D&D OC scenarios

By _Ryon_

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Random ideas of situations my D&D characters could be in More

Are We Married? - Lythrana
Lilith is back - Yadani 1.0
Before The BBEG - Yadani 1.0
Trance - Lythrana
Why Are You Crying - Yadani 1.0
Onwards! - Yadani 1.0
I Can't Dance - Yadani 1.0
The Ball - Yadani 1.0
Meeting the In-Laws - Lythrana
A New Season - Aracard
He's Nice to Me! - Yadani 1.0
I'm Back! - Lorkhan
Trust - Lythrana
Not Yet - Lythrana
Scouting Mission - Yadani 1.0
Trust - Yadani 2.0
A Nightmare - Yadani 2.0
If Only... - Yadani 2.0
Interview w/ my OCs - Aracard
Interview w/ my OCs - Kithara
Who Did This To You? - Yadani 2.0
Halloween Party - Yadani 2.0
Interviews w/ My OCs - Khaota
Breakfast - Khaota & Kithara
Hangover - Jett & Yadani
Interviews w/ My OCs - Yenna
Interviews w/ My OCs - Raynix
Interviews w/ My OCs - Jett
One day... - Jett (Belladonna)
How I Met Auketh - Lorkhan
Moments Before Disaster
See Him Again - Lorkhan & Auketh
Reunited - Lorkhan & Auketh
Two Worlds Collide - Yadani & Crawly
Don't Jump - Gwen & Gwaine
When we're 400 - Zephia
Can't Take His Eyes Off of You - Zephia & Clicks

More Than Friends - Raynix & Yadani

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By _Ryon_

The streams of tears felt ice-cold as the air rushed against Yadani's face. Her steps were rapid and desperate. Her hair flowed and swished behind her wildly. She could barely see anything ahead of her as more tears filled her eyes and made her vision go misty. The woman never even realised that she'd entered some random woodland until her foot got caught in a root, sending her plummeting to the ground. 

She couldn't even bring herself to stand. Yadani managed to free her foot, but that was all she could manage. She just lay in the grass and dirt and moss, crying. She was so tired of everything. The people in her life looking at her like a trophy, an idiot, or an object. All she'd ever known was that acting a certain way gets you a bed for the night and a roof over your head. But she was so tired. She hated sharing a bed with random strangers or having to avoid walking in busy streets or buildings, lest she be caught and harassed.

So, she cried. She didn't know what to do anymore. She she couldn’t go home, and even if she could, she doubted Kurt and Cecilia would exactly be proud of what she had become. She had no one and nothing. No one in the world to miss her if she just stayed there in the dirt forever. 

"Uh hey, excuse me?"

The purple-haired woman gasped and quickly sat up, wiping the tears away from her eyes to see who had spoken to her, "S-sorry, a-am I in- in your way--?"

The whole world seemed to stop as soon as their eyes met. Before her stood a man, around the same age as her, with blazing, bright orange hair, and pale, bronze-ish skin. His irises were milky-white while his sclera was a dark, ebony black. He was dressed in a black tunic, black pants, a purple waistcoat, white gloves, and bright yellow boots. 

But the main things that caught Yadani's attention were the slim but strong, upward-pointing horns atop his head, and the tail swaying behind him. The man's tail matched his skin colour, and the horns went from a rich, red colour, then faded to an orange-y yellow. 

The two of them didn't speak for about a full minute. There was something there. Something neither had felt for another person before, or at least not this strongly. More than friendship, more than romantic attraction. Almost like they were destined to meet each other, or maybe they knew each other from another life. 

"Uh, a-are you okay?" The Tiefling finally asked, blinking a few times to snap himself out of his thoughts.

"O-oh um...well, I guess I can't say yes, heh, I must look like a mess."

"I've seen worse. Mind if I sit with you?"

"I uh...sure."

The man smiled kindly and sat beside Yadani. His smile made Yadani feel warm...it made her feel safe. She'd interacted with this person for less than two minutes, and she already felt safer with him than she had in about ten years. There was just something about him. 

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"It's nothing, really. I don't wanna bother you, I mean, I'm a total stranger."



"My name. It's Raynix."

"Oh, right. I'm Yadani."

"There, now we're not strangers. Plus, I don't mind. You wouldn't be bothering me."

"I just..." Yadani sighed, "I'm just tired. I don't know where I am, I haven't known in years, I just wander from place to place. I'm scared of everything and everyone. All I know is my magic. I'm not strong, I'm not smart, I haven't got any friends, I'm not pretty. I just...I want to go home. Jeez, you must think I'm pathetic."

