Austria-Hungary {CH}

By District_Balkan

21.9K 939 1K

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PART FOUR โ—‡โ€ข ๐ŸŒ‘ยฐ.โ€ขโ—‡
Maps and murders
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Frozen land


201 15 0
By District_Balkan

Part One
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖕𝖎𝖓

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♜ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

He was standing in the mini park like area before the castle of Prussia, Budapest's way too big, furry coat shielding him from the freezing cold. On his back, there was the rifle, glimmering in the darkness, in his hands - the bow and arrow ready for firing.

They saw that the Monarchy's car was parked somewhat away from the castle, which meant he was here...

He shivered to the core, not just from the chilly air, but from the severity of the present time.

And just being all alone out there, in the silent tension, waiting for something to happen, felt exactly like in the forest. Dark, eriee and cold.

His gaze searched the area restlessly. What if Romania comes back, and after what he had done, kill him..?

It would be reasonable, and likely to happen...

His heart ached, when he remembered his huddled up shape, his scared, dark eyes before he said the words, which had ended everything. Or mostly to him. He couldn't feel the pull anymore, but instead- he could drown in guilt. He did not want him to die... But what a massacre happened because of him, because the creature remained in the forest because of him, to wait for him...

He lowered the bow and looked up at the starry sky.

"I hope I entertain you all well..." he mumbled weakly to the stars. However, other than the shining, faraway fireballs, nobody watched him.

As he just stood there, he had time to think sadly, his guilt had time to stab his chest.

What can he do now to save Rommania... He did not mean it, but he couldn' let him hurt anybody else... Hopefully he will go back to the Cursed Forest. Hopefully...

When his gaze moved back to the castle, he froze in motion, and took a step back.

Before him, bending to the tree was Romania's figure, as a mere vision, looking humanly and not like a monster.

"Feeling guilty after sentencing me to death?" he asked in his ringing voice accompanied with a grin.

Hungary lifted slowly the bow as a kind of instict, but then lowered again. His lips opened and closed, he was unable to say anything.

"You know, you can value nothing, until you have lost it." said the boy, and stood up straight, away from the tree.

"What do you want...?" Hungary growled.

The country snickered and started to fade.

"Well if you want me to leave-" he teased.

Hungary snapped his head to his fading shape in panic.

"No, wait!" he almost shout.

The boy bent to the tree again, and just stood there, both of them just staring at eachother. Until, Hungary broke the staring contest and silence.

"... I had no other option.... I didn't wa-"

"If you had wanted to, you could have done anything else. Do you think I did it in my own will? Killing that man? You know what are the consequences of becoming an infected, Hungary, don't you? You studied in the best school, you are not dumb." he said calmly, still holding that canny smile on his lips.

"I know... but... Why- why are you hunting me, Romania....? I know I made a mistake, but I had to do somethin'... It, I mean- we could have never worked... I'm a human,but you are a m-- you are no longer one. Stop fucking hunting me..." he muttered.

"But my dear Hungary, I am not hunting you. I have never done. You are the one who imagines me right now. Your conscience. I am what you want to see, I am what you want to hear. I am- what you desire now." he said with an even bigger grin, his face changing- an eyepatch appearing on his face. His flag changed too in colours, and for a moment- he looked like Serbia, grinning at him playfully, before his look formed again. His eyes became black, his canine tooths lengthened and fluffy wolf ears could be seen atop his head, a tail behind him.

Hungary paled in shock, everything wavered in his vision for a moment as he processed the words and what he was seeing.

The ghost like vision laughed at him evilly, before changing his look back to Romania's human form, while eyeing the dead pale Hungary contently.

"I- I am the one, who imagines you?" asked the Hungarian, slightly shivering.

"-and make me into a visible vision?" asked the boy absentmindedly. "Yes, youare"

"S-so... the real you, isn't the one, who makes me see you...?" he stuttered.

"You have no idea, what you can do with your power, do you?" asked the boy with a chuckle. "Seems, you can manipulate not just others, but even yourself."

"What you are talking about..." stuttered the Hungarian. "I can't... I can't have powers..."

