Mistakes happen- The Walter b...

By twdtb1

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Honestly dont have a description rn More



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By twdtb1

Lynn searched around for her parents but couldnt find them "Hey Jackie have you heard from your parents mine were riding with them" Lynn asked a frantic Jackie who then told her about the crash

Lynn lost herself after Jackie tried to comfort her saying she knew how she felt but Lynn wanted to just be left alone she had lost her twin brother from cancer a year before this just sent her over the edge

"You okay?"Jackie asked Lynn as they get off the plane "Just tired J" Lynn tells her not lying at all she was mentally and physically drained everyday "This will be good for us" Jackie tells her

"Living with basically strangers will be good for us?" Lynn asks "I think having more people around is gonna help you"Jackie tells her

"I dont want more people around J" Lynn tells her "Then at least let me in"Jackie says looking at Lynn grabbing her arm to make her look back at her

"Im trying my best"Lynn tells her "I know L"Jackie says and hold her hand Lynn gives her a quick sad smile before turning back around gripping Jackies hand tightly dreading the events to come

Unlike Jackie Lynn had met most of the Walters but it was a long time ago she barely got to know any of them she was still a kid so it was mostly her playing in the yard with the boys

She could barely even remember the boys names she did remember she fake married one of them and he was her first kiss but her memory is blurry and she was a kid its hard for her to remember since it was years ago

Richard called Jackie while Lynn looked around for the Walters "Is that them?"Jackie asks pointing to the one place Lynn wasnt looking and Lynn nodded as the woman got closer "Jackie Lynn"She says walking up to the pair and Jackie gives her a smile

"Hi" Katherine says "Hi" The two girls respond "Im so happy you two are here" Kathrine tells them hugging the girls who hug back well Jackie hugged back and Lynn kind of gave Kathrine a tap on the back "Thanks Katherine" Jackie says and they pull apart

"So um.." Katherine says and turns looking for her husband who was on the other side of her "Over here" He says and she smiles noticing him "You remember George" Kathrine says and the two nod "Hi George" Jackie says and Lynn just gives him a nod "Hi girls" He says grabbing each of their bags

"How was everything was the flight okay?" Katherine asks "Yeah" Jackie says with a smile Lynn hated how perky Jackie could be sometimes "Do you guys need anything before we go? Get something to eat or coffee?" Katherine asks

"Im good" Lynn responds "Yeah im okay" Jackie tells her once they got in the car Jackie put her headphones in and Lynn just laid her head against the window

Jackie reached over and grabbed Lynns hand squeezing it gently and Lynn looked at her and gave her an 'its okay' nod she knew Jackie was just putting up an act

Once they got there they all got out of the car "Honey do you need any help with the bags?" Katherine asks "No no" George tells her and Jackie thanked George while looking at the house "You okay?" Katherine asks looking at Jackie while placing a hand on Lynns shoulder

"Fine" Jackie says and Lynn just gives Katherine a nod "Well lets get you two inside and we will introduce you to everybody" Katherine says as her phone started to ring and answered it as the two girls went up to the door

"Jamal why are you calling me im not the doctor on call?" Lynn heard Katherine answer her phone as one of the boys came around on a skateboard "Move" He yelled and Lynn grabbed Jackie making her take a step back as the boy skated in front of the two girls

The two girls eyes follow to a boy on the couch outside "Hi Danny" He says pointing to himself "Jackie" "Lynn" "Yeah I remember you Lynn" Danny smiles at her "Well did you take his vitals?" Katherine asks on the phone as she opens the front door for them

A younger boy ran out of a room "Whoa whoa Benny stop running" George yelled "Im not running" Benny responds walking off"Oh hey guys guys can you stop that for a second?" George asks the two boys on the couch playing video games

"This is Jackie and im not sure if you guys remember Lynn but girls this is Alex and Isaac" George introduced them "Whats up" Isaac says not really wanting to look away from the game Alex and Lynn made eye contact but his eyes lingered onto Jackie of course

