Shadow Ga Kill! (Akame ga kil...

By Matiplayerspl

72K 1.3K 584

Y/n L/n died and was reincarnated in the world of Akame ga kill! With the knowledge of the world and the powe... More

Episode 2: Kill the Darkness
Episode 3: Kill the Authority
Episode 4: Kill the Grudge
Episode 5: Kill the Imperial Arm Users
Episode 6: Kill the Dream.
Episode 7: Kill the Absolute Justice.
Episode 8: Kill the Three.
Episode 9: I am...
Episode 10: Kill the Battle Fanatic.
Episode 11: Kill the Temptation.
Episode 12: Kill the Mad Scientist.
Episode 13: Kill the Newcomers.
Episode 14: Kill the Nuisances.
Episode 15: Kill the Giant Danger Beast.
Episode 16: Kill the Religious Organization
Opening part 2
Episode 17: Kill the Puppets.
Episode 18: Kill the Curse
Episode 19: Rescue mission.
Episode 20: Kill the Fate.
Episode 21: Kill the Carnage.
Episode 22: The begining of the end.
Episode 23: Highest part 1
Episode 24(final): Highest (part 2)
Side Chapter: Y/n's first atomic.

Episode 1: Begining of the shadow.

4.9K 73 33
By Matiplayerspl

(3rd pov)

The scene starts as we see a baby opening.

Y/n: What the...

The baby that is y/n opens his eyes he sees his parents are overjoyed when he is born.

Sara: Look dear, he's awake. He looks just like you.

John: You're right,

Sara: But i feel like something isn't right. He's not crying at all.

Y/n: Oh, I get it. Waah! Waah!

John: What a hearty cry!

Sara: I must have been imaging things.

Y/n: I have no idea how or why this could have happened. But that's just a minor detail. More importantly, i can feel that the air is filled with magical energy. In my past life, magic was the stuff of dreams and fairy tales. But now I can claim this overwhelming power for my own. That's what matters. With this power, I can... Oh... Uh, I pooped. Waah! Waah!

(A/n opening music here or opening chapter)

(6 years later)

The scene starts as we see 6 years old y/n leaving his house.

Y/n: It's been 6 years simce i was reincarnated i still remember how i even died to be reincarnated.

He says as camera switches to original world as we see y/n before reincarnation slaming his head at rock.

(A/n stop at 0:24)

Y/n: Now that I think about it better would be if i forgot how i died and don't let anybody learn about it.

He thinks as someone is approaching y/n from behind as she jumps onto him huging him from behind.

Girl: Hi y/n.

Y/n: Oh... hi Akame. The girl that just hug me is akame. She was born few days after me.

(She wears something else just couldn't find other kid version picture)

Y/n: yeah she is that akame from the anime i watched before reincarnation. And by that i found out to what world i was reincarnated. So how are you?

Akame: I'm good. Y/n will you play with me and kurome.

Y/n: Sure. But can you get off me your a little heavy.

He says as akame pouts at starts hitting y/n.

Y/n: Alright, fine I'll carry you.

He says as akame. Hugs y/n as he smiles.

Y/n: When i look at her i remember what is coming and i need to get ready. I have to become eminence in shadow to change the fate of her and the rest. But first i for village invasion.

He says as they made their way and see kurome as she opens door of her house.

(Same here as akame)

Kurome: Hi y/n.

Y/n: Hey kurome. Do you want to go with me and akame to play.

Kurome: Sure.

She says as she goes with them.

Y/n: Right now, i'm growing up in the peacefull place. But under in the night, in secret...

He says as camera switches to night as he is wearing a black robs as he kills bandits.

Y/n: I see buisness is booming, my dear bandits! So kindly show me all your valuables.

Bandit: Don't get cocky with us, kid!

He shoots at y/n but he dodges the shoot

Bandit: He just...

Y/n: You, over there, enough idle chitchat. I said, show me that money.

He says as from his finger as it launches blade and he beheads bandit.

Y/n: Slime sword... Nice, isn't it?

He says as from his fingers blades come out killing all the bandits.

Y/n: Wow, it's even more useful than I thought it'd be. Uh, wait... All right, fine... Next...

He says as bandit attacks y/n from behind.

Y/n: I can test it on you.

