paint me like one of your fre...

By c2suave

216K 7.6K 1.9K

Paris Du Pont was the queen of her school. Turns heads when she walks, she was the type of person people prac... More

character aesthetics
do straws have one hole?
80 year old color blind women
old lady pheromones
and the home of the...
Professor McGonagall
pig extinction
new fear unlocked: hot drinks
pussy destroyer
trust issues
glow up tutorial
disney villain
the debut
what makes a date, a date?
killing me softly
get a room
baby pictures
the seduction olympics
i fell down the stairs
aphrodite on earth
hearsay, your honor
professional masseuse
baby pictures
puppy dog
gold mine
are you gay?
you're so beautiful
too soon?
shoutout to the big man
scarecrow day
im fine, dont worry about it
what it means to be a woman
anything you say can, and will be used against you...


4.9K 202 59
By c2suave


"What's her deal?" Steve asked Ryan in a whisper that wasn't really a whisper as we sat in the corner shop.

"She's depressed about Paris because her parents won't let her see Mayson." Ryan whispered back.

"Damn, that sucks." Steve said back.

"Yup, now she's just moping around like a lost puppy." Ryan snickered.

"You do realize I can hear you, right?" I raised my eyebrows at the two idiots who were sitting behind the counter while I was by the window.

"Yes." Ryan rolled her eyes.

"Oh shit, you were listening?" Steve asked.

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and went back to my sulking.

"Awwww cheer up buddy, I'm sure this will blow over soon enough." Steve came to me and patted me on the shoulder, sitting on the other side of the window sill.

"Her parents are rich millionaires who think that gay people go to hell." I deadpanned.

"Hmm." Steve frowned, "That'll definitely do it." He scratched his head.

"You can still see each other at school right?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, that's true I guess." I muttered.

"Right, they can't keep her away from school and they won't even know if you're with her." Steve smiled.

"So turn that frown," He moved my cheeks upwards, "Upside down and let's go ride around in that car again." He grinned.

He was referring to Paris's car that she left with me after the gala, "Steve it's not some toy you can just play with whenever you want." Ryan scolded while reading a magazine, not even bothering to look at us from behind the counter, her feet propped up on it.

Steve frowned and slumped on the window sill again.

Ryan glanced at us for a second before returning to her magazine, rolling her eyes, "You idiots are gonna do it anyway, aren't you?" She sighed.

I grinned at her, "Yup!" I said then jumped up, headed to the door, Steve following close behind me.

"Alright have fun, give Paris's parents a reason to actually hate you." Ryan singsonged, flipping a page.

I stopped at the door and contemplated it, "Awww no, look what you did Ryan!" Steve whined staring at me.

"Don't listen to her Mace, she's a buzzkill that reads for fun." Steve said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Maybe we shouldn't." I shrugged.

Steve blew a breathe and shuffled back into the store, "So fucking whipped, god damn it."

"I know you're not fucking talking Steven." I scoffed, following him and leaning on the counter.

Steve waved me off and started playing with a ball on the counter.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go work on my art final." I said, heading to the door, "You love birds have fun now!" I called.

I heard a string of curses before the door shut.


"Can you stop fucking moving?" I grumbled trying to take a picture of Stella.

I called Stella and Clara to help me with my art final. Paris was supposed to be here but her parents are dickheads and won't let her out of the house.

"Easier said than done you don't have to be in these heels and dress." Stella snapped.

"How hard is it to pose and stay still for 5 minutes?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm the one helping you dipshit so shut the fuck up and take the damn picture." She responded.

I rolled my eyes again and took the picture than examined it, "Alright that's good, now it's Clara's turn." I said.

"Thank fuck." Stella muttered and took of her heels and threw them, narrowly missing my head.

"Hey! Watch it." I exclaimed, "You almost hit me."

"Oh did I?" Stella feigned innocence.

I glared at her and flipped her off before turning my attention back to Clara.

"What even is your theme anyway?" Stella asked.

"Women." I answered, and snapped a picture of Clara.

"You're so gay." Stella snorted.

I dropped my camera and looked at her, Clara doing the same.

"What?" Stella asked starting at the both of us.

