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By Beyzbbygrl

43.1K 2.8K 3.7K

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1.9K 143 145
By Beyzbbygrl


I've never seen her so mad before. But I wasn't complaining, she had every right to be pissed. I also think she looks sexy as hell when she's mad. Her face gets all scrunched up and she starts mumbling shit under her breath, speeding around and only making herself more frustrated.

Not to mention today it's her first day at her new job. My baby looks so cute in her outfit.

"Oh nurse," I called out to her, being annoying on purpose. Nic glared at me before turning back around and continuing to brush her hair back into a ponytail. "I think there's something wrong with me. My heart is beating so fast and I don't know why." I whined.

She tried to hide the fact that she cracked a smile in the mirror as she put it some stud earrings. When she had them both in, she turned to me and climbed into bed, straddling me. I smirked, "you checking me out?"

"Maybe..." putting on her stethoscope, she listened to my heart and instructed me to breathe slowly. "Your heart is beating irregularly fast, why might that be?" She hummed, teasing me by wining her hips.

"Well, I just so happen to have the sexiest girl in the world sitting on my dick, and I'm just about ready to ask her to call in so I can break her back." My hands grip her ass and I made her twerk on me. Nicki laughed, wrapping her arms around my neck and taking control, kissing me deeply and making me lose my breath.

When I say she's different, I mean it. She's just perfection and I couldn't want anyone else but her. A hardworking woman willing to get her own all while letting me spoil her rotten. And on top of that, she's a freak just like me. If it wasn't her first day I'd rip her uniform open and fuck her silly.

But I'm respectful of my baby.

She pulled away from the kiss leaving me with my eyes still closed and a smile on my face. I heard her laugh again as she got off of me. I opened my eyes and frowned a little. Onika saw me and pouted. "Sorry baby, but my vacation is over. I wish I could stay, but this my life now."

I sighed and threw my body back into the covers. "I could never imagine myself working a nine to five. So happy I went straight to the league. Lord knows I ain't good at nothing else."

I hated school. Every single minute of it. I did good though, I was in honors class and everything, a nigga always did her big one. I couldn't see myself as being anything other than a basketball player though, or maybe even a coach. I was just that good at what I was used to focusing on.

"What do you mean, babe? Have you heard your voice? You sing beautifully, you could've been the next Whitney or Mariah." Nicki smiled, pulling me up onto my feet. "Walk me out." I led her downstairs and to the door after making a quick stop at the kitchen.

"You flatter me, babygirl. Give me a kiss." I leaned down and she met me halfway. Before I could get carried away and literally carry her back into the house, Nicki pulled away and walked out. "Bye Daddy! Miss you already!"

"Then come back!" I fake cried. I feel like a mom watching my baby leave for her first day of school– wait that's a weird way to put it. I guess I'm saying I'm about to be so fucking bored.

I stood at the door until she pulled off, sighing deeply when I didn't see her car no more.

"What the fuck I'ma do now?" I asked myself.

It was kinda hard to decide. Recently it's always been me and my girlfriend doing whatever the fuck we want together. I don't even remember half the shit I used to do before her. Like what am I supposed to do with my life now?

Unwillingly choosing to visit my family, I barged into their home and instantly jumped onto my younger sister's back. "Beyoncé! You big backed bitch, get off!"

"Onward, rat!" I ordered, pointing to the kitchen. She stood still and dropped me onto the marble floor before walking away. I groaned in pain, my back aching. "You piece of sh–"

"Say another curse word in my house, Giselle!" My momma yelled from the kitchen. I continued to whine and stayed on the floor until the pain subsided. When I got up I met my lovely mother in the kitchen and kissed her cheek then sat at the island with Solange. "Now you decide you wanna come by and see us, Ms. Too busy for my family."

"I been busy–"

"It's still offseason and you live twenty minutes away, you not that busy." My sister mugged me and I mocked her, flinching when she went to hit me.

"I've still been busy..." I muttered and my mother finally looked at me. I could see just by the small smile on her face that she knew exactly why and with who.

I haven't really told them about Onika and I, but I don't doubt they've seen any and everything that they needed to know online. So yes, by busy I mean being with and entertaining my girlfriend. Which is something I can't even do right now.

She's so far away. I might cry, I miss my baby.

Both my mother and sister stared at me, waiting for me to spill the beans. "What? Ask what you want to ask, go 'head." I mugged the two of them.

"Why you online claiming you married that girl?" My sister started, nudging me as my mother co-signed with a nod. "Had me thinking you didn't invite us to the wedding until your sister told me you were being delusional again." She sighed.

"Delusional? Me? Never. That's my wife, stop playing." I'm actually very delusional.

"When did y'all get married?" Solo eyed me. I shrugged.

"The same day I took her to Bora Bora... in the back of my mind." I mumbled the last part and could see them rolling their eyes.

I have no idea what they're so bothered for. I've always been like this. If you ask them how long, they'll say since my last active relationship. Which is true. I was on that girl bad. Convincing myself fully that we were actually married. If my ex told the story she'd say something along the lines of possessive or overbearing, but I wouldn't say that's true.

We didn't even break up because of me. She's the one that cheated.

"Giselle, you're going to scare that girl away if you continue with your craziness."

"I'm not being crazy! I'm manifesting that one day, in the very near future, Onika is going to be my wife and we're going to have three kids." I say proudly, only making them shake their heads at me.

They could judge me all they want. Onika and I will be fine.


I was currently waiting to meet with the CNE (Chief Nursing Executive) to understand where I'm supposed to be and to meet the doctors and nurses I'd be around while working here.

My hands were shaking like crazy, not that I could help it. My nerves were everywhere and my mind was a mess.

