Chapter 2 : The Isolated

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The Narrator

You are on a path in the woods, and on the end of that path is a cabin,  and in the basement of that cabin is a princess.

The Narrator

You're here to slay her. If you don't it will be the end of the world.

(explore) What? How am I still here? I thought I died.

The Narrator

No, your very much still alive. How would you even come to that conclusion we're on a path in the woods.

Voice of the Hero

No, we did die. We died in the basement with Eveline. We have to go find her.

The Narrator

Wait if I'm understanding this correctly. You believe you died and are now somehow back at you think is the beginning. And you gave her a name. 


Yes, we gave each other names and this is the beginning, though this forest is a lot more vibrant and lively.

As you all look around the forest the colors of the of the trees and grass are brighter and healthier. You hear chirps and crickets hidden in the trees and rustling bushes from scurrying critters.

The Narrator

What do you mean? The forest have always been like this. Did you not notice this as you were walking through here. Also I'm the narrator here, stop doing my job.

(explore) Maybe this is a different timeline. I mean somethings are different and he doesn't seem to remember anything from last time.

Voice of the Hero

You might be right though we should go to the cabin. We need to know if Eveline remembers. But if she does remember I wouldn't dare imagine the pain.

Voice of the Compassionate

I don't need to imagine. I can feel it all the way here. We need to help her.

The Narrator

No "we" are not helping her. The only way this goes right for any of us is when you slay her and from whatever had happened last time I can assure you that was the consequences of not slaying her as I ask you to.

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