Mine (Bakugo x Reader)

By CherryBlossom402

408K 13.3K 15.2K

Burn me twice. Sequel to Burn Me (Bakugo x Reader). More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six

Chapter Eighty Eight

1.2K 58 130
By CherryBlossom402

'Bring me food!' You rolled your eyes at the text message before cramming the device back into your cargo pants.

"Hey, Bakugo-" The chirpy voice turned your head. "-isn't this a great evening for Heroes Day?" Toru exclaimed, her visible hands clapping together.

Bakugo's response was cut off as Toru enthusiastically grabbed both his and your hands and began leading them toward a group of people gathered in the park. "Come on, guys! Let's join in on the last bit of festivities!"

As they reached the group, Bakugo couldn't help but notice the activities set up. There was a tug-of-war game, a three-legged race, and a sack race. Toru then revealed she already signed them up for all of them.

Toru's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took the lead, leading them towards the line for the potato sacks for the race. "Isn't this great, guys? We're going to have so much fun!"

Bakugo's expression darkened as he glanced at the people getting ready for the three-legged race. He had envisioned a more relaxed and romantic night with you, not participating in what felt like a children's field day.

The red eyed hero's eye darted around—he was not going to let Toru ruin all his hard work—he wrapped an arm around your torso, he pulled the two of you around the corner of a nearby building.

"Wha-?" You went to ask but he slapped his hand over your mouth, standing in between your legs, pressing his chest against you as he peaked from around the corner—your heart rate spiked as his melted caramel and sugar scent flooded your scents.

Bakugo's narrowed eyes watched until Toru's oblivious frame disappeared. He smirked, turning back to you who shot him a questionable look. Bakugo nodded to his left as he removed his hand. "Come on." His hand slides down your neck, over your shoulder and arm until his fingers intertwined with yours.

After ditching Toru, Bakugo led you to the Ferris wheel with a sly grin. He had something special planned, and the excitement was evident in his crimson eyes.

As they reached the Ferris wheel, Bakugo approached one of the workers, he slid him a bundle of cash. The worker nodded and opened the door to a beautifully decorated pod, revealing a scene that took your breath away.

Inside the pod were soft rose petals scattered on the floor, casting a romantic glow over everything. There was a small table set for two between the two booths, adorned with a vase of red roses, flickering candles, and a selection of delicious-looking food and drinks. The soft melody of music played in the background, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

Bakugo extended his hand to you, a rare but genuine smile gracing his face. "Shall we?" He asked, his voice soft and filled with warmth.

Your eyes flickered to his hand then back to his soft eyes, slowly you took his stretched-out hand, your heart fluttering at the sight before you. "You did all this?" You whispered, unable to take your gaze away from the romantic setup.

Bakugo guided you into the pod, and once both inside, he closed the door behind himself. As the Ferris wheel began its slow ascent, Bakugo and you each took a seat across from one another. The anticipation of the moment filled Bakugo with gentle excitement. Bakugo had prepared a small spread of delectable snacks and drinks, ensuring they would have a perfect view for their little rendezvous.

The Ferris wheel continued its leisurely climb until it reached the pinnacle, pausing at the very top. The breathtaking scene unfolded before you were nothing short of magical. The sky was painted in hues of pink, orange, and purple as the sun began its descent below the horizon, casting a warm and romantic glow over everything.

You couldn't help but suck in a breath at the sheer beauty of it all. The city below sparkled like a sea of lights, and the world felt still, as if time had paused just for your pod.

Bakugo glanced at you after checking the time; his scarlet eyes softened by the enchanting surroundings. "Pretty impressive, huh?" He smirked; his voice laced with admiration.

You turned your gaze from the mesmerizing view to meet his, and you couldn't help but smile. "It's incredible." You replied, dropping your gaze, heart skipping a beat feeling his gaze on the side of your face.

Bakugo leaned in closer, a soft and affectionate smile playing on his lips. He began to serve the delicious food he'd prepared, arranging it on a small table between you two. There were bite-sized sandwiches, fresh fruit, and decadent chocolates, all accompanied by glasses of something sparkling.

As you and Bakugo indulged in the makeshift picnic at the top of the world as the sun fell asleep, Bakugo's foot brushed against yours, sending a delightful shiver down your spine.

"So-" You cleared your throat, after realizing he wasn't going to move his boot. "-so, why are we up here?"

