By LoLmyisYUGi

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Somewhere in earth, it was peaceful day for the Malto family having their time in the picnic out in the wilde... More

Chapter 1: Ship's Arrival
Chapter 2: Mysterious Bots
Chapter 3: Corner Them

Chapter 4: Captured

332 14 8
By LoLmyisYUGi








Y/n and the others were running on the grassy field to their escape as they ran to their freedom. N look Y/n, feeling like something is wrong about the situation earlier as if he felt like it wasn't right to do that and try to talk it out with those big bots. 

N began thinking while V notice that and spoke out. "Are you still thinking about the event earlier? We didn't have a choice and needed to survive." V stated, running next to N as she look at him. "But, we could have at least talk it out with them. Maybe they will listen to us and let them help us about our situation." N said as he turn to look at V. 

"Even if we could, they will send us off to those humans and use us as experiment just like what happened before!" V stated as N felt like reality just slap into him. 

N didn't think through and realize that but.............it didn't matter to him since he just wanted his friends to be safe and hopefully they could live peacefully and regain their memories.

"Even if it did happened............we still made it through here and I know that for a fact that Y/n lost her voice box just because she protected us from those bad people and got torture for days as well me to save that unknown person from getting torture by them." N said, backing his reason to V. 

Y/n, Uzi, and J heard this as they listen to their conversation. J and Uzi look over their shoulder to see N trying to reason with V while Y/n look forward, listening to their conversation. 

When V was about to retorted back at him, a sudden blast of lasers was heard as Y/n turn to see lasers were thrown at them. She quickly transform and use her spider-like appendages to grab the others before leaping away from the lasers that were thrown at them. Y/n held V and J in her arms while her appendage held onto N as she look at where the lasers are firing at.

She then saw a group of humans firing at them while some are headed their way towards them followed by those same big bots that tried to stop them from jumping off the cliff. Y/n put everyone down while she carry Uzi and motion them that they need to get moving before they catch up to them. 

They all comply and follow her as they all run to the other direction. "Scrap! They're always finding us!" J shouted as she look to the side to see them transform into vehicles. "Not to mention! They can transform into vehicles which they can keep up with us!" Uzi stated with sarcasm and gesture her hands in the air as they all ran. "Well.......now that you mention that, how do they transform into cars?" N asked as they all turn to him with a really look. 

N notice that they were looking at him as he sheepishly rub his neck. "Is that a bad timing?" N said as they all look at him. "Definitely." J, V, and Uzi stated, bluntly while Y/n just straight up look at him. 

N sheepishly smile at them until a sudden vroom was heard as they all turn to see a truck coming at them before transforming into that same big bot that was trying to stop them. "Ah scrap........!" Uzi stated as Y/n took out her knife blades and threw at the big bot. 

Optimus notice this and dodge it the blades that were thrown at him as he look over at the unknown black leather suit bot. "This is gonna be difficult if this bot is defending them......." Optimus thought as his mouthpiece cover half of his faceplate. 

"Elite-1 and Arcee. Are you both position?" Optimus com them. "Yes, we are in position." Eilte-1 responded back to him. "Wheeljack, are you in position?" Optimus com Wheeljack. "In position, Optimus." Wheeljack responded as Optimus look at the unknown bots. "Very well then, proceed with plan. We cannot let them escape." Optimus stated which made the Autobots comply to his words and proceeded with the plan. 

Y/n and the others kept on running through the grassy field as Optimus follow them. Arcee and Elite-1 made their way towards the unknown bots, making V notice that they were trying to gang up on them. "Y/n! They're trying to gang up on us!" V stated for Y/n to hear which caught her attention to see the 2 pink vehicles are trying to close on them as if they are trying to corner them. 

Y/n turn her head and gesture V and J to calm down and let her think through this which made them both nod.

Y/n turn her head and began to think why are they trying to corner them instead of capturing them unless..................

An realization came into her mind when she saw a line of bomb separate from each other as if they were trying to break them apart by separating them. She then notice that they were trying to divide and capture all at once as she tried to figure something out. 

Optimus look at the unknown bots then towards his companions with a small nod which they notice and signal Wheeljack who was on the sidelines. Wheeljack notice their signal and gave a thumbs up as he went to press the red button. 

As he click on the red button, he then ran for cover as the beeping sound began to speed up until it started to explode, making Optimus and the others ran for cover. Y/n saw the explosion as they all dodge for cover which separates them.

Y/n pull Uzi and cover her letting the impact hit herself instead of Uzi while the others cover themselves from the impact of the bomb explosion. Y/n and Uzi landed on the right side while the others landed on the left side, leaving Optimus and the others slowly get up to see the situation. 