Yadani buried her face in her hands, feeling guilty for unloading her troubles on this random guy and feeling embarrassed for not being strong enough to handle herself. 

"Don't take this the wrong way, but a lot of that was pretty silly."

Yadani blinked, moving her hands away from her face, revealing a confused and baffled expression, "What?"

"Well, if you have magic, I'd say that makes you pretty darn strong. You've survived all by yourself in the common realm for years with no home, that also makes you pretty darn strong. Plus, you're probably way smarter than you think you are. Even if it's not book-smarts, it still counts. And I bet you are pretty under all that mud."

Yadani paused for a moment before laughing. She couldn't help it. He was just...funny. She took out one of her instruments and played it softly, casting prestidigitation on herself to clean herself off. 

"Yup, I was right. You're totally pretty. Also, you don't have to worry about not having friends. I'm here now, I'll be your friend!"

"That's sweet, but you don't have to say that."

"I know I don't, but I have a good feeling that you're a cool person. Now come on, get up." He declared, getting to his feet enthusiastically.

Yadani looked at him with confusion, "What? Why? Where are we going?"

"You are in desperate need of cheering up, and I, being the amazing hero that I am, am going to provide."

He smiled brightly and extended his hand to Yadani. His smile was contagious as her own facial expression began to match his, and she took his hand. Raynix pulled Yadani to her feet and led her through the woods. At first, it looked like they were just going in completely random directions, but eventually, they came across two large trees that stood parallel. They looked just a little too identical to be normal, but were the type of thing you could easily walk right past if you weren't paying attention.

Raynix turned back to Yadani, smiling with clear excitement, "Ready to have your mind blown?"

"I suppose?"

They walked in between the two trees. It was like Yadani had blinked and travelled to another universe. Her surroundings were the same but completely different. There was suddenly a bustling town with cobbled paths and beautiful buildings. The streets were alive with Brownies, Pixies, Fairies, Dryads, Elves, other Nymphs, and Satyrs. People were sat by fountains and reading, grown-ups were showing magic tricks to children, and people at stalls were calling out to the people walking by.

But the best part, not a single one, seemed to care that Yadani was there. No side glances, no catcalls, no staring. She was just there, same as anyone else. 

"There you are! I swear, I look away for one minute, and you just poof away! You're gonna give me grey hair!" 

Yadani jumped and turned towards the voice. A remarkably short Brownie woman seemed to be walking towards Raynix, looking stern but happy. He laughed and waved when he saw her.

"Hey, ma. You know how I get, I'm sorry."

"Mhm, I bet you are."

Her big, kind eyes soon landed on Yadani. The Nymph shuffled slightly behind her new friend and awkwardly waved, but the Brownie woman just smiled at her.

"And who might this be?"

"Um...Yadani, ma'am."

"Aw, no need to be so shy! It's lovely to meet you. Are you new to town? Oh, you're so pretty!"

"I um- Thank you uh, n-no I'm just visiting heh."

"Aw, such a shame. Poor girl, you look like you haven't had a decent rest in weeks! Raynix, take her home and let her freshen up, okay?"

"Is that okay with you?" Raynix asked.

"I...yes, thank you so much, that would be lovely."

"Oh please, it's no trouble at all! Anything to keep this one out of trouble."

The woman gently hit the back of her hand against Raynix's leg before hurrying off. Raynix began leading Yadani to his house and rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry about her, heh, she's real friendly."

"I think she's great."

"She is. I owe her my life. She found me as a baby. In a basket in a lake, if you can believe it."

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, that's horrible."

"Hey, I survived, didn't I? I'm lucky to have ended up here. My town is my family, I literally wouldn't be here without them."

"Wow...I'm glad you ended up being found here, then. Your ma did a good job at raising a son."

"Aw, you're gonna make me blush, Yadani."

"Hitting on the girls again, are you?" Another voice called.

Yadani looked around blindly to see where it came from but saw no one. It wasn't until she saw Raynix looking in a specific direction and followed his gaze that she noticed a Dryad woman lying on a low-hanging tree branch. 

"Lee, this is getting embarrassing now. You need to stop following me around like this."

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself."

The wooden woman climbed down from her spot with almost unnerving grace, long willow-like branches full of lush leaves hung from her head like beautiful, voluminous hair. She was gorgeous. Long, smooth, slender legs and arms, delicate and soft-looking hands, and piercing but phenomenal eyes, the colour of golden tree sap. 

