✨Only In My Imagination✨ (Ala...

By ValerieWinks777

157K 4.2K 2K

Ever since Y/N was a little girl, she would dream of a strange man, always dressed in a red suit, with a frig... More

Ch. 1 ✨What's Considered Normal✨
Ch. 2 ✨Dreams✨
✨(Bonus Chapter)✨
Ch. 3 ✨Won't You Forgive Me?✨
Ch. 4 ✨Christmas Party✨
Ch. 5 ✨The Medium✨
Ch. 6 ✨The Truth About Me✨
✨(Bonus Chapter)✨
Ch. 7 ✨No Harm Shall Fall Upon You✨
Ch. 8 ✨Second Chance✨
Ch. 9 ✨How Can I See You?!✨
Ch. 10 ✨A Pictureshow & Some Conversation✨
Ch. 11 ✨Sick Days & Some Jambalaya✨
Ch. 12 ✨Your Colors✨
✨(Bonus Chapter)✨
Ch. 13 ✨A Touch Of Comfort✨
Ch. 14 ✨Walk In The Park✨
Ch. 15 ✨Window To My Past✨
Ch. 16 ✨Let's Watch The Rain Together✨
✨(Bonus Chapter)✨
Ch. 17 ✨Nightmare✨
Ch. 18 ✨The Truth✨
✨(Bonus Chapter)✨
Ch. 19 ✨I Miss You✨
Ch. 20 ✨Rage✨
✨(Bonus Chapter)✨
Ch. 21 ✨The Radio Demon✨
Ch. 23 ✨A New Beginning✨
Ch. 24 ✨May We Be Together For An Eternity✨

Ch. 22 ✨I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire✨

4.2K 105 130
By ValerieWinks777

*Two Weeks Later*
*Y/N's POV*

I was discharged from the hospital not to long ago. Luckily for me, there wasn't any serious damage, just some bruising and a black eye.

But I guess the serious damage happened to Jason.

Police have been interrogating me, but getting no where because I have no idea as to why everything happened. That and the fact that I was put in the hospital right after he ran away.

They're wasting there time anyway...they'll never find him.
I know who did it, even if he didn't tell me, I know it was him.


I sit with my knees tucked to my face, glancing around my dark home.
I used to feel a little safe here, but now, I don't...what a horrible feeling, not thinking you're safe in your own home.

I exhale a breath, trying to picture in my head Jason's final moments, how scared he was, no one there to help him.
I feel a little sting in my chest.
No, I shouldn't feel remorse over him, after what he did to me, after everything he said to me.

He threatened to kill me himself...and he would have done it too, if he ever found a reason for it.
But at the same time, he had a mom and dad, and a little brother who don't know that dark side about there son, who only see there son as the sweet little boy they raised.

And now there little boy is dead.
They'll never see him again.
Its more or less that I feel bad for his family...his parents are such good people with standards and respect towards other human beings.

Now, there minds will be clouded with the thoughts of there son being dead.

I glance at the time of night. Nearly 12, huh?
Instinct has me reaching for my prescription of pills before I stop halfway, hand slowly bringing itself back to my chest.

No...not tonight.
Tonight, I want to face him. I want to hear his explanation as to why he did what he did.

But mostly...even though I fight to deny it.
I want to see him. I want to make sure that he's okay, if he's sad or happy, if he's alone or not.

What a ridiculous thing to say...but no matter how hard I want to ignore it, I can't.
I fell in love with him. And I don't think that will ever change...

I exhale a breath, and shut my eyes.


I didn't arrive in the same forest, but instead, a different one. One that looks like a painting right out of New Orleans.
Crickets are going off, fireflies are buzzing around like golden twinkles in the sky.

Frogs are sitting on top of logs, croaking, while the swampy water- with bloomed water lilies on top- makes a slight swoosh sound from alligators.

There's moss under my feet, but its not slimy or wet, but soft, dry, and warm.

The night sky above me is covered in bright sparkling stars, dancing for a humans amusement.

But something is missing.
I don't see him.

