Slay The Princess: Compassion...

By RenegadeJack548

312 18 5

The Narrator : You are on a path in the woods, and at the end of that path is a cabin, and in the basement of... More

Chapter 2 : The Isolated

Chapter 1 : The Hero And The Princess

190 11 3
By RenegadeJack548

The Narrator

Your on a path in the woods, and at the end of the path is a cabin, and in the basement of the cabin is a princess.

The Narrator

You are here to slay her. If you don't, it will be the end of the world.

(explore) You truly believe that this will be able to do that end the world.

The Narrator

Yes. I know so.

(explore) Do you have any evidence of this cause so far I've only got you're word that she is dangerous.

The Narrator

Just... [sigh]. Just trust that she will stop at nothing to bring this world to it's end.

The Narrator

Anyway enough dawdling, she could be using this time to find and escape.

"Fair point, We should get going."

The Narrator

You make your way up the short path to the cabin. You'll find the princess within.

The Narrator

A word of warning, she will lie, she will cheat, she will do anything in the power to prevent you from slaying her.

Voice of the Hero

We're not going to go through with this, right? She's a princess. We're supposed to save princesses, not slay them.

The Narrator

Ignore him. He doesn't know what he is talking about.

[Proceed into the cabin]

The Narrator

The Interior of the cabin is almost entirely bare. the air is stale and musty and the floor and walls are painted in a fine layer of dust. The only furniture of note is a plain wooden table. Perched on that is a pristine blade.

The Narrator

The blade is your implement. you'll need it if you want to do this right.

[Enter the basement]

The Narrator

This will be much harder without your blade but you've made your choice.

The Narrator

The door to the basement creaks open, reveling a staircase faintly illuminated by an unseen light in the room below. This is an oppressive place. The air feels heavy and damp, a hint of rot filtering from the ancient wood. if the princess lives here, slaying her is probably doing her a favor.

The Narrator

Her voice softly carries up the stairs.


H-hello? Is someone there?

Voice of the Hero

It's hypnotizing. It's the kind of voice you have to hear once to remember it for the rest of your life.

The Narrator

Don't let it fool you. It's all part of the manipulation. You're playing a dangerous game by coming here unarmed.

"Hi, I'm here to talk."


Oh... Ok. It's been a long time since any one has come down here let alone speak to me. Please come down.

The Narrator

You walk down the stairs and lock eyes with the princess. She seems hesitantly eager to meet her visitor. There's a heavy chain abound her wrist binding her to the far wall of the basement.

Voice of the Hero

She's beautiful. How could someone like this be a threat to anyone?

The Narrator

I am begging you to stay focused. There's a lot riding on you here.


Hi there, you said you wanted to talk? But before that can you find any way to take these chains off? They have been on for so long I've lost some feeling in my arm.

I'll see what I can do [Examine the Chains]


Thank you.

The Narrator

Really? You're actually humoring her. [sigh] Fine.

The Narrator

The heavy chains are rusted but not enough to be pulled from the wall with your bare hands. The cuff around the princess's arm appears to have been welded tightly. Old charcoal like scars appear from under both openings of the cuff.

The Narrator

As you run your nails across the chains and cuff, the princess is looking at you intently. The intent I do not know but it can't be anything good.

Voice of the hero

To do something this cruel to a princess. When we get out of here you have no idea the pain I will bring upon whoever locked you down here.

The Narrator

No, both of you are thinking of freeing her aren't you? Did you not listen? if she leaves, the world will end.


Oh thank for at least trying.

"Hold on I'll go back up stairs to see if I can find anything that could free you."


Ok Please return soon. The silence as you were examining the chain was more unbearable then it used to be.

The Narrator

You attempt to make your way out of the basement, but the door at the top of the stairs slams shut. You hear the click of a lock sliding into place.

Voice of the Hero

Is someone else here?

(explore)[Try the door]

The Narrator

The door jolts but unfortunately it is locked tight. You should have taken the blade when you had a chance.

Voice of the Hero

How do we know your not the one who locked us down here? You knew we were trying to free her.

