The crazyness of a goth and u...

By SophiaMustafa000

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Modern day goth dervish, who seeks love and peace ! That is me! I am not traditional but I get the idea of a... More

Introducing me
Modern day dervish
Merry Christmas party
So i found Daria

What daddy why

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By SophiaMustafa000

I was wasting my time, dealing with a extremely leftist human being- if you call them that! This person I was supposed to be dating was a leftist like someone and I don't usually talk about this online, but I ended up finding out that the person was a leftist The wrong way possible. The person ended up saying that Christmas was, and I'm not even gonna say what they said about Christmas but they said that they were going to do something worse than That unmentionable day, and September went all those people had passed away. To put it politely. She was pro terror, and it was kind of disturbing when I read that the first thing this morning, and I was like you've gotta be joking me really! That being said, I had a block and I was already going to be coming back with my ex to begin with, so I didn't really need to deal with her. But I did not need to deal with this. This was a pile of junk that I swear to God people are going insane over. Is that the Words are more important than the actual human being kind of disgusting to me. Tell you the truth I'd rather not deal with this kind of bull crap it's OK to be liberal it's OK to be whatever but it's a different thing to be far or left or far right to the point, where here I wanna just cut with a following islamic state! That I found this morning, and I was just floored at the thought of the idea of this person, Nous, feigning or faking PTSD, but also trying to Brainwash me into a lot of things. It was kind of sad to tell you the truth and I had to tell my friend on the freaking discord. Yes, I do have discord that being said, I cannot stand these lefties very much. I try to avoid them at all costs!
I am not joking about this. I have dealt with enough lefties and I don't talk about left-handed people, but actual far left jackasses to do me a lifetime for once and they are pure psychopath who just care for other psychopath and they don't care about other people. That being said, that was very disturbing on my end to not find out until I saw the post. It sounded exactly like what a terrorist would want, which is the idea of that there is a genocide going on, and is Christmas is fault!" Don't ask me why but this is how I react is just beat. It just beat it you're not gonna get away with it and I will literally get you back somehow you're not in a good way but I will find a way to say that you're a tasty twirl, which is someone who fakesPTSD. Something that I cannot stand!
​​​​​​​Tell you the truth, I was better off without this person, being in my life, and then I found out that she was this!...... it is mine boggling to see how many people are actually prom mistress maker. To put it politely. That's what my holy book says about these people that caused wars and stuff, and then say, is someone else's fault. In the name of religion, that is a mischief maker they don't really make it very far in the afterlife, except to a fire that will make the tide log worse. I wish I could be talking about something a little bit more positive, but in this case, this is what I had to deal with with the past week sorry I did not be able to talk, but I was able to be liberated by my former ex!
At it took What is a phone call Asking me how I was doing. That being said, I found this very happy inducing stuff. I didn't know what I was gonna do about the situation of being boyfriend girlfriend with my ex again until I saw the Ruddy post this morning from my girlfriend, who said all those horrible things about the last and Christmas and stuff like that and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be reporting her to the FBI even though I am in Canada! That being said that person is no longer allowedand I hope she disappears off the face of the Earth legallythat is in other wordsshe ends up and renditionor some other prisonwhere she will not be too happy. That's what I believeAll the lefty shits shoould be! They are nothing more different than the people that they idolize these psychotic religious zealots!
But more on a positive noteI was able to talk to my ex or former ex I should sayand was able to be able to fall in love again with the right type of person not someone who is politically or religiously motivated in anyway. That being saidI was happy to see him for the first time even though last week I had mentioned That I could not stand him that was, until I realize that I was doing better, and I told him the truth that I was doing better, and that I was able to be back with him. That was very interesting! So basketball is a lot better for me this week than I was last week at least I was able to participate and at least I have my boyfriend back. I don't have to deal with this this bull crap anymore! They are all over the place in the dating world the left just trying to wait for you, to be vulnerable, and to Brainwash you into thinking their way is better. At least with my ex I know he's not a political or religious person. That being said I'm very happy that I'm unfamiliar ground and I'm happy to be with him!
It was about three months since the last time I saw him because of my mental health issues. Which I think we're also attracting these nut cases in the first place! And that's politely because I do not want to be swearing on this particular site. That being said, is very disturbing to see what kind of people are out there. It's kind of like mysticism or any kind of a occultism where you really have to be careful what you do, Just like the called, you might just find an angel or a demon on the Internet, the same thing with the Internet you'll find a good person or you'll find a pile of shit! That being said, I was not very happy about the whole idea of coming across a few lefties this month, and was scratching my head, thinking what the fidget spinner did I do wrong!
Obviously, they were some form of punishment for how I act in months before. That being said, I'm not going to act that way again if that means anything to anyone that is in the middle or in the right. That I will not be dealing with these behaviors, even if they're from me anymore, because I am done with acting like a fool. But I'm also done with dealing with fools who really shouldn't be allowed to go on the Internet and date people and use that as a form of brainwashing to go and tell them to be left us, and do whatever the hell their bidding is!
That being said, I'm done with online dating, because I know the next person is probably gonna be the next UBL! And that is a very disconcerting and depriving thought to actually think about, but it is Gianna's truth. You don't know who the hell you were gonna talk to us, like the occult You might end up with some good spirit, or some bad evil spirit. This is the same thing with the goddamn Internet I find! So I find that these idiots are usually on Facebook, so I might be here more often than not instead of dealing with these snot heads! Trying not to swear, but it is the truth!
when I try to deal with these people, I try to deal with them with Grace but then I end up getting these kind of actual a whole post which are pretty awful. I can read it out out loud when I would get canned for sure I know that it said something about Christmas being used as a weapon again the Muslims. I did not really take that very kindly as I am of that descent and I don't believe that Christmas is that evil. But then again, these people people are pure evil to begin with in my opinion, and I just can't stand them more of the pens of sh*t! Sorry for this! I must apologize!

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