Chapter 2: Mysterious Bots

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The bot stood there, awkwardly as Croft and Dot look at him. "You can speak English, right?" Croft stated as the bot nervously look at them. "Y-yeah! I can! Uh....." he said before drifting his eyes somewhere else until he look back at them once more. 

"So......uh can you tell me where am I?" he asked as Dot put her gun away. "Your on earth." Dot said as the robot look around his surroundings. "Earth.......huh?" he said, looking around before realizing that they're pointing guns at him. 

"Are you the only one in the ship or there are more others like you?" Croft asked, holding her gun as the robot felt very nervous of what to do. "U-uh no?" he said as Croft signal them to put their guns down. 

As they put their guns down, Dot felt something was wrong until gun started shooting from the direction of the ship. "Take cover!" Croft said as they both went into hiding, leaving the bot nervous and freak out that their plan was failed. 

Suddenly, another robot came out, but this time is female robot as she quickly ran towards the robots and the humans cutting off their guns before beating them up. 

Then, 2 more bots came out and fight against them as the robot took the ansty teen robot from going into battle. "Uzi! Just stop! We're not here to fight the humans." he said as Uzi raise a brow at this. 

Before she could speak, drones started to come and aim at them as the robot quickly took Uzi from getitng hurt. "Are you alright?" he said as Uzi rubs her head. "Yeah, I'm alright. Next time a little warning will do." Uzi said as he sheepishly rub his neck.

It wasn't until a drone was aiming at them as Uzi tried to cover him. "N! Duck down!" Uzi said as the drone aim at them. 

When the drone was about to click a button at them, suddenly something cut off the drone that was on the human as it landed on the ground with a thud as they both turn around to see a robot with a helmet on that covering up her whole face and a black leather suit. 

The bot look at them with a seriously look as N rub his neck at her. "Hehe, sorry about Y/n." which made Y/n shook her head as if she was lecturing him. She motion them that they need to get going while V, J, and her will take care of those humans. "Hey! At least, let me fight will the humans as well!" Uzi called as Y/n shook her head no. 

Then, came by a sudden blast at them as they dodge over to the other side as they all all on the ground. Y/n look up to see more drones coming in as she turn to N and Uzi to go while V, J, and her will come after them later. "But, wait! You promise me that we'll go through together! I can't just leave you here with the V and J." N said, seriously as Y/n pat his shoulder. 

She then turn to Uzi to care of N which Uzi notice and nod as she grab N's hand. "Come on, N. We gotta get moving." Uzi said as they went to the other direction to the forest. Croft notice and called the soldiers to go after those bots. "We got 2 robots running away! After them! We cannot let them let go!" Croft commanded as a couple of people went after them. 

When they were about to go after them, Y/n quickly came and kill all of them before they go could go after her companions. She turn to Croft and Dot with arm guns as she tilt her head with an almost angry look that was about to beat the shit out of them. She slowly walk over over there before zooming in fast on them as she got close to her face. 

YANDERE! EARTHSPARK TRANSFORMERS X READER: The Unknown BotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora