Even if my other self wouldn't mind?!"

"Yeah, really! We can still visit the Shatterverse and help Rebel and Knucks defeat the Chaos Council. Or meet with the Scavengers and Thorn or Dread and his crew."

"Sonic... I-I-I.... thank you!"

"You're welcome. Right now, we have to get the crown and Prism and stop Sunset."

Nine nods and follows the group to the principle's office, hoping that Sunset wouldn't know where the Paradox Prism is.

Nine has re-joined the party

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