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By Jeonteasty

10.3K 302 70

๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡ Isaac Garcia was everything she hated, or so Amara Gaye Howard believed when she first encoun... More



803 30 9
By Jeonteasty




Just wanna know because I saw an instagram post saying people that were team Conrad were team Cole and those who were team Jeremiah, team Alex. Does this statement sit right with you or? And is it just me that feels like it will be more peaceful if Jackie didn't end up with anyone and that it'll bring less drama?

Anyway, enjoy~

Amara, nestled in the somber cocoon of her room, felt the weight of the day bearing down on her as the morning light filtered through the curtains. The anniversary of her family's passing cast a shadow over Thanksgiving, and she sought solace in the quiet solitude.

A soft knock on her bedroom door interrupted the silent reverie, and as the door eased open, Jackie stepped in. The unspoken understanding between the sisters was palpable in the air, a shared acknowledgment of the grief that hung heavy in the space around them.

Jackie's voice, a fragile whisper, broke the silence, "Sorry for being so insensitive last night."

Amara met her sister's gaze, recognizing the genuine remorse in Jackie's eyes. The tension that had lingered between them seemed to soften, if only for a moment. Amara offered a small, understanding smile, "It's okay, Jackie. We're both navigating uncharted waters here."

Jackie exhaled, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over her. "I just... I didn't handle things well. This Thanksgiving feels so different without them."

Amara nodded, the heaviness of shared grief bridging the gap that had briefly widened between them. "Yeah, I get it. It's like trying to find solid ground in a sea of emotions."

The sisters stood in a momentary truce, acknowledging the complexities of their individual struggles. The room, once charged with unspoken tension, now held a fragile peace.

The air was filled with the scent of autumn spices, and the soft glow of candles cast a gentle light, creating an intimate setting for Skylar's dad's talk.

Skylar, excited to share her family's Thanksgiving tradition, offered everyone a seat as they settled in. Amara, Alex, and Nathan found themselves amidst plush cushions, the anticipation of the talk palpable.

Skylar's dad, a distinguished historian, stood in front of a makeshift podium with a genuine smile. "Welcome, everyone. Today, we're going to explore the real history of Thanksgiving, beyond the common narratives."

He delved into the origins of the holiday, unraveling historical complexities that often went overlooked. As Skylar's dad spoke, the room became a tapestry of shared curiosity and newfound knowledge.

Amara, captivated by the revelations, couldn't help but be grateful for the opportunity to learn from Skylar's family. The atmosphere felt like a respite, a break from the usual tensions that surrounded significant family events.

During a momentary pause in the talk, Skylar's dad turned to the guests. "Any questions so far?"

Amara couldn't resist a playful tease as she noticed Nathan's gaze lingering on Skylar. With a mischievous grin, she nudged him lightly. "Nathan, my friend, you seem awfully interested in Skylar's dad's history lesson. Studying a different kind of history, perhaps?"

Nathan, caught off guard, blushed slightly but tried to play it cool. "Oh, come on, Amara. I'm just paying attention. History is fascinating, you know?"

Amara raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Sure, history. I'm sure Skylar's dad's lecture on the pilgrims is the most captivating thing you've ever seen."

Skylar, who overheard the banter, joined in with a teasing smile. "Nathan, if you have questions about history, you can always ask. No need for secret admirer glances."

Nathan laughed, his embarrassment turning into good-natured humor. "Alright, alright. Guilty as charged. Skylar's family history is just too interesting."

"yeah..sure." Amara smiled."Oh come on you don't see me talking about Isaac and you."Nathan retorqued."What about Isaac and me?"

Amara's playful smile turned into a curious expression as she glanced at Nathan. "What about Isaac and me?"

Nathan leaned in conspiratorially, his voice lowered. "Well, there's this theory floating around that you and Isaac have a secret love affair or something. People are starting to ship you two, you know?"

Amara's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A secret love affair? People actually think that?"

Nathan nodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, absolutely. They say it's the classic 'love-hate' dynamic. The tension between you two is just too obvious."

Amara couldn't help but laugh. "You've got to be kidding me. Isaac and me, in a love affair? That's the most absurd thing I've heard."

Nathan shrugged, still smirking. "Well, you know how people love a good romance, even if it's fictional. And your dynamic with Isaac is practically straight out of a cheesy romance novel."

Amara shook her head, amused. "Trust me, Nathan, there's nothing romantic about our dynamic. It's more like... mutual exasperation."

Nathan chuckled. "Whatever you say, Amara. But you can't deny, people love a good mystery, and the 'Are they or aren't they?' the trope is quite intriguing."

Amara rolled her eyes, playfully swatting at Nathan. "Well, let them speculate. The truth is always less exciting than fiction, anyway."

The door creaked open, revealing a coat hanging on the entrance hook—an unfamiliar yet strangely familiar one. Amara exchanged puzzled glances with Alex and Nathan as they stepped inside. The air was filled with a curious anticipation, and before they could voice their confusion, a voice echoed through the hallway.


Uncle Richard appeared from around the corner, a wide grin on his face. His presence was unexpected but undoubtedly welcome. Amara's eyes widened with delight as she rushed forward to embrace him.

