Vacay Island Incidents (Floom)

By Emmanyxx

12.4K 187 257

After the show on Vacay Island, the brothers and Kismet decided to hang out with each other, but it also made... More

After the show
NSYNC character descriptions
How it all happened
Locked In
Camp out
Trip home
Rock concert
They know
Date night!!

Karaoke night

1.2K 22 27
By Emmanyxx

(I don't own trolls and this is a fan made ship for Floyd.. Ok frick this let's just continue:∆)

After the Chat NSYNC had with Boom, they decided to go back to the skating ring to see if the others were still there.

Branch: HEY GUYS!!

Trickee: Hey Branch!!

Branch: You guys have been gone for a while, You good Boom?

Boom: Yeah, I just needed something to drink..

Branch: Really? It took you a long time just to get something to drink..

Boom: Yeah, don't worry about it.

Branch: Well ok then, You guys still wanna skate? We're moving on with Karaoke..

Hype: Sure, we can skate some more right guys?

Trickee: Yeah, why not?

Ablaze: Sure I'm down

Branch: You down as well Boom?


Trickee: No fair you got a head start!!

*NSYNC runs to the bench to get their skates*

The guys went into the ring with Branch and skated to Brozone

Poppy: Hey guys, you were gone for a while..

Ablaze: Sorry, we were talking about something private.. *Winks at Boom*

Clay: Okay...

Meanwhile Floyd was still learning how to skate at the other side of the ring with Viva and Bruce. Boom saw them and was smiling when he saw Floyd's cute smile. The others noticed him and started asking

Branch: Ummm.... Boom?

Boom: What is it?

Branch: Why are staring at Floyd?

Boom: Oh nothing I was just seeing if he could skate well now..

NSYNC started looking at each other like they had a plan

Trickee: Hey Branch, if there was someone in the band had a crush on someone your close with like your Brother?

Boom suddenly gave out a shocked expression and turned to the boys with a death glare. NSYNC was smiling with shivers when they saw Boom's glare..

Branch: I wouldn't mind, but it depends on who this person is.. If it's Poppy then they're dead..

Poppy: Branch!!

Branch: What? I was just answering a question..

Poppy: *Sighs* your handsome but your overprotective sweetie..

*Kisses Branch's cheek*

Clay: Awww...

Branch: Shut up Clay, and why did you ask me that Trick?

Trickee: Oh no reason, just asking what if..

Branch: Ok....

Branch looked suspiciously and thought there was something going on then Viva, Bruce and Floyd skates up to them..

Floyd: Hey guys!! I think I'm getting the hang of skating!!!

JD: Nice Floyd!

Boom: Gotta say your a fast learner and a natural..

Floyd blushes a little and gave out a smile

Floyd: Thanks Boom

Floyd noticed JD behind Boom smirking at him in a teasing way.

Floyd: John will you stop smirking at me like that...

JD: Oh come it's just a tiny tease..

Bruce: JD stop talking before I punch you..

JD: Ouch.. That hurt me dear brother

Bruce: Good, and stop being dramatic ;)

*Everyone laughed especially JD*

Viva: Well..We still have more time to skate, you guys still wanna race around the ring?

Ablaze: Ok, the loser has to put the skates away later

Everyone agreed and raced around the ring. They were having so much time especially Floyd cause he finally learned something new and fun.. Surprisingly, Floyd won the race and Boom lost..

Branch: Wow Boom, you lost to a beginner?

Boom: Huh.. Even I'm surprised.. You were amazing Floyd!!

Floyd: Thanks, but I guess it was just beginner's luck..

Ablaze: Didn't seem like beginners luck to me.

Everyone left the ring and took off their skates.

Branch: Ya sure you can handle this on your own Boom?

Boom: Yeah, besides what was the purpose of the race if you helped the loser with his punishment?

Bruce: Alright we'll leave then, if you need help you know where to find us.

Everone left and went to the Karaoke set.

Boom started picking up the skates to return them to the shelves, Floyd stayed behind and began to help

Boom: I told you, I got it covered plus, you won the race.

Floyd: Pfft.. Like I care about that, besides I like to help, I'm the sensitive one remember

Boom: Oh, so you're saying you have pity on me?

Floyd: What? N-non that's not what I meant I-..

Boom started laughing and was Blushing again

Boom: Don't worry Floyd, I was just kidding..

Floyd: Geez you had me fooled for a second there..