"Oh come on, she is!" Stella exclaimed at Clara who kept staring at her, wordlessly communicating with her.

They stared at each other for a couple minutes before Stella broke, "Fine." She grumbled and got up and went to the living room.

I continued taking my pictures, stopping every once in a while to see if I got it right.

"So uh, how's Paris doing?" I asked after a while.

"Don't you two text all day?" Clara smiled.

"Not anymore, she stopped replying to me this morning." I sighed.

Clara frowned, "It's probably her mom, she can be a real bitch."

"Yeah tell me about it." I muttered.

"Don't stop trying though." Clara said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, putting my camera down.

Clara came and sat next to me on the floor, our backs against my bed, "All the people in Paris's life have a tendency to leave." Clara started.

"Whether it be her own parents or grandparents due to health, one way or another she feels as though everyone will eventually leave her."

"Stella and I really have only been the constants in her life. Everyone else gives up at the first sign of trouble. Like any past relationship she's had own her own terms, the guy always leaves when he eventually gets fed up with her mom."

"Her mom has been controlling her life in some from ever since she was born. From choosing the way she dresses to the people she dates. It's awful." Clara shakes her head.

"What I'm trying to say is don't give up. It's gonna be hard, especially for you guys, but don't leave her once things get hard." Clara says sternly, "Lord knows that girl has already gone through so much."

I nod acknowledging her words, "I'd never leave her. Especially because of her mom." I say firmly.

Clara smiles at my response, "You're good for her Mayson. I think you're just what she needed. I've haven't seen her this happy in a long time."

"Trust me, she's the one that's good for me. You have no idea." I shake my head.

"Fine you're both good for each other." Clara nudges my shoulder.

"Thanks Clara." I grinned.

"And thanks for helping me with my art final." I say then pull up the pictures from my camera, "They turned out pretty well I think." I showed her.

Clara snatched the camera from me, "Damn I look good." She muttered, "Send me these, please." She grinned.

"You got it." I laughed.

"You're out of cereal." Stella said from the door, mouth full of said cereal.

"I wonder why." I deadpanned.

"Hey, you're the one that kicked me out, I had to do something to keep busy." She shrugged.

"So watch TV or something, you know like a normal person." I grumble.

"Anyways, did you get everything you need?" Stella asked referring to the pictures.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I should be good now."

"Good because even if you weren't, I was not taking anymore pictures." Stella snorted.

I rolled my eyes and got up then helped Clara up, "Thanks for your help." I side hugged her, "And for the advice."

"No problem," She hugged me back, "Good luck with your paintings." She said and made her way to the door.

"Are you not gonna say thank you to me?" Stella scoffed.

"You got a thank you by eating all my food." I said sarcastically.

Stella opened her mouth to respond but Clara dragged her by the hand, pulling her to door, "Bye Mace!"

I chuckled at how easily Stella gave in, "See ya!" I called back and her the door slam shut.

I connected my camera to my school computer and uploaded the photos so I could print out the ones I actually wanted. While they were uploading, I changed into my painting overalls and made myself some green tea to get my creative juices going.

I got my headphones and turned on my painting playlist, choosing the pictures I wanted to reference and setting up a canvas in the living room.

I decided to do Stella's first as I think it will be easier than Clara's since there is less detail. When I finish my tea and the pictures I want are printing and hanging in front of me, I crack my neck and get started.


I woke up the next morning from the sun shining through the living room window. I yawn and look at the time to see it was still 5:45, fifteen minutes before I had to get up and and get ready for school.

I yawn again and look at my work from yesterday. I managed to draw the outline of everything, now all I have to do is paint the base which is by far the easiest part. Adding details is where it gets hardest.

I scratch my head and pop top bread into the toaster then going to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. Once I'm done, I put on my usual school uniform of black slacks, a white button up, a black tie, and a maroon sweater with the schools logo. I put on my usual jacket and run my fingers through my still damp hair.

I walk back into the kitchen to see Ryan eating my toast, already speeding Nutella and bananas on it. I go up behind her and flick her head to get her off my food, while she snickers and picks up her bag and violin case.

"My Pa said if you want a ride to hurry your ass up." She called, walking out the door, not even bothering to close it.

