Teri Aankhon Mein

By Lovewritter56

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⚠️Don't read if you are not a romance lover.⚠️ Zain, who doesn't believe in love because of his father who ch... More

Character Sketch
Part - 1
Part 3
Part - 4
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 34
Part- 42
Part- 43
Part- 44

Part - 2

139 7 0
By Lovewritter56

(A/N): Ok so I know I am a little late cause I had my exams so I couldn't post a little early but now as my exams are finished, I guess I will upload 2 parts in this week. So now guess the song as always. So take a guess it is english song.

Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover


Inaya's Pov:

Anya shouted "Jiju, when, how, where, what's his name."

I said, " Wait, bullet train, even I don't know when, how, where, what's his name. I told you I would do arrange marriage as my parents were pressurizing me so finally after 9 months of finding they told me they found the man, so let's see."

Zain's POV:

I already had my bad day because my father called me in my meeting, I went outside and was talking in which my father was telling me to marry his friend's daughter and I denied. While going back to the room, a girl blocked me, I was already not in a good mood and she created a fuss there. Suddenly the door opened and she was going to fall but the man with whom I was having the meeting saved her, it was ok because I didn't care but the way he was seeing her made my blood boil as I do not like anyone looking at a girl like this because this is the thing my mother made me learn. When he said that " Is this girl for our entertainment?" I fell like giving him a punch but I controlled and said him to cancel the meeting and leave after that I came inside she still remained behind me and when she said that she knows which type of meeting I was doing in the club. I decided that after going back I will fire my assistant who said yes to do the meeting in the club while I started walking towards her, she walked back and bumped into the table and the alcohol bottles on it fell and she was going to fall on them, then only I hold her before she could fell. I wouldn't have minded so much if she would have fallen on the floor, but there were glass pieces down there, it would have hurt her so I thought of saving her.

But then only my brother's came and started teasing me, but for them my one look was enough after that her friends took her,

Then I went to my home, I only went there to see my mom.

When I went there everyone was sleeping except my mother. She made me sit on a chair and said," Zain I know you love me , so will you fulfil my one wish, get married, but I don't want you to marry the girl your father selected because I don't find her pleasant but I send your marriage purposal to a family I liked the girl very much. Will you like to meet her. Please?"

I tried to deny her a lot but at the end, she made me helpless and accept her offer. Finally I said, " Ok mom for you I will do everything, I will meet her but when cause I don't have much time to waste on dates etc."

She said," No worry beta, you are not going to meet her at any cafe etc. and nor are you going to have a date, you will meet her at your bestfriend's wedding and Vivaan, Armaan and Rehaan will also go with you. Take care of them also and don't make me disappointed and I will be there with you when we will see the girl, ok."

I replied," Ok" even though I was not interested in love and marriage because I think it was a distraction and specially after seeing my father who hurt my mother a lot .

Inaya's POV:

So now I am at the hotel in which my cousin's wedding is taking place, I picked up Anya, Aesha and Kiara from there house and they are also with me. Anya, Aesha and Kiara are to excited to meet the boy my parents selected for me but more than them I am but I am not showing it. Literally I am romantic story reader in which man's give their girl special treatment but I know I won't get a man like this in my whole life because they only exist in books so I am just believing that I don't care who ever I am marrying.

I went to have the lunch in the restaurant of the hotel alone as my another friends were not done yet, Anya was not done getting ready as she took almost an hour to decide what to wear, Aesha needs atleast 1 hour to do her makeup and Kaira was doing some of her work in her laptop.

Suddenly while walking their I bumped in a man, I moved my eyes to see the man's face and all thanks to my bad luck or I must say bad fate, it was the same man with whom I created a fuss. Oh God! At this moment I could only think of one thing to apologize. I started giving my explanation as fast as I could give " Hey! I am sorry literally I didn't mean to spoil your meeting that day, actually I misunderstood you to be someone else and that's why I said whatever I said that day, so I am sorry". He replied " You should be, for that day also and today also" while picking up his phone or may be broken phone. " Oh! I am so sorry, I didn't meant it...actually"

He interrupted "Do you mean you didn't mean to ruin anything but seriously you did and my two important meetings are cancelled because of you and I would not be able to use my phone for my work, it's the worst thing. Literally you are the most stupid girl I have ever seen in my life."