"Uncle Richard! What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and joy evident in her voice.

He chuckled, giving Amara a warm hug. "Couldn't miss Thanksgiving with my favorite nieces. And I brought something special to add to the festivities."

Amara observed the lively scene in the kitchen, where the air was filled with the clinking of utensils, laughter, and the delightful aroma of Thanksgiving dishes. Everyone was gathered around the table, sharing stories and enjoying the feast, creating a warm and familial atmosphere.

'"Before we dive in, why don't we share what we're grateful for this year?" George suggested. Cole started, followed by Alex and then Isaac. "Well, I'm thankful that the ladies love me for my charm and good looks," Isaac quipped, eliciting laughter as Amara rolled her eyes. "But I'm mostly grateful to be a part of this family, right Lee?" Isaac turned to his brother, who nodded silently. Then, Uncle Richard began talking about the Manhattanhenge. "It's wonderful, right, girls?"

However, Amara couldn't help but notice Lee and Isaac sitting on the outskirts of the merriment. Lee seemed lost in his own thoughts, his gaze fixed on the plate in front of him, while Isaac appeared distant, his eyes reflecting a hint of something Amara couldn't quite decipher.

Concerned, Amara decided to bridge the gap. She excused herself from the animated conversation, making her way over to Lee and Isaac. With a gentle smile, she sat down beside Lee, nudging him playfully.

"Hey, Lee, what's going on in that mysterious mind of yours?" she teased, trying to bring a touch of lightness to his demeanor.

Lee looked up, offering a small smile. "Just lost in thought,. You know how it is."

Amara nodded understandingly, then turned her attention to Isaac, who remained silent. "And what about you, Garcia? Not joining in the festivities today?"

Isaac glanced at her, his usual banter replaced by a more contemplative expression. "Just not feeling it, I guess."

Amara raised an eyebrow, concern etched on her face. "You sure everything's okay?"

Isaac hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, just one of those days."

As the attention shifted, Uncle Richard, who had been relatively quiet, cleared his throat. "I've got something to share too." The jovial atmosphere took a serious turn as he continued, "I've decided to file for custody for both Jackie and Amara."

Amara felt a mixture of surprise and confusion wash over her. She exchanged a quick glance with Jackie, whose expression mirrored her own shock.

"And Jackie," Uncle Richard added, "I heard you were planning on moving out. Maybe we can discuss these decisions together as a family."Amara's initial shock morphed into a simmering anger. The revelation that Uncle Richard and Jackie had made decisions about custody and moving without consulting her felt like a betrayal. As the room settled into an uneasy silence, Amara's frustration bubbled to the surface.

"Excuse me?" Amara's voice cut through the quiet, her tone sharp with indignation. She fixed her gaze on Uncle Richard and Jackie, her eyes narrowing. "Since when did my life become a discussion that happens behind my back?"

Uncle Richard sighed, sensing the tension in the air. "Amara, we thought it would be best to handle the situation this way."

Amara's jaw tightened, her frustration boiling over. "Best for who? Certainly not for me. I have a say in my own life, you know."

Jackie, looking caught between guilt and defense, spoke up, "Amara, we didn't mean to—"

Amara interrupted, her anger unabated. "Didn't mean to what? Didn't mean to involve me in decisions that directly impact me? Is that it?"

Uncle Richard attempted to diffuse the situation. "Amara, we care about your well-being. We just thought—"

"No, you thought for me," Amara shot back, her emotions raw. "I appreciate the concern, but my life is not a decision to be made by others without my input."

As the weight of the situation hung in the air, Amara's frustration and hurt simmered beneath the surface. She needed time to process the implications of these decisions, and the Thanksgiving gathering had taken an unexpected turn, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.Amara pushed back from the table, her chair scraping against the floor, and stood up. The room felt suffocating, and she needed space to gather her thoughts. Her eyes flashed with a mix of anger and hurt.

"I need some air," she muttered, not bothering to meet anyone's gaze as she left the room. The tension lingered behind her like a heavy cloud.

Outside, the crisp autumn air did little to soothe Amara's simmering emotions. She paced along the porch, trying to make sense of the whirlwind of revelations. The sound of the front door creaking open caught her attention, and she glanced back to see Jackie cautiously stepping outside.

"Amara, can we talk?" Jackie's voice held a mix of remorse and concern.

Amara crossed her arms, not willing to back down. "Talk? About what, Jackie? The decisions you and Uncle Richard made without even considering me?"

Jackie sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I didn't think it would upset you this much. I thought we were doing what's best for everyone."

Amara shot her a sharp look. "Best for everyone? Or just what you and Uncle Richard think is best for me?"

Jackie's expression tightened. "It's not that simple, Amara. We just want to make sure you have a stable environment."

Amara shook her head, frustration evident. "Stability doesn't come from decisions being made for me. I'm not a child anymore, Jackie."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on both of them. Amara's sense of agency had been rattled, and Jackie, realizing the extent of the impact, struggled to find the right words. The rift between them seemed to widen with each passing moment, and the path to resolution appeared elusive in the chilly air of that November evening.

