Kiyotaka X Hiyori [COTE]

By Sierra_NN

14K 421 129

First FanFic/ First Story I ever wrote. Hope you enjoy! :) Kiyotaka Ayanokoji a new first year at the ANHS wa... More

Ch. 1 - My New School
Ch. 2 - The Life of Class D
Ch. 3 - Meeting the Angel
Ch. 4 - Close Friends
Ch. 6 - First Expulsion
Ch. 7 - Cruise Ship
Not A Bad Announcement
Ch. 8 - Beach Fun🍋
Ch. 9 - Class D = Divided
Ch. 10 - Master Thief?
Ch. 11 - Betray
Ch. 12 - Sports Festival!

Ch. 5 - Growing Suspesions

952 34 2
By Sierra_NN

A/N - No way! I actually kept my word and released a new chapter in a couple of days! I must be in author heaven.😇 Jut messing with you this was pretty easy to write since its just some reactions from people about them hanging out and stuff. Well continue reading and it'll make sense later.

Horikita POV

It was a pretty average morning since I did my morning routine and did all my incomplete homework from yesterday. Except for the fact that I had to bump into Ryeun the tyrannical leader of Class C. It was inconvenient sure but what bothered me wasn't the fact that he had bumped into me, no he didn't even care. It showed on his face that what we were both looking at was insane. There standing in the lobby near the door where some couches to the left was Ayanokoji from my class and Hiyori Shinna from Class C. A few moments went by before they both walked out with her being to close for comfort next to Ayanokoji. It was pretty shocking but was more shocking was I heard next.

Ryeun - What is a loser like him doing walking with her? (Wait what? He didn't say kukuku)🤨

"I have no idea, but you want to follow them?" To be honest with you that wasn't the best thing to ask since you can never trust a snake but I had to ask. I wasn't expecting him to answer with a yes since he only trusted his class but I need to know what they are both doing with each other. I needed to know more about the leader of Class C in order to overtake them and eventually reach Class A.

Ryeun - ... Sure I want to follow them, but only if you agree not to tell anyone about this.

I nodded in agreement since it has been a while we walked out of the lobby and started heading to school. We tried blending in with other people walking, and tried to also hide and creep up to them to hear what they were talking about. It took us awhile but when we eventually made it close enough to hear it was pretty confusing.

Ryeun POV

It was kind of anticlimactic what I heard those two dumbasses talking about since it was just about books and how school life is going on. I was expecting to hear some good stuff like how class affairs are going and if there are any problems I can extort. We were nearing the school when I heard what I was waiting for.

Shinna - So Kiyotaka, how is your class doing? Is it ready for the midterms?

Ayanokoji - Why ask that Hiyori? Not that it matters but its going well, well maybe not really I expect 2 or 3 people get expelled.

'What ... the ... hell! How are these two on a first name basis?' I was pretty mad especially since Shinna doesn't let anybody call her by her first name. She doesn't even call anyone by their first names. But that doesn't matter as long as she can get some intel from other classes that's all that matters. They had us beat in the court case, but now knowing some people are going to be expelled from his class is going to be perfect.

We were almost near the entrance of the school so me and Horikita went our separate ways. I had to plan out how to get even more of those Class D defectives out of this school. 'My plan is going to be perfect kukuku'. (You know I had to add it at some point)

Ayanokoji POV

While we were walking I could sense that 2 people were following us. I couldn't believe that they were both stalking us, after all they are not even friends. Horikita and Ryeun have been stalking for a while but when me and Hiyori made it close to the entrance of the school they suddenly stopped and when in different directions. They were probably wondering what I was doing with her but that didn't matter at the moment cause Hiyori keeps nagging me about walking her to her class. After a while of walking and me buying some bread for a snack and lunch, we eventually made it to her class. I didn't want to attract attention so I just left her at the front door and started walking to my class. And a good thing to because I could hear a girl saying where she was and why she was later than usual.

After I stopped eavesdropping and made my way to my class I could sense some people looking at me, I knew some of them saw me and Hiyori in the lobby together. They were talking with some of their other friends and occasionally looking at me pointing their finger. I remember Matsuo telling me that in highschool that rumors can spread easily if your not careful. But overtime people care less about it and it goes away. Homeroom was about to start since I could see Mrs. Chabashira opening the door, I knew that the Midterms were tomorrow so she would probably tell us to study and pay attention during todays review.

Chabashira - Ok class quiet down. Today we will be doing a review and preparing for the midterms tomorrow. Any questions?

Yamauchi - Sae-chan~ do we have to do thisss.

'I can't believe he just calls her by her first name. I don't even think she likes him as a student.' It was pretty stupid of Yamauchi to tell the teacher that he doesn't want to study when he has the worst grades in the class. I don't know with what he's thinking but he needs to study if he wants to pass. After some glances were thrown at him and him just scoffing it off our teacher continued with the lesson.

(Time skip to end of class because it would be boring to write about studying...)

Chabashira - And that's the end of the review, please talk to me about any question or more reviewing in the teachers office. Have a nice lunch everyone.

And with that the class came to an end, it was lunch time so some friend groups just left and went to the cafeteria. I was about to head out because I wanted to try something called jelly on my bread until I heard a ping on my phone. I checked it out and it was Hiyori asking if we could eat lunch together. Since I had no one else to eat with I agreed and she said to meet up in 10 minutes at the vending machine near the cafe entrance. I went strait away since I had time to spare that is if someone didn't grab my uniform.

Horikita - Mind telling me what you were doing with Hiyori Shinna this morning.

"Its none of your business what I do with other classes."

Horikita - I think it is since I want to reach Class A and Class C is the first enemy. So I'm asking again what is your relation to her.

"... Since you want to know, we're just friends who share the same hobbies. Now if you'll let me, she invited me to eat lunch with her." And with that I just left walking in the direction of the cafe. I could hear her still talking to me but it was kind of annoying. 'What a bother, and here I all wanted was just a normal life...'.

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