The Narrator

I'm just describing your surroundings. I have no control of the outcomes of your actions.

"Damn" [Return to bottom of the stairs]


Oh your back. I heard you trying to open the door... Did they lock you down here too?

"It appears so princess."


No... it my fault isn't it. They didn't want to give you the chance to free me.

Voice of the Hero

We should go talk to her. The amount of guilt she's experiencing for trapping us with her must be suffocating.

The Narrator

Did you not hear my warning outside the cabin. Speaking to her will only make your task more difficult.

Voice of the Hero

I think we should still speak to her.

[Approach the Princess]


[Heavy hitched breathing]

Voice of the Hero

Look at her. Come on, say something.

[Lie/Comfort] Hey, it's ok I knew what I was getting myself into trying to free you. I just didn't want to believe it before I tried that door.

The Narrator

Your really doing this? Can't you see this is all an act to gain sympathy?

Voice of the Hero

How would someone whose been through so much act so genuinely in pain and gulit?

The Narrator

Exactly. With the amount of time she's spent down here, she would be more than adept at manipulating anyone to do her biding. Do not trust her.

The Narrator

The Princess calms down and looks at you with grateful eyes.


t-Thank you... Can I ask you the true reason you came down here?

"I was here to slay you but once I saw you, I couldn't bring myself to harm you."

The Narrator

Are you serious? One look at a sad face and you changed your mind? [sigh] Alright there's no hope for the both of you fools. At least there is hope that you will delay her long enough for me to be around when this blows up in your face. Goodbye [Closes door]

Voice of the Hero

Is he actually gone? Heh, and here I thought that our task decided the fate of this world.

(explore) 'Maybe out mission wasn't so pressing after all.'


s-Slay me? What could I have done to deserve such an end. Is that why they locked me down here for so long.

"I was told that you have the capability of ending this world if you were to leave this cabin."


And now they've locked you down here too. I'm the reason your down here suffering in my Hell.

"But I'm not alone"

The princess looks up at you confused.



"I have you, and I think I couldn't be in better company.

The princess seems uncomfortable, but a slight blush cresting at her cheek spoke otherwise.


t-Then I say the same to you. Since we're going to be down here a while we should talk. That was what you desired as you came down here.

"What is your name?"

The princess hesitates, seeming to not be able to find the words to answer the question.


I don't remember. For all I've known I was called Princess since I was born.

She's uneasy of her failing memory.

"Your a princess which means that you must come from a kingdom somewhere? Can you tell me about it hopefully I about it seeing as you've been here a long while."

She pauses to arrange her thoughts.


My home was quaint. I lived in a wooden building surrounded by sharpened trunks acting as walls. There was a path down to a village and beyond the walls were farms, forests, mountains, and a river ran between the village.

"Hmm, not many for those around anymore. A lot of them were torn down over time. The others which still have residents are either filled with bandits or peasants."

She's saddened but accepts what has happened during her time here.


I see. If there isn't any more you must know... Can I ask more about you?

"Sure ask away"


What is your name? You didn't get the chance to when you came down.

You open your mouth to answer... but the answer does not arrive. You become deathly pale and frozen stock solid. You try to recall anything of your past but there is nothing. You only remember the path in the woods to the cabin.

"I-I don't remember anything before being on the path in the woods."

You hastily look down and examine your body. Your arms are not the only abnormality you had. Your body is covered short fur-like feathers and your legs a bird like talons similar to your arms. You slowly look up at the princess.

Voice of the Hero

Wait we're not like her. A-are we... the...mon....

The voice trails off.

"What do I look like?!"


Y-you look like a bird. You really don't remember anything do you?

You don't answer.


How about I describe what you look like? Will that help?


The princess stands and paces left and right taking in your features in the dim moonlight from the window above her. She stops hands on her chin and hips as she decides what would best describe you. She stops and claps.


Your body is covered in fluffy dark black fur-like covering your entire body excluding your arms and legs which are like bird talons though your hands have apposable thumbs. Your eyes glow a bright white light.

