By adorerue

11.2K 531 82

The Hunger Games has been proven to test everyone's virtue, not just the young and unfortunate kids plucked f... More



312 19 1
By adorerue

Coriolanus wasn't sure what type of greeting he was expecting, but, it surely wasn't one with warmth.

Mr. Hummingstill grabbed him by the shoulder. "Come in, son." He demanded, ushering the boy inside and closing the door behind him. "I haven't seen you since you were a kid. You look like the spitting image of your father now." He chuckled lowly.

The Hummingstill's and Snow's had been acquainted with each other for a long time. Growing up together made it easier for their children to run in the same friendship circles. With the passing of Coriolanus's parents, the relationships fizzled out. While Mr. and Mrs. Hummingstill offered to help the Snow's with anything they required in their time of grief, the Grandma'am refused. The pride and old age values of the Capitol not allowing her to accept anything she believes were handouts.

"Thank you, Sir." Coriolanus nodded, not exactly sure what to say.

The man began making his way to his study, his hands tucked into the pockets of his expensive suit. Turning to face the boy, he raised a brow. "I was just about to partake in my evening cigar. Do you smoke?"

"No, Sir." He shook his head.

Mr. Hummingstill let out a hearty laugh, one that oozed privilege and wealth. "Good. It's a nasty habit." He waved off the idea, the gold rings that adorned his fingers glistening in the light. One of those rings could pay for Coriolanus's apartment taxes indefinitely with even money left over for repairs. "My wife hates the smell and so does Venus, doesn't stop me though. This is my home and I am able to do as I please."

The man made his way over to the mini bar positioned near his kitchen. The Avoxes stocked it fresh with posca and whiskey earlier in the day. Grabbing a crystal glass, he poured himself some of the brown liquid and listened on.

"I completely agree, Sir." Coriolanus took a tentative step closer. "Speaking of your daughter, Mr. Hummingstill, I--"

The man cocked his head to the side, sending a chill down Coryo's body. "Are you finally asking to court her, Coriolanus?" He interrupted, interest peaked at the idea. He took a celebratory sip from his glass and grinned. "My God, your father and I held many of conversations about this before he passed. He'd be proud."

"I, um," Coriolanus was lost for words, trying to make sense of everything with so many questions swarming his mind. "is she not already spoken for, Sir? Everyone at the Academy believed she and Sejanus to be quite close."

"The Plinth boy?!" He said incredulously, another laugh coming from his lungs. He was so amused at the thought that he let out a cough, face turning a light shade of red as he composed himself. "Absolutely not. The Plinths are a joke, son. Old Strabo bought his way into the Capitol and made the mistake of believing he was one of us." He grimaced. "That whole family makes me ill, the only reason we associate with them is for the optics. Please, I'd be damned if my daughter, my only child, married someone ... District." He shuddered at the idea.

Coriolanus silently thanked whatever God was out there. Grateful that whatever insecurities or fears he held about Sejanus and Venus were untrue, just little fabrications of his mind that sent him spiraling. He really needed to use this moment and make things right and make them right quickly.

"Perhaps a courtship is something we can revisit in the future, Sir. I came here tonight to make amends with Venus." Coriolanus stood with more refinement, his shoulders back in confidence. "The spirit of the Games has made our student rivalry worsen."

In a way, what he stated was true. They wouldn't be experiencing any of this turmoil if they had no involvement in the Games, if he had never met Lucy Gray.

"I see." Mr. Hummingstill nodded to himself. "I remember when these Games started about ten years ago. At first my wife and I were horrified at the idea. These children merely suffering the consequences of their parents. And as the years went on and the unrest in the Districts seemed to make way again, I see it necessary." He admitted, no ounce of remorse or uncertainty in his voice. "Those rebels tried to kill my daughter. As far as I see it, they can keep these Games going on forever and slaughter every last one of them. Clearly these savages have to be reminded of who is in charge here...what better way than to use their children?"

Coriolanus was stunned. He never realized how much of a Capitol snob Ignatius Hummingstill was until now, how different Venus was from her father. Even with the man's disdain for Strabo Plinth, they were truly one in a same. Benefitting off of the tragedies of war while Coriolanus and the Snow family suffered. He was sick, not sure how to continue the conversation following that. Hummingstill, so invested in himself and his ideologies, decided to continue speaking much to Coryo's strained delight.

"Venus is a very strong young woman." He began, taking a log sip of his whiskey. "Her mother and I made sure we raised her that way. This world is tough and nothing worth having comes easy, Coriolanus. A bit of rivalry does the soul good, learn your competition, beat them or go out honorably. But while she is tough, she's not made of steel."

Coriolanus shifted his weight, clearing his throat nervously. "What do you suggest I do to get on her good side, Sir?"

"Now that, that is not something I can help you with." Mr. Hummingstill grunted. "While she is my daughter, she very well may be your wife someday. You're going to have to learn how to treat her well and those crucial moments begin now. That is not something I can teach you." He placed his empty glass down on the bar. Brushing his hands off he turned towards the deepest part of the penthouse. "Venus....Sweetheart!" He called for her.

The boys hands grew clammy. This was his last chance at fixing his mistakes. He couldn't begin to comprehend the amount of knowledge Ignatius Hummingstill had just instilled in him. Like he always believed, Venus was his destiny. An act that even his late Father had wished to be true. Why did he show up at the home empty handed? He should have stopped at home and snuck a dozen roses from the Grandma'am's garden. Sure during her brief moment of lucidity he would get scolded but it would be worth it in the end if it pleased Venus.