Uzi groan and rub her head while Y/n shook her head and turn to Uzi, wondering if she's alright. Uzi gave her a okay sign which made Y/n nod as she heard loud vroom coming to them. She then turn her head to see a couple of vans stopping their tracks and humans coming out as she quickly got up and protect Uzi.

The humans got out and took out their guns and tranquilizers and aim at them as Y/n transform her hands into guns to aim at them as well. Uzi slowly sat up and heard a loud stomping footstep as she look up to see those big bots, making her stand up and held her guard up. 

She then pick  up a rock and held it as if she was protecting herself from those big bots from harming Y/n, who is she very fond with. Optimus's mouthpiece was uncover as he stood there while Croft and Dot came out to the scene. "Stop right there! Put your weapons down or we'll force you to put your weapons down!" Croft stated, clearly as Dot look at them. 

They look like an average human robot, holding their ground and protecting themselves from them which she realize something. They were wearing actual human clothes from the looks of her prespective as Dot question them. "Humans clothes.......? Just what on earth are they.........?" Dot thought as she look at them. 

Meanwhile with V, N, and J, they were slowly sitting up and softly rubbing their head from the impact as N began to look around to find Uzi and Y/n. His yellow neon eyes soon spotted Y/n and Uzi standing up while the humans and the big bots try to surround them as he called out to them. "Uzi! Y/n!" N called which made Uzi and Y/n heard him. 

Uzi turn to see N and the others slowly sitting up while Y/n look over to see them alright, but felt worry about them. Y/n almost felt angry about this as she turn her head to look at them humans, reving up her guns which made Dot and Croft heard it. "Put your weapon down bot!" Croft shouted as her gun aim at the unknown bot who was aiming at them. 

Just before Y/n could shoot, Optimus intervene them with his voice as he stops them. "Croft! Put the weapons down!" Optimus shouted as Croft look at him and the Autobots coming in. 

Then, came by Megatron and the others as they all transform into bots to gather around the situation. Alex, Robby, and Mo also came out as well as Dot notice them, realizing that they are fine and safe from harm. Mo notice her mother and began to ran towards her as well Alex and Robby as they went to her. They went straight for a hug as Dot hug them, knowing well that they are safe and sound. 

After a couple seconds of hugging, they let go the hug and began to turn to see the unknown bots aiming their guns at the soldiers. Optimus came in and told Croft that they will deal with this in their own way as he went in front of the unknown bots. 

Y/n notice it as she move her gun towards Optimus, making him surrender and went down on one knee. "We come in peace. We are not here to harm you in any way, little bots." Optimus said as Uzi look at him. "We're not little bots, you Mr. Big Bot! We're god dam-" Uzi said until her sentence was silence by Y/n who stop her from speaking out what they are. 

Optimus question this as the unknown black leather suit bot held their guns at him, not saying anything. "You may put your weapons down, little bot. We're not here to harm you and your friend any way. We'll try to work things out between us. I'm Optimus...............the leader of the Autobots. What is your name?" Optimus said, looking at the unknown black leather suit bot who was still pointing their guns at him. 

Y/n didn't say anything which Uzi notice and turn to the big bot named Optimus. "They don't speak and won't tell you their name." Uzi bluntly stated as she look at Optimus. "I see..........perhaps you could tell us what's your name and your friends' name?" Optimus said, suggesting to the female bot as Uzi question this. 

Uzi turn to Y/n as she look over and slightly shook no which made Uzi nod her head and face Optimus."I would rather not. It's none of your business." Uzi bluntly stated as Optimus felt like this is gonna be hard. 

Megatron look at them and decided to step in to do the talking until guns started firing as the humans began to get cover and began shooting at the direction that was shot at. Croft and the others hid behind the van as they all look over to see those 2 unknown bots are firing at them. 

V and J started firing shots at them, hoping to distract them and let Uzi and Y/n escape. Y/n took notice of it and grab Uzi by the hand and started running towards them. Optimus and Megatron notice this and tried to stop them until knife blades were thrown at them, making protect themselves.

They both look to see the unknown black leather suit bot were throwing knife blades at them as they cover their friend to escape with the others. Bumblebee, Arcee, and Elite-1 went to help them by capturing one of the unknown bots but, Y/n notice this and throw shurikens bombs at them. 

Bumblebee and the others notice it and try to dodge it, but it exploded before they could dodge it as it impact them to the ground. Uzi look over her shoulder see that Y/n was fighting all by herself with those big bots as N came up to her and grab her hand. "Come on, let's go! We need to get away!" N said, holding her hand as Uzi turn to him. "What about Y/n?! We can't just leave the others here especially Y/n?!" Uzi said, seriously to N who look to over to see Y/n fighting  against those big bots.