"Not even a 'Good morning Mayson, how are you', no all I get is harassment and my food eaten." I grumble to myself as I close the door to my dingy apartment.

I slide into the car beside Ryan in the backseat and say good morning to Mr. Jackson. He takes us to school sometimes when he has to go into the city for the corner shop.

"How's that art final comin' Mace?" Mr. Jackson asks while sipping on his coffee cup.

"It's going well," I nodded, "I have all the pictures I need I just need to paint them now." I say while swatting Ryan's hand as she tried to take my food.

"Would you stop." I grumble.

"I'm hungry, though." She whined.

I roll my eyes and rip the piece of toast in half and give her one. Her face brightens up and she immediately takes a bite, "Thanks Mace, you're a sweetheart." She says a kisses my cheek.

I pretend to be disgusted and wipe it off while Mr. Jackson chuckles at us from the driver's seat.

We eventually pull up to the school, Ryan and I getting out, "Thanks for the ride, Mr. J." I say to Mr. Jackson.

"Uh huh, now use that energy you have from taking a break from walkin' and put that into gettin' an A." He says.

"Will do, Mr. J," I chuckle, "See ya later."

"Alright bye now Mayson. Bye baby girl, study hard." He says to Ryan.

"Ok pops." She salutes and we turn to walk into the school.

I walk considerably faster than her and Ryan notices and snorts as we enter the school, "Someone's eager to get learning." She grins.

I glare at her because she knows good and well why I'm eager. I stop at the door while Ryan continues walking and finally noticed I'm not beside her when she gets a few feet.

I wave her off, "Just go I'm gonna wait here." I say.

She rolls her eyes and turns towards the music room but not before muttering a "whipped" under her breathe.

I wait next to the doors on the side, waiting for a certain blonde beauty. When I see her head walk in next to a red head, I immediately grin and push myself off the wall and trail behind them, "I'm literally gonna kill her, I specifically said to wait at the doors." I hear Paris grumble.

"Maybe she forgot." Clara shrugged.

"If she did, she's definitely gonna hear from me." Paris scoffed.

I get closer and play along, "That's fair, what are you gonna say to her?" I ask.

Clara glances back at me with surprise look then a smile as Paris doesn't even realize I'm the one who asked the question, "I'm gonna say that there's no reason how she has an IQ around 170 and she can't even follow simple directions like waiting by the fucking door." Paris snaps.

"Sounds about right, that'll show her." I say as we stop at her locker.

Paris nods and opens her locker, "I know and-" She stops as she finally turns around and seems me standing there.

I smile, "Hello beautiful."

Paris glares at me before rolling her eyes and turning back to her locker, "Don't 'hello beautiful' me." She snaps.

"It's nice to see you too." I grin.

"I told you to wait at the door." Paris frowns as she turns to me again.

"And I did, you just didn't see me." I laugh, "Hence why you didn't even realize I was here the whole time."

"Yeah well make yourself known next time." Paris grumbles, turning back to her locker.

Clara laughs and shakes her head, "I'll see you two later." She says then walks off.

I save goodbye then turn back to Paris who is still getting her books from her locker. I go next to her and lean on the locker beside her, grinning at her from ear to ear.

"What?" She mumbles, glancing at me.

"You missed me." I say, still grinning.

She rolled her eyes and slammed her locker shut  then walked off, which I easily caught up with her.

"Aw come on, you know you did. It's ok to say it it, I will. I missed you." I say, dodging people trying to get to their own classes.

Paris glances at me but says a nothing. Her demeanor seems annoyed but the twitching at the corner of her mouth gives away her amusement.

"Fine then I'll just go to class now, if you don't miss me." I say and turn to go to the direction of my classroom.

I don't make it far, as Paris grabs the back of my collar to keep me from leaving, "Don't even think about it." She grumbles.

I smile and keep walking beside her as we head to her first period. When we get there I give her a shoulder a nudge, "Bye."I smile.

"You better be right outside the door once this class ends." Paris says and just walks in.

I shake my head in amusement and then turn to walk to my class, "Yes ma'am." I mutter to myself


Hopefully I can keep this streak going


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