I take a step forward. "Alastor?" I call, faintly, eyes scanning the swampy area before I hear something rustle behind me.
I turn, expecting to see a predator, but something close to it.

Alastor, hands clasped behind his back, no smile on his face.

I'm both relieved and frightened to see him. It was easy for him to kill Jason, what gives him the excuse to not kill me?
"He would never hurt you," I hear a voice in my head say, "not the one he loves..."

Loves...not me, but the invisible soul of Elizabeth that lives inside of me.
I clench a fist behind my leg, forming my lips in a tight line to keep from tears falling.

No words are shared between us.
For once in his life, he is saying nothing. No 'Hello,' no jokes, nothing at all, as if he's waiting for me to do it all.

After about six very uncomfortable silent seconds, I finally choke out a muttered word.

"Hey." Is all I said.

He still doesn't say anything, and I exhale, raising my gaze to meet his.
"You did it, didn't you?" I whisper through a shaky breath, silently praying that he tells me no, that it was merely a coincidence, but I am not given that relief.

"Yes, I did."

"Why?" I ask, feeling my voice raise higher, "why would you do that?!"
He can see the anger, the hurt, in my eyes, and he looks away, trying to shield himself from seeing it, to justify his actions.

"I made a vow long ago that I would always protect you, no matter the circumstances, or the consequences."

"So you'll just KILL anyone who tries to hurt me?!" I shout, not caring about the slice of pain in my chest from breathing, or the pain on his face. He needs to hear this, he needs to know this anger that's been bubbling inside of me for twenty years.

"Do you even know what you've done?! He had a family that loved him! You forever tainted them! Do you even care?!" I take a breath, "what am I even saying?" I shake my head, "you're a fucking serial killer. Of course you don't care about anyone but yourself."

His eyes raise to meet mine, and underneath them, I see vulnerability, hurt, shame...
No, don't let it fool you.

"You're a monster," I whisper, "a sick, evil monster. I wish I never met you, I wish this fucking soul didn't reincarnate and tie me to you!"

I grab a nearest rock and throw it against the tree in fury, breathing heavily in and out.
I want him to hurt, I want him to feel like he isn't on his usual high horse....
I want him to hurt, like he hurt me.

But even I admit myself, that all I'm saying, it hurts me too.

He doesn't say or do anything, he only stands there, taking all that I throw, inhaling a pained breath as he shuts his eyes.
Even he himself knows that what I'm saying is true, he is a monster, a serial killer, a demon...

He doesn't care about who he hurts, or the consequences of his actions.
Because he's what he likes to call himself, the Radio Demon.

I turn away, to walk to the darker part of this forest and wake up, but a tug of my shirt keeps me from moving.
It doesn't pull, it merely holds me in place, keeping me from going further.

I look over my shoulder to see his hand pinching my shirt, his head hanging low in the space between us.
"Let me go, right now," I say through gritted teeth, trying to get him to let go, which he does not.

"You're right," he starts to say, "I am a monster...I knew the moment I stabbed the knife through the heart of my first victim, that I was giving up any chance of ever being a good man. I knew I was selling my soul to Hell, I wanted to. I loved the thrill of it all, of merely smiling and having all people afraid of me. Of killing Hell's overlords for my amusement. It was all that I could do to keep me from losing myself entirely to the deep pit in my heart-put there by the loss of my mother and Elizabeth. But then something happened," he raises his eyes to meet mine, "it happened to you as it happened to me."

He let's me go, going to the front of me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I met you, and since then, nothing has ever been the same again. Nor will it ever be the same again, for the both of us. We cannot go back to the ideas of a perfect life, or in my case, a damned eternity. I came to the realization of that years ago, and even accepted it, because if there's one thing I've learned while living in Hell, is that you must play the cards that you've been dealt with."

I push his hands off of me, taking a step back.
I don't want to play the cards this fucking realm has thrown me, I want to get up from the table where we play this game of Back & Forth's, and go live a normal human life without a grinning demon who was my lover in a past life hanging over my shoulder.

I turn away from him, back facing him to show that I'm not in the mood to listen, until faintly, I hear him whisper.

