Two sparks, One pulse

By SoundStorm88

4.8K 172 346

On a scouting mission, Soundwave finds someone who he never thought he'd see again and starts showing a side... More

Chapter 1: Signal
Chapter 2: Pasts
Chapter 4: Trouble
Chapter 5: Growing
Chapter 6: Panic
Chapter 7: Enemies
Chapter 8: Friends
Chapter 9: Bonds
Chapter 10: Perceiving

Chapter 3: Present

600 23 62
By SoundStorm88

By the way, these first couple of chapters are going to be set before the beginning of Transformers Prime, meaning Megatron ain't there yet, there are only a few Autobots (I think) and stuffs changed. Also, I am going to be making changes to the timeline, meaning the Decepticons were on Earth for a while before the two sides finally clashed and I am going to be adding some characters from other continuities for ya know...


Back to the present 

Soundwave gave the command for Laserbeak and Ravage to reattach to his frame as he held the small sparkling tucked in his arms while he called for a groundbridge. Enigma looked up at him, tilting her helm with one small thumb stuck in her mouth and she gave a questioning click.

"Soundwave: Taking you to Nemesis." He said in his electronic voice. A little frown appeared on her face when she heard it. She reached up with one of her tentacles and pat his visor, wanting to see his face and hear his real voice. Her big brother simply held the tiny appendage, letting it curl around his servo while the blue and green vortex appeared in front of them and he walked into it.

The minute he stepped out, Soundwave looked down at the sparkling. She swayed in his arms, blinking rapidly. Knowing what was about to happen, he quickly leaned her over and let her throw up onto the floor as one usually does after their first time going through.

He looked up to see two vehicons staring at him from the controls. "Clean this mess," Megatron's voice growled from his visor and he started walking off, gently wiping Enigma's face clean as she gave a small groan, waiting for the nauseating feeling to pass.

Hitching her onto his shoulder and letting her grab onto his neck, he gently rubbed her back to help, feeling her small servos grab onto his neck cables and she buried her face in them. 

Soundwave made his way down the halls of the Nemesis to the medbay so he could check her over. He knew he'd have to do it by himself if there were no vehicons there, the team currently lacked an official medic, meaning he'd have to take care of everything that went wrong with his little sister.

"Soundwave!" A sharp, screechy, and annoying voice rang out behind him, "Report! What did you find?! And what are you carrying there?!"

The lanky navy mech didn't answer, turning slowly to look at Starscream as he stomped down the hall towards them. "Well?" He demanded, looking at Soundwave expectedly, "Are you going to report or just stand there like a buffoon?!"

But the communications officer did neither.

Instead, he carefully moved his arm in a way so that his little sister was hidden as he turned and walked away.

"Soundwave!" Starscream screeched but was ultimately ignored by said mech, more interested in Enigma than the demanding, self-proclaimed leader of the Decepticons.

Once out of sight, he removed the protective arm and looked down at her. She looked up at him and gave a small click, holding one servo over her ear. Sound just nodded and pat her helm, "Starscream: Annoying," He agreed.

Enigma just gave a little sigh and rested her helm sideways on his shoulder, sucking her thumb and turning a bit so she could see where they were going, looking at the halls and occasional vehicons that stared as they passed. None had expected to see a sparkling since basically all of them had been killed in the purge of Cybertron and even less expected her to be a little duplicate of the larger bot holding her.

She just giggled when a few did a double take, something that made Soundwave smile under his visor and rub her helm.

Finally arriving at the medbay, he put her down on one of the berths there, having to get her to sit still before he could quickly go and find what he wanted. Just a few tools to examine her with. After an examination when he first found her, he didn't see anything wrong but didn't want to take the chance with an underlying condition.

So, Soundwave just picked up a scanner and brought it back with a cube of low-grade. A quick check made him deduce he'd have to make the special energon used to feed sparklings since there was none on board but it was simple enough.

He kneeled down next to her and scanned the little sparkling, keeping her occupied by letting her play with some of his tentacles, watching her wrap her own little ones around and hug it. Sound just smiled and poked her stomach, causing her to laugh and grab at his digit.

There was the sound of footsteps outside and he heard his name being called again in that same screechy voice. Soundwave couldn't help but let out an annoyed sigh and got up, her scans showing she was alright. He quickly picked his little sister up and walked to the door. As it opened, three vehicons were walking past.

The navy mech alerted them, making the three look at him in confusion which was just amplified when they were handed a small femme and the cube. "Name: Enigma," He said as the one took her, "Request: Look after her."

"Uuuh, sure," The vehicon, whose serial number on the side of his neck read ST3V3. He carefully put her down in his arms, letting the sparkling hold onto his servo and chew on one of his digits as Soundwave walked away. 

He paused and turned back to them. Ravage was ejected and pattered over, "Second Request: Stay in medbay." Sound said, not waiting for them to respond before turning and walking away.

The three just shrugged and went in, the cyber Panther at their pedes and Enigma bouncing happily in ST3VE's arms.


After a while of dealing with Starscream and not giving him much context to the situation, the navy mech found himself walking back to the medbay slightly exhausted.

Soundwave opened the door to see two of the vehicons standing at attention, guns out and ready while they were facing away from the berth and the third sat on it, cooing and playing with Enigma on his lap.

"Are there's your little tootsies? They are your little tootsies! Are you a cutie sparkling? You are a cutie sparkling!" The vehicon said, tweaking her little pedes with a sing-song voice filled with baby talk he didn't think was possible. The little turquoise sparkling was giggling as she kicked her legs and tried to grab his servos.

