Camp out

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(I don't own trolls and this is a fan made ship for Floyd.. Ok frick this let's just continue:∆)

The group went on the beach and started setting up their tents (Bruce gave them their own tents while they were setting up the camp)

Poppy: Alright I guess that's the last of it..

Hype: Oh man, setting up these tents are confusing..

Trickee: Don't be lazy Hype.

Viva: Ok since everyone's done setting up their tents, let's play a game..

Bruce: What game?

Clay: Oh, how about "Never have I ever"

Floyd: Sound fun

Poppy: Yeah, we should play that.

Viva: Ok then, we should ask the others for more game suggestions..

Poppy: Alright..

Floyd sat near the sea shore for a bit and JD sat next to him.

JD: So.. What happened when you were locked in the room with him?

*he said while smirking* Floyd blushed as he looked at JD's annoying face.

Floyd: Will you stop smirking at me.

JD: I will, once you tell me everything that happened.

Floyd: Nothing happened, we just talked and asked each other questions.

JD: Oooh, nice way to get to know him better..

Floyd: But there was this one thing that happened..

JD: What is it?

Floyd: I don't think he wants other people to know..

JD: Oh, alright then it's cool if you don't.. But I just know..

Floyd: Know what?

*JD gave out a giant grin*

JD: Did you guys make out in that room?

Floyd suddenly turned into a tomato when he heard JD.

JD: *Gasp* YOU DID!!

Floyd: N-no we didn't!!!!

JD: Oh yeah you did...

Floyd: We didn't, shut up man.

JD: Ok ok you didn't, happy?

Floyd: Yes now please shut up..

Clay: Hey what are you guys shouting about?

Floyd: N-nothing, it's nothing Clay..

Clay: Oh really, why did I hear JD say the word "Make out" then?

JD and Floyd started worrying and were thinking of an excuse..

JD: We.. Ummmm

Clay: Spill the beans you two..

Floyd: I- fine.....

JD: Ya sure Floyd?

Floyd: We don't have a good excuse..

Clay: Just tell me already..

Floyd: I Have A Crush On Boom Ok!

The three were silent when Floyd told Clay..

Clay: You.... Have a crush....ON BITTY B's BAND MATE!?

Floyd: Shut up, they might hear you!!

Clay: Oh my god..... WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER!!

JD and Floyd were shocked yet confused at the same time..

Vacay Island Incidents (Floom)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora