The Lego Movie: Everything is...

By Otaku_Lover21

1.1K 3 0

Construction Worker Emily Brickowski is mistakenly identified as the Special-- an extraordinary being and the... More

Everything is Awesome
The Piece
The Old West
I'm Batman!
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Infiltrate Octan Tower

Bad Cop

72 0 0
By Otaku_Lover21

"Ugh, my head..."

"Wakey wakey, Where did you find the Piece of Resistance? Where are the others hiding?"

Emily started to stir, but not fast enough. "Good morning, apartment." Emily mumbled deliriously.

"Wake up..."

"Wait, I know that voice...Liam Neeson?"


Emily was startled awake at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. She sees an angry looking cop wearing shades. "How did you find the Piece of Resistance?"

"The piece of what?" She asked, not knowing what is going on.

"The Piece of Resistance," He repeated impatiently enunciating every word. He suddenly he knocks a chair aside in anger scaring Emily.

She noticed that she's being held in an interrogation room with her hands shackled to a chair.

"I don't what's going on? What's happening?" She asked, confused.

"'What's happening?'" The cop mocked. "Playing dumb, Master Builder?"

"No, I...Master Builder?" Emily looked confused, obviously having no clue who he was or what he's talking about.

The cop jumps onto the table, his face slightly inches from hers. "Oh, so you've never heard of the Prophecy?"


"Or the Special?"

"No, no, I..."

"You're a LIAR!" The cop yelled. Bad Cop starts to kick and wrestle around with the chair in the room. as Emily sweat-dropped as she watches The Bad Cop continue to wrestle and kick the chair.

Wow, if he wasn't so...ruggedly handsome she'd call him a complete nutcase.

"Look, um...I watch a lot of cop shows on TV," Emily said in between scooting around to avoid getting hit by chairs. "Isn't there...isn't there supposed to be a good cop?"

Bad Cop hummed in thought. "Oh, yes. But we're not done yet." He closed his eyes hard and shook his head. Suddenly, his mood switched into a Good Cop.

"Hello there, lass, I'm your friendly neighborhood police officer. Would you like a glass of water?" He offered politely, holding a cup of water.

Emily smiled a little. "Um, yeah, actually..."

"TOO BAD!" Bad Cop tossed the glass aside, "Security cameras picked up this." He pressed a button on a remote for the nearby TV screen, and the TV flickered to life, showing her walking up to something, then turning red and bouncing all over the cavern.

"You were found convulsing with a strange piece." Bad Cop informed her.

"Eww! That's disgusting!" She gagged in disgust.

"Then why is it permanently stuck to your back?" Bad Cop asked.

"There's nothing stuck to my--" Emily looked behind her saw a Piece that was definitely on her back, she started to scream, knocking chairs all over the room.

"Get it off, get it off, It's chasing me!" She exclaimed. She finally stopped rolling around.

"Please, you gotta believe me! I have no idea how this thing got stuck to my back." She said.

The Bad Cop then switched back to Good Cop. "Of course, lass. I believe you."

"Thank you!" Emily breathed out, sighing in relief. "I..."

"I 'believe' you, too." He said sarcastically. "You see the quotations I'm making with my hands? It means I don't believe you. Why would you show up with that thing on your back just three days before Lord Business is going to use the Kragle to end the world?"

"Wait, what? President Business is going to end the world?" Emily asked, confused look on her face. "But he's such a sweet guy! And Octan, his company makes such good stuff!"

The Bad Cop groans in frustration, kicking another item. "C'mon lass ye can't be this dense."

Emily scoffed, clearly offended by that comment.
"Dense!? Look officer, This is nothing more than just a simple misunderstanding. I'm just a regular, ordinary gal who's late to meet my best friends in the world. They're probably saying, 'Oh my god, where's Emily?' And 'Hey, where's my best friend Emmy?' Just ask them; they'll tell you!"

