Dream Come True

By sugaurora_

119 9 0

Pairing: Med Student Seokjin x Plus Size Female Reader Genre: Brother's Best Friend; Friends to Lovers; Smut ... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5

Part 3

13 2 0
By sugaurora_

He stayed silent, worrying his plump bottom lip between his teeth.

That night, your brother had gone inside to get you all drinks. Seokjin's long frame was sprawled out next to yours on the roof, bodies comfortably close as you both stared up at the star-dotted sky. He'd told you that he never doubted you'd always get exactly what you dreamed of. And that he and Yoongi would be there for you to support you down whatever path you wanted to follow. And then he'd sat up, his beautiful face hovering just above you against the glittering backdrop of stars, and given you the softest kiss, hot in a way that seared through your every layer, imprinting itself on your soul. You'd threaded your fingers into his hair and melted into his kiss and tasted the sweet of cake frosting and happiness and him. Your brother had come back just after you'd leaned apart and, though you'd never been able to forget it, neither of you had spoken about it since.

Seokjin hung his head, seemingly weighed down by the recollection. "It was the next day that Yoongi told me no one would ever be good enough for you. I never knew if he saw us or if he could just tell how close I was getting to you and he didn't like it. I didn't know, and I didn't want to ruin anything, so I...I just backed off."

You nodded. "I don't think it was long after that that he told me you were off limits too."

"So see, even I'm not good enough for you, Y/N."

"Seokjin, you're not just Yoongi's friend, you're mine too," you said, a little more defensively than you meant. "You know that right?"

"Of course I do, love," he said hurriedly. He lifted your hands then, planting a soft kiss against the back your yours.

"You've supported me my whole life, through every misstep and triumph and doubt you've always been there for me. Studying, gaming, working, and being a great friend. I don't care about all that other shit. I care about someone who's kind to me, who respects me, who likes me for who I am exactly as I am. That's my type. And that's always been you."

"Always will, love," he said quietly, punctuating his words with another kiss to the back of your other hand.

"So," you started, a little emboldened by his touch. You leaned toward him with a cautious grin. "You kissed me and then spent all these years running away from me only to go rub one out, huh?"

He groaned and pulled one hand away, pressing it against his mouth as pink blossomed in his cheeks again. "Why did I tell you that? That's so embarrassing."

"Oh, I want to hear more," you said, sure your grin had turned mischievous. "I told you about my dreams. Tell me what else we do in yours?"

He swallowed and you watched as thoughts he'd clearly buried for a long time resurfaced on his face. He rubbed his fingers nervously against his lips and his eyes betrayed him, drifting slowly down to land on yours.

"I spend a lot of time dreaming about your mouth. Kissing you for hours. Biting your lips. Tasting your tongue. Though I suppose I've had some of that experience now."

You leaned forward and met your lips to his again, starting out with the lightest press to test that he still wanted this. You felt his lips part slightly, felt him lean into the kiss, and you sank into him further. You swiped your tongue slowly across his lower lip and just as he leaned into you, preparing to reach for more, you pulled away. Seokjin looked a little dumbstruck, exhaling softly as he stared down at you, fingers of the hand still gripping yours clutching you tighter.

"Dreams can't compare," he said breathlessly.

You chuckled and sat back on the bed, slipping your hand from his and widening the space between you. It was selfish, but the look of desperation that flashed across Seokjin's face as he watched you move away was worth it.

"What else?" you asked teasingly.

His tongue darted out to wet his lips, or maybe to taste what you'd left behind, and a wave of heat swept across your skin as his gaze drifted lower on you.

"Kissing your neck."

You leaned your head to one side, encouraging him to come and take an active part in his fantasy.

Seokjin didn't hesitate, sliding forward on the bed this time and meeting your mouths together again. He cupped your cheek as his lips moved away from yours, kissing down your jaw until he landed on your neck. He kissed the skin there so lightly, so tender, and the effect was brand new for you. You had never had someone turn you on with so little while making you feel so precious. He kissed down to the base of your throat, pulling aside your shirt so his lips could roam across your collarbone, and finally returned to your neck with another tender kiss that became a slow lick that became a teasingly soft bite. Your mind was spinning at his achingly slow contact and you couldn't hold back, letting a soft moan escape your lips. The sound seemed to shake Seokjin from whatever spell he'd been drawn into and he leaned away slightly, warm breath ghosting across your now damp skin.

"Keep going," you encouraged, arousal already thick in your throat.

"I dream about touching you everywhere, beautiful," he confessed, his own voice gone husky with his desire. "Your body drives me insane. You do."

"So touch me, Seokjin. Just like you dream. I want you to."

You nudged his face up, capturing his lips in another smoldering kiss. His hand moved up then, sliding under your—technically, his—shirt and cupping the full swell of your breast in a gentle squeeze. His other hand joined a moment later at your other breast and you arched into his touch, sighing contentedly into his mouth. He leaned back and released a shaky breath as his lips parted from yours. You started to pout until you felt the tug of him lifting your shirt, sliding it over your arms and off of you. His lips went back to your neck, maddening wet kisses pressed against your throat as his hands found your breasts again. He teased your nipple in slow circles with his thumb and you could feel his smile against your neck as your breath hitched in response to each stroke, wider still at the soft moan that broke free as he gave one of them a light pinch.