"Yes, Father?" He heard her sweet voice. Any ounce of disdain or disappointment gone compared to what he was met with earlier in the day. She walked down the long, black hallway. Her silk nightie hugging her body as she pulled her fur lined robe tighter around her.

Mr. Hummingstill motioned toward the figure beside him. "Look who decided to drop by this evening." He gleamed at the two of them.

Venus couldn't believe it. She told him to leave her alone multiple times and here he is standing in her living room proudly. She knew her Father would scold her if she acted out of turn, so she tried her best to be as cordial as possible. "Coriolanus." She greeted dryly.

"I'll leave you to it." Her Father chuckled, budding the two a goodnight before retiring to his study for the evening.

Grabbing the boys hand, Venus dragged him to her room with a scowl on her face. She knew this was the only place in her home where she could have privacy to speak freely. Her Mother was asleep in her bedroom at the other end of the penthouse suite and her Father was distracted in his study. Once in her bedroom, she closed the door behind her and raised a brow.

"Why the hell are you in my home?" She asked quickly, arms folded over her breasts as she awaited an answer.

Coriolanus was distracted. The nightgown left little to the imagination. Her smooth legs glossy after she lathered them in rose oil just moments prior to his arrival. She took off her makeup from the day, fluffy lashes still blinking in annoyance as he took too long to reply.

"You never gave me a chance to apologize today." He said softly.

She waved him off. "I don't wish to speak of this." Heading for her door again, her hand dangerously close to the knob, she grumbled. "If this is what you came for then you can head home for the night—"

"I also wanted to ask you about the Games today." He blurted, hands inside his pockets anxiously. "You completely blew the interview this morning, which is so far off from how you act. Then once the Games begin you're happily engaging with Lucky Flickerman? I don't understand. This isn't like you, Venus. You said it yourself that the Games are maniacal."

She turned to face him, taking a deep breath. The one place she believed she would be safe to fall apart, here he was invading it. The mask returned and would disappear as soon as he left. "I'm simply in the spirit of competition."

"You're lying." He protested.

Venus frowned. "How dare you call me a liar in my own home. You're insane."

"I'm insane? For telling the truth?" He raised his voice. Taking a few steps towards the girl until they were mere inches from one another. "I'm asking, begging, you to be serious with me for a second, Venus. Just a second. What has suddenly changed from this morning to this afternoon that completely flipped your attitude."

She threw her arms up in the air, done with the situation and growing tired of having to hide all the time. "It's things like this that make you mind numbing to me, Coriolanus. All of your attention is suddenly on me because your songbird is in the Arena now. Where were you this whole time? Where were you when I needed you?"

"I was always here! You never gave me a chance to be. You hated me." He laughed in disbelief, altering the history within his mind.

Venus shook her head angrily. "We hated each other! We were never supposed to get to this point." She fumed, gritting her teeth. "All of this has happened because of Lucy Gray. Her dependency to you has been obvious since day one and you seem like you can not function without her...vying for my attention like some sickly dog. If you love her, tell me now."

"You are insufferable, Venus." He mutters. "She was the one who reminded me of how we used to be as kids. When I would steal the ribbons from your hair, how you used to pick flowers, she brought those memories back. She saved our lives! I kissed her, yes, but why else do you hate her so much?"

There was something about Coriolanus's passion that rivaled Venus's. It's like every aspect of themselves was in constant battle with the other. She was broken, damaged, still healing from the bombings and a broken heart. She snapped so easily that she couldn't control it no matter how hard she tried to bury it deep down.

"Because she has you!" She yelled, brown eyes narrowed at him as his gaze softened. Her pupils growing glossy as her lip trembled. "It has always been you and I at the top. We are the natural order in the Capitol. A few days with Lucy Gray and it's as if I did not exist to you. Everyone believes I'm cold and heartless but that's because they never hurt me like you did. I have feelings too!"

She sniffled, coming undone in front of the person she least expected. In embarrassment for her outburst she turned away, wiping her tears and sighing. Her thumbnail found its way to her teeth, biting and sniffing the stench of the blackened polish. She did not gag nor stray away, she only took a few breaths.

Coriolanus stood unwaveringly. He was right this entire time, it was jealousy that plagued her heart. How his insecurities in regard to Sejanus mirrored her own with Lucy Gray. He felt conflicted, upset at himself, that he even allowed things to go this far with the songbird. Why did he do that? Why did he think that anything could ever work with Lucy Gray Baird?

"Venus," He began, taking a step forward.

She turned around, her hand from her mouth as she vibrated in frustration. "If she had any sense, she would have left me where I was in the bombing." She hissed, mistaking his careful eyes as sympathy for his tribute. "I'm as good as dead anyway."

Venus's chest heaved at her own revelation. She never wanted Coriolanus to know the truth. Only in a bout of rage would she slip up and allow herself to admit to him the hell she was experiencing throughout the week. She couldn't backtrack this now, she couldn't take back what she said. Based on the look on his face, she knew he heard her loud and clear. A sense of relief rushed over her, the same feeling she held when she told Lucy Gray her fate the night prior. Her secret was out and she did not have to hide anymore.

However long she had left would be lived in total truth.

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