Bakugo smirked, looking over his shoulder at the view. "To remind you."

"Remind me?"

"I told you-" Bakugo turned back around; "-I'll remind you how beautiful this world can be."

Bakugo lifted his hand; you could hear the faint sound of crackling as controlled explosions ignited in his palm; the bright sunset colors glowed against the outline of his face.

You took in a breath, ready to speak but before you could utter a word, the night was shattered by a sudden, deafening explosion. Fireworks burst into the sky, illuminating it in dazzling colors. Bakugo grinned—right on time.

The noise and unexpected spectacle caused you to flinch.

"Hey-!" Bakugo swiftly switched seats, arms finding themselves around you. "-it's ok, it's just fireworks." He ran a hand through your hair—you glanced out the pod's window at the flickering colors painting the sky. You nod, taking a steady breath.

"This feels familiar-" Bakugo grinned, feeling you pressed up against him. "-doesn't it?"

"How so?" You wondered, not looking away from the firework show.

"Our first date ended in fireworks." Bakugo reminded, you turned to look at him.

"Oh yeah..." You breathed, that felt like...one hundred and seven years ago...

"You looked-" Bakugo smiled at the memory, "-so beautiful that night..."

You nod, acknowledging his statement.

"...but not as amazing as you look right now." Bakugo's words sent your heart skipping.

"I-I don't-"

"You know I don't lie (y.n)." Bakugo grinned, "You know what else that night was?" Bakugo asked.

"What?" You wondered, looking up at him.

"Our first kiss..."

Bakugo's piercing crimson eyes locked onto yours, his expression a mix of determination and something softer, something vulnerable. He leaned in closer until you could feel the warmth of his breath against your lips.

Without a word, Bakugo cupped your face gently in his hands, his touch surprisingly tender. You could feel his heart racing as he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a searing kiss. It was a passionate collision of emotions, a declaration of longing and affection that had been pent up for so long.

His lips were soft yet demanding, a fiery intensity burning between you. You responded instantly with your fingers tangling in his spiky hair as you deepened the kiss. The world around you faded away, leaving only the two of you, lost in this moment of connection.

Bakugo's arms wrapped around you, pulling you even closer, as if he couldn't bear to let you go. The kiss lingered, a silent promise of all the things left unsaid, all the feelings that had been hidden beneath the scarred surface.

When you finally pulled apart, breathless and flushed, Bakugo rested his forehead against yours. His voice was a low, husky whisper. "I've wanted to do that for so damn long (y.n)."

You let out a chuckle, your heart overflowing with emotion as you catch your breath. "Me too."

Bakugo frowned, locking eyes with you. "You haven't said my name since your return..."

"That's not true-" You went to defend.

"It is." Bakugo softly says, brushing the stubborn strand of hair behind your ear. "I'm...I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to protect you-"

"Stop." You reached out, cupping both sides of his face. You could see how deep his regret and pain ran—how long it had been eating away at him for all these years. "I wasn't strong enough either." You whispered, "We were just kids...Katsuki..."

Bakugo's eyes widened, hearing his name in your voice, his heart clenched as tears pricked his eyes. You furrowed your brows, "Are you ok-?"

Bakugo cut you off, quickly pulling you into a tightened embrace.

"Are you crying?" You lightly chuckled, hugging him back.

"No-!" Bakugo cleared his throat. "-I don't cry, you know that!"

"Sure." You softly chuckle, resting your face in the crook of his neck, eyes closed as you breathed in his familiar scent—you forgot how much you've missed it.

"Thank you." Katsuki muffled into your hair.

"For what?" You wondered, eyes opening.

"For coming back to me."

You smiled, wrapped in Katsuki's arms the two of you watched the remaining fireworks until the Ferris Wheel slowly began its descent.

"Oh-" You suddenly remembered; "-I need to get food for Shiro."

"I figured the Garbage Disposal would want something." Bakugo thumbs to a light pink box sitting untouched on the booth he was previously on.

"You got Shiro food?" You looked into his scarlet eyes.

"Well yeah-" Katsuki shrugs, "-he's basically our roommate at this point, I had too."

"Our?" You smiled.

"We-Well yeah-!" Bakugo blushes, "-he sleeps in my room just as much as he sleeps in yours, so yes, our roommate!"

You laughed, leaning into Katsuki's side as you did so. "Thank you." You look up Katsuki who leaned down, lightly pecking your lips, butterflies fluttered in your stomach.