(A/N : Credit to Kaeurysm on Tumbler for the art)

As you relax you don't notice as 4 dark wings along with a tail.

(A/N : Credit to u/PootisManAndBlyatGuy on reddit)


Oh, you have wings and a tail too.

"So this is what I look like. Sorry you had to see me like this"


That's okay. Something was done to you so you would have not have questioned them.

You both sit silent for a while. Then you start to wonder how has the princess been surviving down here.

"How did you keep fed down here if you haven't seen anyone in along time?


I usually the plants or bugs which wonder in from the window. Water I get mainly when it rains. It's not much but it has keep me alive for this long.

She begins teaching you of plants and bugs which could be eaten safely. Days pass as you both converse with each other, you try to find a way out of this basement looking at every crack and weakness to no avail. Most of the rest of the time you describe the scenery outside the window above her. Weeks pass as you and the princess get closer, sitting close, sly looks, and sometimes waking up in a tangle of limbs.


Hey, I'm getting a bit tired of just calling you you. I feel too unfamiliar and distant.

"Oh then what do you suggest we give each other a name?


Yes, I think you should be called... Howl.


Ok, but why Howl I'm not a wolf.


I don't know it just felt right.


Then I think I should call you... Eveline.

More time passes as memories or it's what you believe they are, of heroes and princesses. The most reoccurring of a princess with long golden silk-like hair trapped in a tower.


Hey Eve, can I tell you a story?


Oh did you finally remember something from your past?


Yeah, though it's only been heroes and princesses. Anyway the story I want to tell is about a princess with long golden silk-like hair trapped in a tower.

Eveline gets comfortable by sitting back and laying her head on your shoulder. This gives you a bit of a jolt and you feathers flare but when has this not been the case.






OK. This story begins with a legend, of a drop of sunlight imbuing a flower with magical powers. The ability to heal and restore those which encounter it, but it will only effect those who recited a special Incantation "Flower, gleam and glow Let your power shine Make the clock reverse Bring back what once was mine Heal what has been hurt Change the Fate's design Save What has been lost Bring back what once was mine What one was mine".


One night a old witch had found this sun flower and upon Reciting the incantation it had-


It returned her youth. What happened next did she try to pick the flower?

Her voice brushes against your feathers on your shoulder and neck. It tickles.


[Chuckle] Yes she did gain her youth though she did pluck petal from the flower, the petal quickly withered and and the which began quickly ageing. Hurriedly she began reciting the incantation once more regaining her youth. she selfishly then hides the flower in a fake bush. Every night she would return to the flower to maintain her youthful appearance.


Meanwhile, in a far off kingdom of Corona the King Frederic was in crisis his wife Ariana had fallen ill during pregnancy as he ordered his loyal to search for a miracle to save his wife and unborn child. The king had joined the search the first weeks but the waning health of his wife worried him to no end. So he later stayed at her side fearing that the search will be in vain.


He is a great husband to so much to find a cure to his wife illness. It reminds me of my father, he would pamper her whenever it seems she was a bit tired.

As she spoke of her past, you never did ask why she was locked down here. It baffles you that it's slip your mind, though the existential crisis didn't help.


Hey, how did you end up down here? I didn't really get a chance last time due to... that.

Eveline looks up at you but quickly move further away realizing how close you were. Composing herself she answers.


I'm not completely sure, one day I woke up and everyone in the village was looking at me strangely. I tried to ask what was wrong but they would turn away quickly trying to avoid me. After a while some guards had told to follow them. They seemed uncomfortable near me but they guided me into a carriage. They prevented me from looking outside during the journey. I then arrive at this cabin and I think you can guess the rest.


I think they feared me, for what reason I did not know at the time but I guess I now know. They feared that I would end the world. I wonder if my parents knew. If they were in disbelief of what they were told or they were the ones who sent the guards to lock me in here immediately after learning of the rumor.

You were shocked yet not completely surprised by this people have done many things driven by beliefs and pressures above.


Lets get back to the story though I'm glad you told me why you were trapped here. Sorry if I

seemed uncomfortable during your story.


