Moths below the ground (Nomu...

By Chimera_Regarion

56K 2.7K 222

Caught and locked up, Izuku Midoriya didn't had any other choice but wait to be rescued but help never came... More

News are everywhere!
Screams in the endless dark!
A dungeon or a laboratory?
⅄oᙠ Nnᴚ
A light in the dark!
Terrifying truth!
A new friend!
Alarm bells everywhere!
Survival of the fittest!
The kid... he is...
It doesn't feel right....
Soon...Soon we will be out!
My honest opinion
One step away....
You think it is over? It just has begun!
What I know....
No new information
Fight or fly?!
A month? No... soo much more!
Never give up!

The most powerful weapon... the mind!

1.4K 87 19
By Chimera_Regarion

When I woke up, I felt soo refreshed. However that was not the first thing I felt. It was hard to believe that I finally got out but the sweet smell of a flower made me realize it.

Me: ... I am out...

The first words that escaped my mouth were a whisper but it meant soo much to me that I started to break into tears. I was a crying mess. My heart was aching for soo long to get out of there and I finally managed to do so. I felt relieve and soo much happiness that it was overwhelming to me. 

RG: It's alright, dearie... It's true.

When I heard the familiar sound of the old lady who would always patch my wounds up, I couldn't help but try to sit up and look to the side where she was. However before I could even move, I felt a huge hand pushing me down and not letting me get up.

Eraserhead: You stay down, problem child.

A smile was all I could give them as I couldn't stop crying at all. I was too much happy for anything to be true. It felt like a dream, a very nostalgic dream as well.

RG: How are you?

Me: Good, thanks for asking. How are you doing, RG-sensei? Are the others still coming in nonestop not giving you a rest?

RG: Oh if you only knew....

Eraserhead: Don't lie problem child. If you are hurt then say it.

Me: I am not.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

RG: I'll do a quick check-over and then how about I bring you a light meal.

Me: Thanks a lot for that.

RG: No biggy.

They acted cheerful and I could tell that they were tired as well. How long was I in this room... no, this room was not any room... this was the UA's infirmary. How long was I in here? The room itself was darkened and it was a bit hard to see for me but it was not that annoying. Everything still looked the same and it made me just smile.

The healer did as she said and checked me up which was only after that that I was allowed to sit up and look at my sensei.

Me: You look worse with the eyebags. Is the new class that worrisome?

Eraserhead: Yeah....

Me: I am sorry to hear that Sensei.

Eraserhead: Hmpf! Why be worried if you gonna be joining them soon.

Me: Huh?

Eraserhead: Why so surprised? You were part of my class, were you not?

Me: Y..Yes...

Eraserhead: And you will stay in my class.

Me: But I am older now!

Eraserhead: But you don't look any day older.

Me: .... thank you...

Eraserhead: Don't worry about anyone bullying you, especially not that Pomeranian. If anyone annoys you, just come to me.

Me: Mh! I will sensei.

It was a happy talk we had ignoring everything that had happened until now. Maybe it was because no one wanted to talk about it, or because we were all just relived. I was for my part and the rest of them acted along. Anyways, our small talk ended when Nezu came into the room with Hawks together.

Nezu: It seems we have a good timing.

Hawks: Indeed. Hey feathers, how are you doing?

Me: Good thanks, what about you?

Hawks: Great! 

Nezu: Izuku, do you mind if we have a talk?

Me: No, I knew this was coming sooner or later.

Nezu: And sooner is the best option than later or would you rather it be later?

Me: No.... I want to know how things will go on but... before that... THANK YOU ALL!

I smiled while tears were still rolling down my cheeks. I was truly happy at this moment to be out of that damn hell hole.

Nezu: ....

Hawks: ...

Eraserhead: .....

They looked at me shocked and worried but at the same time I could see that they were relieved.

Me: Now... ahm... how will it go on?