He says as bandit slashes at y/n but he blocks it with slime sword.

Y/n: If you really work at it, you can survive for about two minutes. So hang in there.

Bandit: Don't mock me, boy!

He says attacking y/n but he blocks it again.

Bandit: Suprised? I might not look like much, but i'm as strong as imperial guard.

He says as he slashes y/n as blood comes out but then the blood becomes black as it was actually slime.

Y/n: Just kidding.

He says as from his feets he creates blades killing bandit.

Y/n: You didn't even last two minutes. Yup, i'm really happy with this slime bodysuit, too.

He says as he turns towards merchants that were killed by bandits.

Y/n: My caravan friends, I have avenged you.

He says as he destroys crate where money is.

Y/n: Don't worry, I will make good use of gifts you left behind in fight with empire. Money, art, food, and...

Just then he looks inside the cage as he sees girl inside that is unconscious.

Y/n: A girl... Those merchants had to be from empire, those bastards.

He says destroying cage and taking the girl bridal style inside one of destroyed house as he checks her wounds.

Y/n: It looks like She's only unconscious. I wonder how long they have been keeping her there.

He says as girl starts waking up.

Y/n: uh-oh! What do I do now? Oh! I have and idea!

He says as girl starts waking up he sits on crate that was in house.

Y/n: stay sharp. This is your first perfomence as the Eminence in Shadow. I see you've awakened.

Girl: Huh... I was in cage, but how...

Y/n: I have rescued you from the transport that was taking you towards capitol. You're free now.

Girl: You did this? Why?

Y/n: I was near this place, so i thought maybe there will be something that could help me in my quest.

Girl: Quest?

Y/n: The empire is corrupted, the real person who is in power is minister that make's people suffer. This is also the reason you were kiddnaped.

Girl: What do you mean?

Y/n: He wants to force kids in participating in cruel exam to create army that won't disobey him. My mission is to remain in the shadows, to put an end to his evil schemes.

He says as he is being surrounded by the light of his magic.

Y/n: Yes, my is Shadow.

Y/n: He who lurks in the shadows to hunt the shadows.

Girl: Shadow.

Y/n: My path is not an easy one, but I must fulfill my mission. If you want to help me are you prepared to walk my path with me?

Girl: When they kiddnaped me, they killed everyone, I lost everything. My only future was to become brainless solider, but you saved me. So... If it is what you wish, I will give you my life. And I will punish the guilty with death.

Y/n: Good but don't die okay.

He says as he gives girl hand as she takes it as part of y/n suit surrounds her.

Y/n: We'll be up against powerful government leaders and stuff. And i'm sure there will be many people under his control who don't know the truth.

Girl: Neverthless, I cannot show mercy to any who stands in out way.

Y/n: Yes, good! That's the spirit!

Girl: We'll need to rescue more people that were taken from their homes and take them under our wing.

Y/n: Right.

Girl: As we expand our organization, we'll need to strengthen base of operations accordingly. We'll need to collect funds to that end.

Y/n: Yeah, and you can already use the funds I got from bandits. Okey, then.. we'll call our organization... Shadow garden. And your name is now Alpha.

(2 years later)

Now we see y/n in his room as he is laying on bed.

Y/n: It's been two years after i met alpha. And our organization grown a bit now we have 6 new members. While my bond with both akame and kuromi grown too. But the day the end will being is getting closer and closer. But now i'm going to sleep. But for some reason i feel like i forgot something.

He says falling sleep but then he starts feeling something.

Y/n: Is something burning... Oh...

He says as he shoot up from his bed as he looks outside he sees village on fire.

Y/n: Now i remember.

He says as his mother comes to his room and takes him by his hand.

Sara: Y/n come we need to get out of here.

Y/n: Mom what's happening.

He says as they run out of the house he sees that the whole village is on fire as they try to run out of there he also sees his father fighting akame's father.

Solider: Captain Ogre. I saw two people runing that way.

He says pointing in direction where y/n and his mother run.

Ogre: Then go get them.

He says as the 3 soliders starts runing after them as they run one of the solider shoots her in leg as she falls down as soliders get closer to them.

Solider: Looks like we are lucky. What do you say we have fun with her.

He says but sara kicks him.

Solider: You bitch.