No, I understand. Please continue.


Alright, so after many nights of searching the guards had found a bush with golden sparkling lights coming from between it's leaves. They remove the bush and gazed upon the flower. A few of the guard looked on with greed believing that if they were to present this to the king they would be rewarded handsomely. The captain sensing their gaze reminded them of the point of the flower, the wellbeing of their queen and future heir to the throne. Many looked away in shame for having such thoughts though there were those began scheming. The captain notices this and has the flower within his sights at all times until it reaches the hands of the king.


This triumph did not go unnoticed by the witch as she took note of the sun shaped emblems on the guards armor. She could not forgive them for taking what was rightfully hers. So she followed them using magics to hide herself from view. She will get what she is owed.


The king appeared sickly as the captain arrived. He must not have rested as he stayed at the queens side. As the king gazes upon the flower he calls upon his physicians to quickly brew the medicine. The physicians though tired from being woken up were suddenly energized seeing that the flower was found. They quickly and carefully began mixing and grinding the flower then adding water so the queen can better take in the medicine. The medicine appeared golden with sparking stars withing twirling as the stars above.


As the medicine was delivered to the queens quarters, the king was pacing back and forth at the door. He notices the physician and urges them to be faster. The physicians hasten careful not to spill the elixir. In the room the king took the medicine and carefully fed it to his wife. Her complexion began to brighten and it seems a weight was leaving her shoulders. she was peacefully asleep.


The king seeing his wife safe and healthy blew a great sigh of relief and fall asleep holding her hand. The servants seeing this decide to leave the king and queen to their rest but the physician insisted they be allow to study the remaining drop of medicine in the bowl. The captain knew that this will do more harm than good, the knowledge of the true properties of the would stir the greed of the masses. The captain quickly took the medicine and gave it to the king his sickly form returning to what it once was before the search began.


That's nice. The witch is going to ruin it isn't she.


Yeah it's how all these stories go. There's always something that goes wrong.


Are there more of these you remember? I would like to hear more of these stories.


I do and I would love nothing more then to tell them to you Eve though I will be holding off on them until I have a better hold of their stories.


Right where were we? Oh the next morning-

You continue the story , the witch kidnaps the newborn princess the next night and traps her in the tower. The king and Queen sent their guards in search her though without vail. Every year on the night of the princesses birthday the entire kingdom lights lanterns hoping the princess sees them and follows them home. She grows up seeing them in the night sky believing that mother Gothel, the witch had found her on the street. Years pass as Repunzel's grew longer and longer. She had taken up painting and had even made a friend in an adorably expressive chameleon named Pascal. Mother Gothel still returns to the tower every few day entering using Repunzel hair. She returns to use the power of the flower imbued into Repunzel's hair and to warn Repunzel of outsiders especially men saying that they were monsters that ate people.

Before continuing you check on Eveline. She's fast asleep. You maneuver yourself and her so that she is laying down with your chest as a pillow. You fall asleep feeling content.

You wake up the next morning, the princess is siting there with an eager and excited look on her face.


Hey good morning~ Can I please hear the rest of the story. I kinda dozed off a bit in the middle.

You continue to finish the story, a rogue chased by royal guards after stealing the crown of the missing princess stumbles upon a tower. The rogue makes their way up the tower using arrowheads to climb the rocky face. Arriving in the tower he searches for in habitant but is knocked out by a scared princess. The rogue awakens hours later tied to a chair by long golden locks of hair with a small green chameleon staring at him with squinted eyes. The rogue tries to talk his way out even his secret weapon "The Look". Eveline giggles with a blush at your reenactment.

The story continues with the princess and the rogue escaping the tower to head to the source of the floating lights. Along the way they encounter a bar of bandits many who had given up their dreams. The princess helps reignite their dream and they become great friends. The bandit outside spot the guards that were chasing the rogue a quickly alert the bar. The bandits reveal a secret passage behind the bar under the floor where only the rogue and princess had enough time to escape through.