Nezu: AH! As you have not finished your hero license and went missing.... we have decided to put you back into the same class under Eraserhead. They may be trouble makers but if something happen, please do inform Aizawa or myself immediately. It does not matter if you decide to run out of the room in mid class or simply just through a punch at the person who annoys you.

Eraserhead: *sigh*

Hawks: ... you better not do the last part...

Me: I didn't plan on doing so.

Nezu: Anyways, we will need to evaluate some thing before you are good to go. They are just health checkups. After this we still have to settle one important questions and seeing as it is about your future life, we decided to let you chose with-

Hawks: For fucks sake make it short. Feather, with who do you wanna stay with. Me, Nezu and Eraserhead are interested to take up and into our custody.

Me: ... What?

Eraserhead: There is no family member left at your side who is qualified enough to take you in problem child.

Me: I... 

I didn't really had to think about it. Eraserhead was a good person but he had his hands full with his class and his life as an underground hero. Plus while I was in his class, he married Mic and there were talks about them adopting a kid. I was the wrong child for things like that... besides they may even already adopted someone. That life wouldn't be for me for sure... plus...I could already tell that I was nocturnal and couldn't go back to the surface while it was bright like this... maybe I could with some goggles but definitely not without any help and that rehabilitation would take a long run.

Nezu was a weird option. I mean... he was a chimera and he was also experimented on but that didn't mean I wanted to stick with a being as curious as him. I had a feeling that this would be the wrong choice.

Hawks... well I kinda felt secure being around him. That might be because of what happened but still I wanted to be with that bird man.

Me: I would like to stay with you Kei... if that is alright...

Hawks: You heard the kid! He is mine now!

Let's say this was the moment I had never ever regretted chosing in my entire life. Hawks was one of the best people I could have imagined. He was very patient with me and step by step I was taught to get back outside in the sunlight without it being harmfull. Not only that but I did discover some changes in my quirk. I had a recovery quirk now too and it was only thanks to that one quirk that I was still alive.

Eraserhead was also one of the best teachers. He had his class under control and the whole classroom was darkened so I could be with class 1A together. Ah... class 1A these kids were certainly something else especially that one Dandelion I liked to call Kacchan. He was lively but he didn't really understand what it means that words could hurt people. Of course I was one to show him the right path. I was their senior while being with them after all. Who else to show them the right ways if not me?

Hawks: And what you gonna do today?

Me: I am more nocturnal as you know... I am gonna go out and stick being an underground hero.

Hawks: And here I thought I could change your mind to patrol the streets together with me.

Me: Aren't we doing this already?

Eraserhead: He is just jealous that you are patrolling in the night together with me problem child.

Hawks: NOT TRUE!

We knew it was true and truthfully after UA, I went to Eraserhead and asked for this favor. I knew with how I looked, I was not meant to be a lime light hero. Besids I still had something about the sun. It was not burning or hurting me but with all the years I spent in the darkness, I felt more comfortable during the nights now. So inevitably I became an underground hero. Hawks was trying to be with me as much as he could but I was patrolling with Eraserhead now.

Still that didn't meant that I was ready to leave Hawks agency where I was actually sharing the apartment with Hawks. We were a family after all and nothing was gonna change that. 

Me: How about we answer the call for backup?

Eraserhead: Let Endeavor deal with this shit himself. It's his agency.

Hawks: Yup.

Me: .... com on guys, we are heroes!

Hawks: And a hero agency is burning... yeah good one.... noo... I am not going.

Me: I am! Who knows what is behind it.

Eraserhead: His son.

Hawks: Yup.

Me: ....*sigh* Family problems but still let's go!

I was enjoying each of the moment in life. No one knew better than me what it meant to not know what would happen next. I survived for soo long that I learned that one and not only that but the mind is a powerful weapon and to never give up hope.


A/N: Thanks for reading this story and sticking with it till the end! Hope you all enjoyed and maybe I'll see you in another book of mine.

P.s.: This was an idea I had for soo long and I am soo happy that I am finally done with it. ^^ Just a little something for the thrill.

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