I've always wanted to do this. Be a nurse for one of the biggest and most successful hospitals in the state where I lived, get really far in my career, become CNE. This is a dream come true for me and my mommy. Like I was now living the beginning of my journey.

I was just... scared. Dreaming about this moment is one thing, but actually living it... God, I was thinking about all of the possible mistakes I could make on my first day. It's like being the new kid at school. You never want to make a mistake on the first day, not when everybody is watching your every move.

Not to mention, I was still recovering from what happened a couple nights back. Beyoncé told me everything, from the way I was acting to the weird vibe Rubi was giving off. I'm so done with her, what kind of friend would do something like that and why? If you're jealous, say it and leave me the fuck alone.

Possibly drugging me and telling me to come with you to lord knows where is shady as fuck, especially if we've been ride or dies since day one.

I was going to use this day to clear my mind from the situation because the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to beat her ass.

"Maraj?" My ears perked and soon I was met with a set of brown eyes and a pretty smile. The woman held her hand out for me to shake and I did so willingly. She was taller and slim, she seemed to be highly athletic which made sense. Even during clinicals at school they had us out of breath and sweating like a pig out in the sun. "Yes, hi." I shake her hand as she smiled at me kindly.

"Hello, I'm Ciara Wilson. Your CNE. I'll be supervising your work today and instructing you on how we keep this ship afloat. It's wonderful to meet you by the way, it isn't often that we get newcomers so this is a big deal." She grinned. Almost settling my nerves if that last part hadn't been added.

"Oh... I hope I do well then." I chuckled nervously, but she caught that.

"Hey, it's all good. I promise that this isn't as intimidating as it seems. We're the best in the state for a reason and top three in the country. Our staff is wonderful and we're very excited to have you on board." She cheesed, calming me down some more. We got to talking about my position, which was bedside. She handed over the files of three of my patients and led me out to the main floor to show me around as I read over them.

As the day went on I met my patients and some of the other nurses and doctors, getting along pretty well. It wasn't as terrifying as I imagined at first, everyone seemed to be very nice and the patients were quite easy to care for, for the time being at least.

It isn't a fair thing to say, but I already had a favorite patient. Mr. Freeman. He was a much older man in his late 80's, a war veteran, currently in the hospital for monitoring. Within the first few minutes of us meeting he showed me a lot of respect and appreciation, even though I hadn't really got the lay of the land yet, but he was very enthusiastic about me being around and encouraging me to do my best.

It took a lot of the weight off my shoulders. I became more comfortable with my role here at the hospital and was extremely confident in myself by the end of the day.

Ciara pulled me into her office and sat me down. I couldn't express my gratitude for her patience enough. Not many people would be this kind in environments like this.

"I hope you enjoyed your first day." She grinned and I returned the smile with a nod. "Great, as you know not every day will be like this. It gets more and more difficult overtime, but it's best to ask for assistance and if you need anything just contact me. For the first few weeks I will continue to shadow you to make sure you're getting the hang of things. However, from what I've seen today, you know your stuff and are just about ready for what lies ahead."

After talking a bit more, I clocked out and drove back to Beyoncé's house. I was staying here more than my own home, which I probably shouldn't be doing. My house is just about empty now because I've been grabbing shit from there to cook here, along with my snacks and my clothes. I basically live here while still paying my own bills at my house.

Makes no sense.

"Honey, I'm home!" I yelled. Her car is out front so I know she's here.

Before I could react, she ran to me and picked me up, spinning me and kissing my face. I couldn't stop laughing, even when she put me down and was all out of breath, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on the lips. "You missed me, Daddy?"

"More than anything, princess. How was your first day?" She helped me with my work bag and led me into the house.

It's giving housewife and I love it.

"It was great actually. I was so fucking nervous, but everything went well and the people there were nice. Now, there were a couple of people looking at me weird, but it was chill for the most part." I admit, as soon as we get to the bedroom I strip and made my way to the bathroom.

"Giving you looks like what?" Bey stood at the door and frowned a little, but I shook my head.

"Not bad looks, baby. Just like, 'I can't believe that's her' looks, you know this relationship isn't quite top secret." I smirked as she walked up behind me and placed her hands on the counter.

"Well then, you just tell me if I gotta go up the there and beat some ass. I won't hesitate to put a nigga in a headlock." She joked. I roll my eyes, knowing in the back of my mind her crazy ass probably would try to.

"Yeah, yeah. What about you, what did you do all day while I was gone?" Turning around, I let her place me on the counter and smiled as she leaned into me more.

She shrugged, "besides missing you, I went to go see my family and hung out with my mom and my sister. They questioned me about you of course, momma wants to meet my wife."

Rolling my eyes, I mushed her face, "you did not go to your mother's house and tell her we were married."

"I sure the fuck did. Who gon' check me boo? Not a damn body." Bey pursed her lips and flipped her hair.

Sassy ass.

"Mhm," I hummed, cupping her face and caressing her cheeks. "Speaking of, I'd be happy to met the woman who put you on this earth and tell her the truth. Now unclip my bra and join me in the shower. I want to feel how much you missed me."

Beyoncé does as I say, removing what was left on my body and stripping herself down to nothing. We bathed together, kissing and touching each other.

Her touch made me feel alive, everything she was doing in this moment made me feel better about myself. Even as she spoke so softly to me, it was mostly sweet and soothing things.

These last few weeks were making me think more and more about us, how she made me feel, and what our future would look like. I was accepting it more than I did before. The idea of me and her lasting for a long time.

My mother has already spoken to me about it, asking if I've had a conversation with Beyoncé focused on where we're going to take this relationship. We haven't yet, we've joked about it, but the topic alone is overwhelming to think over.

Especially when you aren't sure if you're ready or in love yet.

And I wasn't sure of either.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
💋 No Bars
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