Though this was not enough they were chased through the forest and into a valley which has been dammed. As the rogue was fending them off a clash of blades had sent a guard's sword into the dam causing it to burst. The rogue and princess manage to find a cave which caved in as the water crashed into the side of it though this would trap them in a quickly flooding cave. Eveline looks on with baited breath and urges you to continue.

The princess quickly sings the flowers song causing her hair to glow to better see in the cave. There seemed to be water flow between some stones which could lead outside. They both quickly remove the rock and continue swimming forward until they reach a river. The rogue had cut himself during the escape so the princess heals it using her hair. A few hours later they finally reached the kingdom of Corona the princess admires the scenery and culture of the citizens but she stop at a tiled mural of a baby finding it familiar but is quickly distracted by the festivities.

As night arrives the rogue and princess take a boat to the middle of the lake to release their own lanterns. As they are watching the lantern the rogue confesses to the princess. she accepts and they both lean in but before they make contact the rogue sees some unnaturally green on a foggy shore. Eveline seems annoyed, it seems she has realized what's happening.

The witch was on that shore with her own scheme. As the rogue and princess arrive at the shore, the rogue decides to go on ahead to check it out. The princess sitting in the boat sees the witch appear from the fog, she ask her where she has been. She then tells the princess to look out into the river, there was the silhouette of the rogue sailing away with with the crown. The princess saddened by this returns with the witch to the tower.

The rogue awaken tied in a standing position in a boat at the dock with guards pointing their weapons at him. He was thrown in jail but luckily the bandits from the woods were already planning their escape. Upon escaping the jail the rogue rushes to the tower and seeing that the princesses hair was down he climbed up to see her. As he stepped inside he saw the the princess was chained to the wall. The rogue feels a jolt in his side the witch had stabbed him.

The rogue collapses bleeding. The princess panics begging to be freed to save the rogue. The witch complies on the condition that the princess never leaves the tower again. The princess agrees and as she is freed rushes to the rogue's side to heal the gash. As he has heal he quickly grabs a shard of glass and cuts off the princess's hair causing it to turn brown. The witch begins quickly ageing and panicking as she tries to hide herself tripping on the cut hair and falling out the window the only thing landing at the bottom the witches dark cloak.

The rogue and princess returned to the kingdom of Corona. Reunited with the king and queen and gained their blessing. So the rogue now prince and the princess were married and lived happily ever after.


That was a great I hope you'll keep telling me more.

And so you do, you tell stories of an ogre which desires solitude, a man raised by apes in a jungle, a creature with a large blue head being told who he was in the world, a large bald pale man with strange markings across his body sitting in a boat floating along a river in a mystical forest, a boy having their first encounter with a dragon. And one day during one of the stories you spot something outside the basement window.


What is that?

Eveline tries to have a look but unfortunately is unable to. It appears to be a crack in reality, it open into a cacophony of colors and lights beckoning you to look closer. As you approach you are interrupted.

The Narrator

NO! You can't, shouldn't look at that.

You are surprised. How long has it been since you've heard that voice?

The Narrator

Yes I know I've been gone a while and I am grateful that you've managed to stall the end of it all for so long but please trust me just this once. DO. NOT. LOOK. AT. IT.

This time and only this time you decide to listen. You only noticed this today, for all you know it was there earlier during one of the other stories. But as time passes it appears that the cabin is in a drought. Plants, bugs, and most importantly water has become scarce. You ration as much as you could even forgoing some to keep Eveline healthy. She does the same to. But unfortunately, you were less resilient then you thought. As you sit back to the wall Eveline's arms around you, face in your chest sobbing.


Shhh..... Eve it's ok... we both knew... this would happen... to one of us. I just hoped you wouldn't have to see this.


Please don't go... don't leave me alone... not again.


Don't worry about me anymore. I'm sure... you'll... find...your... way......

As your conscienceness fades another story comes into view one you never thought possible 'Evel...' You never get the chance to truly comprehend what you've seen. You die.


Notes: Hey I hope you enjoyed. Please comment any criticisms to my story in the comments it is deeply appreciated. Anyway stay tuned for the next chapter "Chapter 2 : The Isolated"

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