His satisfied groan rumbled against your neck. "If you knew how often I dream about putting your fantastic breasts in my mouth," he said, tone gone dark and syrupy. His lips traveled down your neck again, your chest, a trail of hot kisses against your skin until he reached your breast and took a slow lick at the nipple he'd pinched. His hand still gently caressing the other, he circled the tender bud lazily with his tongue, leaving you panting, body arching into him.

"Your whole body. You're so beautiful it hurts," he said, making a wide, wet swipe with the broad of his tongue before pulling in your nipple again in a gentle suckle. You slid a hand forward, burying your fingers into the thick hair at the nape of his neck and tipping your head back. Your body trembled at the sensation of his mouth on you this way, naturally arching into his touch as he satisfied cravings you'd held close for so long.

Seokjin swapped breasts then, wrapping his lips around your other nipple and freeing his hand to travel further down your body. He caressed the soft of your belly and settled on your uninjured thigh, giving the thick of you there a firm, hungry squeeze.

"Touch me. Please," you begged immediately and although he technically already was, you had a feeling Seokjin could tell exactly where you wanted to feel him right now. He hesitated for a moment, hands and tongue slowing to a pause. And though every part of you was aching for him, you waited for him, waited for his decision on how far he wanted this to go, ready to meet him where he needed. You felt his resolve harden as his hand continued its path downward, squeezing your inner thighs before finally sliding between your legs. Immediately, his fingers met your bare heat and the wetness that had been building since your kisses had first begun.

"Y-you got this wet for me?" he panted against your nipple.

"Seokjin, you're the hottest man I've ever known. You've been shirtless the whole night, kissing me and sucking on my nipples and calling me beautiful. Yes, I'm fucking wet for you."

Seokjin lifted his head from your breasts, angling up instead to kiss you, the firm warmth of his chest pressing against your own as his fingers stroked your wetness, back and forth. You inhaled sharply as he swept his fingers across your sensitive clit, breathing more of Seokjin, thinking that you could never tire of his tongue exploring your mouth again and again. You would never get enough of tasting him, of kissing him, of being this close to him. You slid your arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer as his fingers alternated between stroking your aching slit and making slow, agonizing circles around your swollen clit.

"Hottest you've ever known, hm?" he said, breaking from your lips.

"You already know it, you just like having your ego stroked," you offered back, though your words had a needy edge thanks to his busy fingers. "Got your hairstyle under control and we haven't been able to stop you since."

Seokjin only chuckled shyly. Though it was true that his confidence had grown to a healthy level over the years, his humility had grown along with it. Which was why, even though he knew what you said was true, and even though his fingers were between your legs, he still had the beginnings of a new blush spreading across his cheeks at the compliment.

Finally, he sank his fingers inside you and you leaned forward against him, burying your head in his neck and panting a whimper that ended in a fragmented moan. Seokjin paused his movements, much to your disappointment, and made a nervous glance back at his bedroom door.

"I think Yoongi and his date are asleep in his room," he said softly into your hair.

His date? Yoongi hadn't mentioned he had a date over when you asked if you could come crash. His bedroom door had been closed, so you'd assumed he was already asleep when you got here. You clenched down involuntarily around Seokjin's fingers inside you and decided you really didn't want to think about your brother at the moment.

"It's alright," you said. You reached down and cupped Seokjin's hand with your own, pressing his fingers deeper inside you. "We're only dreaming, remember?"

With another shy laugh, Seokjin curled his fingers, sending a ripple of pleasure through your body and coaxing another of your moans into the little dip just above his collarbone. His mouth found a new home at your earlobe, licking and biting softly as he found his rhythm in the wetness of your pussy. His other hand hadn't forgotten its mission, not-so-gently squeezing the soft flesh of your breast and rolling the firm sensitive bud of your nipple between his fingers.

Before you lost yourself entirely to his touch, you reached down for him through his shorts, this time slipping your hand past the waistband and finally curling your fingers around his cock. He was so hot to the touch, the skin soft and smooth in an almost jarring way compared to how hard he felt. As you palmed the veined length of him slowly, you accepted that your imagination was highly inaccurate; Seokjin was more enormous in your hands than your dreams had ever managed to capture. You tried hard to focus your movements on him, but between his thumb circling your clit, the pads of his fingers rhythmically knocking against that sweet spot inside you, and his damn mouth, wet and teasing on your ear, you felt overwhelmed, only managing a few half-hearted strokes as your pleasure rapidly threatened to spill over.


It hit you before you were ready, his name interrupted by your shuddering moans as wave after wave of pleasure crashed into you. Seokjin didn't let up, his fingers still stroking back and forth as you rode through your climax, his tongue still circling your ear. Once you finally stopped trembling he slipped his hand from between your legs and leaned back a little, pressing the softest kiss to your forehead. You looked up to meet the dark, polished amber of his eyes. And if you didn't know any better, you'd swear the smile on his face was just a little bit smug.

