Begin Again

By kingofmyheart19

20.3K 968 53

You're 33 and an unexpected widow. You're at the park with your three year old when she runs over with a new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

965 62 2
By kingofmyheart19

Mack POV - Christmas Day

My eyes shoot open and I look to my right, seeing Alex asleep.

I sigh and wipe my forehead, then slowly move to sit on the edge of the bed.

Max stands up and walks over to me.

"Hey boy, you want to go outside?" I whisper.

He wags his tail and I nod.

I reach for my crutches, standing up, and quietly crutching out of the bedroom.

I crutch by Riley's room and peek in, seeing her and Charlie asleep, cuddling with their stuffed animals.

I keep crutching and head downstairs, meeting Max at the back door.

I open it and grab a blanket off of the couch.

I look at my watch.


I lean back and watch as the sun rises.


I jump and look to see Alex standing there.

"You didn't wake me up." She continues.

I sigh, "You looked tired, wanted to let everyone sleep, plus I have Max's company."

She sighs and sits next to me, looping her arm through mine, and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Merry Christmas, babe." She whispers.

I smile, "Merry Christmas."

"You and my mom really went to town on wrapping gifts." I say.

She nods, "Only the best for you and our girls."

I turn my head and press a kiss to her head.

"How's the leg feeling?" She asks.

"Uncomfortable. This cast totally sucks."

"Well, only a few more weeks with it on." She says.

I look down at it and back up, "I had a nightmare."

I feel her sit up and turn towards me, "About the shooting?"

I nod, "Yeah."

She sighs, "Are you going to talk to your therapist about it?"

I look down and shrug.

She grabs my hand, "I think that you should, yeah?"

I look up and nod, "Yeah, I will."

She leans in and presses her lips against mine, pulling back.

"Mommy! Momma! Santa came! He came!" Charlie and Riley yell.

We turn around, "He did, didn't he?"

They nod enthusiastically.

"Merry Christmas, guys." We say.

They smile and take off back into the house.

I chuckle and lean in to press my lips against Alex's.

I hear her moan and slip my tongue into her mouth, exploring it.

She pulls back and I open my eyes, seeing her eyes closed with a smile on her face.

"Time to go see what Santa brought, however, did Santa bring me my hot girlfriend in some lingerie?" I ask.

She laughs and slaps my shoulder, "You have to let your leg heal, then we will talk."

I groan and look at my leg, "Heal faster."

Alex stands up and hands me my crutches, "Patience, babe. You have me forever."

I smile and stand up, "Promise?"

She pecks my lips, "Promise."


Alex POV - NYE

"Hey, where's your girlfriend?" I turn and see Taylor.

I point, "Trying to get the record on that thing."

She chuckles, "Is she close?"

I shake my head, "She's had a few beers, so she thinks she's getting better, but she is in fact getting worse."

"I'll go help her." She says and takes off.

I watch as they collectively try to sink baskets.

"You have love eyes." I jump and see my best friend, Kara.

I smile, "I do. I'm also just watching to make sure she's doesn't eat it with those crutches."

She chuckles, "I really like her."

I nod, "Me too."

"You see Serv tonight? He's here." She says carefully.

"We have a lot of the same friends, it doesn't surprise me, but no, I haven't." I shrug.

As I say that, I watch him appear and go over to Mack and Taylor.

"Speak of the devil." She says.

I watch as he starts talking to Mack and they start shooting baskets against each other.

"Oh, this not going to go over well." Kara mumbles.

I watch closely as Serv beats Mack and celebrates, then says something to Mack.

She clenches her fist and my eyes widen.

"Told you."

I quickly move to walk up to them.

"Hey babe, what's going on?" I ask and glance at Serv.

She looks at me, and sighs, "Nothing, I'm going to get another beer."

"Hey-" I reach for her, but she crutches away.

I look at Serv who is smirking.

"What did you say to her?" I fire at him.

He shrugs, "Nothing that wasn't true."

I growl, "You're infuriating, do you know that?"

He shrugs again.

"You're an asshole, Serv, why can't you just let me be happy?"

"You led me on in our marriage, and I'm the asshole?" He shoots back.

I scoff, "I was afraid! And then I wasn't! I was sick of being unhappy!"

"You were unhappy when we found out about Charlie?" He pokes.

My eyes widen, "Do NOT bring Charlie into this."

He smirks and I feel a hand on my forearm.

I turn and see Mack looking at me, "Hey, uh, people are watching."

I turn and see people staring at us and let out it a frustrated sigh.

Serv laughs and walks off.

I let out a frustrated groan and look back at Mack.

She's staring at the floor, "I think I'm going to head home."

My eyes widen, "I'll go back with you."

She shakes her head, "You should stay."

I shake my head and reach for her hand, "I'm coming home with you."

She doesn't pull away, which makes me let a breath out.

She nods and I put my hand on her back, "I just need my purse and coat. I'll grab mine and yours."

She nods again.


She stares at me and I press a kiss to her cheek.

She gives me a tight lipped smile.