N was hesitating and V called N and Uzi out to hurry up and get going while they deal with this. "Will you guys get going?! We don't have much time! Get going before they capture us!" V stated, seriously about the situation as she began shooting at the humans. "Just go! We'll follow behind like always!" J stated as she kept on shooting at the black vans and humans. "They're always getting on my nerves......" J mumbled to herself as she eye over to Y/n who was doing just fine dealing with the Autobots. 

Y/n threw a bunch of blades at Optimus and the Autobots as Optimus tried to compromise with her. "Please listen to me! We'll help you and your friends! There's no reason to fight!" Optimus called as he dodge the blades and kept a safe distance from the mysterious bots. Y/n didn't say anything as she dodge the laser attack with a flip and look to see that same yellow bot who help Megatron and the others especially humans. 

That name and that face........Y/n couldn't help but felt resentful and angry from this......this ungrateful con who rule over their years of their freedom and especially his terror. Her hands clench the sight of this con fighting with these other bots as she swiftly took out her dagger and ran towards Megatron. 

Megatron, who seem to notice this and seem to realized that this bot in the black leather suit and helmet was feeling mad as if they wanted to revenge or something. He knew that these drones that were under their control and command were in deeply wounded and hurt from the times that he regain over them. 

He wanted to apologize and go back in time to forgive everything and the terror that he cause them to be like this as he stood there. Megatron realize that this feeling will not go away regarding how much damage he caused them as Y/n jump to attack him.

Just before Y/n could attack Megatron, a sudden laser attack hit her which Y/n heard before turning and blocking the attack, leading her get hit and push. She landed safely and away as she slowly look up to see one of the Autobots aka Elite-1 as she stood her ground. 

As much Y/n was kill Megatron, but that will have to wait since her friends are in trouble right now. She quickly put her blades on her waist before switching her hands into guns as she ran towards Elite-1. Elite-1 notice and started shooting at her as Y/n dodge them altogether before going an attack against her. 

Elite-1 notice this and began to block the attack until Y/n started shooting at her, hoping that she move out of the way. Y/n jump over her while shooting from above, flipping over her whole body in midair just above her helm as she shoot. 

She then landed safely behind her as Y/n quickly ran with the others, leaving Elite-1 behind. Elite-1 uncover herself to see the mysterious black leather suit bot running towards her friends as she quickly went after them. 

Y/n, however, heard loud footsteps coming from behind as she look over to see that same pink bot that she just attack earlier. "Again......?" Y/n thought as she ran before making a break stop. Elite-1 notice this as Y/n switch her hand into grappling taser. 

Elite-1 began running at her until Y/n turn and shoot her grappling taser at her chassis, making Elite-1 shock in advance. She was taser by Y/n as she suddenly fell down to the ground, feeling the zap throughout her body until she was done. 

Y/n retrace her grappling taser back before turning it back into a gun as she spotted another pink bot coming her way with gun shooting at her. Y/n quickly ran and went to her friends, leaving Arcee to go help Elite-1. "Hey Elite-1! Are you alright?" Acree said as Elite-1 groan in pain. "I'm fine. Didn't expect that to happen........" Elite-1 said as she held her chassis before looking up to see the unknown black leather suit bot defending her friends. 

Arcee look over to them before helping Elite-1 up as she spoke. "Well, we better get moving and patch you up to Wheeljack right now. Optimus and the others will deal with them." Acree said as Elite-1 gave her a small nod before they both leave the battlefield. 

As for the others, Bumblebee was shooting at the unknown bots in field with Optimus and Megatron including the Terrans as he tried to aim at them. V and J were shooting at them while Y/n cover for them as she began to switch her guns into missile gun. 

Y/n then quickly turn and prepare to shoot at them as Optimus realize something. "Everybody get down!" Optimus shouted as he turn to look at everyone. Dot and the Terrans realized that the unknown black leather suit is about to missile at them. "Everybody cover!" Dot shouted as Y/n began to shoot the missile at them. 

The missile began to fly towards them as they all ducks or cover while Y/n switch her missile gun to her hands. Y/n quickly grab J and V, making her start running towards N and Uzi who realize that they need to leave now as they all began running.

Optimus and the others know this as the missile landed towards them, leaving them duck for cover. The missile swiftly landed towards the trees, breaking and destroying everything as Dot shook her head and look over to see the black explosion mark. She realize that these unknown bots are very different from the Decepticons as she turn to see everybody was alright. 

Meanwhile, Croft shook her head and look to see the unknown bots running away as she called out on her radio. "Dispatch! I repeat! Dispatch the helicopters and follow those bots!" Croft stated as the people com back. "Affirmative." The person said as the helicopter flew towards where the unknown bots are at. 

Megatron seem to notice the helicopter heading it's way towards the unknown bots as he realize the humans are gonna do something to them. He quickly got up and start running towards as Optimus notice Megatron running after the unknown bots. Optimus quickly got up and started running followed by Bumblebee as the helicopter made its way to the unknown bots. 