The front door opened again, and Uncle Richard stepped out onto the porch, sensing the tension in the air. His gaze moved between Amara and Jackie, and he took a deep breath before speaking.

"Girls, we need to talk about this calmly and find a solution that works for everyone." Uncle Richard's voice carried a measured tone, attempting to diffuse the mounting tension.

Amara's frustration didn't waver. "A solution? How about consulting me before deciding my future?"

Uncle Richard sighed, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Amara, I apologize for not discussing this with you beforehand. The intention was to ensure stability, but I realize now that it should have been a family decision."

Jackie interjected, her voice softer. "Amara, please understand. We're not trying to control your life. We just want what's best for you, for all of us."

Amara's expression remained stern, but she felt the turmoil within. "What's best for me is being a part of decisions that affect me. I appreciate the concern, but this isn't the way to handle things."

Uncle Richard nodded, acknowledging her perspective. "You're right, Amara. I should have consulted you, and I apologize for that. Let's figure out a solution together, as a family."Uncle Richard spoke gently, "Let's talk openly about this. Amara, how do you feel about staying here?"

Amara took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding, "I may not have been consulted, but I've built a life here. It's not perfect, but it's mine. I've got friends, a job, and a sense of belonging that I didn't have before."

Jackie nodded, understanding the sentiment. "I would be lying if I said I didn't want to leave with you, but a big part of me also doesn't know who I am in New York."

Amara sighed, "It's true that we didn't have the greatest start with the people here," her mind briefly flashing to Isaac, "but I feel good with them. They've become a part of my life, and I don't want to lose that."

Uncle Richard listened intently, recognizing the complexity of the situation. "I want what's best for both of you. Moving forward, we should make decisions together, as a family. No more surprises, agreed?"

Jackie and Amara exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. After a moment, they both nodded in agreement.

Amara didn't know why but the thought of leaving them didn't sit right with her especially leaving him.

Uncle Richard left, and Jackie was out with Alex. Amara already knew what they were doing since Alex put her in confidence; she thought it was cute and, to be frank, was happy for her sister. Amara looked up from her thoughts, startled by Isaac's sudden appearance. His characteristic smirk played on his lips as he leaned casually against the door frame.

"I see you didn't go anywhere, Red," he remarked, his gaze lingering on her.

Amara raised an eyebrow, her guard up. "Why? Were you expecting me to run off or something?"

Isaac chuckled, pushing himself off the door frame and strolling closer. "Well, you do have a tendency to surprise people. Thought maybe you'd pull a disappearing act."

Amara rolled her eyes, dismissing his playful banter. "Not tonight, Garcia. I decided to stay. I didn't see myself leaving."

"How did it go with your father?" she inquired.

"Oh, we thought he stood us up, but the Wi-Fi is really bad where he is at, so we talked to him. Lee is over the moon," Isaac answered. "Are you not?"

"Of course, I am," he replied, a genuine smile breaking through his usual nonchalant facade. The tension of the day seemed to dissipate momentarily. 

Isaac looked at Amara, and as if on cue, the light shined on her, complimenting her skin; she looked beautiful. Breathtaking was the right way to describe her right now.

The subtle play of light and shadow framed Amara in a captivating aura, and for a moment, Isaac found himself caught in the silent beauty of the scene. He leaned against the nearby wall, his gaze fixed on her, as if seeing her in a new light.

Isaac cleared his throat, attempting to steer the conversation away from the emotional depth that seemed to linger in the air. "So, Red, any exciting plans for the night? Planning to conquer the world or just the city tonight?"

Amara shot him a quizzical look, catching on to his diversion tactics. "Nice try, Garcia. But conquering the world might have to wait for tomorrow. Tonight, I think I'll settle for conquering this slice of chocolate cake I've got hidden in the fridge."

Isaac chuckled, the tension between them momentarily eased by Amara's easy banter. However, as he continued to look at her, something shifted within him. The realization hit him like a quiet revelation—a realization he had been avoiding for far too long.

The casual banter faded into the background as Isaac took a step closer, his expression softening. "You know, Red, I'm glad you stayed." He paused, his gaze searching hers for a reaction.

Amara raised an eyebrow, her guard returning. "Is that your attempt at a profound statement, Garcia?"

Isaac chuckled, masking the seriousness of his words. "Maybe, maybe not. Just a thought."

As the moments passed, Isaac couldn't shake the feeling that, in the quiet of that moment, he was unraveling a truth he had been evading. The walls he carefully built around himself seemed to crumble, revealing a vulnerability he hadn't anticipated.

Amara, sensing the shift in dynamics, looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "Is everything okay, Isaac?"

Isaac hesitated, grappling with his own realization. "Yeah, Red, everything's fine. Just contemplating the mysteries of life, you know?", " I am glad I stayed too Isaac." Amara smiled at him. 

Whether it was the weight of the day or the unspoken tension between them, the air crackled with an underlying emotion. Isaac, in that moment, acknowledged a truth that he had been avoiding for too long—he was falling for Amara, and there was no turning back.

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