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'Wow, she's even prettier up close~' Emily smiled and reached for her hand. And then the door opened. There was Good Cop, holding some sort of croissant smiling. "Hi, everyone! How's the melting going?"

Then he saw the two of them He switched over to Bad Cop and grabbed a laser gun. "Hey! RED ALERT!" he yelled. "I need everyone, I repeat, everyone to go after the Special!"

Go! Run!" The mysterious lady yelled at the nervous brunette.

Emily didn't need to be told twice. They both ran over to the pried-open window, and jumped out.

The ebony haired lady looked back. "Oh, ma'am, you're brilliant," She said as she helped Emily up, grabbing a garbage can off of her head. "We'll build a motorcycle out of the alleyway."

She jumped up to a ledge and looked out at the supposed junk lying around. She grabbed piece after piece, putting them together to make a motorcycle.

"So, I, uh...didn't catch your name," Emily said trying to make conversation. "Or what we're, uh, doing here."

"Miss, It's brilliant that you pretended to be a useless nobody...but you can drop the act with me. It's cool."

"Excuse me, The act?" Emily asked, clearly offended by that comment. Why is everyone being rude to her lately? Before Emily could say another word, The mystery lady flipped the motorcycle over to make it rideable.

"Whoa!" Emily gasped in shock, eyes beaming.

"Jump on!"

She revved the engine and grabbed her hand as started to drive off. Emily started screaming her head off. The two sped out of the alleyway, driving the motorcycle up an escalator and onto a train rail.

"Watch out!" Emily yelled.

She looked ahead and a car was in front of them. "Hold on! We need to find Vitruvius in the Old West and tell him that the Piece has been found."

"Oh, no!"

She looked back at the rail and Bad Cop right on their tail. She grabbed a laser gun and started shooting at the motorcycle. Just before it exploded, The stranger steered the motorcycle off the rail.

"Will you please tell me what the heck is happening?" Emily called from the back.

"I'm rescuing you, miss," She stated in an obvious manner. "You're the one the prophecy spoke of; you're The Special."

"The what?" Emily said confused. There was that phrase again, what is everyone talking about?

The mystery lady turned around to face her and time seemed to slow down. "You found the Piece of Resistance," She explained. "That means you are the most talented, most interesting, and the most extraordinary person in the entire universe. I mean that's you, right?"

"Uh..." Emily thought long and hard. "Yes. Yep that's me."

"Great, You drive."

"Say what?"

The woman grabbed a grappling hook off the floor of the motorcycle and shot myself onto one of the helicopters to throw it off balance.

"Wait, I just wanna go home!" Emily yelled as the woman zip line away. She dropped from the grappling hook and landed on a motorcycle, tearing a robot from the controls.

Meanwhile, Emily was loosing control of the Motorcycle--giving the fact that she never driven one before, ramming into most of the robot vehicles around her.

"Wow, she's amazing!" The woman mutters myself.

Suddenly, a laser beams towards the woman As she jumped off and onto the motorcycle Emily was on. "OMG! That was incredible! You're even better than I thought you'd be."

"Really?" Emily said looking rather flushed, she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. She looked like it was the first time someone said something nice to her.

"Yeah, By the way, I'm Wyldstyle." My mysterious lady introduced herself as 'Wyldstyle'

"I'm sorry, What was that?"

"Wyldstyle," She repeated.

"Wait, your name is Wyldstyle?"

Uh huh." Wyldstyle nodded.

"Oh, so you're like a DJ?" Emily asked.

Wyldstyle just sighed. "No, but I do get that a lot!" Suddenly the looked up and saw the entire freeway--blocked by robot cars. "Quick, Let's fly!" Wyldstyle started converting the vehicle into an airplane.

"Whoa!" Emily yelled. She had always been easily impressed. They flew right over the cars, and the tunnel we needed to get to was fast approaching. She grabbed her phone and pressed a button to open the tunnel.

"Let's head for the secret tunnel!" She called back to Emily.

"Wait you want me to drive into that weird swirly thing?" She yelled, trying to jump out.

"No! Don't stop, go! Now!" She ordered.

"Are you insane?" Emily yelled at Wyldstyle. "That is totally against the instructions!"

Wait a minute, Instructions? Why would...

She gasped worriedly and quickly grabbed the brunette by her shoulders. "Wait - what's your favorite restaurant?" Wyldstyle asked.

"Any chain restaurant," she replied.

"Favorite TV show?"

"Where Are My Pants?" She said with a chuckle.

"Favorite song?"

"Everything is Awesome, obviously!" Emily sang with the biggest of smiles on her face.

"Oh, crap." Wyldstyle said, horrified. At that moment they enter the secret tunnel in the wall and it immediately closes up after them making the police cars chasing them and the helicopter crash into it.

"Darn, darn, darn, darny-darn!" The angry cop then starts kicking a metal chair in anger, one of the cops behind him starts running off, Bad Cop kicks the metal chair and it lands on top of the cop that was running off.

The Lego Movie: Everything is Awesome!Where stories live. Discover now