"Always." He grinned, softly gazing into your eyes. He looked over, realizing the pod had lowered and the worker was awkwardly standing at the open door.

"Come on." Katsuki stood, offering his hand out to you. "I think the beer garden should still be open, you wanna go?"

"I'd like that." You nod, Bakugo helped you down the pod, turning to the worker.

"You'll have all this waiting for us at the gate?" Katsuki confirmed, holding another stack of bills.

"Yes sir." The worker sheepishly grinned, taking the money while stealing a glance at you. Katsuki wrapped an arm around your shoulders, turning you away from the Ferris Wheel and towards the direction of the garden. As the two of you walked, Katsuki watched you from the corner of his eye, a smile played on his lips as you were dazzled by the glittering lights.

"Bakugo-!" The high-pitched voice, so persistent it was impossible to ignore. "-(y.n)!" It felt like nails on a chalk board as you and Katsuki turned around, his hand sliding off your shoulders, settling onto your lower back.

Toru jogged over, ducking around people as she did so.

"Where have you guys been-!?" Her voice penetrated Katsuki's very being, triggering an uncomfortable sensation like tiny icy fingers running down his spine. "-I've been calling you both, we missed the firework show!"

"Oh-" You blinked, looking at Katsuki. "-I didn't hear my phone go off."

"Well-!" Toru puffed her cheeks out, putting a hand on her hip. "-what are you guys doing now?"

"Beer garden." You replied, gesturing over your shoulder.

"That's boring!" Toru stomped her foot, "I wanted to watch the fireworks with..." Tour blushed, eyes flickering to Katsuki before falling to the ground.

"You can go back to U.A." Your voice shocked Katsuki, his head quickly turned to you. "You don't have to join us." You shrugged, turning on your heel, you began your walk with Katsuki quickly joining your side.

"But..." Toru pouts for a moment, watching you and Katsuki for a second longer before jogging after. "-wait for me!"

The beer garden is a charming outdoor oasis, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of J-World. Patio lights strung overhead; soft twinkling patio lights cast a warm, golden glow across the garden. Your group wasn't able to get a spot near one of the bonfires, but the wrought iron tables and chairs scattered throughout the garden were good enough. Toru and you took your seats while Katsuki offered to grab drinks.

Toru tucked her hands under her lap, her eyes stared at the vibrant green carpeting which mimics the appearance of a well-kept lawn. "So..." She started, avoiding eye contact with you. "...your face looks better."

"Uh...thanks?" You tilt your head.

"I-I mean, you-your face looks better than Bakugo." Toru corrects, "I-I mean your bruises from those villains are healing a lot faster than his!"

"I get it." You chuckle, "Thanks, you're still visible, that's good."

"Yeah!" Toru brightly grins, "I'm still learning how to control my visibility, it's pretty hard."

"I believe it." You nodded, letting an uncomfortable silence settle between you two while you wait for Katsuki to return with the drinks.

"Are you and Bakugo close?" Toru blurted out.

"Uh...something like that?"

"(y.n)-!" Toru placed her hands flat on the table. "-we're still friends, right?"

"Sure." You reply with a shrug.

"Can-Can I ask you for help with something?"

"Depends-" You smirked, amused by her visibly shocked expression. "-what's up?"

"I-I—" Toru stammered.

"Spit it out or drop it."

"I like Bakugo!" Toru blurted.

"I know." You calmly replied.

"You-You know?" Toru gasped.

"I got your message."

"You...you weren't ever supposed to see those..."

"I know." You nodded. "Are you going to tell me why you're telling me this or...?"

"I-I was hoping you'd kind of...well, I-I just...I think that you could—"

"Spit it out or drop it." You repeated, your patience waning.

"Will you help me with Bakugo!?" Toru burst out.

"What?" You were utterly dumbfounded—you still feel his kiss on your lips.

"No matter what I do, he just doesn't see me!" Toru exclaimed. "Please, (y.n)! If you really were my friend, you would help me!"

"I-I can't-"

"That damn extra took forever." Katsuki's voice cut you off, he walked up behind you to the table, setting three cups down on the metal table before taking a seat which he pulled closer to you—Toru frowned seeing this.

"What are we talking about?" Katsuki asked, handing Toru her drink.

"Your face." You replied, lifting the rim of the cup to your lips, Katsuki's face twisted in confusion as Toru's cheeks light up red.

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