The Karma Project

By knikole_

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Today I want to die. Not because of anything in particular or specific, but just because the utter thought of... More

Chapter 1 - Inertia
Chapter 2 - Force and Acceleration
Chapter 3 - Action and Reaction
Chapter 4 - V/I = R
Chapter 5 - Coulomb's Law
Chapter 6 - Conservation of Energy
Chapter 7 - Law of Elasticity
Chapter 8 - Momentum
Chapter 9 - Planetary Motion
Chapter 11 - Lenz's Law
Chapter 12 - Constituents and Interactions
Chapter 13 - Nuclear Reactions
Chapter 14 - Dosimetry
Chapter 15 - Angular Momentum
Chapter 16 - Conservation of Charge
Chapter 17 - Enrico Fermi
Chapter 18 - Plutonium
Chapter 19 - Alpha Radiation
Chapter 20 - Castle Romeo
Chapter 21 - Chadwick
Chapter 22 - Gravitational Force
Chapter 23 - Perpetual Motion
Chapter 24 - John Cockcroft
Chapter 25 - Principle of Movement
Chapter 26 - Denoted C
Chapter 27 - Meitner
Chapter 28 - F = ma
Chapter 29 - Displacement
Chapter 30 - Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 31 - Newton
Chapter 32 - E=MC^2
Chapter 33 - Relativity
Chapter 34 - (X - X0)
Chapter 35 - Elastic Limit
Chapter 36 - T = D/S
Chapter 37 - (T)
Chapter 38 - String Theory
Chapter 39 - Δp = m(Δv)
Chapter 40 - Fundamental Physics
Chapter 41 - Third Law
Chapter 42 - Cutting, Bending, Dissolving, Freezing, Boiling, and Melting
Chapter 43 - Mass Equivalence
Chapter 44 - K=f(x, y)
Chapter 45 - Maximum Entropy
Chapter 46 - Projectile Motion
Chapter 47 - Gravity

Chapter 10 - An Object At Rest, Remains At Rest

290 24 0
By knikole_


The next day I woke in a cold sweat, and my throat was sore from screaming. I shot myself from my bed and hung my legs over the side, a bad attempt at trying to catch my breath. I haven't had a nightmare since I killed my father, so I'm more than confused as to why they are all of a sudden back.

Closing my eyes, I finally take in a deep breath and sigh. For a moment it was like I was back there in that trunk. My wrists are bound behind my back and my legs tightly taped together from my thighs and all the way down to my ankles. I knew it was another test, but it didn't mean I'd live. If anything it terrified me even more knowing that I wasn't kidnapped by a stranger, but my father. Put in the back of a dark and smelly car trunk completely bound. I knew he wanted to see me escape, but I also knew that if I died in this situation it wouldn't hurt him at all. If anything it may relieve him to know he doesn't need to feed me anymore.

I can still feel the terror coursing through my body when a man took me from the trunk and brought me into that warehouse basement. So many screams... and their cries. Oh my god their cries.

"Hey." A voice from behind me shot me to my feet, my heart racing.

"Fuck, Dean. What the hell?" I growl, holding my hand over my racing heart.

"I didn't mean to scare you, but I heard screaming. You okay?" His words sound concerned, but his expression is still that permanent scowl.

"Why do you care?" I say, rolling my eyes and dropping my hand from my heart.

He stays stoic, no flinch, no tweak of an eyebrow-- his expression completely vacant. Finding it useless to wait for him to respond I break the silent staring contest, "I'm fine. You can leave now."

Despite me waving him off he continued to stare at me, insisting on not breaking our eye contact. When I eventually turn away from him his voice pulls my attention back to him. "Kahl really did a number on you, didn't he?"

I snort at the mention of my father, "Something like that."

"Go back to bed," He begins to walk out of my room, "And stop that screaming. You're going to wake the whole fucking house." He snarls from over his shoulder. Asshole. Just as soon as he appeared he was gone.

I gape at the now empty doorway we once stood in. Where his massive shadowed silhouette once stood, is now completely empty. What the fuck is his deal? No longer feeling tired, I stood to look out my massive window. Judging by the coloring of the sky, dawn will soon break, and I might as well start my day.

I cracked my neck and back and stretched my tired muscles. I need a shower, my phone, and all my goddamn clothes. I don't want to spend another day wearing Brandon's sweats, no matter how comfortable they may be.