I tried to give my explanation but he was literally not a bit interested in it and walked past me actually kinda rude but it's ok for what I did for that day. And went to have lunch.

Anya POV:

Everyone left me and now I was alone as Inaya left first only and then Kaira and Aesha together so I locked the room and was going towards the lunch.

In the lunch I saw Inaya who was sitting and eating her food, Aesha and Kiara was with her as soon as I entered there.

Inaya stopped eating and shouted on me," You are really are a bitch." to which I reacted " What happened, why are you so angry did you met that man who you thought Aesha's ex." I said randomly without thinking,

And she sit with a angry face. I shouted in disclaim," Really! What the fuck man." She said with an angry face," I knew you were the one wishing me to meet him, now I also wish that you meet the person with whom you had a fight that day."

"Keeping thinking girl." saying this I went to take my food.

While I was coming after taking my food towards my friends, I bumped into the man, and what the fuck my dress got ruined which took me almost a year to choose. My eyes went up to find who was the person who did this, and what made me more furious was it was the same person. I shouted ," You again."

To which he said while coming closer to me," Sweetheart , you were hoping me to come so I came."

"Who was hoping you to come, Ameer baap ki bigadi aulad, I hoped it won't be you at all, the monster who use to hate my white dresses and ruin them. I would wish that I never meet you ever again in my whole life. And I am thinking of your family who have to tolerate you everyday, I must salute them. I got to know why India lost the final's in world cup and that also after winning every match maybe they have seen your face in the audience. " I replied.

And guess what, it was the thing we all were waiting for, Vivaan said from behind," Great roast sweetheart."

"Shut up, Vivaan. Maybe sweetheart is in a mood of a fight but sorry sweetheart, I don't have time for that I have other works to do." He said and then flew a kiss.

So cheap. Now as my dress was completely ruined I need to go back to my room and changed and till the time I came there, I got to know the lunch was over and I was dying due to hunger as I already missed my breakfast as Inaya reached my home at that time so I needed to go.

Inaya POV:

I was ready for the engagement. I wore a beautiful golden colour saree of mom. Actually I found wearing a saree troublesome but thanks to my mom who said me to wear this or we can say ordered me to wear this because my-in-laws were going to see me today and because of this saree I am falling everywhere. Then I went to Kiara who was sleeping and asked " Where is Aesha?", she said" Maybe at the pool side". I asked her to accompany me to find Aesha and she agreed. Then we went to Anya and asked her like always she is the most laziest one and was using her phone for an hour, she replied " I don't know."

Then we all went to find Aesha, we saw her near the pool, suddenly I got call from my mom, I picked it up and was talking to her while going towards the pool, suddenly I bumped into someone, my phone was already in the pool and I was going to but a hand was holding my hand because of which I didn't fell, it was of the same man with whom I bumped in the morning as soon as I said " You!" he left me and I was in the pool.

Seeing this Kiara pushed Anya and Aesha in the pool too and she also jumped and thanks to Kiara she was a good swimmer and saved me otherwise I would have drown in the water. First reason was I was not a good swimmer or we can say not a swimmer and second I was wearing saree which made it more difficult and that man left even without saying sorry. Now I was done with that man, how dare he, now he is gonna own me my revenge, he can't leave a girl like that what if I would have drown and had died, thank god Kiara saved me.



She while pointing to the man I bumped " He is Zain, my son and Zain she is Inaya, the girl I told you."

(A/N): Hope you enjoyed this part, it contains a little more part of Zain and Inaya as if they are going to be connected then only other pairs are going to have more interactions. I hope you guessed the song it is "Lover" of Taylor Swift.


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