"Meet at the front." I say and break off to grab our things.

"Whoa, where you off to? You guys can't wait to get it on?"

I turn and glare at Taylor.

"Whoa. What's wrong?"

"Serv. He's an idiot and said something to upset Mack."

Her eyes widen.

"Yeah, so we're heading out." I say.

She gives me an apologetic look, "See you this week?"

I nod and turn to get to the front.

I see Mack sitting on a bench and she looks up, "Have an Uber coming for us."

I sit next to her, "Are we okay?"

She sighs and nods.

I put my hand on her cheek and turn her towards me.

I rub my thumb across the corner of her mouth and lean in, pressing my lips against hers.

She moves her lips with mine and I pull back, seeing her eyes closed.

Our Uber arrives and we get into the car.

I hold her hand in mine and watch as she looks longingly out the window.

We pull up to her house and get out, me helping her to get inside.

"Is your leg hurting?" I ask as we get to her bedroom.

She sighs and nods, "I drank though, so I can't take anything."

"You can take ibuprofen. I know it's not like your other pain medication, but something is better than nothing." I say.

I walk into her bathroom and grab some ibuprofen, bringing it back and snagging a bottle of water.

She's staring at the ceiling when I hand the items to her.


I quickly change and crawl into bed, "Babe?"

She hums.

"Please tell me what he said."

She sighs and turns to look at me, "After he beat me, he said that you only want to be with winners and clearly I wasn't a winner. Oh and to remember that he was with you first."

My eyes widen.

She turns back to look at the ceiling and lets out a breath.

"Lex, why are you with me?" She asks quietly.

I sit up and stare at her, "Babe. I'm with you because you're sweet, kind, funny, and an amazing mom. You always know how to make me feel better when I've had a long day. You understand me in a way that Serv never did. And I can be my complete self with you."

She smiles slightly.

"Oh and the most important reason is because I love you."

Her eyes snap to mine, "What?"

I nod, "I realized it when I didn't know if you were okay. I just, I didn't want to lose you, I wanted to be with you, know that you were okay."

She swallows.

I pull myself on top of her, "You don't have to say it back. I know that it's a lot. And I can see your mind racing. Patience, remember?"

She smiles and nods, "I want to say it back, but I just need some time."

I lean down and press my lips against hers.

She moans and pulls me closer.

I get lost in the kiss when I remember her leg.

I pull back, "Not yet, babe."

She groans, "I'm counting down."

I chuckle, "Me too. But you have me and you're my winner."

She smiles lazily and then yawns.

I reach and turn the light off then pull myself close without touching her leg.

"I love you. To the end of time." I whisper.

I feel a kiss pressed to my head and close my eyes.


Mack POV - one month later

I continue to ride the bike at physical therapy when the trainer walks over.

"Okay, you're done, time to do stim and stretch."

I nod and stop pedaling, walking over to a table and hopping on the table.

He hooks me up and I lay back on the table as he maneuvers my leg around.

I scroll on my phone when I hear laughing and look up.

Alex walks in with a few of her teammates and I smile.

She sees me and walks over, pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Hey, how'd you do?" She asks.

"Did great, feel almost good as new."

She looks at Matt, who nods and gives a thumbs up, "Well, that's because you are almost good as new, just have to build the strength in your leg back up."

She turns back to me, "That's great, babe."

I grin and nod, "How was practice?"

"Good, just getting back into the groove of things." She says and smiles.

"I need you to be better Mack so that Alex can get laid and stop trying to kill me with the ball." Kailen says as she walks by.

Alex's cheeks turn red and I chuckle, "I think I can arrange that."

"Just in time for Valentine's Day." She smiles.

I nod and wince, "Owww!"

"Sorry, Mack. Okay. Let's wrap it up with ice and then you're good to go. You headed back to school?"

I nod, "Yep. My student's await."

I see a look cross Alex's face but can't figure out what it was.

"Nice. Well, good work, I'll see you next week." Matt says and stands up after wrapping my leg.

Alex holds out a hand and helps me stand up.

"I can walk out with you, just give me like 15 minutes." She says.

I shake my head, "I can't be late, babe."

She sighs and nods, "Okay. I love you."

I stare at her and can feel the words on the tip of my tongue, but smile and press a kiss to her cheek, "I'll see you later."

She smiles and walks off.

I grab my stuff and get to my car, getting in and heading towards school.

"I love you too. Like how hard is it?" I mutter to myself.

I pull up to the school and start to feel anxious, just like I do every time I pull up.

"It's hard, babe."

I jump and turn to see Ally.

"Ally? What the fuck."

She laughs, "It's hard to say I love you. You're putting your heart out there."

I sigh.

"You love her. And it's okay to love her, I'm okay with it, I told you."

I nod, "I just got so hurt last time."

"Even if you don't say it, you feel it. So if something awful happens, does not saying it to her protect you?"

My eyes widen and I shake my head.

"Just tell her."

I close my eyes and open them to see nothing.

"I'm really losing it." I mutter under my breath.

I sigh.

'I have to tell her.'

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