As I was mentally cursing the men for not letting me just go back to my apartment last night, I see that my closet door is slightly ajar. Curious, I step through the door and flick the lights on.

"Holy shit." I whisper.

Dozens and dozens of shopping bags cover the closet floor. Brands ranging from Prada and Gucci to Tom Ford and Michael Kors. Shoe boxes line the shelves and a few dresses stay hanging. What the hell is this? Max had said they'd retrieve my items from my apartment, and I know by the two dollars to my name, this was in fact not from my apartment. I investigate further and make my way to my dresser in the bedroom, and the dresser is now filled with the clothes I am more familiar with. I take in my familiar ratty t-shirts and my own sweatpants.

Grabbing one of my favorite t-shirts and a fresh matching panty and bra set, I make my way back into the bathroom. I choose to ignore the bags poking from the closet and focus on starting a shower. While the water is heating I decide to look through the bathroom drawers. I discovered plenty of soaps, lotions and exfoliates as well as body butter that must cost more than a middle-class home.

I blow out a breath when I go through a drawer full of make-up that is entirely made up of luxury brands. I'd only ever purchased drug store items and they seemed to get me by just fine, I can't imagine what a two hundred dollar tube of mascara could do for my lashes.

Once the steam is finally bellowing from the shower I step inside letting the hot water cascade around my body. Once the hot water hits my shoulders and back it instantly relaxes muscles I didn't even notice were tense. I took the liberty to make this shower an 'everything-shower'.

I begin to rub the lilac and rosemary body wash across my body. Starting from my shoulders, to my chest, and lower towards my core. Once my fingers brush against my folds, images of the Karma boys flash in my mind. I jolted my hand away so fast, you would have thought my body was on fire. But that's the problem, because my body did feel like it was on fire. Every inch of my body was sizzling at the thought of these men. To be fair, I haven't found a man that could get me off in years, clearly my pussy was just desperate and needy. She will have to wait until further notice, because sex is just not an option. I can't lose control and focus around these men, these Greek gods. After a thorough full body shave and rinse, I decide it's finally time to get out of this shower.

I take my time drying my fiery hair, letting it fall in its naturally loose waves that cascade over my shoulders. I pull on my t-shirt and admire the naturally worn wear and tear on it. It's black but some of the creases have aged into a gray color as well as a few bleach stains that came from a silly cleaning accident sometime last year. My favorite part is the 'Killer Klowns From Outer Space' design that has faded from its bright colors into muted tones that show how much this shirt has truly been loved. I slide on some black lace panties followed by some tight athletic shorts, ignoring the sweatpants I grabbed previously.

I give myself a once over in the vanity mirror, and decide I'm happy with my natural look today-- especially not knowing what is in store now that I'm a new partner in the Karma Empire.

I creep my way down stairs and I'm surprised to hear voices already coming from the kitchen. It's early, like really early, and I figured the men would be early risers but not this early.

"Good morning." I mutter. I just crossed the threshold of the dining area and all four men jumped at the sound of my voice and shot their eyes towards me.

"You're up early, Harpy." Max mumbles above his coffee mug.

"As are you all." I replied.

I stay where I am fiddling with my fingers at the hem of my shorts, not knowing exactly what to do with myself. "You can sit, Princess. Promise we won't bite." Brondon wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"I do." Says Teddy.

"That's enough." Max adds. "Zoe, sit and eat. We have much to discuss today."

I hesitate for just a second before I tighten my lips and make my way to the vacant chair next to Teddy. Max goes back to reading whatever is on his phone and sips his coffee. I look over at Dean who hasn't looked at me since his first glance when I entered the room. I want to yell at him for the way he spoke to me this morning, but I decided against it. I'm sure I'll get the opportunity before the day is over; besides, I still owe him after he decided knocking me out was a good idea. I can feel Teddy staring at me from the corner of my eye but I try to ignore him for now. I choose to fixate my gaze back to Max.

"Okay Maxi Pad, now what?" I take a slice of toast and pop its corner in my mouth.

"When will this insipid nickname tire?" Max grinds out.

"When the vein in your neck stops pulsing at the sound of it." I shrug, and begin to add some fruit to my plate.

It looks like the men have finished eating and are now just sipping on their coffee. However, Teddy isn't drinking coffee. "Is that chocolate milk?" I practically shriek.