"You're so sensitive, love," he said, purring the words like a satisfied cat.

"You seem a little too pleased about that," resisting the urge to nuzzle your face into the warmth of his neck.

He stroked the fingers of his dry hand along your shoulder and down your arm. "I wanted to make you feel good."

You pulled yourself up onto your knees and motioned for Seokjin to move further back toward the head of the bed. He obliged and you kneeled between his legs, leaning forward to kiss his lips. Seokjin's hands went to your hips, but you backed away a little, instead kissing down his neck, pathing along his chest until you reached one of his dusky brown nipples. You teased the tiny bud with your tongue, listening to his soft whimpers at the attention. You pressed down on a soft bite and smiled at Seokjin's responding half-moan, half-exhale.

"I'm not the only sensitive one," you said. Seokjin only chuckled lightly in response and placed his fingers atop your head, making a gentle stroke across your hair.

You backed away again and curled your fingers under the waistband of his shorts, sliding them down past his hips. You blinked for a few moments, unsure when your hands had frozen in place in your mission to finally disrobe him. You just remembered staring, your mouth falling open at the sight of the biggest cock you'd ever seen, bobbing tauntingly against well-defined abs and the sluttiest slim waist.

"Y/N?" Seokjin asked, and the strained concern in his voice broke you from your reverie.

"S-Seokjin," you managed to stammer, though you didn't tear your eyes away from his lower head. "No wonder you're so ripped having to carry this around all day."

He breathed out a shy laugh.

"Your dick is..." Magnificent? Insane? The biggest, most glorious, breathtaking cock you'd ever seen? It all felt ridiculous and yet...the right words wouldn't surface. Maybe there weren't any words good enough. Yes, you had seen plenty of cocks, but apparently, you had never seen the cock until now.

It took you a second to realize his hands were moving down, trying, but naturally failing to hide his third leg. "You don't have to..." he mumbled. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable so we don't have to..."

You blinked, still working through your shock. Nothing in your imagination could've prepared you for this. But as his words finally sunk in, you looked up at him in confusion.


"Yeah. It's...some have said that before. So you don't have to. It's okay."

"Are you kidding?" You brushed his hands aside, taking in the thickness, the deep pink of it, the tantalizing pearl of precum pooled at the tip that had you all but salivating. You wrapped your fingers around him and gave his full length a long, satisfying stroke and he whimpered at the movement. "I want nothing more."

Seokjin's hands were still close by yours, his gaze once again drifting past you.

"I just...I don't know that I can...that I'm...what I mean is I haven't really..."

His sudden communication struggle left you feeling unsure of what signal he was trying to get across. As much as you didn't want to, you took your hands off of him.

"We don't have to do anything if you don't want to."

"I want to!" he said, then bit his lip in embarrassment at his own enthusiasm. "Believe me, I want to. I..."

You let his words marinate, taking in the concern now pressed between his eyebrows.

"You're worried you won't fit? Because yes, your cock is massive, but I know you've studied enough anatomy to know that I can get you in me with no problem."

"I just don't want to hurt you."

You wanted to tell him you couldn't wait for him to hurt you, but something about the uncertainty etched across his face had you changing your trajectory for once.

"You won't hurt me. I don't know what happened with your other partners, but we'll go really slow, alright?"

Even with that, Seokjin still looked unsure. As kind as he was, it sometimes came at the cost of him hesitating to say what he really meant for the sake of others. Luckily for him, you'd never suffered from that affliction.

"What else? You're worried...because I've had a lot of experience and you haven't had much?"

He nodded.

"I do like sex, Seokjin."

"I love that you enjoy sex. I love that you live so fully in your own body. I've always loved that about you." His eyes drifted downward, settling on the sheets next to him, though you had a feeling he was looking at nothing beyond his thoughts. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm messing this up. I've just thought about you for so long that I...I'm kind of terrified to disappoint."

You leaned down, laying next to him and curling your body against his long frame. As you settled into the curve of him, Seokjin wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close against him, warm bare skin to skin.

"I mean, on the whole, sex is just sex," you said. "And based on the fact that you're even worried about it, I guarantee you'll give me a better experience than anyone else."

He made an unconvincing nod, turning his face to kiss your forehead once, twice, again. He was nervous, you could feel it radiating off of his skin, see it in the tightness of his jawline, and thanks to years of reading his moods, you could feel the hesitation in the air around him.

You spoke softly into the crook of his neck. "There's no one else in this dream, right? Just you and me."

"Yeah," he said quietly.

"You know me. And I know you. So there's no pressure, no expectations. We can just enjoy being me and you, yeah?"

He turned to face you, finally focusing his eyes on yours. You waited, stared back into the beautiful brown of his, and let him search for whatever answer it was that he needed. Finally, he leaned forward, kissing you again, sweet and slow. He leaned away for a moment, slipping off his glasses and tossing them onto his nightstand before joining his lips with yours again. You sighed into his kiss and Seokjin's arm wrapped around you tight as you kissed, and kissed, and lost yourself between his lips.

"I want you, Seokjin," you panted when you finally broke away for air. "I want you so bad I can't think straight."

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