The boy just laughed at him.

"They say the truth will always find a way. It is only up to you whether you want to see it or you keep your eyes closed. Per aspera ad astra, Hungary. " He said and pointed up at the starry nightsky.

Hungary hesitantly looked up as if the answers would have been written in the sky, where Romania had pointed. But just as he moved his gaze upwards - Romania's human figure appeared close before him, almost making him jump. His light brown irises shone up for a moment, his pupils dilating as he looked at Hungary with a handsome smile.

Hungary's face flushed red, his eyes focusing on Romania's vision figure, which seemed more real and beautiful than ever. He was absolutely marvellous and glorious that it made his heart flutter from fever.

"Say to me now, what do you want truly, my Hungary? I will only do, what you desire in your soul, what you want to be real. " he said quietly and slowly neared Hungary's face. The Hungarian froze, albeit he did not take a step back from the boy. His face become deep red, his breaths hitched as he stared at Romania's sharp lines, his shining skin, and at those, soft lips of his.

He was so-so beautiful. Like a prince, the prince of the darkness.

"Bárcsak... bárcsak tényleg ilyen volnál... Ilyen - emberi...(If only... if only you were truly one... a human...)" breathed out Hungary in an inaudible whisper.

The boy did not respond nor reacted to his whisper, he just neared him, until their lips were just inches away.

Hungary closed his eyes, and let their lips touch, his hand dropping the bow and arrow. He immediatelly reached out to grab Romania's hands before he would vanish. He did not want him to disappear, he did not want him to turn back, but remain like this- like a human.

However, before he could have drown in the moment, just the tingling feeling stayed on his lips, the touch itself- not. He opened his eyes, to see the boy as he looked at him from not so far away, his grin changed to a kind smile, his gaze gentle, although his eyes were glassy.

Slowly, his shape melted in the air and the darkness like the fog, when the wind blew his ghost shape from left.

"No... wait!" exclaimed Hungary, spinning around. But he found the country nowhere.

He shakily sat down on the snowy ground, and stared blankly at the trees. He reached up unconsciously and touched his own sharpened teeth in daze.

Power.... But he couldn't have powers, he wasn't an adult yet, and his dad had been powerless too. So he could inherit nothing... Maybe if ... but no... It was not possible the slightest, no magic ran in his family.

He knew and everybody knew, that after Habsburg and his lineage- Austria will most likely to have powers, dangerous powers - like telekinesis or mindcontrol, when he reaches adult hood. If he reaches it tho- as a human...

He sighed and gripped his hair. What could he have then as a power? Seeing an imagined person and random flashes of random people's memories...? - He tought ironically. The biggest problem with this was, that it partly matched with the sympthoms of skyzophrenia and madness...

Maybe he had just gone lunatic after the recent events.

Sliding his hand down on his face, he picked up the bow and arrow, dusting them from snow.

From the city, the huge church bells broke the silence.

It was 6 pm...

He hoped AH was alright and kicked the Russian's ass before he could have harass him or try anything...

His mental breakdown moment was disturbed from distant yelling, and window breaking. He jumped up and looked in his binocular, towards the castle. Behind the broken window, he could see, as three city or county was lifting up from the ground a very badly beated up Budapest. One of the guards picked up from the ground the small, almost gun like, glimmering rifle of the Hungarian capital.

Hungary's breaths quickened as he focused the binocular to see the sight more clearly.

The capital was alive, but just hardly.

He threw away the binocular in horror, his hands shakily searching for Budapest's phone to call Vienna.

But when the weary cellphone was in his hand, he froze. When the Austrian capital and the other will arrive here, the Monarchy could be long under the control of the Russian. And if the Monarchy doesn't allow them to fight, they won't be able to.

With shaky breaths he put back the phone in the pocket of the capital's coat and ran towards the castle.

When he was there, he observed the fence, which was spiky and very, very high.

"A picsába...(Oh shit...)" he cursed. He couldn't summon wings or anything useful that would have helped him.

He stood there, observing the castle's fence, which ran around the whole building and vast courtyard, until to the lake.