Floyd and Boom talked while cleaning up the skates there were a lot so they just carried as much as they could hold and went back to carry more, while they were grabbing the last pair of skates, NSYNC was about to go over to Boom to help him..

Ablaze: Hype do we really have too? I mean he lost the race and even insisted on cleaning on his own..

Hype: Come on guys, we can't just leave him there cleaning the mess himself..

Trickee: He's got a point

While they were heading to Boom, they saw him and Floyd cleaning together. They hid behind a wall and listened to their conversation

Boom: Thanks again for helping me clean, even though you were the one who won the race.

Floyd: Do I really have to repeat saying I'm not gonna leave you here to clean by yourself

Boom: Maybe~

They both Giggled and was about to clean up the last pair of shoes, Floyd accidentally dropped a roller skate.

Floyd: Oops sorry I'll get it..

Boom: Don't worry I got it-

Floyd was about to grab the skate when suddenly Boom's hand rushed and held Floyd's hand instead of the skate. The two then looked at each other and blushed..

Boom: O-Oh!! S-Sorry I didn't mean too..

Floyd: Oh, don't worry about it..

They both smiled at each other. Boom then noticed NSYNC hiding behind a wall watching them and Boom gave an embarrassed look. Trickee took a piece of paper and a market from his hair wrote something down, he showed it to Boom and it said "Ask him out already!!" Boom stopped and took a deep breath, he then got up and asked Floyd..

Boom: Hey Floyd?

Floyd: Yeah?

Boom: I was wondering if-

Boom was soon cut off when Clay started shouting at them.


Floyd: Don't worry we're almost done!! Sorry, what were you saying again?

Boom stopped and stuttered a bit, soon he changed his mind.

Boom: N-nothing, forget about it..

Floyd: Oh.. Umm. O-ok... We should probably put these away now..

Boom: Heh. Yeah....

Boom and Floyd got up and put the last pair of Skates away, NSYNC had an unproud face. After Floyd and Boom Cleaned up they went to the others..  Floyd noticed Branch's band behind the wall..

Floyd: Oh, Hey guys!! Why are you hiding behind a wall?

Boom got scared and NSYNC was thinking of an excuse to tell..

Ablaze: We were just... Coming over to Boom to help when we felt a cold breeze and decided to hide and stay warm!

Floyd: Umm... Ok then.. Since we are done with cleaning let's go meet up with the others!

The Band and Floyd went to Brozone and we're waiting for them to finish cleaning so they could start singing..

Poppy: Hey, what took you guys so long?

Boom: There were a lot of skates to clean up..

Viva: Told you, you needed an extra hand but you insisted no.

Boom: Fine, next time I will let you guys help me..

Bruce: Enough talking so we can get this party started!!

Everyone except JD and Floyd went over to the Karaoke machine..

JD: So.. Did he ask you out while you were helping him~?

Floyd: How'd you know I was helping him?

JD: I have the eyes of an Eagle lil bro..
I saw everything that happened back at the ring..

Floyd: I'm scared of you now.. But no he didn't ask me out.

JD: Drag darn it..

Floyd: Let's just.. Forget about it and have some fun singing

JD: Yeah., I guess you're right..

They both went over to the karaoke machine and picked out their songs.. After some time it was Boom's turn to sing..

Trickee: What are you gonna sing Boom?

Boom: You'll see

Boom went over to the machine and picked out one of the songs they wrote (I'll never stop By:NSYNC)

Branch: Seriously Boom, that song?

Boom: Ofc, and why not? I've missed this song..

Hype: Alright then, go ahead Boom!

Boom started singing when the music was on.

While Boom was singing, Floyd was admiring Boom's amazing Voice as he sang.. JD sat next to Floyd and started chatting..

JD: You feeling lovestruck again?

Floyd: A bit..

JD: Don't worry Lil Bro you got this, all you gotta do is stay cool and ask him out...

Floyd: You know it's already hard to stay cool while talking to him sometimes right?

JD: Yeah yeah, just remember to breathe and be yourself, like how you did when you were helping him with the skates earlier..

Floyd: Thx and "Be myself?" Is that really you John Dory?

JD: Hey I'm still trying to be a good brother here..

They both laughed as Booms song ended. After Boom it was Floyd's turn, he went to the machine and Played a song he made (Easy By: Troye Sivan/his voice actor).

JD: Easy? Never heard that before..

Floyd: It's just something I wrote for fun.