"Yes." They all say in unison.

"Oh my gosh, I love chocolate milk." I practically groan, hoping they'll take the hint and get it from the fridge. But instead they just shake their heads and straighten in their chairs. "Is there anymore?" I ask, pushing to get some of this goddamn chocolate milk. I haven't had chocolate milk in months.

"You can have the rest of mine." Teddy pushes his glass towards me.

"Holy fuck, thank you!" I take the glass and take a single sip to just savor it. When I finally look back up, I find shock covered faces-- even the stoic Dean.

"What?" I drag out the word, suddenly on edge.

"I can't believe he did that." Brandon mutters, basically to himself.

I just shoot my confused glance to Max, hoping someone will answer. After a beat, Max finally sighs and answers, "Teddy doesn't let anyone touch the chocolate milk." This barely answers the question.

"Bullshit!" Brandon laughs, "Last time I even looked at the gallon in the fridge, he tried to choke me!" This gains my attention.

I shoot Teddy a tentative look, "You aren't going to choke me now, are you?"

"Not unless you want me to, little devil." He winks. Well... that sends electricity straight to my core, making me clench my thighs. Brandon catches the movement and smirks, but mercifully doesn't comment on it.

I force away the feeling again and correct my face, "You'd have to catch me first." I shoot him a wink as I take another sip from the chocolate milk.

Nobody says anything for a moment, and of course it's Max to break the silence. "We have a few items on the schedule today, starting with the enforcements. Dean, I'd like you to take Teddy with you today. Carl's Laundromat on 1st street, and the nail salon on 5th street haven't paid up in two months. I gave them both leeway last month, but it's time for them to pay up. I can't have people thinking we're forgiving, and Teddy should scare the shit out of them."

"Pay you for what?" I chime in, trying to catch up to the conversation.

Max looks frustrated with my interruption, but answers me anyway, "For protection. Whether it be from smaller gangs or from law enforcement, many businesses pay us as means for protection. And when they don't pay, we have to... remind them just how protective we are."
I only nod, and continue to listen while I enjoy my drink, occasionally passing it to Teddy so we can share it.

"By any means necessary, we need their missed payments. And Brandon," Max continues. "I need you to look into our personnel. If we had one leak, I'm sure we have another. You can start with security and then make your way through the lower ranks." He glances down at his watch and back to Brandon. "After what we learned from Teddy's interrogation, I think we need to look into Jax at the factory. Apparently information isn't the only thing being leaked."

Jackson White, Jax for short. I've heard of him. I know he works in packaging and shipping at the Karmas' warehouse in east seattle. I also know for a fact that he's leaking their product. But what Max just said tells me a lot more than he realizes. Not only do I now know that they have some serious security issues, especially if Jax has gotten away with this for over six months. I also now know that Max isn't aware of Jax's other dealings. In fact, he was my next target.

Jax doesn't just sell the stolen product, but he is also using it to drug girls for the Cambions Circle, more specifically prostitutes, and handing them off to another guy I have yet to identify.

"Zoe, are you even listening?" Max chastises.

"Sorry, yeah. What happened?" I blink away my thoughts.

"I was saying that you and I will be heading downtown this evening. There is a new wing opening in the art museum and we donate yearly, so I have to make an appearance. You will have to be my date." He explains.

"That's it?" I snort. "You want me to be your date? The guys get to go do actual work and I have to play show pony for the evening? What am I supposed to do all day?" I scoff.

Max's jaw ticks in annoyance, and all I want in the world it's to see this man break. But he fixed his expression and smiled back at me, "Well, you and I will train this morning. I'd at least like to evaluate where you are in a defense situation. I'll bring you to the range and gym in about thirty minutes. I've seen what you can do with some weapons, but how are you with firearms?" He asks.

"I'm good with a pistol but I prefer an AR-15, why do you ask?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Just curious." He winks and stands from his seat. "I'll give you a few more minutes, once you're done eating we can go play." And he turns on his heel and saunters off.

I look at the men still sitting with me and they just continue to stare in my direction, mixed expressions. Teddy looks like he'd like to just take me on the breakfast table in front of his brothers, where Brandon looks like he's still trying to understand what I am, and when my eyes land on Dean... Well, Dean looks like he's ready to kill me.


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