Soundwave entered unnoticed by the one as he continued to play with her. 

The vehicon leaned down, curling his digits so the sharp points wouldn't hurt her and gently wiggling them against hers as she curled her tiny fists and did the same thing.

"Goochi goochi goochi goochi goochi GAH!" ST3V3 laughed, pulling his servos away and opening them at the last second. Enigma cried out happily and spread her arms and legs wide, mimicking his actions with her whole body and squealing as he picked her up and nuzzled her stomach.

Soundwave secretly smiled as he walked over. Ravage was the first to see him, giving him a toothy smile. The two vehicons then saw and parted for him, fully exposing their friend who was hugging the little femme.

"Status: Enigma?" He asked, getting the drone's attention. Soundwave was sure if they could smile, the one in front of him would be as he held out the sparkling for the navy mech to take. 

"All good," ST3V3 said and gave a thumbs up, "She's a little sweetspark."

Sound just nodded and tucked her into the crook of his arm, watching her grab his digit and play with it. He couldn't help but rub her chubby cheeks as Enigma giggled and smiled, purring a little while he did. He had one of his tentacles go out and grab the cube of low grade on the berth.

Soundwave looked at the vehicon who straightened up slightly, the two next to him doing the same.

"ST3V3: Request?" He asked. The vehicon looked at him and tilted his helm slightly, showing he was listening.

The navy mech turned his visor to him, "ST3V3: Take care of Enigma?"

The vehicons chassis swelled a bit as he inhaled but the glistening in his red visor wasn't missed, "Take care of her?' He asked, 'Like, during times when you're busy?" Soundwave nodded, "Soundwave: Doesn't trust anyone else. Enigma: Already trusts ST3VE. Conclusion: Soundwave trusts ST3V3."

The drone put his servo over his chassis and nodded, bowing his helm slightly, "It would be an honor, Sir!" He smiled, "My friends and I will look after and make sure no harm comes to her! We'll protect her with our lives."

Soundwave just nodded again before turning and walking away, "Start: Tomorrow," He called back.

All he heard behind him was an excited squeal echoing down the corridors, making him shake his helm slightly while Enigma just looked behind them in confusion. Ravage let out a laugh from his pedes as he walked next to his master.

They soon arrived at the room that was Soundwaves and went in. It was very simple, with just a berth, storage cupboard, and desk as well as a smaller separate wash rack off to the side. It would probably change a bit now with a sparkling here.

He put the cube down on the berth and walked into the washracks, immediately turning the water on and sitting down with Enigma on his lap. Like always, Ravage hissed and was hesitant to go in, but he hadn't been cleaned in millennia so Soundwave basically dragged him in like he used to. 

Finally getting the grumbling Panther to sit down in the spray and having Laserbeak wash him, Soundwave gave another sigh and got a kind of soap off one of the shelves, bringing it down and starting to lather it on the sparkling. She squeaked and looked in amazement as big frothy piles of bubbles formed around them.

Sound watched as she reached forward and tried to grab some, only for them to pop and disappear, making her frown and try again. He gave a silent laugh and showed her how to scoop them up, "Enigma: Must be gentle." He said.

Once the sparkling had a small cloud in her servos, she stared at it for a few minutes before slowly bringing it to her mouth. Luckily, her older brother stopped her, only for her to look up at him before trying again.

"Enigma: Desist!" He said, holding her servo away. He waited until she stopped resisting, only for the little femme to make direct eye contact with him and bite down on some of the bubbles.

"No!" Soundwave cried as she coughed and splattered, the horrible taste now in her mouth while he tried to help her wash it out. Once she was done coughing, he looked down and expected her to be grumpy, only to find she had a triumphant smile.

He tilted his helm in questioning and looked at his symbiotes who were also grinning at him. It was then he realized he'd spoken aloud and not used the electronic voice, making him burst out laughing and pick Enigma up.

"That was your plan all along, wasn't it?" Sound chuckled, lifting her to eye level with him. She gave a small giggle and curled her arms around his servos, wiggling and reaching for him. He just laughed again and washed her off before bundling her up in a towel and walking back to the berth.

He sat down, cradling her in his arms and guiding the cube to her lips. He watched as his little sister started to drink, holding onto and gulping it down hurriedly while the two next to him had their own, drinking their fill before nudging it towards him.

"I'll have now," Soundwave said, patting Ravage and Laserbeak's helms as they lay down on either side of him, watching the two siblings.

The navy mech used his appendage to drink from his own cube while Enigma finished up, yawning, and curled up in the towel. Sound gently unwrapped her from it, only to then put a blanket around her as he set the cubes down and lay on his side.

Ravage and Laserbeak were still next to him but he held his sister in his arms, looking at her as she snuggled close to him. It seemed just hearing his voice wasn't enough as she reached forward and gently patted at his visor, a small pout on her lips.

Seeing no reason to hide from her, the clasps on the side of the class were heard unclipping and he removed it, letting the pressurized air hiss as it released and he took the visor off.

Red optics met hers and the little femme smiled, reaching to his face and running her small servos over it, tracing the lines that went from his eyes to the metal that framed them and over the spot where his nose would have been. She nodded and gave a satisfied click, keeping her hold on his cheeks before wiggling closer and resting her forehead against him, closing her optics and instantly falling asleep.

Soundwave smiled and hugged her, keeping one servo on the back of her helm while the other stayed wrapped around her back. "Goodnight little one," He whispered, switching the lights off.

 The usually reserved mech gently kissed the top of her helm and closed his optics, dozing off with her and the symbiotes, their family feeling more complete than ever.

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