His eyes narrowed, seeing that the fence shortened before the lake and at the shore- there was not any.

Out of breath he ran and ran until he was on the shore and could go in the garden. It seemed, the fence was just for the crazy media but not for robbers and burglars.

He quietly neared the huge and creepy gothic castle, trying to remain out of the guarding city's sight.

When he was by the enormous walls, he searched for any way to get in. In his eyelevel, not so far was a window opened up, from behind the orange light and warm came out and lingered in the cold air.

He reached up, and sneaked in.

The halls were decorated up, even the windows and doors, being in contrast with the castle's exterior. The castle's every resident was seemingly ready for christmas and advent.

Hungary was in daze from the beautiful decoration, that many would have envied, when a shout could be heard.

"Heey!!" shout a guard, elbowing his company who had been laughing, pointing towards Hungary.

His heart beated fast as adrenalin filled his veins and brain. He ran as fast as he could, anyway but away. The guards were in his steps, close behind.

They did not shoot, probably they had a little conscience when saw that he was a kid...

- teen kid with a fatal, angelic weapon, a radiating rifle in his back that could kill even countries with only one bullet...

One of the guard almost reached his coat, before he took a sharp right turn and speeded off the hallway. The slower guard ran into the other, both of them falling to the wall and floor with a loud clink, their armour probably clashing into the ground and each-other.

Hungary knew they would outrun him eventually, so in sudden thought, he opened a door in the hallway, and got it, locking it afterwards.

He bent to the cold wall, and listened to the cursing guard. They ran down the corridor, away from the room, where he was hiding.

They did not noticed that he had come in.

He released a shaky sigh, and wiped his forehead. Caotiously, he stepped away from the wall and glanced around the room.

It was all empty thankfully.

He put down the bow and arrow, and took off the rifle from his back. He held it before himself, ironically chuckeling in himself.

What had he been thinking?

To save Budapest, Austria and the Monarchy all by himself only?

He was really weak, a nothing, a tiny dust, compared to the powerful Russian.

'Stupid...' he thought with hate.

Although, he crossed out the possibility of calling the Austrian capital still, completely. When they will arrive, it would be too late anyway.

So he just continued fidgeting with the rifle, trying to think of a plan.
He did not know the castle that much, nor where AH could be with Russian.

When he had come here a few time with AH, they went to the ball room, and once- to Prussia's section, which was a whole floor, not just two room...

Maybe they are in the big throne room. Yes, he could feel in his gut that they will be there. It seemed the most convenient place to commit such crime.

But even if he finds them, what would he do? His arrows cannot kill nor the Russian nor the Prussian. But with the rifle... No, they would sense the aura of it and kill him right after...

But he may try this, he had no other option, he couldn't just talk out the thing with the Russian Empire.

When he would recognise him and see his city's rifle in his back, he would kill him instantly...

He couldn't understand what was in the Russian's crazed mind. He seemed absolute crazy to gain AH's lands and AH's himself. But other than world domination, he must had other reasons too, to be this determined.

In his last vision, when he had touched the rifle, he had seen and felt that there was something else to it. Something more than just lands. Did he had this much of a fetish on AH? He thought in disgust.

He dove into the depts of thoughts, not being able to leave the room, since the guards were still rushing in the hallway, searching for him.

But suddenly, a shiny thing caught his gaze, which glinted on the rifle. Around the detachable scope was a necklace like thing wrapped around- on its end a tiny, golden bird like thing. It was a pin, stitched to a thin material.

Could it be the city's ?

He raised his eyebrows, feeling that familiar feeling, the quiet whispers in his ears. His heart beated in his ears, his mind focused on the pin.

His head filled with voices, not with his but others. His finger gradually neared the birdy pin.

He must wait a two minutes anyway until the guards will give up the search in this hallways and move to somewhere else...

He had a little time...

The golden bird pin glint in the light of the room, capturing his mind. His left eye started to glow, his every being focused on the pin.

It was the exact same feeling like with the glowing weapon....

As if he was high...

This time, with bigger consciousness and own will, he touched the small, golden bird.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ♜ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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