"Got two more bags out in the truck if you can go grab it" George asks Alex "Oh yeah yeah sure thing" Alex says walking towards them to get outside he reached his hand out to Jackie "Hi" He says and she shakes his hand "Hello" Jackie says and he smiles

"Lynn" Alex says finally looking at her "You're the one I married" Lynn says looking into his eyes and he chuckles "You remember that?" He asks "How could I forget I choked on the ring pop you gave me" Lynn says remembering it clearly now this made Alex laugh "Oh yeah thats right" He says "Bags Alex" George says and Alex nods walking out

"Straight ahead is the kitchen im gonna take these up to your room" George says walking up the stairs and Kathrine walks out handing the two girls a drink mouthing 'lemonade' to them seeing as she was still on the phone it sounded like she was getting called into work

"Thanks" The girls reply Jackie stepped on a toy and picked it up putting it with another one Lynn followed her eyes to a picture of their mothers and Katherine together Lynn grabbed Jackies hand

"No no its just the worst possible timing I told you Lynn and Jackie was coming today" Katherine says on the phone "Okay no of course no just tell her that ill be right there okay thank you" Katherine says before getting off the phone "Girls im so sorry I have to go" She tells the two

"Oh thank god Wills here come on" Katherine says as Will walks in "Jackie this is Will Will this is Jackie and im sure you remember Lynn" Katherine says "Will is our oldest and hes the best"

"Jackie welcome" he holds a hand out for her to shake which she does "Hi" Jackie says "Lynn its nice to see you again youve grown up so much" Will said hugging her which she slightly hugged back before pulling away "I have to go to the clinic so can you take over and just get the girls settled in they have already met um Danny Isaac Alex and um?" Katherine asks Will

"Benny" Lynn tells her "Benny" Katherine finishes "Yes" Will finally answers her "I cannot believe im getting called in right now okay so" Katherine says grabbing her bag walking towards the door "What you have to leave?" George asks catching back up

"Yes but Wills gonna take over" Katherine tells him "Great" "Jackie Lynn im so sorry I promise I will be back as soon as I possibly can" Katherine tells the two "Dont worry hope the dogs okay" Jackie tells her and Lynn gives her a thumbs up "Thank you" Katherine says before heading out

"And hey girls I am always around here somewhere if you need anything call me okay? I gotta get out to the orchard" George says heading to a back door "Uncle George wait for me" Skater boy says skating over to the door making Jackie sigh

"So the Tony Hawk wannabe is Lee" Will tells them "We've met" Jackie says setting her glass down Lynn doing the same "Nathan"Will says knocking on a door frame and they walk in "This is Jackie and im not sure if you remember Lynn or not" Will says

"Hi its nice to finally meet you" Nathan says shaking Jackies hand "And its hard to forget Alex's wife" He says giving Lynn a smile which she actually returned "Thanks you too" Jackie responds

They head outside to the pool hearing music playing "Just so you know im hard of hearing so if im not looking at you or theres a lot of background noise I wont understand just fyi" Will tells them "Okay thank you" Jackie says

Will turns the music off "Hey everyone this is Jackie and Lynn" Will says "Hello" Jackie says and Lynn just gives a small wave it was Benny Parker and then Cole coming out of the water Lynn rolled her eyes

"Wanna introduce yourselves?" Will asks "She'll figure it out and Lynn already knows" Cole responds "Thats Cole" Will says and Jordan comes over with a camera going around the two "Um Hi" Jackie says "Can we help you?" Lynn asks "Jordan aspiring film director leave her alone Jordan" Will says

Lynn then seen Albert getting out of the pool and she took a step back knowing he was gonna shake and he did water getting onto Jackie "Albert no im so sorry" Will tells Jackie handing her a towel "Its okay im fine" Jackie says wiping her face off

"You know what come on ill show you to your guys room upstairs" He tells them "Okay" Jackie says "Hey start bringing the girls stuff upstairs okay?" Will asks "Cole!" He yells "I heard you" Cole yells back

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