He says rising sword to kill ger but.

(A/n replace this robot with solider)

Solider2: What the...

He doesn't finish as he his head is cut. As Sara looks she see y/n standing up as from his arms black blades come out.

Y/n: Are you okay mom?

Sara: Uhh, yeah.

Solider3: What did you do brat?

Y/n: Don't worry before the sun rises.

Y/n: This will all be over.

He says as he kills the solider as he snaps his fingers Beta shows up.

Y/n: Beta i need you to take my mother to safety.

Beta: Yes, Lord Shadow.

Y/n: When you bring her to base return to village and help evacuating people.

Sara: Y/n, what's going on?

Y/n: Don't worry mom, I'll explein everything when i come back.

He says as he jumps in the air as in the village battle is going on as members of shadow garden are killing soliders.

General: What is going on?

Solider: Intruders! We think they are six of them. They appear out of nowhere, like shadows! Our men are droping like flies! We're no much for them!

General: That's impossible! There supposed to be no one else. What's going on.

He says as next to him a head of his solider falls to the ground.

General: What the?!

As he looks ahead he sees the copses of his soliders as seven shades are standing there.

General: Y-You... Who are you?

Alpha: We are Shadow Garden.

Gamma: It's our mission in life to annihilate the coruption.

Epsilon: We know everything.

Eta: About who really is in power.

General: Where did you learned that!?

He says rushing at Alpha but she blocks his attack while he tries to hit her she easly dodges his attacks as she slashes him.

Alpha: I won't kill you. At least, not before you tell us everything you know.

She says as general tries to escape but as he runs y/n stands in his way as he tries to attack him but y/n blocks his sword.

(Stop music)

Y/n: In terms of quantity you have high magic. But unfortunately you have no idea how to use it. And yes... Your lunge is weak.

He says as he closes gap and bring his slime sword at generals neck.

Y/n: I would give you lesson but you almost killed my mother which made me angry.

General: No matter how strong you are, the darkness of this world is so much deeper than even you can imagine!

He says as y/n kicks general to ground as y/n's eye flames.

Y/n: Then I'll dive deeper. As deep as I can go.

General: I'm serious, boy!

He says as he pulls out mask that is known as Balzac and puts it on.

General: I'll show you. About the darkness of this world!

He says as he attacks y/n but he dodges and tries to impale him but it does nothing.

General: We're all worthless! And fragile!  That is reality! Taste it yourself! Your own powerlessness!

He says but y/n blocks his attack with one hand.

Y/n: Disgraceful.

He says as in his hand he creates a sword as he rises his magic

General: What is this? What is this enormous energy?!

Y/n: Playtime's over.

And with that he kills general as y/n goes towards shades.

(stop music)

Y/n: Alpha, report.

Alpha: We manage to some villagers but i have bad news.

She says as y/n looks at her.

Alpha: Akame and Kurome were taken by empire.

She says as y/n jumps in the air and flyes towards location where akame and kuromi are as he arrives in capitol and he finds them by sensing their magic energy as he goes to then undetected.

Y/n: Akame, Kurome.

Akame/Kurome: Y/n.

Y/n: Are you both alright?

Akame: No.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll free you both.

Akame: No, don't.

Y/n: Why?

Akame: We have nowhere to go, we saw what happend to village, so that would be the best way.

She says looking down as y/n goes to her and hugs her and kurome.

Y/n: Alright, i hope will met again someday.

He says as he was about to leave akame pulls him and kisses him.

Akame: It is now a promise.

She says as y/n smiles and leaves as he is now walking through the forest seven shades and his mother stands next to him.

Gamma: So what now, Lord Shadow.

Y/n: We need to make our organization larger, and i'm going to be living in village so I wouldn't be seen while in the night i will be meeting you.

He says as they go through the road.

Y/n: My next stop is village where Tatsumi is living. This is where I'll starts changing fate. By saving Sayo and Leyasu.

He says as they walking and camera goes towards moon as it turns black.

Y/n: Next time: Kill the Darkness.

(A/n first chapter is done. I had some problems because this chapter is original crated by me so it can show the begining of shadow garden in the world of akame ga kill and how the story begin so now we are heading into begining of anime, so here we go. And see you all next chapter)

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