Everyone was surprised when they headed him say that.

Bruce: You wrote a song!?

Floyd: Yeah, it probably sounds bad..

Poppy: No way it will, just go on and sing, we wanna hear it!!

Everyone cheered as Floyd played the song, and was about to sing.

As he was singing, everyone was shocked at how Beautiful the melody and music was especially Boom, he was lovestrucked as Floyd sang his heart out to the sound, Boom's heart beated fast while listening to Floyd's voice.. After Floyd was done singing, everyone was speechless..

Floyd: Umm... You guys ok...?

Trickee: Dude.. That... Was...

Hype: AMAZING!!!!!



Bruce: You're a better song writter than John Dory.

JD: That I can agree on..

Everyone kept giving compliments about Floyd's song and Floyd felt uncomfortable. Boom noticed and decided to help him..

Boom: Guys stop, your making him uncomfortable..

Branch: Oh! Sorry Floyd, we didn't mean to...

Floyd: That's alright.. I just don't like people crowding me that much..

Viva: Hey you could just tell to back of you need too..

Poppy: Yeah we don't mind...

Floyd: I'll keep that in mind.

Viva: Hey! We're not that tired yet, why don't we camp on the beach!

Ablaze: Good thing we brought sleeping bags.

JD: Why did you guys bring sleeping bags to a tiny Vacation?

Hype: You never know if you need to stay overnight outside..

JD: Huh.. You guys are prepared..

Trickee: Sure are..

*High Fives Ablaze*

Clay: Hey where did Boom go?

Ablaze: I don't know, he said he'll be back in a minute..

Clay: Oh, ok then...

Bruce: Enough talking, let's go set up our camp.

Floyd: You guys go ahead, I need to use the bathroom first

Bruce: Alright, come on guys!

Everyone except Floyd went to the beach to set up their camp. Floyd had a tiny problem looking for the bathroom.. He wandered around the place for a little while.(turns out Vacay Island had tiny sized rooms and bathrooms for tiny guest's like the trolls.) While looking for the bathroom he found a door, he opened it and saw Boom looking for something..

Floyd: Boom?

Boom turned around and saw Floyd  looking confused

Boom: Floyd? What are you doing in here?

Floyd: Looking for the bathroom, you?

Boom: Also looking for something.. I could've sworn I left it somewhere around here...

Floyd: What is it?

Boom: My special hug time bracelet...

Floyd: Hug what?

Boom: Uh.. Hug time Bracelet... It dings every hour telling you to hug somebody, we call it hug time everyone knows that..

Floyd: Not me.. I grew up somewhere else for the past 20 years..

Boom: First I've met a troll who doesn't know what hug time is.

Floyd: There are a lot of things I've missed out on..

Boom: Yeah, Heh..

Floyd heard a ding and saw a glowing light behind Boom, he went over to that light and found a bracelet..

Floyd: Is this it?

Boom: Yeah, it is.. Phew you're a life saver Floyd..

Floyd: No problem, Why is it special to you anyways?

Boom: It was given to me by an old friend that died..

Floyd: Oh, I'm sorry for your loss...

Boom: that's ok it wasn't your fault.

Floyd: But still I'm sorry....

Boom thought that Floyd apologizing to something he didn't do was cute..

Boom: Well since I found my bracelet, I can help you look for the bathroom now.

Floyd: Don't worry, I was just looking for the bathroom so I wouldn't get lost finding it next time we come here..

Boom started laughing and so did Floyd they both got up and looked at each other blushing a little..

Floyd: So.. What were you going to ask me earlier while we were cleaning outside the skating ring?

Boom: Oh..Uhm.. That..I'll tell you on the way out..

Floyd: Ok, also the guys decided to camp outside at the beach.. You brought your sleeping bag?

Boom: How'd you know?

Floyd: Ablaze Told us you guys were prepared..

Boom: Of course he did

Boom was about to open the door when suddenly he couldn't open it. The door handle was broken and they were both locked in..

Boom: Uhm Floyd... We have a problem..

Floyd: What is it?

Boom: The door won't open and, we're locked in here..

Floyd: What!?

To be continued..
Sorry I unpublished the story cuz it kept published my unfinished chapters
Word count: 23678 T-T
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
I'll publish a new chapter in a day or two..
*If there were any grammar mistakes just read on you think is the right grammar, and sorry if there were any missing word mistakes*

Also sorry that I keep updating the chapters 😔

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