"I was afraid I would lose you."

I look over my shoulder at him. In other words, he was afraid to lose ELIZABETH.
I look away again. "You weren't afraid for me, but for her..." I hiss, before suddenly, I feel his presence come closer to me, sending shivers up and down my spine.

"No, that is the furthest thing from the truth, Y/N. I apologize for my behavior the last time we were together. I was blinded by excitement and the joy of having something good happen to me for once, even though I never deserved it. But Y/N..."

He teleports to the front of me, one hand extending to delicately run down my cheek.

"Even if we had never known, or even if you weren't what you are...I would still feel these emotions for you. I would still find myself thinking of you when we are separate, I would still dream of our next encounter and rehearse what I would say to you in front of my mirror..." he cups my face, "I would still find myself falling in love with you."

My eyes widen, and my breath hitches.
Its his first time he's ever said those words, confirming that he does indeed feel what I do, love.
But is this a trick? A manipulative lie to lower my guard and allow him to slip through the cracks?

I look away not saying a single word, but exhaling a soft breath, wishing that it was simpler, that it wasn't so confusing.

Suddenly, I hear faint music play, which forces me to look around confused. Where is it coming from?
I look at Alastor, who has now taken a step back, bowing before me, a soft smile on his lips.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, it appears my words are not enough, so perhaps if I say it through song, you'll finally come to your senses."


I open my mouth to tell him he doesn't need to do that, but its too late, he's already singing, taking my hands in his and dancing with me to the beat of the song.

🎶"I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to set a flame in your heart."🎶

He spins me slowly, before pulling me back to him, gently, that way he doesn't accidently hurt me.

🎶"In my heart I have but one desire, and that one is you, no other will do. I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim, I just want to be the one you love. And with your admission, that you feel the same, I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of, believe me.
I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart."🎶

He dips me, one hand clasping mine before pulling me back up straight and dancing me away from the little area we were standing in, to now on top of the water, as if we are gliding.

🎶"I don't want to set the world on fire, honey, I love you too much. I just want to start a great big flame down in your heart. You see way down inside of me, darling, I have only one desire, and that one desire is you. And I know nobody else ain't gonna do."🎶

Suddenly, I see we're slowly beginning to hover off the ground, going higher and higher by the second, until we are in line with the crescent moonlight and on top of the clouds, still dancing.

Fear has me gripping onto him, but he only smiles, holding me back, continuing to dance and sing.

🎶"I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim, I just want to be the one you love, and with your admission that you feel the same, I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of. Believe me, I don't want to set the world on fire..."🎶

Slowly, our dancing stops, and his hands raise to gently cup my face, fingers softly running themselves on my skin, my jaw, my neck...
A shudder runs through me. Not from the chill of the air, but the heat I feel pulsing through his fingertips.

His singing comes to a soft whisper as he finishes these last few words...

🎶"I just want to start a flame in your heart..."🎶

My eyes widen, and all breath has left my lungs.

His hands are still cupping my face, as slowly, I feel the pressure of being pulled until softly, our lips touch.
Fireworks explode in my stomach at his touch, his kiss...

Something I never imagined would feel this good, this right.

I wrap my arms around his neck, responding to his kiss, as I feel his arms snake around my waist, holding me against him as we still hover in the sky, the moonlight basking on us.

It's strange...when I look back all these years ago when I met him.
He used to be a stranger in my head, then he became a somewhat friend.

But now, he's become the most important thing to me then life itself.
He became my love, and I, in return, became his love...

He started a flame in my heart, which now became a burning fire that will never be put out.

When our kiss ends, I tell him the words I've wanted to tell him for months.

"I love you."

He smiles softly, his real, gentle, kind smile that makes my heart go weak.

"And I love you, too, Y/N."

I blush a bright red, before I pull him back into another gentle, loving, kiss.

To Hell with a normal life. Normal is boring.
I got what I wanted now...and that is Alastor.

Nothing will ever be the same again...

(Stay tuned for the final chapters coming up!!! also, for an Xmas treat, here are some pics of Alastor❤❤❤)


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