"Oh don't worry, we did." Bad Cop grabbed the remote and "boomed" the TV to life. The first interviews came onto the screen.

Then another guy came on the screen.

"Who her? She's...not a criminal mastermind, she's just your average, normal kind of gal."

"See? Thank you." Emily sighed in relief. She opened her mouth to continue proving her point, but then another guy came on the screen.

"But you know, she's not normal like us, She's just, you know...not that special."

The relieved look on Emily's face slowly disappeared. What? Not that special?

Another girl came on the screen, Gail.

"Wait, I'm confused. Who is she?" She looked a little closer at the picture she was looking at. "Wait, does she work with us?"

"Gail doesn't know me?" Emily muttered to herself.

The man who was on before Gail came back on the screen, saying, "Look at Randy here. He likes sausage. That's something! Gail's perky. That's something!" The camera cut to another man, Harry.

"Who her? I mean, She's cute and all I guess, but she's a little on the 'plus side' if you know what I mean." He laughed, nudging his friend beside him.

Emily's lips started to quiver and felt an urge to shield herself. Is that what they say behind her back, Calling her fat?

Surfer Dave, who could only be described as the personification of Crush from Finding Nemo shows up on the screen next.

"I kinda know that gal, but I don't know, like, zippy-zap about her." Surfer Dave shrugged his shoulders as he continued to wax his surf board.

"But we just talked earlier!"

A barista came on next. "You know, she's just sort of a...sort of a blank slate, I guess."

'A blank slate?' A tear ran down the brunette's face. The man from the very beginning came back on for the last clip.

"You know, we all have something that makes us something, and she's...nothing."

The tv then turns off as Emily looked away whimpering. "There you go, I told you I was a nobody." She spoke in a sad tone.

"Exactly, It's the perfect cover." Bad Cop agreed.

"Cover? Cover for what?"

Bad Cop didn't answer her as he turned on his walkie-talkie. "I can't break her! Take the lass to the melting chamber."

Wait, say what now??

"No, no, no, no, NO!" Emily screamed in terror, the melting machine as inches away from the Piece-that was attached to her back. "Please! You have to believe me! Do you have any proof that I am a Master Builder?"

"The proof is on your back, lass." He stated bluntly.

After a little bit of walking, they arrived at the chamber. Bad Cop locked her in, and she started screaming again, fully realizing what was going on.

"You're going to melt me!? Am I going to die?"

Bad Cop closed his eyes and shook his head. "You'll live, You'll be fine."

She sighed with relief.

Suddenly Bad Cop hears his phone ringing and pulls it out and answered the phone. "Yes, Lord Business?" He switched back into Bad Cop "Yes sir, I have her right here, sir. Yes, we've told her she'll live so she doesn't try to escape. But...we're lying." He turned off the phone and walked towards the door.

"What did you just say?!" But Bad Cop was already out the door before he hears her.

"Hold still." A nearby robot ordered.

'No please, please. I just wanna go home!!' She panicked in her head, tears seeping into her eyes. "There's obviously been a mix up here! You've got the wrong..." A red beam of light is shot at her back to remove the Piece of Resistance. "Ow! Ow, ow, ow Ow That is gonna start hurting pretty soon!" She cries out in pain.

As a robot cranked up the heat on the melting machine, a mysterious figure snuck up behind him, knocked him out of the way, and shot the laser towards another spot in the room. A group of robots blew up, and the others started to scatter.

But that person wasn't done.

They turned the laser off and jumped down, pulling off a robot's arm and using it to knock another robot unconscious. Slowly but surely, they fought my way towards a ladder leading directly towards a tied up Emily. They climbed up and took an axe and raised it above their head, like an executioner.

Emily screamed and closed her eyes, waiting for whatever was coming. However, cutting off the chains. She opened her eyes and looked at her hands in awe. And then she looked up, that blush was back on her face.

It was her, It was the girl back from the construction site. "It's you!"

The pretty lady held out her hand. "Hey. Come with me if you want to not-die."

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