"So what do they call you then?"

"U-uh...Y-Yadani." She managed to stammer, feeling like she should bow but managing to resist.

"Okay, she's adorable." Lee stated simply, looking at Raynix as she spoke before turning back to Yadani, "What's someone like you doing with him?"

"Hey! Ouch."

"Oh shush. Listen, girly, do me a favour, and don't feed his ego. He thinks of himself as quite the charmer."

"I am incredibly charming, not my fault."

Yadani couldn't help but giggle before nodding to Lee, "I promise I'll be careful."

"Just so you know I'm kidding. He's pretty cool, but don't tell him I said that." Lee whispered with a wink.

"I'm stood right here, Lee."

"Nah, you're crazy, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Suuure. I know you like me, really."

"Whatever you say, oh mighty hero of the Feywild."

Raynix rolled his eyes but smiled at her, and Lee smiled back. Yadani watched the two of them with envy but mostly with delight. She felt so warm while witnessing their dynamic. Lee eventually waved and headed off on her own way, and Raynix resumed his job of leading Yadani to his house.

For some reason, Yadani had expected some grand mansion, but it was a very simple, sweet, and cosy little town. Raynix's house was just like any other. As they walked inside, it was like the definition of comfortable. Plush couches and armchairs that looked well-used. Floral-patterned curtains were tucked to the side of the windows. The kitchen was stacked to the brim with food, plates, pots, pans, and bowls. Everything in the house had a step-stool or a small stepladder stood next to them - clearly for Raynix's mother to use. 

Yadani was snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of wood being dropped into the fireplace. She turned to see Raynix placing chopped longs down and then pointing at them. His glove began to glow a bright white colour before a tiny flame shot out from his forefinger and struck the logs, immediately creating a blazing fire.

Yadani sighed with relief and went to stand beside him, enjoying the warmth. The Tiefling noticed and smiled a little before taking a throw blanket off one of the armchairs and putting it around Yadani's shoulders for her.

"You can sit down if you'd like. Also, want me to brush your hair? I won't lie. It's kind of a mess from earlier."

Yadani gasped and touched her hair to check, instantly noticing that it felt knotted and out of place, "Oh no, I'm sorry. Agh, I met your mom and your friend like this, I'm sorry."

"Hey, you don't have to apologise, Yadani, I promise. Even Lee has bad hair days, and she doesn't even have hair."

Yadani couldn't help but laugh again, "I do not believe you. No way in a million years could she could have a bad hair day."

"It's true! Even a wonder to the eyes such as myself has been known to have one or two." He stated dramatically, in a joking tone.

Yadani faked a gasp, playing along, "No, never someone as perfect as you!"

"Oh yes, even me. It's hard to believe, I know."

Both of them looked at each other for about half a second before bursting into laughter. Raynix left the room for a moment before returning with a hairbrush and sitting behind Yadani. With surprising gentleness and skill, he took her hairstyle down with minimal pain and began brushing her hair for her. 

The Nymph allowed her eyes to slowly fall closed as the combination of the fire's warmth and Raynix's hair brushing practically melted her brain. Never in her life had Yadani been so relaxed. 

"I bet you use this move on all the girls."

"Oh yeah, all the time. I'm the talk of the town for my hair-brushing skills." 

"I'll bet. That and the hero-ing must make you practically royalty."

"Psh, please, the hero thing isn't really anything to get crazy about. I just did what anyone in my position would do."

"Don't downplay something like that, Raynix. These people clearly care a lot about you. It doesn't matter how or what happened. You're their hero, and not a lot of people can say that about themselves."

There was a pause for a few seconds, but Yadani could practically feel Raynix's smile.

"You're a kind person, Yadani. I'm glad we're friends." 

"Me too. I've never felt this safe before...not since I was about nine."

"Well, you're welcome back here anytime. If you need me or this place again, you'll find your way here."

"Thank you, Raynix."

"You're more than welcome."

Eventually, he had finished brushing Yadani's hair and had put it back into the style it was in before. The warm fireplace and Raynix's hair-playing had almost completely sent Yadani to sleep. So her newfound friend lifted her up with ease and carried her to his bed before pulling the blankets over her.

"Get some rest. See you when you wake up, Yadani."

"Mmm...see you...Ray...nix..."

He laughed softly through his nose before pulling the curtains closed, then leaving the room, flopping down onto the couch, and letting himself have a nap too. 

Both of them slept soundly and happily, excited to see their new companion once they woke up.

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