The helicopter was circling around the unknown bots that were running as N and Y/n look up to see one of the humans opening the door and took out a missile launcher. Y/n realize that someone was gonna get hurt as she quickly thought of a plan. The human then shoot the missile launcher, but didn't expect Y/n to realize that it was net as she quickly threw V and J out of the way's harm. 

It wasn't until Y/n got caught instead of them as she quickly fell onto the ground, feeling the taser zapping her body while being cover by a net. J and V landed on the ground getting hurt in the process while Uzi and N stop and look over to see their friends hurt. "Y/n!" N shouted as J and V shook their head to see Y/n got captured. 

Y/n felt herself twitching from the net that was zapping her as her head slowly look at N and the others. Her head twitch a bit to see N and V coming for her to help her out as Y/n look at them. 

Just before V and N could help her out, Uzi notice the big bots are running towards them as she quickly grab V and N from going further. "Uzi! What are you doing?! We need to help Y/n!" N said as J grab V by the arm to stop. "We can't help Y/n! We need to go!" Uzi said as N turn to her. "We can't leave her! W-we......I-i......" N said as Y/n  tilt her head and look at him. V look at Y/n who tilt her head and twitch a bit as she slowly signal her hand to them to leave her. 

V stop struggling and realize that they need to leave as J look at Y/n, feeling like this isn't right...........

"N......?" Which made N stop to hear a robot-like female voice as he slowly turn his head to see Y/n tilt her head to the side. Y/n's head started twitching a bit as she gesture her hand to him that everything will alright. 

N didn't want to leave Y/n and try to help her, but V stop him as Uzi and J look at her. "We need to go.......they'll catch up to us." V said as N was about to retorted back until Y/n spoke. "N.......go........." Y/n said as her robot-like female voice called out to him to leave before they get capture as well. N turn back to Y/n to see a small yellow light saying "Go N.

As her head twitch once more while looking at him. "Go............." Y/n softly called out to him as the yellow light began to static. N didn't want to leave Y/n all by herself until V grab him and started running followed by Uzi and J who went after them as well. N felt himself broken by this as he watch Y/n's helmet screen twitch before her head soon lay on the ground. 

Her helmet began to static as Y/n lay there while her helmet screen proceed with a bold yellow word that says "Shut down.......". Y/n felt her body twitching as Megatron, Optimus, and Bumblebee got there to see the unknown bots running away while the black vans reach there in time. 

Y/n's body started to shut down as Megatron slowly turn his head to see the same unknown black suit bot got caught in the net as Croft came out of the van. She quickly ran where the net have caught the bot as she turn to the bot then at the other unknown bots. 

"We'll find their location and capture them." Croft said as the soldier nodded until Optimus spoke out. "No need, Croft. Leave them be. It's best to leave them alone for now." Optimus said as he turn to Croft who was against this idea. "Optimus, I-" "It's best that we stay put, Croft. We can't have anymore damages than we have right now. We have what we came for." Optimus responded, sternly back to Croft. 

Croft was hesitated by this, but gave in with a sigh as she turn to her group. "Alright, round up this bot here and put it in the back of the van for examination." Croft stated for the soldiers which they gave a nod as they quickly load the stuff to take the capture bot. 

Croft then radio back the helicopter to the headquarters while Megatron watch the soldiers came with the stuff to carry the bot back to headquarters as they slowly carry the bot and place it in a container.

Megatron stare at the unknown black leather suit bot as Optimus glance where the unknown bots went and turn to him. Optimus question this unknown black leather suit bot as he watch the soldiers place the bot in the container and lock it up before sending it back at the van. 

Megatron watch the humans took the unknown black leather suit bot inside the van and started driving off as he look at the bot with a bit worry and concern look on his face. Optimus seem to notice it and decided to ask Megatron to see if there's something going on between him and the mysterious bot. 

"Megatron.......is there something wrong?" Optimus asked as Megatron watch the van drove off. "No.......it's nothing, Optimus. We should be heading back to the headquarters." Megatron said as he shook it off as if it was nothing. 

He then tranform and fly off to follow the humans as Optimus felt concern for him. Optimus thought to himself that there's might be something wrong with Megatron as he look at him. 

"Megatron.............what are you trying to hide?" he thought as he watch Megatron and the others left to the headquarters.






A/N: Sorry for not updating much over my spring break time, but I have to visit my relatives for which I haven't seen them for a long time and took sometime to get to know them since they are staying here for a week before they leave. That's why I haven't been responding much here in wattpad, but since I'm able to get it back on track with my writing, I'll get some of my stories update some time later this month or next month. So, be ready for it, cause it's about to get crazy with new updates! ಥ_ಥ

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